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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12938700 No.12938700 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop drinking 20 cans of diet soda per day?

>> No.12938704

Huge amount of base ash in her hair colour. Quite unusual.

>> No.12938706

Anon you are a pedo. Take care of that first.

>> No.12938727

her hair is nice

>> No.12938732

Please stay on topic.

>> No.12938733


>> No.12938734

Stop buying soda. Wa la.

>> No.12938735

You fell to one of the classic blunders, posting an image more interesting than the OP.

>> No.12938740

That's clearly a girl anon, do you need your eyes checked?
Who cares if she's even trans anyways? She's feminine and really cute so what does it matter?

>> No.12938747

Drink 20 cans of beer a day

>> No.12938765

Who gives a shit about your stupid fucking question the thread is about the girl now.

>> No.12938766

Make me.

>> No.12938767

When I started reading the nutrition labels I stop buying soda as often, some brands go as high as 60% of your daily calories in a single bottle
Having a jug of lemon-infused water or tea (all homemade and no sugar) available is also handy, it even helps you eat less as you develop the habit of drinking water and you feel full faster

>> No.12938771

Please stay on topic.

>> No.12938822

what do you drink, pepsi/coke? it might be caffeine. substitute or cut it

>> No.12938901

Trans girls are gross

>> No.12938911

Please stop using pedo bait to get replies.

>> No.12938933

I used to drink 2 litres of diet Pepsi a day. I think it's the aspartame or something because I really felt addicted to it in the sense that I would have strong cravings for it. It took some discipline to stop, desu

>> No.12938943

Try smoking cigarettes. Every time you start craving a wee bit of soda, go outside and light up a fag.

>> No.12938952

Trans girls (at least the ones that aren't hons) are precious and deserved to be loved, like all girls.

>> No.12938964

how is this even possible. am genuinely curious as to what draws u in to drink 20 cans a day-- doesn't even taste as good as non-diet

>> No.12938974

I made the switch off soda, by drinking clear sodas for a while. Sprite, ginger ale, etc. Then I started drinking lemon-lime sparkling water. After that, I started just drinking normal water with lemons or fruit in it. Then, I just started drinking plain water. It happened over the course of a year, I think. I love it now, but there was a time when I hated drinking water. It was a chore. It's strange to look back and wonder why I was in the head space.

>> No.12939007

Just stop it


>> No.12939015

What fucking soda has 1200 calories in a bottle? Are you talking 2-liter bottles? If you drink an entire one of those in a day that's why you're fat

>> No.12939018

Agree, any girl that does anal deserves a ring around her finger.

>> No.12939030

That's why my dad married my mom.

>> No.12939036

Refill the cans with water. Switch to like seltzer cans or something. Start sucking dick or smoking cigarettes.

>> No.12939046

btw this is the greatest motivational video in the world

>> No.12939054

Love my trans gf. She keeps me strong and healthy with all her great cooking. Nothing better than a hot meal soon as I get home and a night of cuddling with the future wife.

>> No.12939056

Drinking more water usually makes me more hungry throughout the day. Probably cuz metabolism.

>> No.12939064

Die from diabetes-related complications.

>> No.12939156


>> No.12939165

there’s one at my work who actually does look like a girl and I always call her my bro and i can tell it hurts her feelings but she doesn’t say anything because she’s terrified of confrontation lmao

>> No.12939194


>> No.12939228

cringe desu

>> No.12939229

Meanie >:(

>> No.12939368
File: 163 KB, 612x612, 1549730580107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally stop drinking 20 cans of diet soda per day

thats it, youre done you did it champ

>> No.12939422

How. Do. I. Stop. Lusting. For. Young. Cute. Girls.

>> No.12939516

would be a good cautionary banner

>> No.12939526

Drink seltzer or un sweet iced tea

>> No.12939534

Start drinking 30 mugs of tea and coffee per day.

>> No.12939537

Have sex.

>> No.12939563

hi buttbaby

>> No.12939569

My blood sugar stays in the 80s when I drink diet soda, but when I drink regular coke It rises to 90s-110.

>> No.12939594

drink 19

>> No.12939768
File: 56 KB, 843x903, rock-paper-shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dilate tranny

>> No.12939779

so, what you’re saying is, you leaked out of your mom’s ass, giving her both a son AND an infection...nice work

>> No.12939833

Stop buying it

>> No.12939840

The issue is that telling someone to have sex is more accurately going to target an incel.
Dilate is a miss 99% of the time and is essentially the same as a 10 year old covering his ears and screaming "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

>> No.12939895

drink warm water

>> No.12939918

based but

>> No.12939957

Based and redpilled

>> No.12939961

hello young lady,
First does your father know you browse 4chan?
Second, you need to be 18 years old to post here. Kindly leave, thanks.

>> No.12939972

Hey bebe, if you get with me you won't have time to drink 20 diet sodas per day. If you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.12940117
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, C342D3D1-E6B8-4CAD-A6E5-56296AF3A87E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mistake, it was the daily sugar requirement, not caloric

>> No.12940130
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every soda I drink has zero calories
20 a day would just make you piss alot

>> No.12940186

No, it's sugar cravings you fat fuck. Try fasting for a while and it'll go away.

>> No.12940824

you vastly overestimate how many incels actually post here if you think that, or underestimate how many trannys

>> No.12940863

how many different ginas does it take to post an entire vag-gina?

>> No.12941010

This, lemon flavored sparkling water and natural chips made me stop craving sugary stuff, now I feel sick whenever I eat that kind of things.

>> No.12941096


I wish I could give up pepsi max but it's so cheap in comparison to other alternatives.

>> No.12941263

Mix the soda with rum, should theoretically knock you down to 10 cans.

>> No.12941270

>underestimate trannys
>thinking trannys form the majority of ANY population
cringe dot jaypeg

>> No.12941845

25 year old here. My hair is exactly like this, but cut short (number 2 on the sides)

>> No.12941855

At this point the aspartame is probably all that is keeping your brain on, don’t stop

>> No.12941897


The only concern for this thread should be if he/she has a pink or brown anus. That's all that ever matters.

>> No.12942011

Agree, I as a man, love to get shit on my dick.

>> No.12942022

>thinking 4chan is representative of the real world population

Go to \r9k\ and marvel at all the tranny threads.

>> No.12942231


My wife left me because I just kept cramming it in her asshole. I can't blame her.

>> No.12942236

Switch to bottles!

>> No.12942474

Yes, men are precious and deserved to be loved

>> No.12943228

Post feet

>> No.12943239
File: 235 KB, 506x382, 1525120840817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey 4chan, how do i NOT do something???

>> No.12943384

DOTR soon for trannies and fag enablers.

>> No.12943399

The only thing they deserve is to be burned in a pit and then buried alive.

>> No.12943472

>diet coke

>> No.12943642

Based and redpilled