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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 20190925_134726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12972797 No.12972797 [Reply] [Original]

Does this bother you?

>> No.12972801

No. I’ve been trying to find a decent butter dish for a while. I need something to store my Kerry Gold in that keeps it fresh and softened.

>> No.12972806

Get a butter bell

>> No.12972807

For the love of god, focus your cameras

>> No.12972814
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>> No.12972837
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Here this one is offset 30°

>> No.12972849

it causes americans to go into a state of panic and start shooting

>> No.12972852

Are you asking because the dish is concave?

>> No.12972859

This I lost a cousin in a butter skirmish

>> No.12972864

I know plenty of people that have butter dishes in their homes. I even grew up in a home that had the dual chamber butter boat to keep it fresh

>> No.12972867

No it doesn't butter me at all

>> No.12972880

the people aren't ready

>> No.12972894

Americans are fucktards when it comes to "germs" and food "going bad." They refrigerate butter, eggs, tomatoes, wine, soy sauce, peanut butter, just to name a few. They immediately throw out any milk, meat, or whatever else the second it goes past the expiration date, no matter if it's actually spoiled or not. They was their chicken off in the sink to "get the bacteria off of it." Yes, it makes no fucking sense. But then again, these are the people that wear shoes into their bedroom and lay on the bed without taking them off.

>> No.12972899
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, Blackpeopledidthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye slick

>> No.12972910

Anon, dont do it. It's not worth it, mate.

>> No.12972914

Who would be bothered over a butter dish?

>> No.12972917


>> No.12972918

Just make ghee so you don't need a butter bell

>> No.12972926

looks like you believed the memes too much

>> No.12972927
File: 29 KB, 453x466, ⑨.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was on /vr/ and that a virtual boy

>> No.12972960

I don't like that the dish is uneven, you can't cover the butter completely with that dish and that cover.

>> No.12972968

>they wash their chicken
That's black people
And yeah I throw out my milk when it expires, because it fucking stinks but I also never let my milk expire in the first place

>> No.12973075

ghee is tasteless

>> No.12973089

american here
I've got one of those and it triggers my mother in law
we don't even eat toast lmao

>> No.12973094

post your IQ right now

>> No.12973102

based dadposter

>> No.12973110

a bazillion
>this nigger thinks removing milk solids doesn't affect the flavor

>> No.12973128

It does, but it's not tasteless like you posted, brainlet

>> No.12973134

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.12973147

compared to butter it's tasteless you illiterate twat

>> No.12973150

>Ghee is tasteless
So are you.

>> No.12973152

Having very little counter space, yes, this is very bothersome.

>> No.12973228


You should have said "Ghee is tasteless compared to butter", then, not "ghee is tasteless"

>> No.12973613

crazy how you know and care, yet I cant name a damn thing eurocucks do. hmmm wonder why?

>> No.12973615

Because of your parochial ignorance.

>> No.12973620
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I have two metal butter dishes. When one dish is exhausted, I throw it in the dish washer and get the backup dish so I can immediately put a new stick of cold butter in it from the fridge.

>> No.12973624

One of my finest memories of both my great grandparents houses was room temp, easy spread butter and bread on the table for every meal. Thanks anon, you're going to make my life just a bit comfier.

>> No.12973630
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no I thik its because youre not important

>> No.12973666

I'm American I don't refrigerate tomatoes, wine, or penis butter. Also the master race doesn't wash their chicken. That's just blacks for some reason

>> No.12973668

What are you talking about James
You don't have any friends

>> No.12973709

No? I always have a stick of butter in my butter dish and the rest of the butter in the fridge. Pretty much every American that uses butter instead of margarine does it this way.

>> No.12974344

I did as well

>> No.12974356

you are even more retarded than the Americans I encounter on a daily basis. It's like you get all your info off of 4chan. If your country has guns, kill yourself A S A P.

>> No.12974976

Why are you blatantly lying?

>> No.12974981

I buy whipped butter so it spreads easily on toast from the fridge.

>> No.12974985
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>penis butter

>> No.12975090
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>coors light
>apple products

>> No.12975658

I thought it was a Virtual Boy.

>> No.12976237

you should have learned english before replying

>> No.12976635

To be fair here, if you aren't using butter very often, and then only to cook with, you don't need to keep it out, it won't go rancid in the fridge.

It's fine to leave out if you're using it up within a week or so, like if you have toast or something every day.

>> No.12976640

Nope, not bothered at all.

>> No.12976667
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Haha dumbass

>> No.12977013
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blehhh nice bat dish

>> No.12977484

Imagine seeing this kinda drunk in poor lighting and thinking you just saw a fucking demon. Holy shit.

>> No.12977863
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1560945403210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wash our chicken because it is mechanically butchered and fecal matter can get on the chicken. But i guess shit eating eurocucks can't comprehend they don't live in the 1700's any more and there are millions of fresh off the boat immigrants that don't even know how to use a toilet that now work in the processing plants handle your food

>> No.12978063

>admits they soak their chicken in steaming vats of its own shit
>thinks a light rinse under the tap is going to clean it
kek americans are a laugh a minute. Your chicken is literally embedded with shit throughout the meat. Rinsing it isn't going to accomplish anything other than spraying it around your sink as well. Fucking kek.

>> No.12978088
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>we wash our chicken because it is mechanically butchered and fecal matter can get on the chicken

>> No.12978110

A butter holder on a defective bat mobile with some weird cat chilling out on it?

>> No.12978282

I for one can't wait until we in england after no deal brexit get a beautiful new trade deal with the US where we have to import chlorine fecal soup chicken and canned beans at 5X the current price. W-we was k-kangs 'n shite, amirite?

>> No.12978294

Better begin to practice washing your chicken, Norf.

>> No.12978301

Yes, as a European, it does.

>> No.12978392

anyone refrigerating tomatoes should kys himself

>> No.12978431

I love the bat dish

>> No.12978444

depending on where you live, refrigerating tomatoes is a necessity otherwise they go bad quickly.

>> No.12978449


>> No.12979487

Tomato cell structure is destroyed by being chilled. Putting whole tomatoes in the fridge accelerates their decay.

>> No.12979581
File: 47 KB, 720x439, 1569452338492 429162148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green text please

>> No.12979966

the butter dish is because butter absorbs smells, you should use one if your butter is on the counter as well