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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12922767 No.12922767 [Reply] [Original]

going here tomorrow


>> No.12922773
File: 105 KB, 187x330, HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get lost, faggot weeb.

>> No.12922785
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>BOTTOM PANEL TEXT Comment or Health Advisory
holy kek. the menu does not look promising, but at least the reviews look good.

anime website, avatarfag tourist

>> No.12922790
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>> No.12922792

8oz jalapeno ranch burger
8oz bourbon cheddar burger
fresh cut chips
12 sweet honey garlic wings
and a pepsi

>> No.12922797
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>Bacon, spinach and mushrooms sautéed with choice of homemade Alfredo or our signature marinara sauce - 12.99

>> No.12922798

just make sure none of the food will react negatively with your tranny drugs and it'll be fine.

>> No.12922799

>i would like my brothers carbonara and a meatball splash

>> No.12922807
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i'm not trans

>> No.12922813

don't say that! the HRT will make you into the beautiful woman you want to be.

>> No.12922818
File: 191 KB, 419x398, akari_look12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I don't want to be a woman
keep the thread on topic please

>> No.12922823

your posts disprove that. tell me why you're going to this place, a coming out party?

>> No.12922826

why do my posts disprove that?

>> No.12922829

They have a really weird and extensive menu. Probably means it won't be very good. Ja/ck/ would love the ingredient bomb dishes as that other anon implied

>> No.12922832

also I'm going because my parents invited my brother and me out for dinner and my dad has been wanting to try this place

>> No.12922839

really the menu seems extensive to you? I don't know I've seen way more extensive menus of places that have consistently good food
what is weird about it to you? other than the carbonara thing

>> No.12922845
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>> No.12922851

only a tranny or a manchild would make posts like yours, i do not judge so don't worry. i think you would like the chicken tenders.

>> No.12922862

Weird in a Cheesecake Factory way. they offer everything and don't seem to specialize in one area. idk could be good if you stick to the simpler dishes that don't have silly names.

>> No.12922875
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french fries in the salad

>> No.12922885
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>> No.12922886
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get the wings (or tendies) with Batman Spicy BBQ sauce

>> No.12922890


>> No.12922896
File: 37 KB, 403x497, hikage_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'm a manchild then, I do like chicken tenders but idk why anyone wouldn't unless they were just insecure and worried about being thought of as childish.
what's wrong with my posts though?

oh I see what you mean then. I am hoping it's different just because it's not a big chain like cheesecake factory.
either way I was thinking Im gonna get either fish ('baked lemon dill haddock' or 'our famous pollock dinner') or the NY strip just depends on my mood tomorrow, I think those seem simple enough

>> No.12922900

For me it is the L.A. Lakers Spicy Licorice sauce

>> No.12922920

chicken is always good it's just that you watch cartoons which are made for children.

>> No.12922930

yeah but neither of the cartoons I've posted thus far were made with children in mind
regardless, 4chan is an anime website

>> No.12922945

>4chan is an anime website
Stop derailing your own thread, fag.

>> No.12922973

cartoons about little girls in school. why would you watch that?

>> No.12922983

you're right I should have not contributed to the derailing of my own thread but those tranny comments at first had me genuinely confused, so I wanted to reply and now it's evolved into a different conversation

they make me happy

>> No.12922993
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>little girls make you happy
Take your weird fetish to >>>/b/

>> No.12923014

nothing I've posted in this thread was sexual

>> No.12923018

i feel a bit silly for posting this because it falls into your tranny love for attention. stop watching cartoons.

>> No.12923023
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>cartoons about little girls in school
>they make me happy
Sounds kinda skeezy to me, my dude. Off to /b/ with you, creep.

>> No.12923032
File: 137 KB, 807x632, heyletstalkaboutanimefood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12923037

A grown man watching a cartoon about little girls is creepy and weird especially if they make you happy

>> No.12923044

add /v/ at the bottom of the second panel and its perfect

>> No.12923051

but I thought this wasn't an anime website?

>> No.12923067

not a tranny, no I won't stop watching cartoons
no, /b/ is filled normalfaggots
so you're a normalfag then? this site isn't for you

>> No.12923087
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>> No.12923188

Stop trying to normalize your little girl cartoons and make other people seem like they have a problem. Shit ain't right boy

>> No.12923200


>> No.12923209

quit trying to gaslight me you pedo adjacent manchild

>> No.12923219

literal normalfaggot

>> No.12923227

says the waterhead going to My Boomer's Place for dindin

>> No.12923664

I used to live right next to this place. The bakery I worked at would cater cakes for them all the time.

>> No.12924378
File: 46 KB, 582x720, 4d9d2b7198b8444b11d25eff2b680e0bdbc81854_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, that wasn't me
he is right though, go back normalfag