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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 660x496, decline-in-childhood-play-rela_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12930615 No.12930615 [Reply] [Original]

Most obvious signs of a sheltered kid based on palate:

>puts ketchup on virtually everything
>doesn't cook anything more difficult than french fries
>dislikes and refuses to eat seafood
>doesn't use seasoning other than salt and black pepper
>eats maximum 3 types of fruit, even then he has to peel the skin
>often eats single ingredients which are normally intended to be part of a meal (cheese slices by themselves, cooked hot dog without bun, etc.)

>> No.12930636


>im gay btw if that matters

>> No.12930642

just because you had to scavenge the garbage looking for food doesn't mean everyone else had the same experiences

>> No.12931963

OP forgot
>won't eat any bread other that plain white bread, with crusts cut off.

>> No.12931971

Seafood is gross. They’re the roaches of he sea. Atleast they look like it.

>> No.12931974
File: 240 KB, 1000x1000, 482289-Zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>often eats single ingredients which are normally intended to be part of a meal (cheese slices by themselves
nothing wrong with eating cheese on its own. sometimes you just want a bite of cheese, same with ham ect

>> No.12931993

Isnt that just white kids

>> No.12932018

Sounds like a kid I knew.
He wasn't sheltered. His mother just couldn't cook for shit.

>> No.12932236

Seriously. I know people like this. They obsess over pizza and virtually nothing else.

>> No.12932241

>Seafood is gross. They’re the roaches of he sea. Atleast they look like it.
do you mean lobster and crab specifically?
because tuna is not a roach

>> No.12932493

>Doesn't like mustard
>Cuts crust off bread
>Says whole wheat bread is gross
>Takes 10 minutes to order at a fast food place because he has to specify his dumb baby order
>Will ALWAYS make "specialty" orders at restaurants
>Will ALWAYS throw a fit if his food isn't perfect (it never is)

>> No.12932513

One more
>makes threads on 4channel telling strangers what to do

>> No.12932530

>best friend eats nothing but chicken nuggets and pizza and sometimes hamburgers

>> No.12932558

How fat is he?

>> No.12932571 [DELETED] 

as much as it pains me to shit talk him, he is around 300 lbs, but to be fair here, im in the 200+ range myself. neither of us are very healthy when it comes to diet desu, and i plan to change that, at least for myself, hopefully i can get him on board too.

>> No.12932774

I think op means a single piece of processed cheese, or a slice of shitty real cheese. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of good cheese on its own though I can understand looking down on someone that doesn't eat their cheese as part of a charcuterie

>> No.12932782

>says trashy ingredients are better because they'er cheaper and that makes them taste better
not related to child pallet but
>poors saying cheap meat cuts are better because they can stew or slow cook them to make them tender and saying that anything above rump steak is "rich people food"

>> No.12932787

Forgot to add to the second bit
>dosen't go to restaurants because "I can do better at home" when they cant

>> No.12932793

I associate not being able to enjoy any seafood with growing up very poor.

>> No.12932796

I associate it with rednecks
>Ewwie raw fish! How can you coasties eat that?? Enjoying your worms???

>> No.12932818

I associate it with shitty middle class people
>mmmm sea food yea cunt fresh fish
>ah yes fine (insert shite fish here)
middle class
>haha look at little anon eating his salmon/paua just like those rich whites/poor moaris
>so strange
>continues to eat shitty processed burger patties

>> No.12932892

The rednecks I know spend most of their free time fishing though.

>> No.12932907

>browses /ck/

>> No.12932908

I had a friend when I was younger who would put ketchup on literally anything, and was uncomfortable with eating anything that wasn't strictly western food. Went over to his house a few times and pretty much all the meals consisted of shit you just throw in the oven and heat up from M&M Meat Shops. He was a weird little autist.

>> No.12932998

>trashy ingredients are better because they'er cheaper and that makes them taste better

There can be an element of truth to this.
If you're trying to recreate the flavour of the local chinese place, they're unlikely to be using organic rice and free range eggs.

>> No.12933009
File: 115 KB, 640x960, 1568605262436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be me exactly.
I've broadened my horizons but when im deep in depression its usually just nukeable burritos with thai chili sauce and premade macaroni salad

>> No.12933013
File: 57 KB, 618x753, 1568605058926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oddly i enjoy oysters and mussels a lot, but refuse to eat lobster and crab off the shell.

>> No.12933020
File: 47 KB, 640x395, 1568605312375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dated a french girl and everytime i visited her parents with her theyd always have a spread of cheeses, meats, breads pickled veggies, the women drank wine, her dad would offer me some nu-male wine
>he was the s o i male meme to a T
>i even saw him on grindr wut a faggot
miss the girl and her mum tho nice folk

>> No.12933027

I can unironically cook better then any pubescent nigger holding a frying basket.

>> No.12933033

Man, that mother must have been gagging for physical attention. And you passed up the opportunity.

>> No.12933039
File: 61 KB, 400x600, 1568607641066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice dubs
she had thick thighs, bsrely spoke english and had nice cheekbones, she had a shaved head but it worked with her facial features, i wouldnt be surprised if she cucked her husband nightly,
alas I was busy plowing their daughter anally, I was her first for everything and we did everything.
All we did was smoke weed eat bad food and fuck, her parents raised her vegan but we ate bacon at my place anyway,
and when spring came by I left alongside the winterwinds.
>she also added my previous ex on social media so I ghosted a.s.a.p

>> No.12933044

>did everything
Everything except the coveted incest mother daughter threesome, God damn it.

>> No.12933054

Okay but seafood is fucking nasty unless you're a chink bugman.

>> No.12933064

>he doesn't get zinc from mussels
>he doesn't get brain power from eating fish
how weak are you?

>> No.12933094

>doesn't cook anything more difficult than french fries
>dislikes and refuses to eat seafood
mfw i do these (fish is perfectly fine but i can't eat shrimps or crabs without a gun on my forehead)

>> No.12933096

>brain power from eating fish
Jesus Christ, PG Wodehouse, shouldn't you be dead?

>> No.12933102

My dad was allergic to seafood growing up, so we rarely ate it. I first had some type of fish when I was 6 and didn't like it. From about 17 to now (over a decade) I've tried various types of seafood and just can't stomach the stuff.

>> No.12933134

There's no such thing as a fish allergy. He is only allergic to shellfish. Your lack of exposure to fish was just bad parenting.

>> No.12933135 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 729x425, definitely_not_the_roach_of_the_sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh so roaches have a tail and claws it's almost like it's closely related to a scorpion than a roach

>> No.12933143

you forgot
>hates vegetables
>refuses to even try new foods

>> No.12933148
File: 42 KB, 729x425, not_a_cockroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh so lobsters are roaches, I mean in what way Anon does roaches have a tail and claws. Surely they are related to other animals like a scorpion.

>> No.12933168

You're wrong about the salt and pepper since that's what most things need and nothing else

>> No.12933263
File: 74 KB, 550x595, Angie_Fox_Catfish_Noodling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are arthropods, which includes crustaceans, spiders, scorpions, and insects so they are relatives of roaches but physiologically very different.
Rednecks here do crayfish boils and constantly eat river trout and catfish they caught themselves. It's the middle class that hates seafood because they think they're too good for noodling and think the legs on crayfish are gross. They want premade garbage because they think the convenience makes it higher class.

>> No.12933267

What is going on here? How am I supposed to react to this image?

>> No.12933302
File: 52 KB, 450x600, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's noodling, or catching catfish with her bare hands.

>> No.12933317

yeah but, did you spread her cheese?

>> No.12933326

But why? And also why would these women put on some clothes instead of exposing themselves to all that filth? Is this a degradation fetish?

>> No.12933346

i wanna noodle her if you catch my drift

>> No.12933351

Fish and seafood is a big no no. Disgusting sustenance

>> No.12933352

"Not afraid to get dirty" mindset, I presume.

>> No.12933358

They've been spending the day out on the river, probably swimming. Backcountry rivers aren't as filthy as city rivers. It's also fun to wrestle with a fish and all you need are your hands to catch one of those tasty catfish.

>> No.12933361
File: 150 KB, 465x698, Clam-Digging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still get dirty in proper gear. This is just some redneck weirdness. Like that pervy duck hunting family that made their daughters pose with guns in their panties. Oppressive conservative "morals" + no contact with humanity for generations + inbreeding = bizarre expressions of sexuality. Like getting off on watching your female kinfolk root around in polluted river muck wearing basically nothing.

>> No.12933363

Okay, this thread is epic! kys OP

>> No.12933364

>It's also fun to wrestle with a fish
until you get pricked with a poisoned fin

>> No.12933382

this was literally me a few years ago, but now i don't do any of those anymore. i eat almost anything and cook better than most people i know. i'm still a sheltered kid though

>> No.12933443

I pricked your mum's fin last night, if you get my drift.

Freshwater catfish don't have poisonous fins but they are loaded with bacteria so a puncture wound from one often gets infected which is where that myth comes from.

>> No.12933458

>octopi look like roaches

Maybe if C'thulhu fucked a bug.

>> No.12933796

>I even saw him on grindr
Kek that must have been awkward for everyone involved

>> No.12933957

Holy shit you guys are insufferable faggots. Any man who refuses to eat an entire group of food based on some horse-blind personal taste will never become a good cook and has no dick. The only thing you should be averse to eating is shit like blood soup or shit coffee.

>> No.12934160

Did you fugg?

>> No.12934184

That literally makes no sense. Don't try banter.

>> No.12934192

Seafood is very prevalent in Mediterranean food, you literal retard. You're probably american.

>> No.12934315

you wanna know how i can tell you've never left a city?

>> No.12934321

>Is on grindr
>calls anyone a faggot
l m a o

>> No.12934573

You wanna know how I can tell your mother is your sister?

>> No.12936438
File: 161 KB, 1009x974, 1551530441812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]