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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12970046 No.12970046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Coffee tastes like shit. Fuck coffee and fuck coffee enthusiasts.

>> No.12970049

Enjoy your stress hormones

>> No.12970055

Enjoy your chemical dependency.

>> No.12970131
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>> No.12970136

Thanks for reminding me to make my cold brew for tomorrow anon

>> No.12970138
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>> No.12970145
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>gives you anxiety
>makes your breath smell like shit
>gurr me pretend to enjoy

>> No.12970151

It's an aquired taste but you can learn to love it. Like BBC

>> No.12970182

I stopped drinking coffee after I found out that it can dramatically raise your blood pressure. Also, green tea tastes better.

>> No.12970186

The only way to make coffee taste good is to add a good amount of sugar and half and half.

>> No.12970190

For me, it's just a cheeky splash of milk

>> No.12970200

That's what I used to say when I was a teenager before I discovered half and half.

>> No.12970259

I used to hate black coffee but then I realized I just hate shitty coffee and that's all my poorfag parents would buy. Had some decent freshly ground shit and decided it's pretty good

>> No.12970458

Somebody has never had good coffee

>> No.12970482

very hip, bros

>> No.12970509

Yes you are a normal person and not a close minded ignorant retard

>> No.12970523

neither of those things are inherently bad.
>>gives you anxiety
that's more due to how you handle the effect of coffee rather than the coffee itself
>>makes your breath smell like shit
just brush your teeth after having a cup lol

>> No.12970531

>just brush your teeth after having a cup
brushing the tongue would be more effective, as that is where most mouth odor comes from

>> No.12970533

I always get reminded of that Rockos Modern Life episode where they drink mud because it's "hip" and everyone hates it

>> No.12970546

true, but i think when most people brush their teeth they include brushing the tongue

>> No.12970570

shut up stressed retard

>> No.12970573

bitter acidic shit isn't an acquired taste its an addiction.

>> No.12970576

OP is a literal nigger

>> No.12970577

>move to Africa and grow your own beans just so that they dont taste like shit
im good ill just stick to water

>> No.12970583

cringed retard

>> No.12970747

pretty sure americans dont brush their tongues

>> No.12970783

Your shit tastes like coffee? Interesting. You wanna live with me, all expenses paid?

>> No.12970890

The bitterness and the breath ain't bad though

>> No.12970894

>a drink people have been drinking longer than some civilizations have existed
Okay dumbass. Go add more sugar and cream to your soda.

>> No.12970904
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who else /2minute 30 second french press/ here?
i like my C A W F E E smooth

>> No.12970912

>looks down at coffee
I disagree
>looks further down at lack of pants
but you can fuck me if you want

>> No.12970955
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This thread makes me frustrated

>> No.12970963
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>> No.12971043

4min here boi

>> No.12971048

I guess I take mine with a slight side of masochism. 5-7 mins here.

>> No.12971051

do you enjoy staring at the sun, by any chance?

>> No.12971078

I assume light roast ?
or that'd be gross

>> No.12971084

4+stir+10min here. same way you do cupping.
it does not get bitter, it's usually quite sweet actually.

>> No.12971086

this is a patrician technique

but no fucking way I'm waiting that long for coffee

>> No.12971087


>> No.12971088

fairly dark, usually something South American (nutty, chocolatey). Ground on the coarser side of a press-grind to offset the longer extraction time.

>> No.12971092

I guess, I like my coffee really balanced so I just stick with a medium / light medium with a coarse - ish grind for 4minutes
Though I'd prefer longer brew time over shorter since I don't like acidic coffee

>> No.12971094

Coffee is good for your liver desu

>> No.12971098

>Coffee tastes like shit. Fuck coffee and fuck coffee enthusiasts.
Total support. Fuck coffee drinkers.

>> No.12971100

Most, if not all of the people I've fucked have been coffee drinkers. I support this message.

>> No.12971139

Speak for yourself. I love black coffee.

>> No.12971141

t. child-palated subhuman

>> No.12971143

Im not ray peat

>> No.12971145

How can one beverage make child-palated faggots so incredibly mad?

>> No.12971175
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>more of a moka pot man myself

>> No.12971187

seething coffeefags, keep drinking your niggersweat

>> No.12971207

See >>12970963 and cry more, you little fag.

>> No.12971314

Based. Fuck coffee and anyone who drinks it or likes it.

>> No.12971322

Got this buddy of mine, who wont drink coffee, unless it's a decently made espresso.
Will literally tolerate withdrawals and get super antsy and aggressive, rather than just drinking a normal cup of coffee.
Pretentious douchebag, seriously.

>> No.12971323

Makes no sense, otherwise he would've gotten over his addiction by now

>> No.12971326

Coffee appreciation threads need to be banned as well, they're just blatant shilling like the sipthreads

>> No.12971332

No, because when he finally does get his crappy espresso, he makes a big deal out of how tasty it is and drinks it every chance he gets.
He does drink a lot of coffee, just refuses anything that is "not up to his standards".

>> No.12971334

rent free

>> No.12971337
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OP likes to waffle stomp

>> No.12971505

Thanks for this thread. I'm going to have some black coffee and ginger nut biscuits.

>> No.12972020
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>> No.12972034

They really don't, it's weird. They'll have energy drinks sometimes but they generally prefer to burn and inhale their stimulants.

Now if you do find a black who drinks coffee, that's an excellent sign that he's One of the Good Ones.

>> No.12972141

sencha is life

>> No.12972424

Doesn't matter really. It pretty well stops -well, slows down so much that it may as well have stopped - extracting around 3 minutes anyway.

>> No.12972431


Stop grinding coarse for french press. You should be grinding a bit finer than you would for a v60, somewhere around table salt.

>> No.12972441

At least post your rationale, dumbass.

>> No.12972443

Its an acquired taste
Also The stress, tiredness from lack of it is completely overblown

>> No.12972491

[In my most commanding James Earl Tshchalla!x voice] "I will have the smallest cup of your darkest blend, as to reflect my own humble assets." [wait for fear to turn to laughter] "No, but really, 10oz or so of something that makes me look pale. Do you have a Neapolitan roast happening?"

>> No.12972507

depends on the grate on the press, but a salt-grain/pourover grind would slip through most, and I like the oilslick on my coffee, which does take time above 80F to pull from the grinds, no matter how fine. If I were drinking finely ground french roast in my press, I'd either have to go with a very short brew (maybe 90s) with a very careful pour, or I might as well be making turkish coffee with spent espresso.

>> No.12972525

i'm american and i do. a lot of toothbrushes even have a dedicated tongue scraper on the back of the head.

>> No.12972545
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the Orabrush is god-tier.. have had mine for years