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12954684 No.12954684 [Reply] [Original]

are baked beans in a can healthy? like is it ok to eat it daily?

>> No.12954693


Everything is ok to eat. People hit 90 snoking daily and eating trash. Genetics matters more than diet. Just eat what makes you happy

>> No.12954695
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>> No.12954698

Thinking about those beans

>> No.12954707

Ask the members of John Franklin's 1845 arctic expedition if it's ok to eat canned food every day. Oh, wait.... you can"'t because they died of lead poisoning.

>> No.12954743

Thanks to Upton Sinclair and the FDA we don’t really need to worry about that anymore.
This. You could eat oreos and hotdogs for every single meal. Your body knows how to allocate nutrients, no matter how poor or artificial the source.

>> No.12954745

im asking about specfically baked beans like heinz not raw prrserved beans to cook yourself
lol bullshit they dont allow chemical exposure like that anymore they test it right

>> No.12954754

but on average for the regular person would health decrease or stay the "same" as eating other veggies

>> No.12954761

why is salt bad? and is there like healthy sugar you can use for flavouring instead?

>> No.12954794

Salt isn’t “bad” most people just eat too much seeing as it’s in literally every processed food. Also it’s really only a problem if you have high blood pressure.

>> No.12954802

and how about the amount of sugar in those canned beans, you can have up to a certain limit so it should be ok right?

>> No.12954806

Lots of sugar and salt but there’s worse things you could be eating for sure. Add some sausage or ground beef and you’ve got yourself a meal. Cornbread too ideally.

>> No.12954924


Your body runs on sugar. The only issues are tooth damage and diabeetus

>> No.12955238

so eating it daily would you see a problem?

>> No.12955241

would it be ok too eat that daily?

>> No.12955297

Look at the nutrition facts. Consider what other things you eat. If you're trying to live off of canned food the most likely problem you'll have is too much sodium, but there are other possibilities too. That's what they put it on there for.

>> No.12955318
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Change it up a bit also, try some beanie weenies.

>> No.12955332

what if you skip meals

>> No.12955344

Do you brush your teeth?
Do you get any kind of exercise at all?

>> No.12955349

floss too and yes

>> No.12955353

He opens cans for exercise.

>> No.12955355

>because they died of lead poisoning
Yes, there obviously has been literally zero advancements in preservatives and tin can technology since eighteen forty fucking five.

Don't buy dinged up cans and you're good.

>> No.12955472


Once a day? Sure. Dunno if 3x a day is the best idea though. Throw in some fruits and veggies and lots of water and I suppose it’d be fine though if you can put up with farting and shitting like an elephant.

>> No.12955850

Table salt, sodium chloride, is not the same as the salt people have been eating since civilization began. Sea salt has sodium but also magnesium and calcium chlorides, among dozens of other compounds. Refined table salt has only sodium chloride, plus some aluminum powder as an anti-caking agent. It’s shitty garbage.

>> No.12955874
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Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat the more you toot
The more toot the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal

>> No.12955886


>> No.12955891

>Refined table salt has only sodium chloride, plus some aluminum powder as an anti-caking agent.
Table salt has sodium chloride and iodine. The iodine is what stops first world countries from having goiter.
Anti-caking agents vary but are mostly calciums, phosphates, magneseums, et cetera. All the same shit in your precious sea salt.
Even what you call "aluminum powder" is actually calcium aluminosilicate, aka the mineral anorthite.

>> No.12955893

Yeah let's ask the Egyptian slaves about labor laws while we're at it.

>> No.12955896

As far as diets of convenience go, it's one of the better options.

>> No.12955906

>Your body runs on sugar
common sugar is glucose-fructose, and fructose is a much bigger concern than mere beetus

>> No.12955936

>All the same shit in your precious sea salt.
Not in my sea salt.

> Even what you call "aluminum powder" is actually calcium aluminosilicate, aka the mineral anorthite.
Call it what you like, it’s powdered Alzheimer’s. Bush Sr. used that same compound to induce dementia in Reagan.

>> No.12956489

they are quite nutricious, but can also have a lot of added salt and sugar.
still wouldn't recommend every day. variaety is the spice of live.
i like to eat baked beans once a week though, or i start to feel my englishness slipping away

>> No.12956709

Labor conditions were decent if you weren't a slave, the people contracted to build the pyramids (contractors, and then farmers with nothing else to do while the Nile flooded their fields once a year) were entitled to 10 pints of beer a day and had a lot of beef and bread in their diet.

Sucked if you were a slave though, obviously.

>> No.12956845

They're classed as 1 of your 5 a day apparently.
They do have a fair bit of sugar in them, but so long as you're not eating/drinking sugar all day it's fine.

>> No.12956888

beans, beans they're good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart


>> No.12957179

buy dry beans and cook them yourself whats the deal burgertard DONT BUY PROCESSED FOOD

>> No.12957845

What are you supposed to do with those Heinz beans? I opened a can of those a few months ago and even put a tablespoon of bbq sauce in it but that was still probably the blandest shit I have ever eaten.

>> No.12957858

They're packed with fibre and protein but they're high in calories. If you're worried about gaining weight I wouldn't eat that much unless the rest of your diet is strict. But if you're a hungry skeleton or trying to bulk up, shove em down your gullet

>> No.12957865

I don't have the webm sorry

>> No.12957871

Anon you're taste buds are kill....

>> No.12957882

I'm used to Bush's, B&M or home made.

>> No.12958387

if you need to add bbq sauces to heinz baked beans you are already to far to reach and pull back