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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 675x506, hainan_chicken-675x506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12964607 No.12964607 [Reply] [Original]

It has all the flavor of boiled chicken that a chinese senior citizen sneezed on.

>> No.12964623

Did hainanese chicken finally "arrive" in flyover land? Random Hoa people from the boat lift passing off some reddit recipe they downloaded as nonya's cooking from the old country?

Just as it was with other memes from decades past, what you're eating isn't very good, and that's not the dish's fault.

Get a passport.

>> No.12964631

I don't know where you are, but you seem to be missing the right sauces and the cucumber slices. In NYC it's generally pretty good.

>> No.12964636


>> No.12964648

>In NYC it's generally pretty good.
I disagree, although it's probably better than whatever they're serving in Omaha's hipster district where boba tea just arrived last week and they're still freaking out about gourmet cupcakes.

The closest thing to passable I've tried was the new Laut Singapura and it's not really traditional although the meat is properly tender and moist unlike what passes for hainan chicken at your average Chinatown joint.

>> No.12964653
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Good point.

>> No.12964660

>at your average Chinatown joint.
The Chinatown joints that serve it have been disappearing over the last few years as Hand pulled noodle and steam rice roll places continue to expand. It's actually become a dish I miss from over a decade ago.

>> No.12964668

>white people literally just eat plain rice and boiled chicken
Jesus, at least get a sear or something.

>> No.12964671

You guys just go around the whole time perpetually seething about flyovers?

>> No.12964676

It wasn't great a decade ago. The nostalgia for specific Chinatown places is weird as fuck. Like, Nom Wah I guess was ok, not great, but ok. But Wo Hop? WTF? Just because it's been around for 100 years does not make it good.
>but muh history
Those old recipes can be uploaded to archive.org or something.

>> No.12964886

what the fuck is wrong with you? I swear it is just 6 fucking retards on this board that turn every thread into bitching about flyovers

fucking retard americans just discuss the topic

>> No.12964891

Free Hong Kong

>> No.12964918

I'll take two!

>> No.12964923
File: 54 KB, 1024x554, 42d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's that faggot who comes into every thread and bitches about flyovers
are you also still mad about canada being more diverse or have you gotten over that
and are you still obssessed with coastie bullshit despite not evem being c*lifornian

>> No.12965260

>haha americans don't want to pay for a glorified permission slip to visit the various shitholes around the world top kek FLYOVERS
dumb schizo

>> No.12966001

Democracy now !

>> No.12966006

From what? Out of totalitarianism into degeneracy?

>> No.12966101

How much does a plate of Chicken Rice cost over there in burgerland? With like a cut of Chicken breasts?

>> No.12966180
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x2268, 20190901_142006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken rice NEEDS chili sauce and maybe dark soy sauce

also, roasted > white i.m.o

the most important part is the tangy sour chili

>> No.12966207

>chicken rice
this thread is not about the chicken rice

>> No.12966259

>flyovers who aren't quite sure where Singapore is but heard of Hong Kong on Fox News
Post the winnie the pooh pasta now, cleetus
Imagine being proud that you've never left the meth swamp around your trailer park

>> No.12966299

Not even the same guy but what you're saying is actually really dumb. Not having a passport means you aren't well-travelled and have such a narrow world view. Believing everything on the local news but never experiencing it for yourself. "My friend went to Italy and said the pasta was horrible! So much better at Olive Garden instead."
You can't be proud of not having a passport. Either you don't have the money to travel or too busy working long hours you can't find time to travel. Have you even been to Canada? (Closest country) Switzerland? Denmark? Sweden? You can't truly believe wherever you live is the BEST without even comparing it with other cities. That is statistically improbable.

>> No.12966301

Imagine being a mongoloid asian type “person” with little chinky eyes and shit.


>> No.12966310

at least we arent flooded by brown 3rd worlders

>> No.12966315

Who is we?

>> No.12966335

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.12966342

t. watched Indiana Jones and thinks it's real life

btw shark fin is rather expensive and you couldn't afford it on your NEETbux

>> No.12966377

{-_-} herro preez

>> No.12966801

>But Wo Hop? WTF?
I'm not a fan, but I understand its popularity. It's like a missing evolutionary link between Cantonese food and American Chinese. Kind of like The way Lombardi's is the link between Neapolitan pizza and a typical New York slice. These are perfect places for people into the history of food in this town, but also have an appeal to those who are used to the Americanized version of these foods and want to go a little deeper without going all the way into the deep end of the pool by going to an actual Cantonese joint or Neapolitan pizza place. I like Cantonese food, so I don't waste my time at Wo Hop. But I understand why people go there and I'm glad they're still around. Nom Wah gets points just because Wilson managed to rebrand the oldest place in Chinatown as a tourist destination. It's very good that way. The only time I go there is to take out of town friends. It's far from the best place to go but it's accessible to someone not familiar with Chinatown places. That counts for something.

>> No.12967093

Holy flyovers btfo

>> No.12967127

>Nevada 10-20%
Interdasting. I'm from Las Vegas, so this surprises me.

>> No.12967137

How many of them are valid US passports?

>> No.12967233

holy fuck
I bet they never have and never will even leave their flyover state, let alone the country
what a life.

>> No.12967267

Seething and meme posting aside travelling abroad made me really want to come home and focus on my local community and roots and never leave and to help foster a unique identity for my own local culture. Now I shop almost exclusively at mom and pops if I can help it and all the food that I eat is grown within about a 30 mile radius of me.

>> No.12967600

>can talk to people from place on internet
>can see pictures of place on internet
>can learn in depth about place, including architecture, history, how their state governs them, odd traditions etc
>spends 1000s to go to place for a couple days because some how that makes me superior
Who's the real retard? And I'm from Philly

>> No.12967609

And that's not even to mention every time I talk to people who've "traveled" they always end up going to a touristy area with little difference from where they live.

>> No.12967614

I remember a friend took me to a restaurant that specialized in the shit that is in OP's picture. I didn't even know it was a specific dish, I just thought it was plain boiled chicken, rice, and cucumbers. It tasted exactly like that, and I felt ripped off by the slanted eye'd chink fucks that were behind the counter.

Fuck you for reminding me of that awful memory OP. FUCK YOU CHINA.

>> No.12967619

Why does all Chinese food taste the same?

>> No.12967621

I hate flyovers so God DAMN MUCH. Fuck you all.

>> No.12967622

>can ERP with people on the internet
>can look at pictures of naked women
>can learn about weird fetishes and positions
>spend 1000s to have sex with a woman makes me not a virgin
Absolutely retarded

>> No.12967711

Completely false equivalency.

>> No.12967718


>> No.12967742
File: 514 KB, 2000x1187, howmanyamericanshaveapassport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12967765

The chinatown in Vegas is fucking awesome. Great food and cheap. All the whales who play like $35,000 a spin at roulette take the corporate limo over to china town for like a $12 meal.

>> No.12967770

You could go anywhere in Las Vegas for a cheap meal though.

>> No.12967774

They're going to Chinatown for the whores, and karaoke.

>> No.12968635

What is ERP

>> No.12968677


>> No.12968736

erotic roleplay

and most are guys playing the females. Just dont think about it.

>> No.12968990

>G Pro gaming mouse
ma nigga

>> No.12969062

>shit mouse acknowledged

>> No.12969097

>Not having a passport means you aren't well-travelled and have such a narrow world view.
biggest load of crock that braindead knstagram chasing thots and faggot white knights spew. how about getting out of the echo chamber

>> No.12969210

This post looks exactly like a 2nd generation bot post.

>> No.12969214

/ck/ is actually retarded enough to believe a random image posted.

>> No.12969365


What, you didn't believe an image with no sources without question?

>> No.12970111

what are the two red states?

>> No.12970181

>travelling abroad made me want to turn my hometown into somewhere that was worth visiting too
Well, good for you, anon.

>> No.12970245

The saving grace of boiling chicken, or any meat for that matter, is that the temperatures are so low that the toxins usually generated by cooking meat in the traditional high-heat methods are at safe levels. So boil your steaks and chicken and learn to love the rubbery texture.

>> No.12970246

They are the flyovers. They just pretend to be cultured on the internet.

>> No.12970341

or learn to make stews and enjoy delicious health

>> No.12970936

Where's the fucking soup?

>> No.12971008

> eating chink shit

You have no one to blame except yourself

>> No.12971041

Pretty much. They are /int/nigger tier non-sequitur seethers but they don't travel themselves so they reeee about their own countrymen instead.

I mean, who the fuck calls this hainanese chicken instead of (hainanese) chicken rice? The rice is equally, if not more important than the chicken.

>> No.12971183

>hainan jifan is white people food
Kill you’re self, nigger

>> No.12971205

I don’t currently hold a passport, and I have lived in (not just visited) Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Malaysia and Tanzania, as well as visiting Rwanda, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Granted, people that have never held a passport aren’t well travelled, but you’re making assumptions that may be incorrect.

>> No.12971248

It wasn't real shark.