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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12934826 No.12934826 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,
Should one wash raw chicken before cooking it, or should they just cook it straight away without washing?
On one hand, you can't trust your butcher to keep it perfectly clean and not drop it.
On the other hand, you don't want to spray salmonella juice all over your kitchen and cross-contaminate.
So what's the proper procedure? Does the same apply to other kinds of meat?

>> No.12934841 [DELETED] 

yes, if you want flavorless chicken

>> No.12934844

>you don't want to spray salmonella juice all over your kitchen and cross-contaminate
Youll do that anyway when you wash your knives and cutting board. So what's the point of not washing other than enjoying butcher's cum?
If you don't wash you should go directly from package to pan (who does that other than literal retards'?)

>> No.12934858

>If you don't wash you should go directly from package to pan (who does that other than literal retards'?)
People with common sense do that.

>remove raw meat from package
>starts to mess with it
>puts in all sorts of places
>the meat gets new bacteria
>runs literal tap water over it, thinking it does fuck all
>enjoy salmonella poisoning

It should be illegal for Americans to cook. They should be fed on canned food only.

>> No.12934867

Enjoy flavorless shit I guess. But I guess you only eat meme shit like steak every day and don't actually cook, you wouldn't understand

>> No.12934870

Get some chlorine and dunk it in that (only fellow Britlads will get this meme).

>> No.12934874

your comprehension skills are terrible. read it again.

>> No.12934892

You are saying that people with common sense do 'package to pan'. Enjoy flavorless shit I guess. If you tried to imply something else your redacting skills are terrible, try writing in non meme format next time.

>> No.12934898

I forgot that adding seasons to the pan is illegal

>> No.12935311

Who makes a whole chicken in a pan anyway?

Also, I wash my chicken everytime. I then place it either on a clean plate to season or in the (metal) oven cookware I use.
Washing meat isn't about bacteria so much as it is about slime, little pieces of bone and such stuff.

>> No.12935365
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>> No.12935499

How are germs even an issue in a modern household? I've been cooking for myself for years now without ever particularly taking care where I put my meats and reusing cutting boards and knives for everything with just a quick rinse. Never had any issue with food germs.

>> No.12936104

yes wash it with dish soap while youre at it you dumb fag

>> No.12936121

don't be an ass, we all know that you're "oven cookware" is just a fucking pan

>> No.12936163

All you fucking retards must be kidding!? Are you that fucking retarded? You take the chicken out of the package, cut it to your needs and then cook as pleased. The knife and cutting board are cleaned under running water or in a dishwasher, so nothing will spread. The chicken will be sanitized by cooking. How is a normal adult person not able to know basic shit like this?

>> No.12936168

Everyone knows to wash chicken first

>> No.12936201

The real answer (if you’re a cook let plz stop reading now) is to wash it (in a big mixing bowl) then fill the bowl with water and a splash of vinegar (about 1/4-1/2 cup) let it sit for a minute or so, then cook. It makes the chicken incredibly juicy and tender

>> No.12936233

this thread is probably bait, but it's not necessary to wash chicken. even the overly cautious CDC says not to.

for whatever cultural reasons black people tend to wash their chicken, and they are quite loud about it on the internet. any youtube video or tweet about washing chicken will have tons of black people in the comments saying to wash. and then white people saying nah dont be silly.

as an example, check out these replies:


>> No.12936242

lol the comments. do all those morons realize the restaurants they visit don't ever wash chicken?

>> No.12936253

maybe they always let it thaw and fester for a few days in the fridge, sitting in meat slime

>> No.12936254

Not saying your wrong, but why do they still label poultry saying to wash it?

>> No.12936333
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>washing removes bacteria from knives
>won't spread into sink

>> No.12936342

vinegar makes chicken tender? seems like superstition.

>> No.12936386

maybe that's why they don't tip?

>> No.12936448

I just give chicken breasts a quick rinse to get the saline that its sitting in off. Deal with it.

>> No.12936465

the dish soap traps the germs when you rinse the sink and they go down the drain

>> No.12936470

>So what's the point of not washing other than enjoying butcher's cum?

Their butchered and cleaned poorly. You wash them to remove the shit and bits of guts from the carcass.

>> No.12936474

Can't you only get salmonella if the chicken is infected with it? It's not like all chicken has it, yah?

>> No.12936551

Based retard

>> No.12936560

prove otherwise

>> No.12936579

Prove yourself right first

>> No.12936585

I know, I'm pro washing, I'm asking the point of NOT washing

>> No.12936752

I've been washing my chicken for years and never got salmonella. Even when I buy the more expensive chicken from the store it has a bit of a protean rich liquid all over it. When that's cooked that creates a really weird texture on the chicken. Washing it gently gets rid of that liquid.

>> No.12936769

Yes. IIRC, the japs have some guy that runs a special chicken farm where it's safe to not cook them because they prevent the infections somehow.

>> No.12936887

>what's the point of not doing useless extra work? hmmm

>> No.12936893

>It's not like all chicken has it, yah?
was curious so I did a little research and found this

>We have found repeatedly that around 33 percent of cut-up poultry in the butcher-shop or supermarket shelves contains one or more Salmonella serotypes. The safest assumption is to assume that all raw poultry (chicken turkey, duck, "Cornish game hens", etc.) is contaminated, and proceed to use appropriate caution in the kitchen.

>> No.12937446

Here is my 100% safe method for washing chicken (or any food).
1. boil pot of water
2. dunk chicken into boiling water. heat kills bacteria on the chicken, while water washes off the dead bacteria
3. remove sterile chicken with tongs and place on roasting pan, fry pan, steamer, what have you.
4. discard pot of water containing the dead bacteria

I've been using this method for about 4 months or the 1st time I responded to this question on /ck whenever that was. I now also use it to sterilize fruit and veggies that I would eat raw. However instead of immersing into a pot of boiling water, I pour boiling water from a kettle over fruit contained in a metal basket for about 5 seconds, a gentle slow stream that bathes the whole fruit, once again heat kills the bacteria and water washes off the dead bacteria, and then rinse in cold water to stop the heat.

>> No.12937458

I guess it would be okay if you didn't have the water on full blast like in the pic. That's mainly what spreads the bacteria around, I think. It's going to be cooked anyway though, so it's still probably unnecessary.