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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, 1568765729074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12938834 No.12938834 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12938860

I wash my chicken with soap before cooking

>> No.12938865

Forgive me father for I have sinned.
I put pineapples on my pizza and liked it.

>> No.12938892

I work in a famous fast food place in America and never wash my hands

>> No.12938903

I fucked on the countertop and didnt wash after and immediately made dinner after

>> No.12938916

ive got a habit of pissing in girls sinks when i fuck them at their house, like before i leave to go home i have to piss in their sink, i think its a territory marking thing

>> No.12938930

I paid $7.50/lb for brussels sprouts last night.

>> No.12938944
File: 37 KB, 650x620, FA3EC79C-BEDF-42D9-B1B3-F4FD75C7A9B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that so fucking funny to think about?

>> No.12938960

pls tell me what chain

>eating raw ramen

>> No.12939012

I cut into my freshly roasted beef without letting it sit first.

>> No.12939014

I love soylent

>> No.12939075

I could afford to eat better, but eating shitty poor man meals gives me good feels from growing up poor

>> No.12939210

Why do you need to know the chain? It happens at every chain and every location. But you already knew that, didn't you?

>> No.12940235

I enjoy eating frozen beans

>> No.12940274

I ate Milka today.

>> No.12940283
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I bought creme fraiche from Publix instead of making my own.
How badly did I fuck up, lads

>> No.12940298

I actually prefer instant coffee

>> No.12940300
File: 1.01 MB, 960x720, 1565925219038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like tomatoes but I grow them every year in my garden.
Why do I subject myself to this?

>> No.12940706
File: 69 KB, 1124x648, D-bOoVZU8AAIqKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat at a restaurant every weekend with my mommy and I'm 25

>> No.12940731

I was ordering for a party and they actually suggested pineapple. I was like what the fuck is wrong with you. So I have to ask you the same thing.

>> No.12940977

Forgive me father, it's been forty meals since my last confession. I keep all my taco Bell sauce Packers and squirt them back into the chalula.

>> No.12941272
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It's good to see a fellow instant bro. Brewing coffee is too much work

>> No.12941278

I put cocktail weenies and french fries on pizza and then drown it in hotsauce and Kraft parm

>> No.12941280

Pizza is salty
pineapple is sweet
sweet and salty go together

>> No.12941288
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I masterbate to Reviewbrah videos.

>> No.12941290

I keep buying frozen pizzas and I never ever enjoy them.

>> No.12941293

Microwave popcorn is better than movie theatre popcorn or any other popcorn for that matter

>> No.12941294

With any luck, our new Typhoid Mary has arisen. Praise jeebus.

>> No.12941298
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>> No.12941300

Based popcorn lung retard. Stove popped is king. Air popped is second.

>> No.12941303
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1378354189779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made dinner tonight. A new dish I have been wanting to try. My mom loved it and said we should make it again sometime, but I hated it.

>> No.12941310

I like the occasional jelly + butter sandwich

>> No.12941315

And? What was it?

Post a pic of ur mom btw

>> No.12941316
File: 185 KB, 1200x908, 1551679309511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mommy just enjoyed spending time with you. You can make something else and she'll still be happy <3

>> No.12941325

Is Dad out of the picture?

>> No.12941352
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i buy things i dont know how to cook and look at recipes when i get home

>> No.12941356

He went missing in 1999.

>> No.12941358
File: 52 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i microwaved french fries
>then fucked them
>burned my dick
>worth it

>> No.12941407
File: 53 KB, 576x576, ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid, I would heat up a can of ravioli, and eat it by scooping it out of the bowl with potato chips.

I prefer my poultry to be overcooked and dry.

Yesterday, I ate tacos with american cheese.

>> No.12941516
File: 1.98 MB, 400x170, CA869486-6737-4C93-A90C-10A31D1D3DB0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravioli in a tin only ever makes me think of this.

>> No.12941531

Is that La Dyke Nikita?

>> No.12941541

Indeed. I don’t usually rate French films but that was just a masterpiece of action. The ravioli scene is probably my all time favourite food scene in a film.

>> No.12941543

Haven't seen it in like 20 years. Remember liking it but thinking Luc Besson had weird shit going with women.

>> No.12941552

Probably. French innit. It would be weird for him not to.

>> No.12941556
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I've eaten 6 plain chicken patties a day for the last 7 months and nothing else. I'm not kidding.

>> No.12941567

Yeah well he also made Leon and The Fifth Element and married Milla Jovovich when she was a teenager.

>> No.12941572

Yeah, he’s a dodgy fuck.

>> No.12941694

I eat frozen southern style chicken bites from sam's club

>> No.12941710

The fifth element suddenly makes a lot more sense if the chick was being played by a teenager

>> No.12941754

why would you even be on this board if that were true

>> No.12941762

Oh no. I lied. The Fifth Element is from 97 and thats also when they married. She was born in 1975.

>> No.12941900
File: 59 KB, 640x453, 1528760660510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't cook at all. Everything I make comes out terrible even if I measure everything exactly. Videos don't seem to help much. I only come here so I can lie to myself that I'm learning.

>> No.12941909


Did she have a bald pussy in The Blue Lagoon? That was after the shaved revolution.

>> No.12941920

Blue Lagoon is Brooke Shields.

>> No.12941961


Sorry it was Blue Lagoon 2..


>> No.12941975

Wow. I’m stunned they made a sequel.

>> No.12941987

I do this sporadically usually drunk and I think you explained why

>> No.12941991

When I see pregnant women especially Jewish women I imagine myself as the fetus surrounded by their warmth and love. It's quiet inside only my father's voice gently rumbling through the liquid of her womb and her heart beat can be heard

>> No.12941997

Do you ever spit in people's drinks when they are out of the room?

>> No.12942004

me too buddy. my idea of food refinement is going from maruchun ramen to shin black, fake cheese slices to real ones and culvers instead of mconald's. my new money sticks out like a sore thumb

>> No.12942005


human honumculus do this. They're creatures.

>> No.12942016

Just fucking weird, man. Have a word with yourself.

>> No.12942023

Beautiful. Literally crying and wishing I could go back to my mother's womb

>> No.12942075

Every day for over six months now I eat the same thing, except for Friday.

>wake up 8am, small coffee, no breakfast
>go to work, lunch at ~2pm
>large serving of lentils with a few chopped up vegetables and a bit of chicken mixed in
>water to drink
>get home ~6pm
>two sandwiches comprising of the four obvious slices of bread, a can of tuna and two tablespoons of mayo, water to drink
>an apple and a piece of cheese, water to drink a bit before bed

That's it. Friday, I have literally anything instead of tuna sandwiches. I do mean anything. Like a few weeks ago, I just ate a whole boston cream cake. Last Friday, I had 2lbs of chicken strips. This Friday I might just get some kinda burger and fries.

I just don't know anymore.

>> No.12942248

but also, how?

>> No.12942258

I can't get turned on by womenz who chew their fingernails...

bless me op, I repent

>> No.12942264

How much do you weigh

>> No.12942272

>I can't get turned on by womenz who chew their fingernails...
imagine they're nibbling at your dick

>> No.12942396
File: 100 KB, 310x332, 1566613591552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at costco today to buy some 40kg bags of sugar. I was so hungry I decided to go to the costco food court to get some pepperoni pizza. Usually, I would take a paper cup in the trashbin for free soda refills. At the line-up, there was a black lady who dropped two of her chicken wings out of her tray. One lying on the floor and the other in between the cashier machine and the window. After getting my slice of pizza. I ended up take those two pieces of chicken off the floor and ate them along with my pizza slice. Those chicken wings were so good. I only paid 2 dollars and 70 cents for my entire meal.

I've been actively eating food discarded in food courts and trashbins to avoid spending any money since July. I don't know how I could face myself infront of my friends and family.

>> No.12942407
File: 151 KB, 800x800, 34833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my few guilty pleasures in life

>> No.12942408

Why are you buying the sugar?

>> No.12942419

>Imagine being this fucking cheap that you couldn't even buy a $.80 cup or better get yourself a metal cup because theres no camera or even employees around the fountain drinks

>> No.12942433

I don’t know how seriously to take this. My sides have currently left me to make their way round the block, though.

>> No.12942436


Its the only cheapest place I could find to source sugar. Other trading companies I've met are way over-priced. I need it to for work.

>> No.12942441

honestly fucking hilarious either way and 90% the reason why i come here is how fucking blurry the line between reality and shitpost is

you dont get that kind of subtlety on ANY other board on 4chan. thats how you can tell people here bake

>> No.12942461

I know. I read it, laughed, saved it straight into my folder of epic caps, and quietly mouthed to the universe again: “god, 4chan I fucking love you”.

Awesome fraternity of fucking nuts.

>> No.12942466

im literally sitting on the shitter and grinning like the fucking joker because i know you're ribbing me and i fucking love it. unless...?

>> No.12942476

He has an indirect point. Sluts that grow their nails and know how to use them to dig at your balls while eating down as much of your dick as they can choke down is about as good as it gets

>> No.12942481

Nope. Deadly serious. That kind of post is precisely why 4chan will live forever. Sheer perfection.

>> No.12942492
File: 31 KB, 425x534, 81ZvXbAgAOL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like through our correspondance sir we are encapsulating the very values we are applauding.


>> No.12942506

Roughly how much money do you think you've saved?
Or are you just poor so can't really count how much has been saved

>> No.12942594


I do keep track of what I spend since then. I use a mobile phone app to record what I spend and what I earn. I've only saved a few hundred dollars since july. But cutting down all my outgoing spending to a grinding halt since has been a very difficult but warping experience. I don't regret what I do.

>> No.12942609

The fuck kind of work do you do that you’re cutting back so much but have only saved a few hundred dollars?

>> No.12942935


>> No.12942959

I always bake with milk chocolate.

>> No.12942960

Can anybody explain why this person >>12942396 would be buying bulk sugar for some kind of work that pays them very little?

I can’t work this out. Any ideas?

>> No.12943276

200lbs (6ft tall), haven't changed a pound in ~8 years.

>> No.12944602

I don't tip black waitresses.

>> No.12944608

I piss in the kitchen sink when I'm cooking by myself.

>> No.12944689


treat yourself to a pubsub for me

>> No.12944774

I will eat damn near anything. Including from the trash. I was a hobo and it changed my relationship with food from snobby to simply hungry.

>> No.12945347

>use pre grated cheese
>use stock powder

>> No.12945417

I went to a restaurant only ordered a glass of orange juice and didnt tip for my oj


>> No.12945419

i needs it

>> No.12945609

Tourist here.
What is wrong with pineapples on pizza?
I remember seeing that Ramsey guy disliking it very much.
But why?
I like it.
I also like bananas on pizza.

>> No.12945617

I also don’t understand the pineapple hate. Sweet pineapple on a salty pizza with ham and pepperoni etc actually helps the flavour.

>> No.12945637

I rarely wash produce
I cook for others as often as possible

>> No.12945675

using a wetwipe covers washing your hands

>> No.12945681

in Canada?

>> No.12945686

reddit pls go

>> No.12945701

insanely based

>> No.12945704

i paid $12 for a margarita at a restaurant when i could've made a better one at home for about $.50

>> No.12945725

I always bake with chocolate milk

>> No.12945734

based and salmonellapilled

>> No.12945737

I rarely post videos on /ck/. I must share this video because it's very satisfying to watch.


>> No.12945782

I went to a strip club the other night and got drunk as hell, got an HJ, stopped at a gas station on the way home and got some nachos, then I said "I needs it" like >>12945419 and went to Whataburger for a large onion rings, triple meat/triple cheese whataburger and some spicy ketchup. Heck of a Tuesday night. No ragrets

>> No.12945860

i also pee in every sink i can if I'm able to

>> No.12945883
File: 1.03 MB, 4781x2689, cj9pqhda88401[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just needs it

>> No.12946950

I don't actually cook, but i give other people advice on how to.

>> No.12947027




keep trying

>> No.12947141

I got bamboozled into paying 25$ for the worlds most mediocre mexican food while living in Japan because a friend was feeling homesick and wanted something familiar. The only upside was we found a place close by that was selling some good german beer for not meme tier prices and I bought a six pack and got drunk to numb the pain of a very mediocre dinner experience.

>> No.12947144

My stovetop has a bunch of spatter from browning beef for a stew I made and I still haven't cleaned it up.

>> No.12947148
File: 130 KB, 995x500, 270pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i confess that i love Stouffers make and cheese.

i dont eat a lot of frozen meals. but especially after drinking. i add shredded cheddar and panko to the top after cooking for 25 minutes. its better than most mac and cheeses you will get at higher end resturaunts

>> No.12947157

I disagree about it matching against high-end restaurant mac and cheese, but it's pretty good.

>> No.12947159
File: 20 KB, 400x225, 784361-Doug-Stanhope-Quote-Shouldn-t-the-long-term-goal-of-any-society-be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats okay that you disagree anon.

ive been let down by so many sides at especially higher end bbq places. whats the deal with having amazing amoked meats but having bland horrible sides that only have textures, no flavor

>> No.12947160

the swiss chocolate brand? what's wrong with it?

>> No.12947467

I add an egg to my burgers
Somtimes i use metal tools on my nonstick pan, even tho i know i shouldnt

forgive me Father, but ill keep on doing my thing

>> No.12947472

Are governments good if a government wouldn’t need to exist in a good world?

Before rallying behind politicians like we do today we should remind ourselves that all politicians want people to be miserable, otherwise they’d be out of the job.

>> No.12947512
File: 5 KB, 259x195, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm try eggs n butter on pork chops

>> No.12947539

Who asked this bozo for his opinion?

>> No.12947565

Eh it's ok

>> No.12947570


>> No.12947575

Do they have Costcos in Finland?

>> No.12947602

I used to make kilju. I'm American.

>> No.12947606

So was it your ‘work’? Could you make a living out of it?

>> No.12947617

doctors want you to be sick, if doctors made you better they'd be out of a job!

>> No.12948478

I think that's called abandonment.

>> No.12948748

bros i don't even warm it up or add ice, just at room temperature with 30ml of... soymilk
it tastes like liquid dark chocolate why is it so good

>> No.12949643


My work is with a family food business. The reason why I'm doing this sort of practice is to pay off a mortgage in the shortest amount of time. That day one of those splurges where I couldn't contain myself.

>> No.12949660

You know hotels won’t stop you from taking free breakfast right?

>> No.12949665

Ok, thanks. I was initially really amused by that post then I felt bad then I was really worried about you that you could only save a few hundred dollars but basically not be able to eat. Hope whatever money you are making is going to the mortgage anyway.

>> No.12949674

Do you really like tuna sandwiches or something?

>> No.12949677

You should be amused, I’d feel robbed if I spent 2.71 on a single meal, that nigger is only larping as poor.

>> No.12949716
File: 509 KB, 588x588, wolfeatingbanana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who grew up dirt poor, I somehow respect this oddly enough.

I'm with a chick who grew up Nice middle class and so have had to curb my hobo tier habits a bit so I don't scare her off...

ngl there's something about being a total frugal that ideologically gets me off.

But that tends to freak normies out so here I am.

>> No.12949729

>respecting paying for 5 meals to get a slice of pizza and eating a niggers food off the ground
This guy is also larping as poor

>> No.12949758
File: 565 KB, 1181x1113, warhammerdeathguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents once bought something and accidentally fucked up the budget for the week and we didn't have food for like 3 days so Yeah... my 12 year old was totally LARPing as being poor I guess.

Thanks senpai I've truly seen the error of my ways.

>> No.12949771

Many people who are poor could be well off if they weren’t larping.

>> No.12949778

They're ok I guess, my diet has gone through a process that's a bit like natural selection, but instead of life forms reproducing, it's what food follows certain criteria, in no particular order, like

>nutritional value
>preparation time
>ingestion time
>cleanup time
>storage life/ease of storage
>shelf life
>requires utensils or not
>can it be eaten as leftover or is it only edible immediately after preparation

This process is constantly ongoing, through the years I've eaten lots of monotonous diets like rice and chili or chicken and broccoli and there's always something that ends up making me change it. Finally I seem to have naturally stabilized with these meals, unless I find foods that work better for me I don't think I'll change stuff. Honestly I usually get questions not about the tuna sandwiches but about the lentils that comprise nearly half my caloric intake.

>> No.12949780

Btw just looked it up and wic has existed for like 50 years now your parents had no excuse not to feed you and you should be mad

>> No.12949791

> there's something about being a total frugal that ideologically gets me off.

I agree with this. It puts you in total control of your life and self.

>> No.12949874

i believe you misunderstood since he didn't phrase it perfectly clearly. he meant in addition to eating discarded niggerfood, the scavenger is also acting as if he's truly poor, which someone spending $2.70 on a meal probably isn't.

if you're truly poor rice-beans-eggs mode then $2.70 on a single meal is stupidly decadent

>> No.12949889

If you read that post, it seems very obvious he’s been going without food or has had very little food, and was suddenly overwhelmed with hunger.

>> No.12949978

I rather use prepackaged curry sauce mixes than take the hour it takes to prepare everything ingredient by ingredient. It's just easier.

>> No.12949994

I don't even like eating. All these fancy expensive ingredients and techniques and you get...food

Wow its food

My artisinal 72 hour slow rise triple fermented apple cinnamon bread made with authentic hand ground spices and imported juju flour from the Guatemalan temples


Cinnamon Loaf $1.29

Same shit

>> No.12950115


Yes, there is something very alluring about being frugal. When you get into that mindset, if does narrow your mind to a certain thinking. But at the same time, it enables you to think on the spot, do things you normally wouldn't do, plus the feeling of getting dirty is somewhat liberating. I don't know how or what you will do of you decide to marry or continue that relationship with your girl. But once your frugal ways show you, it'll be a matter of a deal maker or breaker.

>> No.12950262

I'm a lifelong Democrat, but I will never vote for them again because of their crazy anti-beef agenda. Fuck that retard swedish girl and fuck climate cultists. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1174748818988052480

>> No.12950427

Never ate shit off the floor but I was at work and the vending machine company was tossing everything from the previous week into the trash. It was monday, so nothing too crazy. Me and a co-worker looked at each other, grabbed a couple trash bags from our office supplies and grabbed a bunch of bogo.

The vending machine guy was FURIOUS later. Even though he didn't catch us. We overheard him demanding to know if his subordinate had seen or heard anything. The subordinate was cool with us and didn't sell us out. He told us this dude's shitfit was because 'If they get stuff for free they won't buy stuff later!'

Now the machines are emptied and the items to be discarded are taken to secure areas.

>> No.12950436

That’s funny because I’m an antibeef right wing extremist .

>> No.12950448

> He told us this dude's shitfit was because 'If they get stuff for free they won't buy stuff later!'
That’s actually why they do it, yeah. Taking it also constitutes theft unless you have specific local ordinance or statute that says otherwise.

>> No.12950449

Stop doing this to yourself sweet heart

>> No.12950456
File: 429 KB, 600x844, Sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I /nightwalk/ and sometimes feel like getting fast food at stupidly late hours, but I live in a small town so everything closes at 11:00 unless you go through the drive-thru, which I don't want to do. They stopped letting people walk up to the window a while back, so now I get gas station food. Like, the bottom tier stuff. A tuna salad or ham and cheese sandwich, a salad (which I put onto the sandwich,) a bag of chips, and a vitamin water are my go-to. I've never gotten used to it and I always go to bed with a stomachache, but I still do it even though it doesn't even taste good.

>> No.12950478

Did you grow up with strict parenting?

>> No.12950483

love living in nyc. Right now I'm considering going to my crown fried chicken and getting a burger

>> No.12950484

No, I wouldn't say it was especially strict or permissive.

>> No.12950493

Interesting. It seems an unusual activity.

>> No.12950500

Go get it anon. The one thing I'm jealous of urbanites for is the 24 hour dining. My cousins in Mineola are as nocturnal as I am and it's never boring to go see them. Still I like it here to actually live. Peace, quiet, and everyone being white is too good to pass up.

>> No.12951553

I pour soy sauce and splash loads of yellow mustard on drained salt water tuna then eat it straight out of the can. I usually eat 4 cans a day

>> No.12951604

I've got nothing to confess. I've never done anything wrong or controversial

>> No.12951623

Owned by kraft now

>> No.12951648


>> No.12951795
File: 83 KB, 480x287, 1556407275834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12951840

when I was a serve I ate all types of half eaten food

>> No.12952006

The military is responsible for 80% of the government's emissions. Should we deconstruct the military-industrial complex thus breaking the endless cycle of war and human suffering? Fuck it, just get the proles on insect protein powder. It's rather galling.

>> No.12952018

Or we could eliminate minorities and have no problems

>> No.12952022

Is that a predictor of late night excursions to get fast food? Explains a lot of it is.

>> No.12952038

I ate a steak that I left on my coffee table for 3 days. I made it when I 2ws drunk and guess I lost my appetite, went out of town for the next 2 days, came home. Saw it there. Ate it. It was cooked rare. No regrets

>> No.12952044

I did this once and got caught. The bitch went OFF on me.

>> No.12952128
File: 23 KB, 329x322, dogoloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As another late owl in a town that shuts down lemme toss a suggestion to you. Depends on how tired you are.

Take those quickie mart burgers. You know the ones you microwave and you could kill somebody by throwing the bun at their face?

Try and find a 'good' one that doesn't look too shitty and then go to a store and buy an onion. Usually there are at least some stores that keep late hours.

So you got your burger and onion. Take the burger and de-construct it and then cut the onion up. Next step is where you heat up a skillet with some butter. Get the onions in there and caramelize them. Then take those off and slap the buns down to toast them. Take the buns and put them with the onions. Now for this part you are going to take the meat patty with the cheese taken off of it and slap it in the pan to warm it up and maybe even get a bit of sear on it. Then as far as the cheese if the cheese is sad either discard it and add your own cheese or add cheese on top of it. Then if you want you can do that trick where you quickly flip the patty cheese side down and flip it rightside up again to get the cheese melty. So then have whatever condiments you wanna add applied and you got yourself a burger. You can not only make those quickie mart burgers edible you can make them edge out fast food burgers. The key is to keep the microwave out of the whole process.

>> No.12953344

what the fuck is umami

>> No.12954116


>> No.12954274

I haven't been able to light the coals/grill the last 3 times.
I think I'm impotent..
I completely get why guys used to beat their wives over impotency now. Holy fuck. Help

>> No.12954289

Are you using a chimney?
I had some trouble the first few times. I put some vegetable oil on the newspaper before I light it now and it works every time. Makes the paper burn a bit slower. Alternatively you can get some wax starters that just work 100% of the time

>> No.12955212

I have never had a big mac or a whopper.

>> No.12955244

This is a good thing.

>> No.12955262

I call pizza "pizza"

>> No.12955270

Stouffers actually has some halfway decent microwave dinners. Probably my choice brand of pot pies

>> No.12955278

I just used a sauce that has HFCS in my fried rice but it was good

>> No.12955287

I need to stop drinking guys, I have this problem where I drink then pass out and for some reason now I'll wake up in my bathroom all the time with my roommate knocking on the bathroom door. He's a good little boy scout and doesn't partake in drinking or drugs so he's just constantly irritated by my alcoholism. It doesn't help that I'm pretty sure he's an incel and I semi-regularly(like about once per month) bring girls back to our apartment to fug and he's really repressed or something idk. I just suffered through some pretty serious alcohol withdrawals so I'm going to try and cut back on the drinking like I said I would but now I gotta meal prep tomorrow while on the tail end of withdrawals and I'm gonna have to awkwardly face my roommate

>> No.12955289

I live in a cheap hovel where I am not allowed to have my own refrigerator or use the kitchen, so instead I eat out once a day or I eat at work. I have no idea on how to eat healthy but I've been losing weight just eating one meal a day, but I wish I knew where to find healthy food to eat on the go because the stuff I'm eating isn't good for me.

>> No.12955308

Why not spit roast one to promote goodwill?

>> No.12955311

I've considered that, I'm not sure if he'd be into it but I might give it a try just for a good roommate bonding experience. It's only gay if the balls touch

>> No.12955320

Even if the balls touch I'd rather keep drinking.

>> No.12955356

I like the red hot chili peppers

>> No.12955385

what kind of a cheap hovel are you in where you have no access to a kitchen or fridge? Are you in some poor college's dorm?

>> No.12955429
File: 65 KB, 629x540, 1549987233663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have nonverbal autistic brother
>he hates mayo
>has screeching fit if even a little ends up on something he gets
>throws it out of the fridge if noone is watching because he hates it so much
>get sick of his shit
>one night take mayo jar into his room while folks are sleeping
>shove it in his face
>pour it in his hair
>gag him with spoonfulls of it
>drag him to shower to hide the evidence
>doesnt have enough language to tell on me
now he shuts up at least, he learned his lesson

>> No.12955525

Why the fuck?

>> No.12955567

i dont think im a good person.

>> No.12955769

Not thinking you're a good person is a good first step to becoming a good person. Now do you merely believe you lack moral agency, or do you actively behave evil, ie you think your existence exhibits more inherent worth than others' existence? If the former you still have hope to grow up! If the latter then fuck you, sociopath!

>> No.12955996

a friend told me recently he's decided to be an asshole for no reason like yelling at customer service and spitting in the drinks of people he dislikes. is there any hope for him?

>> No.12956004

black tea best tea?

>> No.12956016

that's some full metal jacket shit right there

>> No.12956109

I'm too lazy to actually cook, despite larping online and irl about my insane skillz. My diet is 50% chocolate milk and 50% rice.

>> No.12956154

Sometimes I make bad arguments that I disagree with on /ck/ but end up agreeing with them because the people who take the bait argue against them so badly.

>> No.12956164
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x3024, 500A2899-DBDC-4106-A308-EA943FD5FA47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if it is, it just seems to make sense. If you’re kind of late teens, early 20s it suggests you’re exploring on your own terms. But it could be the other way, too. Not that that defeats the theory - I should imagine most independence-based behaviour can manifest the same way as a result of two seemingly disparate parenting styles but that are essentially negative. So, for instance, a hypothetical guy who bums around for a while because his father was a repressive, overly strict type, wouldn’t be that different in his behaviour from a guy who bums around because his dismissive, uncaring mother made him live in the garage as a kid.

Dunno. Just find it interesting. I also don’t think it’s bad behaviour. It could just be being what we used to call a ‘night owl’ in a time when people could just be different without anyone thinking there’s something ‘wrong’ with them. The only reason it piqued my interest is because I’m that way (a ‘night owl’) and way prefer night to day; but I don’t wander. It’s that that I find interesting. Only time I’ve ever wandered is when going to new cities, etc. And that is definitely a type of independence-motivated behaviour in my own experience.

So yeah, it’s just interesting to think about.

>> No.12956175

I HATE cooking. It's shit. I feel like im "above" cooking and cleaning. In between girlfriends, I mostly eat out and get frozen food.
I dont even do this and I am a pretty big scumbag. You should live with some family members. That isnt normal to think that. I say that as I have fucked mom/daughters in the same day. That's more normal than pissing on things. Do more drugs I guess.

>> No.12956180

I piss in my own sink because sometimes it's easier. There's nothing wrong with it. Piss is benign.

>> No.12956184

god is not real and you are a paedophile

>> No.12956187

pretty chad post

>> No.12956220

Im really normal. I just hate cooking and genuinely think women should do it. The women I see thankfully like cooking. Thank god. If not for them, i'd have to eat out constantly. They mostly make rice and pasta based dishes, because that's what I have in there I guess. How can I enjoy cooking and also cleaning strainers, pots and plates and shit? Serious question, is there something that makes you like cleaning stuff? Dont you HATE that?

>> No.12956224

/r9k/ pls go