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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 640x480, 323123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12922874 No.12922874 [Reply] [Original]

this is what americans feed their children at school.

>> No.12922895

>american public education system
this is what happens when leftists here totally control something. that "meal" while a school food director with zero credentials makes $125k/year hiring part time school bus moms as cafeteria workers and charging out the nose while browbeating you and pleading poverty about losing money because half the school is poorshit shitskins getting it for free and acting like some sacrificial moral saint akin to Jesus for doing what she doesand using it as a vague subliminal threat on my children about why they need to tell their parents to vote Yes on another school tax

>> No.12922899


>> No.12922901

Looks more like a dinner meal in a county jail. They're about equal though no doubt.

>> No.12922903

Nah, in jail you get to at least sue the people who have to deal with you.

>> No.12922905

both even have overpriced extras(commissary) anyone with money fills up on mostly. they're remarkably similar. it's not a meme

>> No.12922907

Balkannig here. For about a dollar in local currency we get a 3 course meal including a soup, a main and a desert, usually a fruit or creme. All fresh and of average quality. Thank God I don't leave in the god forsaken shithole that the US is

>> No.12922909

Only smelly poor kids ate school lunch. Real kids brought their own lunch from home.

>> No.12922912

looks like a whole wheat bun, burger gravy over mashed potatoes with corn. that's a solid meal covering all your bases

>> No.12922913

doesnt america schools have food stalls? (like a mini foodcourt)

in school we have a canteen where you can buy food with money at low prices

>> No.12922915

Maybe in Venezuela it is

>> No.12922917

varies and to different degrees but largely yes

>> No.12922918

Some do. Some don't. Remember that America is huge and each of the 50 states has a different school system.

>> No.12922924

Thats 50x more than a european is able to comprehend

>> No.12922928

50 more shitholes to remember, of course it would be

>> No.12922933

You're right but the difference between Moldova and Switzerland is a lot greater than Mississippi and Massachusetts economically at least

>> No.12922950

The point is that the American school system isn't monolithic and varies greatly state to state.

>> No.12922958

I believe the term is institutional. From childhood on to nursing homes. At best, sickly looking canned vegetables doused in salt, bread and powdered mashed taters as filler, overcooked pasta in mystery sauce, soggy taco shells full of warm iceberg lettuce, cold toast, melted ice cream, and dry breaded chicken full of crunchy tendons. Damn...

>> No.12922981

they give a peanutbutter sandwich and a milk out for free. quit crying you spoiled somali.

>> No.12922987
File: 219 KB, 1270x960, imAbR0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "meat" in the United States is unironically cut with textured soy protein, soy flour, and other additives in both school lunches and prisons.

>> No.12922989
File: 1.08 MB, 736x5105, 1528173770277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really eat sugared foreskins?

>> No.12922990

blame the obamas.

>> No.12923027

from what i remember, milk/salad/fruit was always available too, which would be a decent lunch if those things were included.

>> No.12923035

my school lunches were pretty okay though. we even had a salad bar. I always added salad without dressing for shits and giggles.

greens taste nice eat yo greens

>> No.12923309

>mashed potatoes
How dare they!!

>> No.12923320

damn straight, brown bag master race

>> No.12923395

>t. Kid who ate alone and always wore a jacket

>> No.12923576

Thanks, Obama.

>> No.12923606

Its more than 125k

>> No.12923679

it depends on the school. growing up I went to an almost all black school in Georgia and it was exactly what you'd expect. A prison. You didn't get a choice in the food, almost every niglet had free lunch, while I paid a dollar. Once a week we got "pizza" and it was like a frozen french bread with tomato sauce and cheese on it, tasted like warm plastic. It was hell.
Later I moved and went to a much nicer school in north Texas, they had options for different food, so it wasnt one prison style line. Pizza Hut delivered daily to the school, you had a vegetarian option, it was like 4 different areas to get food, and you could even talk and freely move around the cafeteria without being yelled at. All the memes about how bad the American school system is doesnt really paint a picture descriptive enough to drive home just how horrifying it is, because showing the worst side of it would be "racist". Sending your non black kids to a black majority school is literal child abuse, im dead serious.

>> No.12923706

the comic should show what really happens with that dick skin. Gets sent to the cosmetic industry for face cream. There are old ladies rubbing liquified baby dick skin on their faces right now.

>> No.12923716

Considering the State of sexual education in the American Education System, I'm pretty sure the rightist are in charge.

>> No.12923724

That's actually pretty good compared to what I usually got in school.

>> No.12924481

>oh geez guys, china is emitting so much polution
>plastic cutlery in schools

>> No.12924517

But what about misogyny and the patriarchy?

>> No.12924527

>actual meat

Holy shit, we just had greasy soy patties shaped like ribs or "steak" along with tater tots.

>> No.12924538
File: 73 KB, 932x582, RRL5JPH2X44GQ2NVBKDI545W4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what french feed their children at school.

>> No.12924554

Look up the teachers union and be astonished.

>> No.12924580

the teachers unions that have consistently lost ground for the last 50 years?

>> No.12924603

>pile of wasabi

What fucking kid is going to eat that

>> No.12924616

deltle this now

>> No.12924634
File: 87 KB, 960x481, 1-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder they're all soiboys
This is what we feed kids in public schools

In private schools its even better, they even offer fresh fruits

>> No.12924636

I did French university cafeteria food a number of times and that honestly looks like the kindergarten sized version of every meal.

>> No.12924642

That's probably some green shit smoothie. Def not wasabi lol. Probably just mashed potatoes with added greens blended in.

>> No.12924648
File: 1.08 MB, 1278x542, americafood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what americans feed their children at school.
Wait, so buzzfeed lied to me?
What the fuck do people really eat in other countries then?

>> No.12924650

that's the packed lunch not the cafeteria lunch

>> No.12924660

Not gonna lie, I went to public school in Alabama and lunch was shit. Can't complain because it was free but all the mother could do was waitress to work her hours around school since we didn't have buses. DHR represented the father in all child support cases and he got off without contributing anything. We had chicken sandwiches 3 out of 5 days a week which doesn't sound bad until you realize you can see the pink filler line in every patty. If you're lucky, you got an early lunch and it's sorta warm and hard. You get a later lunch and it's cold and hard. You're lucky to get an apple or noncut fruit and hope it is actually alright. You better check your milk box spoil dates, it could be sketchy as fuck and chunks were drank by poor souls who weren't careful. I learned to be smart and just pay for extra sides if they were actually alright on some days. Learned to just skip lunch honestly

>> No.12924664 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 984x616, simulacao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering the State of sexual education in the American Education System, I'm pretty sure the rightist are in charge.
Yeah, because if you had leftists in charge you would have on brazil has until now
Or even better, like canadians have

>> No.12924665

If you didn't have money or your account decided to show you didn't have free lunch, you got the walk if shame to place every side and item back where they came from.

>> No.12924682

>trying to remember what I got for lunch all those years ago

Oh yeah, I had a spiffy grey lunchbox with a sticker on it. Lunch was ecto cooler, a ham sandwich with american cheese and mustard, and a fruit roll up. I remember there was also a different handwritten note of encouragement from my mom every single day... Guess which part of that poor kid lunch I remember most.

>> No.12924747

This was my immediate thought as well, the meal looks filling without a high-sugar content. Salt is probably too high and there's two starches but I bet that would taste nice on a cold day.

>Pizza Hut delivered daily to the school

Well at least you got your vegetables.

>> No.12924753
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x2160, d9dab229-db67-4144-8958-a12b636cf4d6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's worse senpai.

>> No.12924764

>education funding cut to almost nothing
The rightwing state govt. decides the solution is to accept bribes from the prison food contractors to supply the schools with literal garbage.

>> No.12924773

That took 20 cents to make not .50

>> No.12924776

50 state school system with most being again broken down by county or city/town.

>> No.12924778

Teacher's union is decidedly not in charge.

>> No.12924785

Corn flakes aren't frosted

>> No.12924786

She's being generous.

>> No.12924793
File: 47 KB, 570x570, 1533134868485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this schizo. Everything bad left, everything good right.

>> No.12924799

>not even some ham for the bread

thats sad desu, isnt america supposed to be the world's #1 superpower

>> No.12924804

I'm so glad I went to a well funded all white school, holy shit.

>> No.12924811

Auntentic Guacamole

Just Avocado and a touch of Lime

>> No.12924816

Can you imagine being this brainwashed?
So brainwashed you think “the right” aka Donald trump is in charge of everything? So brainwashed, you think that the American Education System is actually a reputable, non-corrupt, and logically functioning institution that isn’t full of flaws exactly like this.

>> No.12924847
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Twitter, Donnie!

>> No.12924859

This looks awful but for different reasons

>> No.12924930

Stupid fucking entitled kids, be glad they feed you anything

>> No.12924940

You realize that isn't ground beef right? I know you guys have to learn english as a second language, but look at the package, sound it out kiddo:

>Seasoned Beef Pattie Mix

Do you see the important words there? Yes, that's right
That means there can be pretty much anything they want to put in there. If you want ground beef, buy ground beef, don't buy that.

That said, letting the government feed your kid is tantamount to child abuse.

>> No.12924993

>Be glad you get something to eat even tho you paid for it.

You sound retarded.

>> No.12925028

Rent free. Brings up donald trump when I didn't even mention him. Make ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN!

>> No.12925043

In the USA we vote against our interests to stick it to those got dang communist brown folk. I say we send a few more billions to God's chosen people. MIGA!!!!!!!

>> No.12925065
File: 267 KB, 1440x968, ullF3yj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was in the singaporean army for 2 years and this is what a typical meal looks like
the same garbage chicken all days of the week but just with a different sauce to spruce it up
sometimes they have fish instead but also rather bad

i got so sick of it I changed my ration to vegetarian for a while

on wednesdays it is "western food day" where we get fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mushroom cream soup and ice cream

>> No.12925104
File: 19 KB, 510x287, 22d4c654-1d92-41b8-99b9-d6e36872ce81..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only when it come to weaponry. doesn't matter if the population is in poor medical shape, fed horribly, need to start go fund me's to pay for operation, as long their boys in armed services can go out and slaughter, strike, and slay that's all that matters.

>> No.12925115

school lunches are for the blacks

>> No.12925120

The worst thing about having mom pack me a lunch was being forced to sit down before everyone else. Then you just had to hope people would come sit with you and not just leave you at the table alone. Whereas if you had to buy lunch, you got to wait in line with the rest of the class and everyone went and sat together.

Sometimes I hid my lunch just so I could avoid this dilemma. It troubled me.

>> No.12925176

Once when i was 7 my mom didnt wake up to pack me a lunch so i put 2 slices of unbuttered burnt toast in my back pack. At lunch time my teacher saw me alone and eating from my back pack and demanded to see what i was eating. So i pulled out my burnt toast slices and all the other kids laughed at me and she asked what i was doing with an incredulous tone. Then my mom had to explain that im half retarded and she had to make up a lie for why she didnt give me a lunch. Thanks for reading my blog post. Upbotes would be kind

>> No.12925218

Def the fruit roll up

>> No.12925276

When I went to my country's equivalent of high school we had a chef who had got a silver medal in some food world championship competition.
Food was really good, and free.

>> No.12925411

>is is what americans feed their children at school.
What is that exactly? A small piece of bread and mashed potatoes with ground meat and corn?Some rice maybe?
I have no problems with ground meat and mashed potato, but the portion seems kind of small, also, why are there 3 empty divisories? They should add some more veggies and maybe a salad, but I guess vegetables and fresh salad are too expensive for a public school with it's very limited budget.
Here in Brazil the food served in public schools is no different, it does taste good and stuff but it is often lacking in diversity, and sometimes there is no food at all because our government is shitty. Do american public schools ever have no food to offer?

>> No.12925422

>not sitting with the band of other non-popular losers

Feelz man.

>> No.12925457

Oh yes sir, thank you for allowing me my nutritious cheese bread.

>> No.12925458

Is that tiramisu on the side?


>> No.12925504

What a horrible and nasty teacher. If she had any sense, she'd have given you an understanding smile and gotten you a school lunch.

>> No.12925609

Funny. I was drunk in Food Lion last night and ran into one of my high school lunch ladies. I remembered the food was awesome (2002-2006). I worked in the cafeteria my senior year breaking down boxes and hauling everything out of the freezer to prep for the next day and did two periods of athletic training. In exchange for my help they would load me up with whatever I wanted. Comfy af. She says the food is garbage now. Pity. Kids deserve to experience those spicy tendies.

But as other anons have pointed out, i'm sure 75% of the kids now are getting it free. Back then only the most destitute families took advantage of free lunch.

>> No.12925660

What she doesn't mention is she refuses to eat meat.

>> No.12926029

Trying to feel angry at the teacher and sorry for you, but your mom could have packed the lunch the night before, she seems like a shitty mom.

>> No.12926069

>But as other anons have pointed out, i'm sure 75% of the kids now are getting it free. Back then only the most destitute families took advantage of free lunch.
No such thing as a free lunch, anon. YOU are paying for that lunch, just like every single taxpayer in your country is.

>> No.12926074

This is pretty close to a normal meal when I was in school minus chips and go gurt. PBJ, 3 slices of bread with shit between. The apple, milk could be chocolate if you wanted. There was something else but I can't remember. Graduated in 2011 in PA neat Philly. If it's changed don't know

>> No.12926090

Carrots it was a bag of carrots>>12926074

>> No.12926105

Fake news. This student opted not to get the othe veggie, one fruit side and a drink. In Texas the meals are full and nutritionally sound. And to clarify things, school districts aren’t in charge of this shit. School cafeterias are run by the Department of Agriculture.

>> No.12926107

It must be nice to have been raised so previously.

Not that guy, but I had to make and pack my own sandwiches for school every day from the age of 7. The only ONE time my mother ever made my sandwiches was for a school trip and for some reason known only to her, decided to make my bacon and banana sandwiches. And no. I didn’t eat them. And yes. Being forced to look after myself from a young age (I did ALL the cooking for myself and my little sister from nine years old) made me a better person all round.

Make your own damn sandwiches.

>> No.12926108

this looks like what they use at taco bell

>> No.12926116

Oh and this was what I ate most of my school life. It was the bad kids meal. If we caused trouble in lunch, we were given lunch detention, which meant we ate in a secluded room with the other bad kids. I was removed from there after I hucked my apple at the chalkboard while to teacher was distracted, scared the piss out of him and put in front of the principals office where I'd stick my foot in front of the door as people left so the door would suddenly stop and they'd walk into the door, so then I had to eat with the principal... Funny as shit imo, no ragrets

>> No.12926124

Pretty sure I aged myself 30+ in that story so I know how social programs work, retard.

>> No.12926151

They also have free apples but rarely did I ever see anyone take any

>> No.12926165

She was an shit mom but I'm half a retard so it evened out. Once she passed out from benzos at dinner time when I was 5 and there was nothing to eat that didn't have to be cooked so I poured a box of vanilla cake mix in a bowl and ate it.

>> No.12926226

>Not that guy, but I had to make and pack my own sandwiches for school every day from the age of 7.
Your mom sounds like one of those alcoholic bitches that never wanted to have children and had little to no emotional attachment to them.

>The only ONE time my mother ever made my sandwiches was for a school trip and for some reason known only to her, decided to make my bacon and banana sandwiches.
She probrably watched some retarded women's show like opra that shown that recipe and decided to make it, does not sound like she cared if you would enjoy it either.

>And yes. Being forced to look after myself from a young age (I did ALL the cooking for myself and my little sister from nine years old) made me a better person all round.
Learning to cook and have responsability does make you a better person, having a shitty uncaring mother that can't be arsed into packing lunch to her own small children does not. Stupid bitches like your mother should be castrated in order to prevent them from having more children that they do not even plan to take care of.

>Make your own damn sandwiches.
I do make them, my mother lovingly taught me to cook almost as marvelously well as her, I take quite a bit of pride in having learned to cook so well from my mother and plan on passing on the skill to my own children one day.

>Pretty sure I aged myself 30+ in that story so I know how social programs work, retard.
Do you? Because from my point of view if everyone is paying taxes than every children in a public school should be given a lunch free of charge, not just 75% of them.

Here is the thing, I believe most of a child's intelligence comes from parenting. If your mother was not such a negligent, shitty, uncaring whore you would likely not have turned out half retarded. In fact, I believe you are not retarded at all and your shitty mother made you believe you are though her shitty parenting.

>> No.12926344

US school lunch has been shit for decades because the Unions have strangled the system.

I was in school in the 90's.
The lunch ladies were all Teamsters Union.
The school buildings were all 1900-1940's with big kitchens full of equipment.
All tarped over because the school district didn't have enough money to pay the Union biddies to actually cook food, so all food in the schools was pre-prepped at some commissary and trucked in and "warmed" by heat lamps, that "lunch ladies" made $45K a year to slop into plastic trays.

Now I'm an adult, I have a friend who went to the same schools running for School Board, to kick the fat Union fucks out of the schools now that The State gave local districts the option to do so.

>> No.12926382

Meh. My mother was a nasty, likely severely mentally ill bitch who beat me up even when I was a baby so I have no interest whatsoever in defending her.

You should still make your own fucking sandwiches in life, though, because it’s good for you.

>> No.12926393

That is fucking heartbreaking. I sincerely and earnestly implore from the universe that you always have cake on your birthday, Anonymous. You goddamn deserve it more than most.

>> No.12926395

>You should still make your own fucking sandwiches in life, though, because it’s good for you.
And I do make them, mother taught me how to make the best sandwiches in the whole world.

>> No.12926436

Is there any source for this pic?

>> No.12926540

Unironically blame Michelle Obama. I was in school before and after her culinary reign of terror began. Before we'd get Domino's pizza, chili cheese dog fridays (footlong once a month), chicken fries, rice pudding, bosco sticks as far as the eye could see. Then everything had to become "healthy," because obesity is totally caused by school lunches and not what kids' landwhale parents shove down their gullets at home, and the last fun part of the day vanished for shit like OP's pic.

>> No.12926550

The American school system is set up in a way to mimic that of being in prison. The meals are low quality, or frozen. The campus is basically fenced in, guards watching constantly.

>> No.12926742

That's a shepherd's pie, my dude

>> No.12926792

There isn't a monolithic American School System that runs every school in the nation from the top down, you eurotard.

>> No.12926806

Yuropeans are unable to comprehend more than one thing at a time. Thats why they bitch about imperial and metric even though Americans learn metrix extremely easily and use both comfortably.

>> No.12926861

I'm not helping you turn this into a /pol/ thread