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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12941681 No.12941681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12941699

Starting my day with a hot cup of coffee

>> No.12941700

Why are coffeefags never happy with their coffee? It's almost like they are actively looking for reasons to be angry about coffee. Why can't they just drink it and be happy?

>> No.12941708

Non-coffee drinkers are literal manchildren and as such, your opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.12941720

Thank you for proving my point in such a succinct way

>> No.12941726

I'm perfectly happy with my coffee and nothing in my post even suggests otherwise.

>> No.12941727
File: 99 KB, 1400x1400, GUEST_e01610cf-5766-42d7-bceb-d112135cbd4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try pic related? I've been drinking one of the 48 oz bottles every two days. It's $5 but it tastes like choccy milk and I'm addicted to this shit.

>> No.12941731

You're an insufferable faggot. As all coffee drinkers are.

>> No.12941736

I only drink instant. Anything else tastes like burned pig shit steeped in hot water.

Fuck you all.

>> No.12941741

Are you talking about stuffy upper middle class people with very specific orders at coffee shops? These threads are usually pretty chill and I have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.12941742

Everyone in this shitty thread should shut the fuck up until I've had my morning cup

>> No.12941745

No, these threads are always full of douchebags whining about Starbucks.

>> No.12941747

Go back to bed, Ausfailia.

>> No.12941748

When is morning for you?

>> No.12941755

Instant coffee is known for tasting burnt/bitter, you stupid fuck.

>> No.12941757

You don’t know anything, percolator cuck.

>> No.12941760

Again, you're a manchild and your opinion is irrelevant. Go make some gummy bears thread or something instead of minding coffee Chads' business.

>> No.12941763

Shut up

>> No.12941766

> Australians are the worst posters on 4chan
> Based Moot

>> No.12942008
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Morning lads.

>> No.12942220
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I'm sleeping better since going decaff.
No regrets.

>> No.12942235

>tasteless Coffee™ is more bitter than faggot dark roast starbucks that tastes like shit

>> No.12942239

>says manchild and calls others irrelevant
That’s rich lefty

>> No.12942246

How much do you guys drink? I drink half to one cup a day and have been weening off to cut back on acid intake. Switching to broth and tea for winter.

>> No.12942251

>uh oh better call him a lefty!!
go back to the donald

>> No.12942321

Fuuck I can go for a dart and some trainsmoke right about now

>> No.12942335

Why do you retards insist that just because you don't know any better that everyone else is in the wrong? Starbucks is terrible even compared to cheap gas station coffee because they refuse to use anything but extremely charred roasts

>> No.12942336

How to not get sweaty ass after coffee?

>> No.12942339
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ITT: pissy faggots come in here just to shitpost about coffee and people who like it while also calling coffee drinkers obnoxious
You especially need to go back

>> No.12942372

Wear looser pants, you're killing your sperm as well

>> No.12942454

>mention something political anywhere
>get free (You)'s from ideological retards

>> No.12942468
File: 65 KB, 800x800, serveimage45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting for anon cause the other thread died early.

Reposting: how to chemex. Not bothering with metric conversions though I do acknowledge imperial is retarded. Also while not required, do not ever use preground and try to grind right before use, also a gooseneck electric kettle helps tremendously. Deleted and reposted to fix typos and shit since phoneposting.
>Acquire a light to medium roast. Dark is just flat out burnt, even medium roasts commonly dip into being unironically burnt
>Use around 1:18 grounds to water (personally I just use a third cup measuring cup to scoop beans which results in around the right amount of grounds for 16-18oz water)
>Heat water to 200 (not boiling, you retards)
>Grind size is medium-fine (on a Barista Encore I use size 18)
>Put filter in chemex
>Get hot water from sink, use it to wet the filter and preheat the glass
>Pour water out of the chemex when the kettle water is heated
>Put grinds in filter
>Pour water from kettle VERY slowly (dripping) to evenly wet the grounds without flooding it
>Wait 30-60 seconds
>Pour very slowly in the circular motion everyone describes so the water evenly is distributed throughout the grounds
>Pour faster once the water is clearly just impacting the water rather than the grounds under it, maintaining a level of around half an inch to an inch under the top
>once the kettle water runs out, take a spoon and scrap the sides of the filter so that the grounds settle back on the bed, otherwise it'll form a volcano and barely pass through any grounds resulting in watery garbage
>when there's more than about a second or so between drips it's done
>pour (people say to swirl it in the chemex for aeration but it makes no sense since pouring it will aerate it far more)
>rinse the chemex with clean water a couple times, it's quick to clean and prevents oils from building up that become rancid
I'll flesh this out a bit on PC and repost at a later date

>> No.12942541

Other thread died early because you've posted that pasta 3 time in 2 days.

>> No.12942544


>> No.12942820
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Anyone else having a hard time balancing taste in lighter roasts?
I like the acidity of lightly roasted grains, but I also find myself missing the smooth taste of 'cream' brought by darker blends.
I'm looking for something with an acidic taste that still produces a smooth espresso feel, what robusta/arabica/??? proportions should I be looking for?

The only kind of coffee I make is espresso in a single-cup sized Bialetti moka, if that matters.

>> No.12942850

I'm the one who wrote it, >>12942468 isn't me

>> No.12942856

Wait, drinking coffee makes you a lefty? Unironically see a shrink, schizo.

>> No.12942867
File: 349 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-09-19-07-36-45_compress49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa new Ethiopian coffee is dank. It's like a fruitier Cuban.
I figured the thread reached the end of the board without a bomb. Its good though.

>> No.12942870

Coffee is a right wing beverage.
>makes you more productive
>largest outlet is symbol of unbridled capitalism
>liberals can only consume if watered down with soy milk and tons of sugar
>entire industry is based on exploitation of the working class
>cowboy/trucker/soldier/police approved

>> No.12942916

Coffee time.

>> No.12943116

yeah, it's garbage. it's like if you mixed great value coffee with fucking yoohoo

>> No.12943167


>> No.12943188

hows the taste difference though
I've only ever had really bad decaf

do people even get coffee at starbucks
i've never once seen a 'cup of coffee' there, I don't think i've even just seen a regular plain latte ordered
it's always some milkshake looking concoction with at least 2 pumps of 2 different sauces
I really don't see why a milkshake business would bother investing in decent coffee when all you can taste is the thick chocolate and caramel sauce

i've had it, it's not the worst at all for the prize compared to other premade coffees you can get here
but the bottle shape is retarded and serves only to make it an avoided product, transporting them is annoying, its' not properly portable despite having a very good lid
a cheap cardboard carton would be better than this

>> No.12943202

decaffeinating takes a lot more than just the caffeine out so it tastes a lot blander and kinda shit. remove your trip pls

>> No.12943253

My girlfriend loves it, but I don't. I prefer the Stokk Protein one that has real dairy.

>> No.12943262

one cup every week/two weeks

>> No.12943270

One or two 100ml cups of moka pot coffee.

>> No.12943306

pio ellhnikh eikona psofas

>> No.12943311

going up to the store in 30 to get my daily dose. I got a free cup today since I bought 4 prior.

>> No.12943317

hello eurobro, still smoking cigarettes with dead babies on the front? How's the weather across the river?

>> No.12943324

based. How will lefty s*yboys ever recover?

>> No.12943327

Is this the thread for posting nude women?

>> No.12943335
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>> No.12943356

>coffee at starbucks
I used to work at Starbucks. It really depends on which location you go to. Some are basically just caffeinated Dairy Queens; they’re typically found in malls, near high schools, or in high foot traffic shopping areas. The one I was mainly at was in an office building and black coffee or Americanos were the main drinks sold.

>> No.12943423

This I can believe. Heard people say the blonde pour over is good, but a lot of it tastes burnt; kinda need to stick out from all the flavorings.

>> No.12943429

This is the dumbest meme ever created, is there anything less funny than this?

>> No.12943433
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the only thing less funny than this was your circumcision

>> No.12943624


>> No.12943649

>>uh oh better call him a lefty!!
>go back to the donald

Being this reddity

>> No.12943655
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>> No.12943677

I'm not a golem but nice try, embarrassing

>> No.12943748

Drinking coffee

>> No.12943757

Based and cofepilled

>> No.12943999

What time should I stop in taking caffeine if I want to be able to be asleep by 10pm?

>> No.12944017


>> No.12944448

Depends on you sensitivity. Try making noon the cut off and take it as far as you can past noon to figure it out.

>> No.12944462

I buy and drink Folgers with French Vanilla creamer
Give me your (You)s

>> No.12944509


>> No.12944514

Pouring a cup of fresh coffee

>> No.12944516
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>> No.12944879

>some guy want to decrease the quality of the thread by bringing politics into it
>everyone gives him (you)'s
Every fucking time.

>> No.12944898

Thanks for the (You)s faggot

>> No.12944968

I'd like some more coffee

>> No.12944974

I recently had a case of constipation, so I made a cup of coffee, I took a single sip and immediately had to go to the bathroom.

>> No.12944980
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>> No.12944983

i love you

>> No.12945004
File: 81 KB, 500x440, coffee-zone-34133296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than drinking yoohoo mixed with cum like you do, queer haha

>> No.12946046


>> No.12946088

So someone else posting pasta makes it not pasta?

>> No.12946226
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I exclusively drink decaf with milk and sugar added

>> No.12946235


>do people even get coffee at starbucks
>i've never once seen a 'cup of coffee' there

Starbucks barista here, I sell plenty of plain old cups of hot Pike Place daily, mostly to older guys. Lots of people buy plain lattes as well, it's usually young girls or middle-aged women buying the frappuccinos or refreshers all the time.

>> No.12946363

>new roommate that has more money than sense buys starbucks premade iced coffee

>> No.12946512

>some guy want to decrease the quality of the thread by bringing politics into it
>people decrease quality by responding
>anon gives them all (yous)

>> No.12946579

I implore you, friends, to rid yourselves of dependence upon this addictive and narcotic beverage. The energy and false enthusiasm it grants you but for a few hours are an illusion of the mind. True happiness, true energy--these are destinations that cannot be reached by the long and wicked path of the vile coffee bean. He who takes shortcuts in life finds he cuts himself short.

>> No.12947229


>> No.12947367

Sippin a cuppa 4 sigmatic, lIONs MAne MUSHshroom
then gettin that alien puss puss

>> No.12947391
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I don't depend on coffee for energy or happiness, I just thoroughly enjoy this beverage and don't intend to quit it anytime soon. And it's pretty curious how drinkers of this beverage made with the "vile coffee bean" that makes you "cut yourself short" are statistically likely to live longer than abstainers, really makes me think...

>> No.12947408

"had results which indicated a certain probability of..."

>> No.12947429

To me that's still more convincing than
>dude le coffee bean is evil trust me

>> No.12947447

both are equally convincing as both are unconvincing

>> No.12947454

You do you. I still find scientific research to be more convincing than some sensationalist post on evil coffee beans on 4channel.

>> No.12947456
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>Cold Brew

Yeah, it tastes like knockoff Yoohoo, but I use it to make power sludge for long drives. All you do is drink about two cupfulls of it, then add eight ounces of instant espresso and shake the fucker up.

>> No.12947459

Appeal to authority is a thought produced by cucks, I’m sorry anon

>> No.12947461

>eight ounces

*eight teaspoons

>> No.12947479
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>coffee general to discuss coffee types and brewing methods

>alcohol general to discuss alcoholic beverages and mixing methods

>> No.12947481

its to stop those flappers

>> No.12947487


>> No.12947490

its not the fact that its scientific research. its how its presented. taking correlation for proof and presenting it as absolute is academic dishonesty.

>> No.12947765
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I want to buy a decent grinder so badly, but don't have any spare money right now. See you in 6 months.

>> No.12947776

making some pain au chocolat to enjoy with my coffee

>> No.12947929

Does anyone here regularly add a little salt to their grounds? I tried it this morning and it improved my store bought stuff enough that I'm thinking I'll start adding it by default.

That brand tastes bad to me, I ended up making my own but grinding so much by hand is a pain. Kroger's organic brand tastes pretty good.

>> No.12947937

nothing like arguing about coffee on the internet to calm the emotions of being irrelevant in a careless universe with no hope in sight, most people just need things to hate, like coffee beans, or baggy pants or the kids skateboarding on the sidewalk. Personally I blame the rap music

>> No.12947967

Enjoying a cup of hot coffee

>> No.12948060

>there currently isn't a beer thread
>this was a thread not that long ago
The only thing mods ban is /alck/ threads cause its basically alcoholics posting shitty cheap beer and liquor, and keeps them in their degeneracy.

>> No.12948219

Degeneracy is a spook, faggot.

>> No.12948281

What does this even?

>> No.12948292

I remember the origin of this image
I have been going on this board too much recently

>> No.12948895

cheap as far as cold coffee goes and tastes pretty good if a bit bland, has this weird dry almost salty aftertaste that never leaves you feeling that refreshed
also I'm highly susceptible to the effects of caffeine yet get no buzz outta this stuff so there's hardly any caffeine in it if any at all

on a related note, why is it that cold coffee is so expensive? it must cost pennies to make

>> No.12948906

Their almond milk taste like shit so i assume that also taste like shit.

>> No.12949077

I got a ""3 cup"" 12Ooz French Press. Wanna try cold brew with it. I Googled it and people seem to dilute it with water after it's done (after 20 hours or whatever). Why they dilute it? You don't when making non-cold brew Fench Press.

>> No.12949091
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one cup and I'm up
two, three, four and I'm ready for more

>> No.12949162

five and six, I love sucking dicks
seven, eight, please no hate
nine, ten, heterocaust when

>> No.12950335


>> No.12951163
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>drink coffee
>tired + heart palpitations

I like coffee if I'm up and about on a day out or something, the pick me up works then, but if I'm just doing desk work sitting down not burning any energy it doesn't work. Should I just tea it up?

>> No.12951165

DOes coffee make anyone else really horny?

>> No.12951166
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drinking coffee

>> No.12951685

M47 Phoenix is so based. I didn't realize it was toolless disassembly, the original you had to beat out the shaft with a hammer. Took mine apart last night, real slick design.

>> No.12951687

For me, it's extra mörkrost

>> No.12951736

looks like a ladies tampon pack
no prejudice for purple and pink packaging, it just does

>> No.12951762

how is this stuff? I see it on shelves and it intrigues me, actually good? I don't like most instant but have enjoyed cafe legal and bustelo's instants

>> No.12951797

It's mediocre, but it's quick and portable.

>> No.12951843

Yes. Personally I find green or white tea to provide a lasting stable burn, but feel free to experiment.

>> No.12952439
File: 341 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-09-17-10-18-49_compress51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I have done an experiment to see if whipping and hydrolyzing sugar Cuban coffee style affects the taste enough to warrant the effort. It does.

Brew method: Moka pot
Coffee: bustelo
Sugar: roughly two small flattened spoonfuls.

Ok so the first cup I had was just the 3cup moka brew, no water added, with 2 flattish small spoon fulls of sugar added. The coffee was quite strong, bold and slightly harsh while having some sweetness to it that contrasted.

The whipped sugared one had the same amount of undiluted coffee and roughly the same amount of small flared spoonfuls of sugar added. It did taste sweeter, but the biggest thing is change in taste and texture. Texture was softer smoother, and the coffee had notes of dark chocolate caramel.

I still wouldn't want to add the traditional amount of a tablespoon of it though, but it did taste good and worked well with the dark roast.

>> No.12952485

sounds comfy. might try it one day.

>> No.12952586

people shouldn't be allowed to drink alone AND talk to other lone drinking terrorists as their extremism grows

>> No.12952662


>> No.12952751
File: 189 KB, 1024x512, espressomachines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are home espresso machines a meme?
I would like to have an espresso every once in awhile but the nearest cafe to me is 15 minutes away by car, and that's on a good non traffic filled day.

>> No.12953376

For the most part yes. Depends on how autismo you want to go as well.
>does it need to reach 9 bars
>do you need a steam wond
>do you need open bottom
>do you need overly precise extraction control
>money for matinance
For me it's a moka pot. Although when I don't have to worry about money, I want a Flair.

>> No.12953602

Buy a scratch and dent flair, get the pressure gauge, or wait for the new revision that takes the cheap machine and gives them the upgraded brew head. Start with that + a top tier hand grinder and you're set for years to come. Your next upgrade will be for convenience, not for taste. You've only got to worry about replacing cheap orings every once in a while, not sourcing the right flare seals.

>> No.12953952

I know this bait but this really steams my clams. The fallacy is an unjustifiable appeal to authority, ie the authority doesn't actually know shit about the subject eg celebrities and politics. If a person is an expert on a subject then obviously you would value his or her opinion on it.

>> No.12953959
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Who else has pumpkin spice on the ready??

>> No.12953988

gween tea?

>> No.12954029

what's whipped sugar?

>> No.12954748

As a coffee drinker I can confirm

>> No.12954757

I saw a calorie free version of the syrup when at homegoods or some shit a few weeks ago. Had to stop myself. Why can't I be a real man like my Dad.

>> No.12954789
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All creme'd out.

>> No.12954827
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Usually 2 of these a day, sometimes 3

>> No.12955495


>> No.12955755

It's pretty good. Usually pick it up at my local aldi's if im shopping for the mornings im busy with. not the best but it tastes good for what it's worth.

>> No.12956908


>> No.12956923

Kek femoid hands

>> No.12956932

Having a coffee

>> No.12956933
File: 329 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-09-22-09-53-08_compress98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this cause it was on sale and I'm just going to put it in the basic bitch drip machine. As soon as October hits though, I'm making many pumpkin spice puree that I add to coffee, yogurt, and tea. It's a """healthy""" way to add pumpkin flavor to stuff. Not as potent as syrup but it works.
I'm probably using that word wrong. I think whipping something means your getting air into it. You just want to stir the sugar vigorously sneed beat it like it owes you money. It did come out very light brown and be viscous.

>> No.12956980

Those aren't my hands retard it's a Google image

>> No.12957005

I like my perc. It makes a pretty muddy cuppa but that's how my late grandad always had it and it reminds me of him.

>> No.12957020

My wife got home from work at Starbucks at midnight last night and managed to bring me a venti nitro cold brew. Had it this morning. It was okay. Can't argue with free drinks, grounds, and pastries.

>> No.12957052

For me it's nescafe Instant.

>> No.12957060

You force your wife to work a min wage job until midnight, shame on you.

>> No.12957085


Nah, I don't force shit. She's home with the kid by day; I'm there by night, and she goes to work for extra money for whatever the fuck. If she wants to quit she will, but until then, I'll enjoy lots of free stuff. Though they hired her as manager because they need someone to, among other things, quit overordering, so the free stuff is going to stop when she does her job right. Damn shame.

>> No.12957124
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Can someone recommend me a good drip coffee maker?

I've been using a pour over method for the last few years, but now I think it'd be nice to wake up to already made coffee in the morning.

>> No.12957149

based basic bitch drip machine.

>> No.12957217

No. But I bought a bag of the fall blend starbucks coffee because it tastes decent.

>> No.12957268

You call buy "drip" machines that make automated pour over with bloom and stuff. Going to cost more than mr coffee but are reasonable.

>> No.12957409
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Here in Italy I've seen people do something very similar, but they only mix the first drops of coffee with the sugar to make the cream and than add the rest of it in the cup. I never do this because of the hassle but maybe you can speed things up with someting like this.

>> No.12957424

I doubt think so. Much to thick. It teaches less than a minute to do anyways.

>> No.12957436 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 2000x2000, EC24E401-5631-4042-BF47-2C4230F89D61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lefty sheep following their talking heads detected. So sad your low iq lefty brain can’t see that you literally just said why it’s a fallacy, it’s not the authority that matters it’s knowing what they are talking about, hence appealing to authority is pointless. I don’t know why I bother explaining it to you, I’ve long since come to the understanding that lefties aren’t retarded for being lefties, they’re retarded so they are lefties.

>> No.12957487

You're probably right about the thickness, but I think it also depends on how much sugar you add. You're totally right about the time it takes though, still not worth the effort for me. Anyway I'll try to make one as the post described right now, although with less sugar.

>> No.12957513

Trump needs to hurry up and gas all leftists.

>> No.12957593

Make sure the sugar ratio is 4tsp sugar, 1tsp coffee. If it doesn't come out light color and thicc add a bit more sugar. I uasally only end up using half of the yield though.

>> No.12957601

I remember having to explain to my npc friend that credibility is an ego thing and not essential to the process

>> No.12957751

Ok, I tried using your ratio (I assume you swapped sugar and coffee!) and the texture and taste were pretty nice, and surprisingly different from the "control cup". By itself it's too sweet for me, but I'd like it on top of an unsweetened coffee.

>> No.12957765

Why are you even talking about leftists on a conversation about coffee and scientific research? You sound schizophrenic.

>> No.12957824

Love coffee.
Did anyone of you tried to the purchase coffee with cryptocurrency?

>> No.12957911

I have a breville BES870XL I got for $300 and it's the tits. Grinder it comes with is good enough, it reaches proper pressure, and the steam wand works just fine. Single boiler, so you can't steam and brew at the same time but whatever it's cheap.

I got an espresso addiction from my first trip to Italy years ago and the breville manages to feed it 3x a day without any issues. Only maintenance is occasional descaling/cleaning with cheap cafiza tablets and filter replacement.

>> No.12957937

I always feel strange discussing coffee with coffeefags because I don't know what the fuck they're ever on about. I just drink coffee.

>> No.12957940

Anyone else enjoy the smell of your pee after drinking coffee?

>> No.12957944

>lefty gets called out on appeal to authority fallacy
>has to fall back on ad hominem fallacy

>> No.12957995

Wow, you're so quirky and sarcastic. Truly one of a kind.

>> No.12958490

this is how I drink it

>> No.12959142

>still ranting about leftists in a coffee conversation wherewhere nobody had said anything political whatsoever like a lunatic
Seriously, see a shrink.

>> No.12960475

I remember drinking Nicaraguan coffee to support the Sandinista revolution.

>> No.12960786

>A jewniversity says drinking coffee is good for you
Anon, I...

>> No.12960815


Lol I bought some Honduran single estate the day before this popped up on my phone. Whoops.

>> No.12961784


>> No.12961811

If you like that, you should taste it!

>> No.12962222


>> No.12962224

Drinking coffee

>> No.12962253

Yes. Fuck coffee

>> No.12962298

no, it means what it says. You post a 4 word statement from an "I fucking love science" tier instagram image with no further evidence or reasoning and expect us to accept it as fact. You are expecting us to accept the claim solely on the author's merit and that is appeal to authority in its purest form.

>> No.12962318

I like the bottle shape it looks like it would fit well in a butt

>> No.12963047
File: 248 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-09-23-14-06-47_compress43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bustelo+honey+cardamon+vanilla extract+rosewater+half&half=kino

>> No.12963114

morning lad. french press has been in the fridge for 13 hours. comfy.

>> No.12963148


>> No.12963741
File: 17 KB, 425x425, 71EO05eKGdL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ratio do you use for an espro press? I've heard 13 but that sounds crazy for just a 250g cup of coffee.

>> No.12963826
File: 65 KB, 510x680, antifa final boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12963832

Not saying they shouldn't both be allowed, but alckygen just degenerated into /r9k/ shit anyways, so there is a difference.