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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12957423 No.12957423 [Reply] [Original]

>four levels of cooking
>the expert uses a overly fancy method of making the dish he/she probably normally wouldn't to stand out from the level 2 cook
every time

>> No.12957469

I literally watched this video last night and damn they all kinda sucked. Why didn’t any of them do a reverse sear?

Who eats steak with a Hollandaise sauce?

Also the level 1 chef was cringe. Id only ever jerk into her face once and leave

>> No.12957499

Congrats, you finally figured out the point of those videos.

have sex

>> No.12957531
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>putting anything other than salt and pepper on steak

>> No.12957549

DFC, don't mind the face at all

>> No.12957565

How else would you get a third level of cooking? Is there a middle thing between the Home Cook's version and what the Expert did?

>> No.12957570

>this clickbait is so cringe!
>why didn’t any of them do a reverse sear?
>i'm such a better cook
>i know about this technique that i first heard about when it was being memed in clickbait 2 months ago!

>> No.12957592

Level 3 usually fucks up by over complicating everything.

Also, why is the professor lady considered a level, anyway? She's not cooking.

>> No.12957602

>Get prime, probably grass-fed, steak
>Ruin it by dumping a whole lot of shit on it

why are people like that?

>> No.12957613

>hasn't heard of complimentary flavors
You're basic.

>> No.12957614

>not liking chimichurri

>> No.12957626

t. pleb

>> No.12957634

These videos are bad.

>> No.12957642

Every single time you inbred niggers open threads about a specific video but never post the link.

You literal waste of oxygen.

>> No.12957660
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>> No.12957681

seasoned meat tenderizer + a mix of equal parts black pepper/brown sugar/garlic powder in an overnight dry brine. Cooked over charcoal with applewood smoke.

>> No.12957691

>brown sugar

>> No.12957693

I put bbq sauce on cheap steak but good stuff I agree

>> No.12957694

it's about these type of videos in general, not particularly about the one about cooking steaks

>> No.12957704


>> No.12957759

that's parsley and it's fpr presentation you dumdum

>> No.12957778

>not liking cilantro
Spotted the anon with shitty taste buds.

>> No.12957791

>hurr you don't like soap your palate sucks

>> No.12957804


Why put an entire pile there instead of just a sprig?

>> No.12957830

Lmao only tastelets think cilantro tastes like soap. Face it, you'll never be able to enjoy the superior leafy herb because of your shitty genetics

>> No.12957833

Wtf why would anyone want to eat something so spicy. Way to spicy for me sorry.

>> No.12957836

If you have the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap, I feel sorry for you, because cilantro is fucking tasty. Not your fault you literally have shit taste, but you're wrong all the same.

>> No.12957874

You can always tell someone has no fucking clue about cooking when they try and argue about something completely minor like "reverse sear"

Next time mention sous vide in there somewhere. That's also something shitters talk about with steak because they have no clue about anything.

>> No.12957894

>Get prime, probably grass-fed, steak
>ruin it by adding salt and pepper

That's you right now.

>> No.12957917

>Oscar style? That's gross! I'll have my steak drowned in ketchup!

>> No.12957934

Lvl 1 chef is basically /ck/ personified. This is an infallible truth.

>> No.12958001

steak is a little advanced for /ck/

>> No.12958033

seething tastlet

>> No.12958036

Asparagus on the side with hollandaise sauce would be money in the bank my guy.

>> No.12958047

Literally the psychological definition of projection. Oh well, you'll grow up eventually. Maybe.

>> No.12958070
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>Literally the psychological definition of projection. Oh well, you'll grow up eventually. Maybe.

Go dip your steak in molasses, fat boy.

>> No.12958075
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>the psychological definition

>> No.12958078

They look the exact same.
Also stop watching so much click bait on Facebook and posting it here, it's gotten annoying

>> No.12958360

adriana is fucken hot

>> No.12958717
File: 146 KB, 588x642, 8dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not putting A1 on your steak

>> No.12958747

>not serving a steak with onions and mushrooms with a reduction sauce

>> No.12958757
File: 59 KB, 620x571, Albini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not serving steak with black onions

>> No.12958762

S and P the choice for me