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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12972973 No.12972973 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best stuff you got from a Eastern European import store?

>> No.12972978

Sardines in chili oil.

>> No.12972990
File: 228 KB, 852x1280, melania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wife

>> No.12973000

Overpriced and too rubbery.

>> No.12973021

What's with the random "nigger" in this pic? Kinder Pengui is based

>> No.12973070
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My wife.

>> No.12973105


>> No.12973257
File: 767 KB, 3977x2345, jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 3 day ban yesterday for that image.
OP is based and my watermark works just fine

>> No.12973280

Got ya

>> No.12973285

why would it be banned?

>> No.12973287

You got banned for three days, and yet you post today? Woah.... how is that possible? I thought mods and jannies held the power here..... I guess not, huh?

>> No.12973303

hard to really ban people on a website that isnt account based

>> No.12973314

Read the Dole Dipper box very carefully

>> No.12973332
File: 1.27 MB, 2988x5312, vatnik-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods hate me.
IDK, a friend (phd mathematician) played with my router and now its not able to get banned. Not my fault bacause I tried to reverse it (for fair play).
My 2nd house is normal and the bans are full duration. I was in IRC to find a mod (just yesterday) but that failed.

>You cant boil russian sausage in water. Hard fail on my side but oven works great

>> No.12973363

Absolutely based and anarchy pilled. Fuck mods and fuck tranny jannies.

>> No.12973371

You got a 3 day ban for an image with the word nigger in it? On 4chan? Why?

>> No.12973391
File: 3.69 MB, 256x168, castratedMod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can see me posting while being banned and giving me every time a longer ban and the reason "ban evalution`?". Thats the reason why every image I post on /ck/ is instant away
Otherwise, banning me and im sitting inside a Porsche and generate CO2 while driving to MD and laughingabout the poor mods

>> No.12973405

can you cook the cured meat down?

>> No.12973421
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>> No.12973430
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Everyone spreads the word about the /ck/ mods. Just how it works

>> No.12973457

Is it worth buying fish that isnt cleaned yet? I see these at the grocery at lower prices but is the extra time cleaning it worth the price difference? Because the price is still by weight. Like how much of the weight is cartilage and organs that I wont eat?

>> No.12973460


>> No.12973463

seems like 3day is the default length. I got a 3 day on mu for accidentally using a death stranding picture when making a thread. the actual content of my post was /mu/ too

>> No.12973467

Possible 20%. Just buy one and weight the guts.
The shop had smoked fish with the guts inside and smaked fish+ guts + being sealed in water. Never touch this shit!

>> No.12973471

I get banned regularly for posts I've made on boards I never go to for being off topic. The bans happen only when I'm using my phone to browse. I'm not great with tech, so I have no idea how that happens. Its usually on boards with a video game focus. I haven't played a video game in 10+ years a d certainly dont care to go on those boards.

>> No.12973473

No, first 10times is mostly a 24h ban. Looks like 3days for a full thread ban

>> No.12973475

I got a ban on /ck/ for the sentence :
>cum inside his hot dogs and let him taste a new flavor.
Thats enough when a mod is ANTIFA and see your german IP

>> No.12973476

They used to do five minute bans which were effectively warnings to reign it in a bit, but they never seem to do fewer than three days anymore. Which is annoying when it's for something silly.

>> No.12973481

So 20%ish plus the extra effort of cleaning it....I think I'll pass

>> No.12973487

That's because your phone will be using a dynamic IP. It's the person who had the IP at that time who got the ban.

>> No.12973491

Dude I saw that post and I'm not even on this board that often lol

>> No.12973498
File: 2.38 MB, 600x338, steelVS....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, got a 3 day ban for it :3
Thats the reason why i stoped with cooking threads and moved on to /k/

>> No.12973502

Right. So even when I'm banned and i come home and go on the wifi I'm no longer banned. Is that congruent with what you were saying? Like I say, I'm not tech savvy but I think I understand the gist of what you said. Like in laymen terms, they recycle ip's when roaming data?

>> No.12973510

The big fish in not cured, only smoked.
But the salmon is cured and costed like 1$ for a single strip. Not doing this because its getting bad >>12973257