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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 349 KB, 1400x937, fuckingshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12919355 No.12919355 [Reply] [Original]

Been trying to light charcoal to make some barbecue, but there is no way in sweet heaven that I can get those black pieces of shit to stay lit. I threw isopropyl alcohol on it, and some pieces of newspaper even and it always died out.

>> No.12919359

Just use a chimney starter bro

>> No.12919365

fucker there are only 2 ways a chimney and lighter fluid

not fucking iso alcohol or scraps of paper wtf

>> No.12919367


the good news for the rest of us is that people like OP exist, so that when the zombie apocalypse hits, we have much less competition

>> No.12919368

>lighter fluid

is it turpentine or white spirits or what?

>> No.12919370

good luck finding "chimney starter" during the zombie apocalypse.

>> No.12919376

We did a lot of grilling and we always used gasoline. It works well and looks cool when you light it.

>> No.12919379

At that point good luck with lugging around bags of charcoal.

>> No.12919381
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Do you even chimney bro?

>> No.12919384

>using a carconogenic to cook your food

>> No.12919387

Trees nigga, trees...

>> No.12919388
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Are you brave enough to enter?

>> No.12919399

Starting a fire using sticks and stems isn't the same as trying to light up some charcoal so OP can burn his dollar pack of hot dogs and pretend it's cuisine.

>> No.12919403

>black pieces of shit

13% of charcoal doesnt light up 50% of the time.

>> No.12919413

Do you even chimney bro?

>> No.12919417
File: 1.03 MB, 4608x3456, 20190901_163442-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with some wood, some papers with kitchen oil. Ready in 15min without blowing or overwatching.
Pic related made more than 600°F when the wood stopped to burn

>> No.12919420
File: 18 KB, 450x450, shopping[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude get one of these chimney starters....you litterally cant fail to get even red hot coals in about 15mins with one of these......
success everytime

>> No.12919422

With newspaper and olive oil. Sports section burns the prettiest. Has the most color.

>> No.12919431

Great help, mate

>> No.12919434

you can use a little everclear

>> No.12919446

I do try, ol' chum.

>> No.12919455

It says lighter fluid on the fucking bottle, dipshit.

>> No.12919471

Use the oil + paper toilet technique

>> No.12919476

Used some soy oil and it seems to have helped. Thanks bro

>> No.12919477

you can use a fire made out of sticks to light a charcoal fire

>> No.12919487


>> No.12919496
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The trick to lighting it is: ya don't. Heh heh.

>> No.12919511


>> No.12919514
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, 60CBBFB6-77F2-4B72-AD20-773E17203EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.12919519
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OP is a beginner

>> No.12919540

Use a blow torch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=LrU8BWJadfk&t=278

>> No.12919554
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Asking the soy-Master

>> No.12919581

Once again brazilian ingenuity blows the fuck out of gringos overreliance on unitaskers

>> No.12919587

I frequently use my paper toilet to light my charcoal. I typically find it’s better if I recently flushed it.

>> No.12919591
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, FA7C5C2C-3DFA-49AE-A688-8A4528B2EB4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it.

>> No.12919597

>chicken hearts

>> No.12919611

lol....”inability to start fire” is really what I was pointing out, dipshit

>> No.12919615
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>> No.12919621

Fuck niggers

>> No.12919623

that guy have Parkinson’s holding the camera? gave me motion sickness so stopped watching

>> No.12919631
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That's staged right? No one can be that stupid right?

>> No.12919648
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getting gasoline on his own shoes and jeans.
Im sure hes fine

>> No.12919649

You underestimate the ignorance of man

>> No.12919661

>Galvanized steel
But why?

>> No.12919667
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The virgin splash-and-spill vs. the Chad pump-and-puff

>> No.12919668

Good luck finding a thin sheet of metal that can be pounded into a cylinder?

>> No.12919674

This is the most helplessly Zoomer comment I've seen all day.
The chimney doesn't even have to be metal, you pathetic unhandy child. Fucking hell.
You can build it out of some of the firewood.

>> No.12919676
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>> No.12919686
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>> No.12919691

Looks nice mate, just take better care of your fingernails.

>> No.12919702

>find metal coffee can or metal HVAC ducting
>poke vent holes around base
>wala chimney starter
Or like other folks have said you can make one-time use ones out of wood or just make a fire with wood. Charcoal only exists because it's easier to light and maintain than actual wood.

>> No.12919704

If you're using lighter fluid. Let the lighter fluid sit for about 5 minutes before igniting.
If you spray lighter fluid and light the coals right away, it'll burn up before the coals can ignite.

>> No.12919782
File: 210 KB, 900x596, DSC_4417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say one of those weed burners that use gas works pretty good too, but I'm a chimney guy myself.

Looks good. I like long sausages. No homo.

>> No.12920403

>Charcoal only exists because it's easier to light and maintain than actual wood.
And burns hotter and cleaner.

>> No.12920404

what's wrong with my fingernail?

>> No.12920543

Yuo fool dont you see these retards bc the horde of undead

>> No.12921742
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>gas in a blue container

>> No.12921765

WAIT!!! you can get milk straight from the pump?