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12913884 No.12913884 [Reply] [Original]

So I have started cooking more as I am in college now. I am also planning on doing a keto diet to help lose weight. Any recipe recommendations or anywhere to browse for a beginner chef?
Thanks for the help!

>> No.12913896

Keto's a giant meme. Get into the habit of portion control and calorie counting. Easiest way to lose weight is cal in<cal out.

>> No.12913926

Ketofags ITT will try to argue against the laws of thermodynamics with their retarded meme diet.

>> No.12914026

Just crack any classic cookbook and cook any of the mains and side dishes that aren't starches. Vegetables are awesome.

Fatty A does CICO with keto.
Fatty B does CICO with SAD.
Which fatty sticks to his weight loss diet and succeeds?

Tards IIT will argue against the hormones that regulate human metabolic processes.

>> No.12914122

I got a question for Keto dieters. What does one who is in Ketosis do when they have to swim a great length? Drown? Where do they get the energy to push themselves harder when the going gets tough and they need that extra energy to go at it. Do they just not have that extra energy?

>> No.12914154

That's a good question. I think that if someone is in nutritional ketosis he doesn't carry as much skeletal muscle glycogen reserves (carb loading), a theoretical 10k kcals of energy. He instead relies on adipose tissue, which is a slower burn, but a longer one (theoretically). Having exercised in ketosis myself, I have to say it's different. It takes a few minutes to get warmed up, but there is no wall. I'm not an athlete, but I'm a faily fit guy. I've hiked for 8 hours in ketosis without a break, and I did just fine. There is still a glycogen reserve in your liver when in ketosis should you need it.

>> No.12914606

All meat is low carb, also butter and eggs.
Any recipe without plants basically.

>> No.12914610

>Which fatty sticks to his weight loss diet and succeeds?
Probably keto, but only because keto incidentally makes you cut out most junk food. But, keto also makes you stop eating fruit and lentils and stuff which can help in maintaining proper weight and have a bunch of health benefits too.

>> No.12914625

>still falling for the CICO shit.

Nice cope you sugar addict. Enjoy your insulin resistance fatty.

>> No.12914627

CICO is the only thing that matters for weight loss. Nobody is saying it's the only thing that matters for overall health. You can eat nothing but the healthiest foods but if you eat too much you'll still gain weight.

>> No.12914664

To be fair, stopping eating fruits is a good thing as long as you get the necessary vitamins from somewhere else.

>> No.12914681

>stopping eating fruits is a good thing
No it isn't. There's nothing wrong with whole fruit. The sugar in it does not get treated like consumption of refined sugar, the fiber and other stuff in fruit like polyphenols stops it from causing a blood sugar spike.

You'll most likely never find an actual case of whole fruit being the reason for someone being overweight or having other health problems (unless they were trying to do a fruitarian diet or something like that), and study after study shows that whole fruit consumption has so many health benefits like actually helping to maintain normal weight and blood sugar levels, helping to prevent a bunch of different diseases, etc.

>> No.12915008

That's a whole load of bullshit.

>> No.12915036

Show some sources proving it

>> No.12915267

As soon as you show me yours.

That being said, chanting
>"These are good sugars! They are not like those bad ones!"
is borderline retarded. Sugars are sugars.
The fibre meme is also very funny as that's one thing you'll be completely fine entirely omitting. You should really stop buying into the
>"it helps digestion!"
marketing. Look up the studies yourself and all you will be seeing there will be "correlation". People who eat more fibre tend to suffer less from obesity. type two diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The vast majority of them tend to completely disregard the fact an entirely identical result can be achieved by getting rid of obesity via virtually any other method. Hence all their study amounts to is "eat less of whatever the shit junk food you're devouring is".
Do you know what helps digestion? Not eating fibre at all. Exclude all non-animal products out of your diet and you will never get constipated ever again. Now, I don't say you should do that because it's about as hard as veganism to pull off properly and humans did evolve to digest plant-based food for a reason.

You mention polyphenols and their "observed" benefits but even if we take all the possible benefits at the face value - interfering with sugar intake of a diabetic person might be a good thing but it is completely unnecessary for a healthy person. The "anti-inflammatory" effect was tested on rats under severe stress and the results were measured through chemical analysis meaning the effect can easily lie in direct interference with normal bodily functions (akin to caffeine) which would draw a polarly opposite conclusion as such interference is destructively harmful over prolonged periods. Yet, this part was never studied and rats were immediately euthanased.
And even then, people aren't usually deficient of polyphenols. You don't need fruits to get it. Plenty of other plant products have it.

Fruits are basically sugar-loaded vegetables with high allergy risks bundled.

>> No.12915348

You can eat lots of plants on keto
>leafy greens, including spinach, lettuce, kale, arugula, cabbage
>broccoli, cauliflower
>zucchini, squash, cucumber, eggplant
>green bean
>Brussels sprout
>tomatoes, olives, avocado
You can also eat onions and carrots in moderate amounts.

>> No.12915351

This is wrong. You have to consider hormonal response.

>> No.12915386

I'm 2 weeks into keto and here are some thoughts
>keto breath is real, get some sugar free gum
>start it when you don't need to rely on your brain too much - the first week or so will have some serious brain fog
>"cauliflower rice" (tastes nothing like rice) is a good carb substitute when you're looking for a side, but you'll get sick of it quickly - salads are a much better side
>carbs are hidden everywhere, and you need to check labels for everything
>you won't shit as much
>salmon has become my best friend since starting. I've always liked fish, but it's the only thing I actually look forward to eating now for some reason

>> No.12915392

I HAVE to eat plants on keto
otherwise I don't shit

>> No.12915395
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>> No.12915397

>eat 200 calories of food
>metabolism moves quickly
>only absorb 150 calories of that and shit/piss out the other 50 calories
>eat 200 calories
>metabolism moves very slowly
>process all 200 calories
>shit/piss out waste only
yeahhhhhhh no
while it's true having a calorie deficient diet is guaranteed to result in weight loss, it's not "the only thing that matters"

>> No.12915400

this has been a really hard pill to swallow
I actually stopped consuming protein powder (for now)
when I'm done cutting I'll probably go back to a normal diet and start drinking my protein with delicious kefir once again

>> No.12915439

Humans are very efficient at digesting animal-based foods. You don't shit without eating plants because there is too little shit to shit, anon. That's normal.

>> No.12915451

Protein powder is godlike for most tasks but water gangrapes the taste. 50% water(fatfree mild) is still OK. My best recipe post workout is 20g Powder, 15g starch, 5g Glucose and 5mL oil. Tastes fucking amazing after a workout

>> No.12915485

let me rephrase: I feel constipated without eating plants

>> No.12915723

>he doesnt realize how greatly the glycemic index of different sugars can vary
What a retard