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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12964893 No.12964893 [Reply] [Original]

when was it exactly that you were romanced by the brown bean, and what "did it" for you?

for me, delivering newspapers 35 years ago and hitting up dunkin. twas the 80's.

>> No.12964940

my dad gave me coffee since i was in elementary school
not a coffee-head retard who obsesses over it but i still drhink 3-4 mugs a day

>> No.12964973

I would drink espresso sometimes in highschool, but I tapered off. By the time I got a job at the bux in uni, I didn't really drink coffee. I learned how to play with it a bit, teach customers how to tailor their home-brew to their tastes, I also started to overdo it myself... when I get a little too desensitized and addicted, I cut back or cut off for a while.

I love cortados. I've given myself the sweats and shakes more than once with those little goblets of goodness.

>> No.12964986

Fuck off boomer. Your coffee addiction is killing the planet.

>> No.12964997
File: 40 KB, 474x316, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're red

>> No.12964999

Okay Greta.

>> No.12965010

boomer? I'm genX you stupid newfag "which bathroom should I use today" dickless punk.

>> No.12965015

Fuck off Zoomer
Your avocado addiction is ACTUALLY killing the planet

>> No.12965019

I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire.

>> No.12965028


god. how greasy are your walls? they're wood paneled, but put your fingers on them. do they leave a black stain?

>> No.12965032

Smoking cigarettes and realizing it reminded me of Starbucks coffee

>> No.12965034

You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you

>> No.12965036

Lol at that image, all Starbucks coffee tastes like burnt hair. Rich and caramelly my arse.

>> No.12965048


Stop being a freakshow and take your dad's shotgun into the woods for the final time.

>> No.12965072

People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We're in the beginning of a mass destruction and all you can talk about is shotguns and fairy tales of eternal bleeding. How dare you?

>> No.12965174

f off shill clown.

>> No.12965177

greta pls go

>> No.12965207

I don;t drink coffee but the first time I got into caffeine I was working in a hotel doing split shifts between night audit and morning kitchen, and the sleep schedule flipping was fucking killing me so I started drinking a monster in the morning just before work to get going. I miss those days, I could sip and then literally feel the power flowing into my body. I'm too jaded and burnt out now to feel that very often

>> No.12965225

I'm actually OK with global warming slowly destroying coastal regions with endless hurricanes and floods because at most it'll reshape the way we function so we don't consume as much by sheer necessity. Planet earth will be fine, couple billion humans will die then things will get better, like the world after the Black Plague die off. Bonus points if if prompts us to get off our fucking asses and get into space.

Death and suffering is the only way humanity learns

>> No.12965536

When I was 18 sitting in my room and smoking weed. I could smoke and smoke and smoke and then have a cup. Shits still cash.

>> No.12965540

Lol did you just find out about activism?

>> No.12966105

Those are cherries, not beans.

>> No.12966190

So you are a coffee head retard then

>> No.12966399

>notes of
aka "persuade yourself really hard and we'll praise you even if it's no there there"

>> No.12966448

First ice coffee mocha, then cold brew coffee (black).
Both only in recent years (when they became available).

>> No.12966478

Yes they are. I’m fine with that, and you should be too.
After all, if they weren’t collapsing, you wouldn’t have a job “raising awareness”. You’d have to get a real job, and lord knows that’s not going to happen.

>> No.12966491

I spent years being gay and trying out French presses and moka pots and all kinds of gay shit but the coffee I've enjoyed the most in my life and the coffee I now drink every day comes out of a $7 dollar drip machine with mccafe grounds. With some milk.

Truly great stuff.

>> No.12966493

You might be surprised about how different a coffee buzz is. I used to work for a retail vendor where I worked super long days and had to drive all over hell and caffeine pills and red bulls did jack shit. Hot coffee on the other hand really picks me up.

>> No.12966494

Based greta poster

>> No.12966843

I started drinking coffee in uni mostly to help with hangovers and to socialize with flatmates. Bought a decent hand grinder, a french press and a moka pot out of uni but rarely used it till I moved to a place where there was a local roaster and a friend became a barista and got into coffee. Now I just usually get African single origin beans freshly roasted and use the french press, one big mug a day or go to where my friend works and have a couple of espressos with whatever my friend is playing with that day.

>> No.12967130

>rich people telling me to stop drinking coffee and stop eating meat while they eat top tier beef and consume A grade coffee
kill yourself I hate all of you.

>> No.12967283

>3-4 mugs a day

>> No.12967301

>drink 3-4 mugs a day
Jesus fuck, I bet if you stopped drinking it for 3 days you would probably collapse

>> No.12967709

wow great to see the baby pussy squad getting out here and posting. stay gay, guys

>> No.12967748

>everyone who isnt addicted to caffeine like me is gay
makes sense, low selfcontrol addicted whore

>> No.12967764

drug addict threads should be banned from /ck/
all the alcohol weed and coffee retards should go to 420chan

>> No.12967775
File: 155 KB, 550x805, coffee_facts_and_figures-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a coffee drinker I'm probably healthier than you.
Not sure where to give you directions to because I don't know what imageboards manchildren hang out at.

>> No.12967777

this is a food and cooking board
go blog about how healthy your drug addiction is somewhere else i dont give a fuck

>> No.12967790

Look up the definition food in a dictionary, you little faggot. Coffee perfectly fits such definition.
>m-muh addict
So this is how a dork with a kiddie palate copes with actual studies, with a buzzword.

>> No.12967796

are you capable of talking without repeating the same pathetic lines over and over every thread
whats even the point of this other than to piss people off

>> No.12967821

If you’re that afraid you’re definitely brainwashed you idiot. Irrational fears and irrationally associating things like “coffee” with being evil is definitely proof enough

>> No.12967868

Got into good coffee when I moved to the US and wanted to ogle cute hipsters. Got into bad coffee when I became a wageslave.

>> No.12968078

Bout 10 years ago. Started brewing some coffee from a local roaster, and was entirely dissatisfied but I knew there must be something better out there. The roaster, as I know now, roasts dark with mediocre quality green. This lack of satisfaction got my obsession going, but a trip to blue bottle in the states gave me the carrot on the end of the stick. I had a great coffee there (well, actually a deeply under extracted and sour espresso, but it was miles better than burnt baked garbage I had been drinking) and took home a bag of a natural ethiopian coffee that blew my mind.

Now I've helped to open a cafe, roast my own coffee, and have an ek43 at home. Still love it as much.

>> No.12968100

I started by drinking black coffee out of a thermos that had been brewed in a percolator while deer hunting in grade school. Fuck that coffee tasted good when the sun is just coming up, and your freezing your ass off.

>> No.12968682

Started out as dirty hipster teenager who was at Denny's until 2am. After high school I got better and better barista jobs until I eventually just got used to having good coffee around.

>> No.12969745

Been drinking it since I was like 8 years old. Parents used to make it really weak for me because I like the taste with a little bit of sugar and milk.

Today at the age of 24, unless I am provided with at least 2 extra large cups on the daily, my frontal lobes are almost nonfunctional. However, that may be due to me sleeping about 5-4 hours per night.

>> No.12969748

>Implying I give a goddamn about the planet

>> No.12969844

Before I started school striking I had no energy, no friends, and I didn’t speak to anyone. I just sat alone at home, with an eating disorder.

>> No.12969867

3-4 MUGS?
Those can be enormous.

>> No.12970045

drank a lot of it in college when I needed something to keep me awake with all the bad lifestyle habits I had
now I never touch that shit

>> No.12970234

For me, I had just moved out o fy parents house for the first time and went to a cafe one morning because I was bored and tired and didn't want to go to sleep and I went to a cafe and ordered some coffee and added some sugar and half and half and that's when I discovered that I actually liked coffee. Coffee is great if you have to wake up early and are falling asleep, Plus sometimes I look forward to staying up late so I'll drink some coffee at night. I used to drink energy drinks but those are a waste of money and offer way too much caffeine. I really don't need that much caffeine. Plus there's an art to coffee and a subtlety that I appreciate being a part of every time I drink a cup.

>> No.12971117

Seppo detected

>> No.12971142

>parents make big pot of French roast every morning
>start drinking it at 14 or so

>> No.12972497

mug is most likely 12-16oz max. Coffee pot is 60 oz generally. so a third -full pot

>> No.12972523

The first coffee I had was instant coffee mixed with prepackaged sugar and cream, but I later realized I liked the bitter taste of coffee itself. I drank it so often not to stay awake but to experience the taste, which fucked up my childhood sleeping schedule.

I liked it so much there were times when I dissolved like 10 packs of instant coffee in a single cup and downed it secretly in the middle of the night when I was like 10, I have no idea how that affected me but now coffee in any form makes me drowsy

>> No.12972579


> I have no idea how that affected me
> but now coffee in any form makes me drowsy
