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12950494 No.12950494 [Reply] [Original]

So what’s the deal with this latest crazy challenge, people feeding their dogs pizza

>> No.12950563

>starve their dogs for weeks just for some stupid video

>> No.12950570

humans are so devoid of creature in this world we are elevating dogs to near human status because their companionship and loyalty is the only 'real' thing left in this luciferian simulated hellscape

>> No.12950593

This is animal abuse.

>> No.12950632

I'm not too smart work animals, but can dogs eat pizza or could they get sick from it?

>> No.12950638

dogs should be fed raw meat with bone in. this is fucking awful.
they can but some might get sick from it. it certainly should never be done.

>> No.12950639

I agree, I’m a grown man and I feel ill after I eat a whole pizza. That’s like a 50 pound dog

>> No.12950644

Because the people doing it are relentless attention whores who should suck on the best part of a gun.

It’s not good for them and they’ll guaranteed either be sick later and/or be shitting yellow gloop for days.

>> No.12950645


i will always love my puppers. humans tho....? nah.

>> No.12950653

How is that a fucking challenge? The internet is cancelled, this shit is retarded

>> No.12950686

this is why we shouldnt have taught boomers how to use the internet. guarantee the guy probably pays his autistic nephew to upload the videos for him

>> No.12950688

you are a human
you weigh around 200 pounds and are probably around 6 feet tall
you eat 2-3 slices of pizza and you feel full and bloated

now imagine how a dog, that is only 30-50 pounds and 2 feet tall, would feel after eating all that pizza

>> No.12950701

Americans have warped "I challenge you" to mean "I dare you" or even just "I insist that you"

>> No.12952134
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 8AAB1A56-A76F-4D84-B810-075DDE194C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one forced the dog to eat that pizza and he loved it

>> No.12952149

Poor dog is going to get beaten when it shits oily diarrhea all over the living room later.

>> No.12952158

Been feeding my dogs pizza since my parting days back in 88'
Nothing new about this

>> No.12952217

>latest challenge
>video from 2 years ago
>100k views on only that video
>even the other one of this type on that channel
i'd guess it's trending on reddit

if your dog steals some pizza he won't die, but feeding them a whole pizza is pretty shitty
compared to what some types of kibble are, it's not on paper the worst in moderation, if it was a different type of pizza
dogs don't handle seasonings like pepper very well

a lot of kibbles are basically just bread and meat grease
dogs are fine with cheese as long as they're not lactose intolerant dogs
historical dog food recipes were mostly things completely edible to people, like dense breads soaked in milk
it wasnt until war rationing and early tv ads that dry dog foods became popular

my main concern is that with dogs that are normally fed a kibble diet, their amount of restraint when being given to eat as much as they can get
if that man had tossed the dog 2 pizzas the dog would have ate them, throw up in pain and eat it again.
dogs are smart but they only know as much as they've been taught, and most dogs aren't likely to simply 'eat their fill' like they do with kibble if given the option for a much tastier food

>> No.12952262
File: 120 KB, 1252x1252, vjBBtROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't feed human food to dogs! that will kill them!
my dog lived in the streets for like 2 years and ate nothing but garbage when I picked him up, now he's 12 years old, eats the same things I do plus some kibble and according to the vet his health is perfect.

>> No.12952380

>this latest crazy challenge
video is from 2 years ago, nigger

>> No.12952481

>seriously implying that's what happened
bro do you even know how dogs work?

>> No.12952487

How is giving you dog pizza a challenge?

>> No.12952489

Actually nevermind, I didn't notice how thin the dog was until now. That's fucked if they really did that.

>> No.12952498

>It's OK to do bad things to a dog because bad things already happened to him
I don't even necessarily think that dogs eating stuff other dog food is bad, but that's a retarded argument you're making.
Not dying in spite of eating literal garbage while living on the streets isn't a reason to claim it's good to feed dogs anything you feel like feeding them. All that means is your dog had to live through shitty conditions and managed to survive successfully in spite of them.

>> No.12953308

If you love your dog you will have to overcome your sense of responsibility for it.

>> No.12953508

It's extremely bad for the dogs. Dogs can't handle sugar and saturated fat in food like humans can. They're putting their dogs on diabeetus and heart disease express to collect likes on social media.

>> No.12953536

> muh anecdote
Just take care of your dog properly, faggot. A dog is a privilege, not a right, and you have an absolute duty to it to make sure it lives the best, healthiest, happiest life for as long as it is able to.

>> No.12953696

Dogs should eat raw food and bones as their main diet
Human food should be considered a treat, and only a treat for dogs

>> No.12953847

You sound like a massive pussy.

>> No.12953856


>this animal that has substited off of human-cooked food for over 12,000 years should only eat raw meat

Retarded spotted. Dogs are not wolves, they do not have the same digestive systems. A dog can subsist off a diet of fucking bread, which wolves cannot even digest.

>> No.12953868


A slice would be fine but the sheer amount of grease of multiple slices would fuck them up and make them sick.

>> No.12953874

holy shit those pizzas are over 2000 calories dogs are only supposed to have like a quarter of that much right?

>> No.12953875

And you sound like a dog abuser.

>> No.12953905

whats the deal with people feeding their pizza ,dogs?

>> No.12953906


Imagine thinking an animal that evolved on table scraps cant eat table scraps

>> No.12953924

Pizza is good for dogs, that's why they like it so much. When a dog sees a great big pizza, nature takes over and he follows his instincts. A dog can smell pizza for miles

>> No.12954351
File: 355 KB, 575x455, pizzaCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dog was like, "wtf kinda pizza is this?"

>> No.12954363




>> No.12955096

>Dogs can't handle sugar
dog food is absolutely full of starch and other shitty shit, pizza dough/sauce isnt that much worse than the shit theyre fed by these normies on a daily basis
>and saturated fat
>carnivores cant handle saturated fat
you are too fucking dumb to live

>> No.12955104

Puupy Pizza Party!

>> No.12955115

>can't distinguish sucrose with glucose
>doesn't know wolves and dogs eat lean meat, not bacon strips

>> No.12957205
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