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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 168 KB, 710x779, 128312893921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12915046 No.12915046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is peak American cuisine. And before your trigger-alarm goes into meltdown, this is NOT bait - lets just have a serious look at the facts about American food.

>Tex mex: Largely stolen from the Mexicans.
>Cajun: Made by the French immigrants in Louisana
>Italian American: Obviously this was stolen from the Italians
>Gravy and biscuits? A recipe early European settlers brought from yurop
Even hamburgers were invented in Germany. Sorry Americans, not even your nickname is actually american.

Mac n cheese, grilled cheese and philly cheesesteak is peak american cuisine. All of which can be enjoyable.

>> No.12915050

Wow next you’re going to tell me americans aren’t from america

>> No.12915053

mac and cheese is British

>> No.12915054

Italians don’t have an actual cuisine either, tomatoes are a new world crop, and what is italy without tomato sauce? Olive oil?

>> No.12915056

Wouldn’t that actually mean that italian stole american food and italian food is actually american

>> No.12915066

And Belgium too stole French fries from America

>> No.12915156

What is anything without onions?

>> No.12915213

Most food that's considered "Italian" was invented by Italian immigrants after they were already in America. Since meat is cheaper here, they started putting it in everything. Chicken Parmesean was first made in Manhatten.

>> No.12915221

Have sex, foodcel.

>> No.12915223

that mac and cheese is abysmal, like the kind my friends mother would make. Just straight up cheese powder into noodles with no butter or milk or anything, then served on a paper plate with a fork and ketchup.

Fuck that retard.

>> No.12915228

That's not how culture works. Ideas are not stolen. As different cultures bump into each other through conquest, migration, exploration or whatever ideas cross pollinate. America is a perfect example of this, being a nation founded entirely on conquest and migration. The very ideals our country was allegedly founded on were products of European Enlightenment thinking. There has never been a singular American identity - from the start we've been a bunch of regional identities tied together under a Federal government. Our power, wealth and influence in the late 19th and 20th Centuries created several narratives of American identity, but most Americans still remain products of their region. The idea of "peak American" food is absolute nonsense.

>> No.12915233

Did you fuck her at least?

>> No.12915234

pasta and cheese has it's origins in italy, lets not pretend mac and cheese is somehow different.

and a steak sandwich and a grilled cheese? really? these are not american either.

>> No.12915240

Mac n Cheese is the king of foods because all other types of foods can be straight dumped into a pile of mac n cheese and be instantly improved

>> No.12915244

>all other types of foods can be straight dumped into a pile of mac n cheese and be instantly improved
I remember that trend from like a decade ago. So glad it's over.

>> No.12915249

That's Kraft dinner buddy. KD is Canadian guy. Sorry I had to call you out, but this is aboot Canadian pride friend.

>> No.12915252

Why do you do this?

>> No.12915254
File: 463 KB, 920x319, 1543419939872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kraft dinner is canadian

>> No.12915259

"""Italian"""" food was invented in Manhattan so....

>> No.12915266

Using Mozarella, Emmentaler and Parmegiano makes for way better mac then cheap shit Chedar.

>> No.12915295
File: 246 KB, 1148x746, 62m183o1w7c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is peak Canadian cuisine?

>> No.12915305

Everything here is stolen, our culture our money our rights, have to own minium 500000 in bank and make 200000$+ a year to be considered a free citizen

>> No.12915333

It’s almost like America is a lot of different people from different places coming together and living in the same place.

>> No.12915429

t. retard

>> No.12915435

this is italian american cuisine
it's basically just carbonara but more retarded

>> No.12915445

cheese curds
montreal smoked meat sandwiches
things with maple syrup on them

>> No.12915449

Oh boy don't let a Belgian autist hear that.
t. French

>> No.12915453

History is full of “stealing” things and it’s arguably a good thing, China didn’t have soap until like 100 years ago

>> No.12915464

Yes, america is a young country made up of immigrants and migrants and that's what the food reflects. The fact there is a current anti-immigrant historical blip, does nothing to change that fact or help to consolidate a so called "american cuisine." America has always been, and always will be (after we're done having our toddler tantrums), a haven for the oppressed and hopeless.

>> No.12915488

Curds and syrup arent really Canadian though

>> No.12915519

how so?

>> No.12915525

>just let them in goy
Was a haven for down on their luck Europeans*
They actually integrate and get jobs instead of leeching tax money

>> No.12915553

curds are eaten around the world

and syrups has been around since the first colonists arrived in North America. meaning it's as american as it is canadian

>> No.12915576

i dont even call it mac n cheese when i make it from scratch
its just home made kd

>> No.12915583

In colonial America, French cuisine was most popular.

>> No.12915586

Veal parm is just an offshoot of Austrian schnitzel though

>> No.12915620

>Chicken Parmesean was first made in Manhatten.
That's because it was an eggplant dish in Italy, and Americans balked at eggplant.

>> No.12915640

Eggplant is a common food allergy, makes me puke everywhere. It’s a nightshade too which means it has varying degrees of a certain poison.

>> No.12915704

Eggplant is shit

>> No.12917502

I think peak American is the chicken parmigiana

Made in the Bronx so it’s American

>> No.12917509

Keep getting fucked by Macron enculé

>> No.12917572

>I'm so smart I watched the first episode of Good Eats Returns and know everything about wop chow.

>> No.12917575

they also plagiarized pasta from the chinese.

>> No.12917592

>he thinks modern european states have been around since the beginning of time and should therefore get credit for everything that happened within what are now their geographical boundaries


>> No.12917610


>we're a nation of immigrants, anon. :)

>> No.12917696

add fish to the list and u have american cuisine

>> No.12917771
File: 23 KB, 318x304, kraft_dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfected by Canadians.

>> No.12917772
File: 263 KB, 900x1200, hoser_casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Canadian you mong.

>> No.12917775
File: 711 KB, 2076x2378, Trudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak Canadian food and it likely costed them $12 for the box.

>> No.12917778

>a land of immigrants took all of their shitty tasteless food and made it better
>America is literally the culinary capital of the world because of it.

>> No.12917921

You have never been to Italy or eaten authentic Italian food? You have lots of dishes without tomatoes. Just take pizza, you have the white pizzas everywhere, which don't contain tomatoes.

>> No.12918137

Italy stole the noodle from the Chinese

>> No.12918365

Yeah,, um,, there wasn't an ITALY as we know it before 1946

>> No.12918393


>> No.12918441

>be german, italian, chinese, Japanese, irish, british etc.
>decide we hate europe and asia and bring our culture over seas and form the USA
>one day later faggots are complaining why americans don't make any food
Lol, stay forever mad. We have everything

>> No.12918443

>posts a pic of Kraft box mac'n'cheese

Faggot. I know those noodles. You're not fooling me. That processed shit is not it. Also, spicing up your mac'n'cheese makes it much better. Whip up some buffalo sauce and add in some shredded chicken breast for an infinitely better experience.

>> No.12918597

Why is box mac and cheese so much tastier than the restaurant kinds? box cheese has a bolder tang, but restaurant mac uses the bland varieties of cheese it seems

>> No.12918654

>ideas can be "stolen"
This is your brain on Murrican IP laws.

>> No.12918666

I'm guessing the concept of intellectual property is beyond you?