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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12924568 No.12924568 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12924578

I recall some faggot on /ck/ posted almost the exact same picture, and the same wording before

>> No.12924600

Wings are for making stock. Back before wh*tes and their escaped slaves "discovered" them and the price shot through the roof they were my default choice. Now I have to buy drumsticks for making stock unless the butcher has necks on that particular day.

The insane popularity of shit-tier scrap meat as food is testament to the brain damaging power of ethanol.

>> No.12924602

And another bigger faggot also left the same reply

>> No.12924615

You don't get invited to parties do you

>> No.12924617

I don't mind wings gets pricier, chicken breast price on the other hand is ridiculous

>> No.12924622

The parties I attend serve canapés for adults, or the partygoers bring their own food items. I usually go with something easy and robust enough to travel well, like olives and charcuterie.

>> No.12924663

suck a dick bitch

>> No.12924673

Fucking wasteful USAtards

>> No.12924679

Buy a whole chicken.

>> No.12924695

Niggah, buy necks and feet (@$1/lb) for stock, not drumsticks you absolute fuckstain. They make a much richer stock. You realize now you're less intelligent than the "freed" slaves, don't you?

>> No.12924722

>sorry we're out of that, you want to leave your number?
No, I'll pay $2 more rather than wasting an hour making a special trip on some undetermined future date some time in the next week, because I'm not a broke NEET.

>> No.12924748

fucking americans

>> No.12924759

this is pretty obviously a joke but most people here are on the spectrum so they'll get mad at it anyways

>> No.12924824

If you're willing to buy it then why the fuck are you complaining?
Is this just so you can go "niggers ree" at something?

>> No.12924845

wings are fucking delicious tho, one of the most tender pieces of chicken out there
the little sliver of meat between the bones on the outer wing..... hnnnnng

>> No.12924852

Because wings are slightly better for the task and were always available, unlike necks and backs and other "weird" parts.

>> No.12924877
File: 11 KB, 240x240, sasami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going for tenderness the sasami is the superior piece

I feel sorry for wh*teoids and escaped slaves who eat the tough, vulgar breast meat and are unaware of the best part underneath

>> No.12924888

>Back before wh*tes and their escaped slaves "discovered" them and the price shot through the roof they were my default choice
How fucking old are you?

>> No.12924896

That's a tendie

>> No.12924903

kek I was about to ask this. I'm a 30 year old boomer, and at least where I lived in Texas buffalo wings were always a big thing.

>> No.12924911

Wings have long been the favoured part of the bird throughout the world. Only dopey Anglos were silly enough to devalue the part in the first place. In fact, wings cooked in the style of OP's image is STILL a waste of the wing. It deserves to be treated with greater reverence than that.

>> No.12924956


>> No.12924968

What kind of shithole do you live in that you can't easily find necks and feet in a grocery, West Jeebusville, AR?

>> No.12925003

>chicken breast price on the other hand is ridiculous
What's wrong with $2/lb?

>> No.12925055

Of course they are available you just need to go to Flushing or get lucky, people actually know how to cook here and the desirable parts go fast unless the store sources extra instead of just breaking up whole birds

>> No.12925098
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>> No.12925100
File: 248 KB, 1278x667, 1474712427711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you isn't it. You're back huh

>> No.12925279

This kind of autism can only be Chinese autism.

>> No.12927039
File: 108 KB, 499x481, 1`536845745679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12927120

How are you able to say nigger but I get the ban hammer for it?

>> No.12928321

cos you're a faggot

>> No.12928324

This isnt reddit

>> No.12928329

stupid niggerfaggot

>> No.12928330

man do you have a screen cap of that guy who took his own tupperware to a party and filled it with the hosts left overs then got mad when everyone turned on him and kicked him out, mainly because he lost his tupper ware

>> No.12928430

why do white people do this

>> No.12928902


>> No.12928922

>pretending to be Chinese
>not realizing that a chinaman uses chicken feet

>> No.12928926

Why don't BOTH of you mind your own god damn business?

>> No.12928935

shut the fuck up you weeaboo neckbeard. go eat your fucking tendies down in your basement crying into your bodypillow

>> No.12928936

Mods keep track of who’s white, only black anons can post the n word without being banned and having their post deleted.

>> No.12929171

Did you even read the old threads? He's gatekeeping Irish stew and lasagna.
>"get the fuck out and take my apple juice with me"
That was obvious b8, his usage of English seems like a native speaker why would he be chinese?

>> No.12929176

>falling for obvious bait

>> No.12929199

This is actually how my friend eats bone in wings. I wanted to slap him

>> No.12929219

>chinese people can't be born in other countries