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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12971597 No.12971597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what are you guys cooking to celebrate the good news? I'm thinking steak tacos.

>> No.12971675

Did a conservative politician get busted for child porn?

>> No.12971705

Even better. The orange fool is on the way out.

>> No.12971711

The demoshit types are so fucking desperate and hypocritical that it's they best be can do while seething in anger in their little fetal positions and closets because their annointed one shillary LOST!

>> No.12971715

Can you please keep your dumb shit in /pol/ or /news/? And can we actually get moderation in this shithole of a board?
jesus fuck

>> No.12971717

Hey foreigner, how precisely is he a fool, compared to your anointed one shillary?

>> No.12971724

You’re frustrated.

>> No.12971735

How is that precisely when your anointed one lost and you can't get over it, plus you're a foreiner with no vote in it?

>> No.12971744

Samefag. He's a fool because he lies through his teeth to everyone around him. (source: https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/ ). I didn't vote for Hillary and I never intended to, I voted for Bernie Sanders you drooling imbecile. (Soure: My ass) He's attempted to force the president of Ukraine to launch a false investigation into Joe Biden and his son's holdings in a Ukrainian oil company by threatening to withhold U.S. financial and military aid to Ukraine. Besides this use of state power to hurt political rivals being absolutely immoral and illegal, there's also no actual evidence of any wrongdoing on the Bidens' part. (source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/there-s-no-evidence-trump-s-biden-ukraine-accusations-what-n1057851 ) I don't like Biden much myself, but we cannot allow a sitting president to use his power to attempt to control elections. That's un fucking American.

>> No.12971745


>> No.12971747
File: 315 KB, 540x377, for real this time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing it's just another impotent rage vote without 60 senate votes to actually remove him from office
Trump always wins baybee.

>> No.12971748


>> No.12971753

jesus you reddit faggots are obnoxious. false flagging /pol/dditors that go to cooking boards to start political whinefests should be executed

>> No.12971755

You need to look up your biden and his son a lot more, especially regarding ukraine. That, the USA has no treaty with ukraine and we really don't care.
That's kind of like Russia or the old USSR telling us to let Puerto Rico go and we'll pull the Monroe Doctrine on them. You do did learn that in history didn't you, you stupid faggot?

>> No.12971757

We should all be seething because our president is a criminal attempting to become a dictator and to end democracy in America, while half the damn country can't stop sucking his shriveled old man penis long enough to see him for the monster he is.

>> No.12971758

Agreed, but we're in the minority sadly

>> No.12971765

"our" so your a muck raking foreinger.
It's pretty pathetic that you claim "our."

>> No.12971767

Keep pretending I’m a foreigner if it helps you feel better about being an enemy to freedom and human rights.

>> No.12971773

This post contains only fiction

>> No.12971775

This isn't the place for this, you know the clintons were pretty much the most corrupt scumbuckets after your lifeblood kennedys?

>> No.12971781

You also know about Uranium One deals with Russia and doing money laundering through Haiti. You also know that that's only the tip of the iceberg so to speak with the clintons and the democrat party.

>> No.12971787

You also know that it's a bit suspect, just a bit, when the clintons came to office as so called paupers, meaning having no money but coming out with hundreds of millions of dollars and their daughter having a $400/yr job straight out of school?

>> No.12971797

Do you really think that because the Clintons are corrupt it excuses the corruption of Trump? Do you really think that Democrat voters give a shit about the Clintons anymore? Why do you focus on the Clintons so much?

>> No.12971799

That clinton girl is so dumb that she wouldn't be qualified to answer my phone calls. That's politics.

>> No.12971804

Do you think Hilary Clinton is running in 2020 or something?

>> No.12971805

Because they're disgusting and deceitful, and should be should be put in prison. If ordinary people did what the clintons had and are doing and were caught doing it, then they'd be in prison now. It's hypocrisy.

>> No.12971806

No, the bitch should be in prison.

>> No.12971812

Your nbc story is directly contradicted by video evidence of joe biden.


>> No.12971814

So we’re in agreement. The Clintons should go to jail, shortly followed by Donald Trump and company.

>> No.12971818

Why should drumpf be in prison?

>> No.12971823

Trump is innocent, though

>> No.12971825

You loose it right there when you can't spell Trump's name properly and expect others to have some emotional bullshit connection with you.

>> No.12971826

Are you a homosexual?

>> No.12971830

For >>12971744 and also rigging the 2016 election so he would win by conspiring with the Russian government. Also the abuses of human rights by ICE and the USCIS under his direction. Have you not been paying attention these past few years?

>> No.12971840

>mods delete political threads about Greta
>mods leave this thread up


>> No.12971841

Oh, you live in a fantasy world.

>> No.12971843
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>> No.12971849

What the actual fuck? MODS

>> No.12971851

This. It’s so damn childish to give nicknames to the President. Good thing conservatives never disrespected Obama like that.

>> No.12971854

GTFO! What are you naive or just stupid?
Trump has never seeked that out, face the fact that in that every election has since had them had had external influanes.
So has every other nation that matters as well. Get over it you naive morons.

If you think that we've never had anything to do with Russian elections then you are so naive that it's pathetic and stupid.

>> No.12971864

I know, that's generally how one can tell a foreigner from an American. Foreigners do it on purpose to try to rile us up.

>> No.12971870

>zero evidence against trump
>fartbongo couldn’t produce authentic birth certificate
How do liberals live in a world of such hipocracy and see nothing wrong with it?

>> No.12971872

It’s not that nicknames are childish, nicknames for politicians have been a thing since the 1800’s. It’s the fact that the most clever nicknames are literally “Orange fool” and “blumpf”. I made up funnier things about donald trump when I was in elementary school, as me and my friends were into WWE. His name is Donald Trump for fucks sake, how hard can it be to be clever?

>> No.12971873

>republican majority senate

Wow, it’s literally nothing.

>> No.12971883

Wow I love this COOKING board. FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU

>> No.12971889

Drumpf isn't made up. It's the original spelling of his family mane when they immigrated to the US.
That just makes it more pathetic that proglodytes couldn't think of something better than making fun of a foreigner's silly name

>> No.12971893
