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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12944833 No.12944833 [Reply] [Original]

R8 my dinner ciqué

>> No.12944847

not bad for a masshole

>> No.12944855

Chorizo, Brie, spring onions and rice crackers?

>> No.12944861

the messy sauce and that one piece of sausage on the top right which is almost touching the edge of the plate triggers my OCD.

>> No.12944863


>> No.12944868

close, round tostitos corn chips you pleb

>> No.12944875

You've got some nerve calling me a pleb when that plate of shit is your dinner.

>> No.12944876

menace me and my commonwealth not again with your geographical witchcraft

>> No.12944881

go hunt a witch, snowbird.

>> No.12944887

You got a lotta nerve being such a pleb without any dinner. I assume you in the hinterlands eat lysol pureed with protein powder and the young of your aunt who is an opossum.

>> No.12944893

its all the same to me

theres also that one piece of spring onion thats just out there on its own
why do you do that

>> No.12944896

Could use more scallions.

>> No.12944897

I'm trying to. Also snowbird is a word for those mentally ill enough to leave the lovely ponds woods and bays of the grand commonwealth of joy. Why would I be a snowbird.

>> No.12944902


>> No.12944910

What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm going to make a roast pumpkin, bacon and feta quiche for dinner.

>> No.12944915
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>> No.12944919

eating spring onions like that is kinda based.

>> No.12944921

I think that you should know before you start that a pumpkin is large round and orange and isn't a small gamey woodland creature. Just don't freak out.

>> No.12944931

OP is absolute cancer

>> No.12944934

Low effort/10. You're forgiven if you're a teenager but otherwise lazy manchild detected.

>> No.12944941

I think the phrase that you're looking for is elegantly bohemian

>> No.12944947


thats a new word to me and for that I shall forgive you for your crime of not austically arranging things neatly

>> No.12944948


>> No.12944959

oh shit i actually used right

>> No.12944984

quiche is a worse pie and a worse omelette.

>> No.12944995

Thanks for confirming lazy manchild.

>> No.12945013

What did you eat for dinner herr hohenzollern?

>> No.12945114
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Well guys, its been a journey. I made a lot of friends, had a lot of laughs and cooked the most complicated and sophisticated meal that I and (I feel comfortable speaking for all of us here) any of you have ever seen. It was pretty good. might make tomorrow.

>> No.12945155
File: 966 KB, 350x261, Al_Bundy-Thumbs_Up-OK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you jack it to the nudie book while eating that?

>> No.12945197

no i play videogames, drink vodka and lime juice and jack it to past trauma

>> No.12945286

So what's that nudie book on the left for?

>> No.12946368

its what we in civilization call an advertisement. For reasons unknown these primitive protomagazines arrive in mailboxes periodically, from which they are thrown out among others of their kind. It's how they find mates.

>> No.12946371

Please do this then post it on this thread so the faggot OP will go off ranting and raging again.

>> No.12946376

> 90% fat

You fatty fuck.

>> No.12946393
File: 2.80 MB, 4128x2322, 20190920_173033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see how it turns out. I didn't use pastry, I made a cauliflower crust. Definitely gonna make /ck/ seethe. Pretty elitist for a bunch of fags who can't cook and live off fast food. Pic related, just blind baked the base.

>> No.12946420

> cauliflower crust
This sounds amazing. More details please.

>> No.12946437

You floret a head of cauliflower then put it in a food processor. Then you put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. Let it cool a bit then strain the liquid out. Then mix with grated parmesan, salt, pepper. Then you mix in a beaten egg, pour into the dish and compress with your hands then blind bake it for 10 minutes. I've never done this before. Cauliflower is criminally underrated.

>> No.12946444

Sounds so good. Never thought to use it like that before. So now you’ll put the filling in?

>> No.12946452

Looks pretty interesting, Id try a few nibbles, 8/10.

>> No.12946467


>> No.12946486

Yeah. Just roasting some pumpkin. Then I'll crumble some feta l, then top with some fried bacon pieces.

>> No.12946606
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>> No.12946637

Just pet her in the oven. Will post pic when it's done.

>> No.12946727
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Put a little sundried tomato on top.

>> No.12946739
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I put cheese on top because I like to be all brown and shit.

>> No.12946742

Did you make enough for the grandkids?

>> No.12946759

Let so ebin joke XD. How was your McChicken?

>> No.12946988

Fuck, this looks SO good! Well done redeeming OP’s shitty thread. Hope you also do a cooking thread of your own some time, anon.

>> No.12947010

I hope your husband and your adopted son appreciate you

>> No.12947093

Kek. Thanks lad. I'm savoury as fuck with my food taste so I never make actual "quiche"

It's always just an egg pie loaded with shit.

>> No.12947105

I don't think I will. This board is so full of hate.

>> No.12947113

Corn chips, sausage, brie, and green onion.

Each of those things are certainly ingredients to something that might resemble an actual dinner.

>> No.12947120

It's like a snack platter made by an Autistic.

>> No.12947197

Plenty of people will be interested, though.

>> No.12947200

That's exactly what it is--an autist's haphazard idea of a snack platter.

>> No.12947269

I don't know man, we'll see. I haven't been putting a lot of effort into cooking lately.

>> No.12947279

Well, just consider it. It’s 4chan. You get idiots in every thread but just tune it out. I mean, look at OP. A total cunt but you tuned him out just fine.

>> No.12947387

Maybe on Sunday. I'm on keto atm but I will have a good portion of carbs every now and then because you got to to balance yourself.
I might make a roast pork and balsamic potatoes and onions.

One of the best things I've done lately is adding Fennell seeds to my salt grinder. I use it for every single roast I make.

>> No.12947395

See what I mean? You’d do a great cook-along thread. Unlike OP, you seem genuinely talented with cooking. The quiche was a very unusual take and came out superb. Ignore the children. It’s content like yours why we come here. I’ll keep an eye out anyway. No pressure if you don’t feel like it, though.

>> No.12947409

Shiieeet. Got me a little bit convinced. Might do it actually. I'll just take a bunch of pics as I prepare it then make a thread afterwards as I digest and have a cup of tea or some shit.

>> No.12947415

Yeah, don’t do it while you’re cooking. Just take a couple of snaps as you go along and feel like it. Then if you’re bored after or just want to entertain yourself, run a thread. Do it as low hassle as possible, and don’t feel obliged in all events. I wouldn’t bother at all about the flamers and other idiots. They’ll turn up in every thread but so will all the people who are interested and genuinely appreciative. I’ll keep an eye out anyway. No pressure, though, seriously.

>> No.12947428
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Got you my man. You know how hard the Roc Pile is..

My local grocery store ran out of the seafood. Right as I was just tweaking my smoked fish pie.

>> No.12947432

I also cut back on my drinking so I started eating far less. I used to love cranking some tunes, pounding some liquor and cooking a meal.

>> No.12947667

My favourite Friday night. See how you go, anyway.

>> No.12947758

When i had my own place that is what i did everyday well mainly just drink, and blast music. I need to get out of my parents house.