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File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12934863 No.12934863 [Reply] [Original]

are dumb polish people
there is a dish where you can use whatever you have, so long as there is a pasta in it with beef
it's the heartiest meal and it will put hair on your chest
use tomato paste, and can of the tomato. super fat beef. 80/20 if you can't get more fat

>> No.12934879

I’m pretty sure this is not goulash. This looks like just pasta with meat sauce spread all over it.

>> No.12936161


looks like a poor students try on "zapiekanka z makaronem" which is a variation of a casserole made in post commie Poland back in the 90's

Matka cie nie kocha bo mówi Ci że to gulasz, a twój stary nienawidzi tego ze siedzisz w necie zamiast pracować.


>> No.12936615

>We call it goulash
Where I come from we refer to it as a 'Hot Carl', and it's typically enjoyed after a badminton match.

>> No.12936662

1/2 medium-large onion, chopped; into the pot with oil
1.5 lbs of chop meat; into the pot, brown
4-5 cups tomato juice
1.5 tbls ground pepper? idk how many tbls my hand is
half as much salt?
garlic powder; contact your italian ancestor for amount
2 caps worshehsthiosasshire sauce
sliced jalapenos optional
Bring to boil, simmer for x minutes
add 4 cups - 1 lb wide egg noodles
turn off heat at al dente.
Let sit for 5 minutes
Eat goulash

>> No.12936689

I have to assume that goulash is something where you just throw a bunch of shit in a pot with meat and pasta/noodles with a tomato sauce. I'm sure that there's no "real" recipe because every one's mother/grandmother made their own.

>> No.12936930
File: 249 KB, 1237x865, klasyczny-gulasz-wolowy-po-mojemu0-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A twoja mama chciałaby żebyś częściej chodził do kościoła. Ona cię kocha, ale martwi się że nie masz przyjaciół. Ostatni miesiąc, ona zastanawiała się czy jesteś gejem, i pomyślała że może dlatego nie jesteś normalny, i że zaakceptowałaby to, mimo to że boli, ale wszyscy wiemy, że nie dlatego jesteś... inny.

Yeah OP what the fuck is that, thats not gulasz.
I was rasied on what looks a little more like the hungarian variety. You have mudblood gulasz.

>> No.12937118
File: 2.36 MB, 1200x794, FBAEE477-08D4-4905-9404-89EAFBB7A153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not gulyás, what the fuck? Your pic looks more like paprikás.

>> No.12937198

Nice. I’m gonna try this. Thanks, Wladek.

>> No.12937372
File: 88 KB, 1010x1010, Asset_1587179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Slav guláš isn't Hungarian gulyás

>> No.12937992
File: 72 KB, 736x505, goolash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


add a teaspoon of soy sauce and use macaroni instead of egg noodles
now you're talking

>> No.12937996

That's exactly what a lot of retards here call chili when their aid isn't watching them. It is very tasty

>> No.12938052

That's American goulash. Polish goulash is just beef stew.

>> No.12938054

This is the best kind of goulash.
That's beef stew, retard.

>> No.12938633

OPs pic is what we call "lunchlady goulash". It's what was made for school lunches in the USA since the end of WWll. Ground beef, tomato sauce, canned tomatos, elbow macaroni was standard where I grew up, whatever random frozen veggies were on hand, maybe add in some gub-mint cheeze, too, if ya wanna get fancy.
Shovel it out onto lunchroom trays by the bucket full. Cheap to make, fill up your belly, taste good too (at least to a kids taste buds).
I still make something like that, adding different seasonings for the adult taste buds.

>> No.12939932

Made goulash a few months ago, lots of paprika, tomato and beef, as well as a few lamb shanks for good measure. Served with spaetzle and stewed green beans

>> No.12939971

its also the same Goulash they serve in basic training

>> No.12940169

we unironically call it spaghetti

>> No.12940223

>throw a bunch of shit in a pot with meat and pasta/noodles with a tomato sauce
this is pretty close to a firm definition for the American dish known as goulash, yes. I would go further and mention that most recipes tend to use a lot of paprika and feature ground beef and onion.

>> No.12940229

>taste good too (at least to a kids taste buds).
shit, it tastes pretty good to a mature palate as well, assuming you season it well.

>> No.12941831

what is that by the gulyas, bread? some kind of sliced bun? some kind of potato dumpling?

>> No.12942051
File: 270 KB, 1333x1146, 6984688F-7DA3-4460-9D14-62D56D1F0338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit Sherlock. This was just a reaction to an anon who was shitting on other’s anon goulash. I know every country in western/central/east europe has it’s own version of guláš.
Also Czechs are not real slavs and nor are Slovakians.

It’s sliced dumpling (knedlík/knödel). We serve it with sauce/gravy, meat and sauerkraut or you can even have it with fruit and sour cream, poppy seeds, melted butter etc.