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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 154 KB, 1200x900, roach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12918472 No.12918472 [Reply] [Original]

>blocks ur path

How to deal with these fuckers

>> No.12918474


>> No.12918493

They will eat industrial glue and the bodies and feces of their brethren. Restricting food by cleaning your house does nothing. They can only live a few days without water.

Get a strong liquid bait/poison (Hotshot is cheap and is what I used) and put it where they would normally find water. Eliminate all standing water - not so much as a wet sink when you go to sleep at night. I had them for 3 years and got rid of them in as many months after I started doing this.

>> No.12918496

bleach the wood floor, get an axe and chop out all the suspected pieces it came in contact with, get a jackhammer and dig a big hole in the cement under the wood, then move out

>> No.12918499

Tent the house and gas them, it's the only way. The final solution.

>> No.12918502

Lots of poison.

>> No.12919023

order gentrol(IGR) + advion(Indoxacarb bait). Tried those two and they vanished completely. a year later, they reappeared but that was because I forgot to reapply the gentrol.

Ideally, you'd want another different bait gel to prevent resistance if they come back a second time and cycle between those two or three. I noticed that the indoxicarb bait was much less effective the second time.

>> No.12919029

>bleach wood
Make sure you dilute it with water otherwise you're going to ruin it

>> No.12919031
File: 34 KB, 284x327, 84717F5A-FBBD-4920-AFE5-2644BB81EE85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks you path

>> No.12919032

This nigga never heard of the ol smack em with a shoe trick

>> No.12919067

Milk them

>> No.12919083

I wish. I get these in my house sometimes and its very disturbing, I have a phobia of roaches. They live in the yard which ive started broadcasting a homemade poison to. I opened my water meter cover to shut off the water while doing some work in my house and the box was fucking filled with these nasty things. It makes me feel sick, my skin crawls, and my heart races. Like when you see a white woman with a nigger in public.

>> No.12919292

>when you see a white woman with a nigger in public

Living in your head, rent-free.

>> No.12919304
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youre welcome

>> No.12919401

Bring more spiders into the home.

>> No.12919408

LOL. Mentioning race with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. Brilliant. This site is so cool. Political correctness BTFO.

>> No.12919440

I love roaches. They're like my only friends.
Wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss and they're just scrambling out of the way for you and it makes me feel like a king walking among my servants.
Also, I love feeding them. They'll just sit next to you calmly while they eat and it's like feeding a cute animal or something but they tend to not trust humans so finding one that'll actually approach you is great.
I once woke up with a broken roach egg in my underwear though. That part's gross.

>> No.12919444

Back to plebbit nigger faggot

>> No.12919445
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>Living in your head, rent-free.

>> No.12919495

This anon is king of the roaches congratulations

>> No.12919498

top zozz

>> No.12919599

These are only a problem if you live around other niggers. Imagine living in a city for $5000 a month so you can eat gay chink food.

>> No.12919613

Fuck off fag, birds or reptiles are better

>> No.12919651

>fly around, cute, eat bugs occasionally, die sometimes, shit everywhere, loud
>climb around, sometimes cute, eat bugs, hide constantly, easily die from heat deprivation/not finding bugs, shit everywhere, may sneak into your stuff
>mostly occupy unused space, kill bugs, if they die and their webs are unused it doesn’t matter, generally aren’t aggressive unless threatened,

>> No.12919655

A spider typed this

>> No.12919688

Once you see one, you likely already have an infestation behind your walls.
You either need to get an exterminator or be hella comprehensive with getting rid of them yourself, because missing just a couple means they can just remultiply into another infestation

>> No.12919748

one babe pops out 120 roaches.

>> No.12919812
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x2268, 20190424_183947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that time I lived in the country side with retarded druggies in a house that had walls made of roaches.

just fucking run anon

>> No.12919963

Now I hope a roach flies in your mouth lays eggs in your throat and kills you you fucking faggot

>> No.12920001

True. If you live in an apartment, you will never get rid of them, regardless of how clean you are. One bad neighbour is all it takes.

>> No.12920004

Being clean, and having screens.

>> No.12920072

I'm guessing that they first appeared after you were born from your mother's diseased pussy.

>> No.12920099

Lol at every triggered s0yboy and shitskin ITT.

What's the matter brownie? Your women aren't good enough for you?

>> No.12920125

I like how you couldn't even be bothered to reply to any of the comments replying to yours nor could come up with insult that isn't an ebin poltard maymay. Fuck off back to R3dd1t, faggot and take your roaches- I mean family with you.

>> No.12920129

Not true.

I used to have a roachy apartment due to my filthy neighbors but defeated the roaches by unscrewing the electrical socket covers and pouring several pounds of boric acid powder in to the walls.

>> No.12920156

Buy boric acid and combine it with mashed sweet potato or dough. Drop little balls of the mix around your house, the roaches will start dying out uncontrollably

>> No.12920309

The fuck? I'm not that guy, this is not redd.it and many share his sentiment. Yeah, I won't reply to you cucks individually, I don't care enough. What poltard maymay? These insults are timeless classics.

Why don't you go suck some nigger dick if you love them so much or something? Are you jumpy because you ran out of soylent?

>> No.12920425

raid, baittraps, boric acid

or just move out of your shitty city lol

>> No.12920433

move out of the slums

>> No.12920821

After 2020 we'll be rid of the infestation in the US.

>> No.12921208


>> No.12921214


>> No.12921229

Why contain it? Just wash your food properly and don't leave shit lying in the open. Flies are far more annoying than roaches, I'm so glad that summer days are over cause I don't have to guard my meals from these fuckers anymore

>> No.12921238

don't be Mexican

>> No.12921274

>drinking glass of milk one night
>feel something in it
>run to bathroom and spit it out
>Fuckin roache
>brush the hell out of my mouth

>> No.12921378
File: 258 KB, 500x370, 1563472238797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks ur path

>> No.12921558

Eat them.

>> No.12921709

I've never actually seen a roach in person, aside from those hissing ones people keep as pets.

>> No.12921760

never had to deal with roaches, but i've dealt with mice and rats
any little fucking vermin, i hate them all

>> No.12921824

Go to bed spider. Tell your friends (dead) to quit sneaking into my car.

>> No.12921878

>Like when you see a white woman with a nigger in public
god damn BASED roach-hating poster
Notice how it's always black men with white women so common in advertising and shows these days?

>> No.12921882

based cuck

>> No.12922098

While true, my property managers started using a better exterminator and doing it monthly and I haven't had a roach since. I have to pay another $12 a month but it's worth it.

>> No.12922155
File: 813 KB, 1112x1600, page019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roaches are friends not enemies.