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File: 34 KB, 700x350, hydration-guide-main-image-700-350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12962643 No.12962643 [Reply] [Original]

How many glasses of water a day do I need to drink?

>> No.12962680

How fat are you?

>> No.12962683

Whatever comes out to 1.893 liters, my man

>> No.12962701

I was going to post a picture of a ridiculously large glass of water, and say 'one should be more than enough'
But I couldn't find an image that I liked, so it didn't happen.

>> No.12962707

Idfk, i heard It was like 1.5 or 2 liters a day

>> No.12962710

However much it takes for your pee to stay pale yellow throughout the day.

>> No.12962711

there's no set guideline to how much you should or need to drink

drink water when you are thirsty
drinking more water can be helpful in flushing out more toxins, but typically you don't create enough toxins over the course of the day to need constant flushing out

if that were true, people would die if they only drank a few cups a day

>> No.12962714

I only drink bottled water.

>> No.12962721
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one should be more than enough

>> No.12962724

This is very true.
If you’re working hard in a very hot climate, if you don’t need to piss you’re dehydrated.
Well, this is what they told us in JWIC school anyway.

>> No.12962725

As much as your body tells you to.

>> No.12962783

>drink water when you are thirsty
Shit advice.
Thirst is literally your body telling you that you've been neglecting its need for water.
What keeps us alive even by drinking so little water is that we consume water by other sourcers, like food and other beverages.
The thing is, doing that while not drinking enough water daily is basically a time bomb.

>> No.12962786

Depends on how big the glass is.

>> No.12962831
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>Thirst is literally your body telling you that you've been neglecting its need for water.
No. Thirst is anticipatory. You can go months before starving to death. Only takes a couple days with dehydration. Your body is WAY more sensitive to water than food.
>The results indicate that during free access to water humans become thirsty and drink before body fluid deficits develop, perhaps in response to subtle oropharyngeal cues, and so provide evidence for anticipatory thirst and drinking in man.
Chronic mild dehydration is bullshit perpetuated by water bottle companies.
>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.
Also 8 glasses of water a day is based on a misunderstanding of a 1945 Food and Nutrition Board article.
>A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.

>> No.12962854

Wrong. I drink when I'm thirsty and I feel perfectly fine. Everytime I drink more than that I end up peeing 5 times in an hour crystal clear urine. Thats not really good for you.

>> No.12962857

t. kidney damaged protein leakers
>Drinking two liters of water per day may not benefit most individuals and even could be harmful, investigators say.
>At the Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting here, re-searchers from the University of Western Ontario, also in London, presented a study showing a significant correlation between excess urine production—which is usually caused by excess fluid intake—and proteinuria.
>The large population-based study uncovered a five-fold higher risk of proteinuria among people with polyuria than among those with normal urine volume, even after taking into account such factors as age, sex, and estimated glomerular filtration rate
>drink water when you are thirsty
Based sensible answer poster.

>> No.12962862


>> No.12962901

Fuck. I drink like a gallon if not more of water daily and have for the past year or two. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.12962909

Why would your body need you to keep drinking even when you're not thirsty? Doesn't seem reasonable. Feeling hungry doesn't mean you're on the verge of starvation, and it's usually not recommended to eat if you're not feeling hungry, so I don't see why water and thirst would be any different.

>> No.12962994

Why are you drinking that much water? Are you just thirsty all the time? You might be prediabetic or something.
Can be a symptom of mental illness too (psychogenic polydipsia).
>I was drinking @ 1.5 gallons/day over a period of several months. It really fucked me up. They basically had to force me to be admitted to the hospital because I was a raving lunatic and even when the ER medfag told me I was in serious danger of dying since my sodium level was so low I laughed hysterically and told him to fuck off out of my face, I'm leaving. He had security restrain me and gave me a shot to knock me out.
>I almost died from this but fortunately one of the symptoms was paranoid schizophrenia so my relatives got me to the hospital in time.
You should probably at least drink something with electrolytes in it at a bare minimum if you're going to keep that up since flushing out electrolytes and the brain damage that comes with doing that is the worst part of the harm caused by drinking all the time for no reason.

>> No.12963015

Not necessarily. People have different water requirements depending on body composition/size and their day to day lifestyle. If you do manual labor/exercise everyday you absolutely require more water than a couch potato. If you intake a lot of sodium you'll probably end up drinking more water as well. If I ever drank a gallon of water a day I'd probably piss my brains out, thats way too much for me. I usually intake anywhere betwen 45 to 60 ounces a day.

>> No.12963219

I drink like 3 or 4 liters a day because I work construction

>> No.12963323

if you drink less than 3l of water a day you are a pathetic beta incel and you need to off yourself

>> No.12963349


>> No.12963355

>Thirst is literally your body telling you that you've been neglecting its need for water.
yeah, and that's when you drink water

fucking idiot

>> No.12963365

>5 (medium-large? 250-300ml?) mugs of plain herbal tea
>whatever was in my food

>spent 2 hours walking outside in 65F (19C) weather

probably enough? Please advise me if i'm chronically dehydrated or something, anons

>> No.12963417

I drink a big mug of water when I'm thirsty. There's really no point to drinking a lot of water you'll just pee a lot.

>> No.12963467
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maybe you should read this book and find out what you're doing wrong

>> No.12963478

if you're eating food and drinking something that is mostly water, then you're fine

>> No.12964080
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>> No.12964087

"Glass" isn't even a unit of measurement, so no answer to this question can be meaningful.