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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12919980 No.12919980 [Reply] [Original]

What do you cook for a girl on a first date?

>> No.12919983


>> No.12919985

coq au vin

>> No.12919991
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My girlfriend of 4 years and I had our first date at home where she and I hand made custom pizzas. Ended up licking more than my fingers that night.

>> No.12919992

You don't

>> No.12919996

I don't. I take her to KFC and she eats whatever I don't finish.

>> No.12919997

Congratulations on dating a slut

>> No.12920005

>first date
Fucking NO!

>> No.12920015

Slut for my cock. And pizza, apparently.

>> No.12920027

They"re never just a slut for one cock.
Inb4 b-b-but this one is different

>> No.12920028

why not

>> No.12920065

Have sex incel

>> No.12920075
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>What do you cook for a girl on a first date?
She´s cooking for you or you´re ugly

>> No.12920112

This is solid advice coming from someone who's single.

>> No.12920118

>expecting a fattie to only eat at one restaurant
>expecting a slut to do the same but with cocks
Prepare yourself for disappointment.

>> No.12920130


Fajitas or something so she has a bit of room to adapt to her own taste with the spiciness and stuff. Makes things a bit more interactive and fun. Good excuse to have a casual beer alongside it. It's also a nice balance of making something delicious and homemade without trying toooo hard.

>> No.12920133

Keep the first date casual. Cards close to your chest. Don't throw your A-game out right at the start or you might get a fucking stalker.

>> No.12920134

All the eggs

>> No.12920143

why brag about submission tho

>> No.12920145

Meh. I'll continue enjoying the ride until then.

>> No.12920147

This. Every woman has one or more side dudes solely for fucking. It's an unfortunate reality, but contemporary women are beyond saving. The age of meaningful relationships is over.

>> No.12920171
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Who hurt you, anon? Who stabbed you so deep in your feels that you think things like this could actually be universally true? Do you want to hug it out, bro? Do you need a friend? I'm here for you.

>> No.12920172

but it's still a golden opportunity to get sucked and fucked right?

>> No.12920179

>first date
Considering one of you is already at the others house, you can reheat some leftovers and youre gonna fuck

>> No.12920185

It's a degenerate waste of time. Time that you'll never get back. Time that's gone forever. Time that could have been spent building a family.

>> No.12920226

that seems waaaay too fast for me. You barely know each other and you already wanna invite her to your house to cook? I think it would make an excellent 3rd date or so, that would finally seal the deal

>> No.12920265

It's important to be on the same page about things like wanting children or just wanting to fuck around right at the beginning. It's important to date someone that is on the same page as you, as far as long term goals and wants in life. Someone you feel comfortable openly talking and being honest about your thoughts and goals and fears. (Fear of being cheated on, for example.)

It's important to talk about sex and your sexual past and having an open or closed relationship moving forward. These are things a good HEALTHY relationship needs to be openly discussed and established before you can think about building on top of.

>> No.12920412

Dilate, roastie.

>> No.12920426

I make the cheapest shit I can make, probably fried rice or pasta because no girl is worth giving away my steak for.

>> No.12920492

No girl will ever want your "steak" incel.

>> No.12920508

So true. I've fucked ex gfs who were in relationships but they just occasionally wanted a better dicking than their current squeeze was giving them. To quote Jason Compson, "Once a bitch, always a bitch, I say."

>> No.12920514
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Late to the thread guys, but fuck me there's a hell of a lot of angry projection going on here. /ck/ used to be pretty chill

>> No.12920547

i know it's fucking annoying. wasn't the thread about cooking on the first date? jesus christ some people are fucking bitter

>> No.12920566

Sad but true

>> No.12920575
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>> No.12920592

Why do people keep saying this? Do you really think everybody is already married? It makes no sense.

>> No.12920661

Cook but make it quick and easy. Don't over do it. I would recommend cooking steak if she eats meat. There is somthing about a woman eating steak that is primal and I'm sure she feels it too. Best of luck anon

>> No.12920690

It's mostly same fagging to keep the thread relevant and trending on page 1.

>> No.12920713

Oh, Rosemary's Baby. A sly rohypnol reference. Almost clever for this board.

>> No.12920722
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I gave them more than a free meal roastie

>> No.12920726

that's not great bro

>> No.12920875

As some others have mentioned, having her over to your home and cooking for her on the first date is a little fast. Her willingness to have a first date at your home may also indicate she is easy with low standards though on the more optimistic side of things she may be very naive, young, and inexperienced if she doesn't understand the implications of having a "date" inside a man's home. If you care about meeting, courting, and forming a relationship with a quality woman then you want to avoid sluts that want to Netflix and chill with YOU serving HER the food on the first date. If she's just naive then you should treat her right as she will eventually figure out that you are a lazy cheapass trying to score easy pussy, and she will want to find a more honorable man.

Anyway, on the actual subject on what to cook for a girl on the first date or early on in the dating process, then you most likely will want to stick to something simple, traditional/classic/time honored, tasty, that's not too messy. Italian dishes are often cited as "go-to" meals to cook for a date. Most everyone enjoys Italian dishes and aren't usually considered exotic. Delicious but neutral dishes from any relatable cuisine are good for first dates. Even just a nicely herb roasted chicken with root vegetables can be nice. You want the dish that you serve to be easy to digest and not messy and embarrassing to eat.

>> No.12920906
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fpbp as usual.

>> No.12920912

Gonorrhoea easy to cure with anti-biotics ... good joke. Any new anti-biotic which works on it is quickly sodomized into uselessness.

>> No.12920940

Not all first dates are going in new and blind, though. Sometimes two people who are friends who want to officially try a romantic date to test the waters can qualify under "first date".

>> No.12920950

richard goblin

>> No.12920963

Whatever I was already going to eat and just let her have some.

>> No.12920973

Would also add:
I'm not going out of my way to cook an extravagent meal for some chick who probably won't even be there for a second date.

>> No.12920982

That's fine. You need to adjust to the situation as it seems appropriate. You could even do a few casual dates at first then take her out for a more traditional date as a gesture to show that you are serious and would like to treat her like a lady. I think a small gesture like that goes a long way, and it doesn't have to be extravagant and expensive. It will make her feel special and appreciated even though your relationship didn't start out blind/blind-ish.

>> No.12921002


>> No.12921254
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She gets no free food from me

>> No.12921291
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>> No.12921349

That's what she gets fit not wanting to use a condom then blocking me because she got a boyfriend.
Bro use that can of hunts spaghetti sauce on her. You were gonna throw it away anyway.

>> No.12921379

Anything interactive helps. Tossing pizzas, fajitas, calzones, stuff that you can add a lot of variety and stuff that makes it intimate. Take a trip to the store together and get to know each other before yall get messy.

>> No.12921396

While I agree, meeting a random woman and having a cooking session first date wise is not the right way to go ; however what about situations where you've been friends with the person or already have a background. I think that would be a great first date cooking scenario.

>> No.12921460

That can certainly be the case and can make for a great date. >>12920982 here I said that you can make a decision for your date based on the situation, and it can be really great. I would still say that at some point you should take her out in a more traditional way, and the gesture goes a long way. So if it seems appropriate to have a date where you have her over and cook for her, then that's okay and can even be great. Depending on how well you know her and what she likes to eat, you could make something very unique and specialized to her liking. If you aren't hugely confident with your cooking and don't know her tastes intimately, then it's probably a good idea to make something classic that you know will come out tasting great and won't cause gastric discomfort or be messy to eat. Usually you don't want to serve or cook something that is heavy on garlic/raw garlic and onions/raw onions and other super pungent foods. If those foods are in smaller quantities and well cooked into the dish, then it shouldn't be an issue. Really, just use some common sense and don't cook something over your skill level.

>> No.12921497

It depends on what she and her date order.

>> No.12921669


>> No.12921682
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Joke's on you I don't date

>> No.12921690

Don't cook on a first date unless you already know them

Drink on first date imo, then dinner on second.

If you want to cook for them on the second that could go really well.

In my experience cooking with a girl is great once you're already a little comfortable with each other physically, so you can have a cute time doing pic related kind of stuff (not advisable while chopping though)

You want to cook something you're sure both of you will like (so don't sperg out on something too foodie unless she's big into trying new food), that doesn't require too much hassle or timing to cook, as this will lead to you getting flustered when trying to both cook and entertain her. Keep it simple.

>> No.12921700

Way too much up front

First date needs to be very casual, you don't know each other yet. That way there's no pressure on anyone, it's just a drink, so both of you can feel relaxed.

Literally just take her for a drink somewhere, that's all you have to do. Just find a nice bar where you guys can talk, dress nicely but not like a sperg (i.e. don't wear a suit, smart casual is the most formal you should be doing. I've actually done better on some first dates wearing shorts and a tshirt compared to ones where I put some effort in, so ymmv), just be chill and talk to her like a normal person

>> No.12921704

I fucking love this movie SO FUCKING MUCH MAN.

>> No.12921729
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>meet girl at small pub
>chat her up
>she tells me she is quite the wine connoisseur
>get her number
>call her a few days later for a date
>she says "yea"
>pick her up and tell her that im going to a place with some good wine
>pick her up
>take her to burger king
>she says, "anon...I thought you were taking me to a nice wine place...
>we have a good time at BK
>make a bunch of stupid jokes that she laughs at
>lol jk I'm taking you to a winery where they do tasting
>free wine shots.jpg
>she thinks its romantic
>she gets drunk
>take her home
Long story short she went to an abortion clinic and 10 years later still texts me saying I forced her to kill "our" child.

>> No.12923132

>first date
>cooking shit

never do this. you don't want her to get used to easy life.

>> No.12923134

>girlfriend of four years
So what exactly are you waiting for?

>> No.12923197

Stop coming on to the Chan, Mom.
It's not going to get you grandchildren any faster

>> No.12923198

make it good and keep it simple. let her help with some prep. I do pasta usually.

>> No.12923220

>dat feel when I'm the weirdo who was raised on home cooked food and college I went to happened to be in my hometown

I was shocked to find out most people can barely operate a microwave and fast food is a staple of their diet. Knowing how to open a bottle cork is also apparently enough to impress a girl.

>> No.12923251

I waited 6 years. You have to be fucking sure.

>> No.12923255

What kind of fuck ups do you asdociate with? Everyone knows how to fucking cook.

>> No.12923446

Cockmeat sandwich, no bread.

>> No.12923504

I'd do it Al Pacino Style


>> No.12923536
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 3996806D-CFE8-4AF9-A3F8-6A4664607B7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a whole 3 course meal for women.

First I start with an appetizer of octopus and potatoes (pic related), just a medium/small portion along with a glass of Prosecco wine.

(Bonus: I eat the leftover octopus the day after and it’s even more good because it has rested an extra day)

Main course is a dish of linguine with mazzancolle shrimps and crushed cherry tomatoes with the bisque made from the shells/heads of the shrimps using the broth made from the water the octopus boiled in before, for more concentrated flavours.

The last course is 1 kg of marinara mussels split in two bowls each one of us.

Wine for the last two dishes is a Chardonnay.

90% of the times women bring with them a cake they made or something else sweet, and if they don’t I just eat their pussy as dessert.

>> No.12923691

You're either aiming for a princess, a real princess with large tracts of land or you're just a cuck.

>> No.12924268

What an illuminating post anon.

Let’s say that apart from the octopus, which I already said it’s good for the leftovers (since 1 octopus weighs circa 1,5 kg and can’t eat one of those alone), the other two dishes are absolutely inexpensive.

With 10-15€ you can make a very fine dinner to impress someone (a lady in this case) with something nice.

How does this make me a cuck?

>> No.12924313

Do Americans really wear outdoor shoes at home?

>> No.12924337

>How does this make me a cuck?
Because you actually interact with women irl who aren't your relatives.

>> No.12924393

>so she has a bit of room to adapt to her own taste
Really bad advice. You want her to follow your lead, not have to make ANY decisions, and remain out if her comfort zone.

>> No.12924394

>first date
>back at your place

Too intimate too soon, OP.
Follow the Rule of Threes:

1. First Date somewhere laid back and comfortable. You don't know if she's worth trying to impress yet, so keep it casual and see if you actually enjoy her company without frills.
2. Second Date you know you want to see her again so NOW you pull out all the stops and go somewhere fancy to try and impress her.
3. Third Date is HER turn to keep YOU interested. She invites you back to HER place for a homecooked meal to showcase her home making abilities. And then fuck in her bed.

>> No.12924453

that guy can do better than that horsefaced tramp

>> No.12924487

I wouldn’t know, I don’t date strangers. By the time I get to dating we already know each other very well

>> No.12924492

You should google that. It does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.12925862

Imagine that this girl wasted her prime on a Jewish pedophile and a manlet Wop who eventually cheated on the Jew pedo to produce a child with her previous Wop manlet beau. Wtf was wrong with her?