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File: 24 KB, 732x549, 1598-Empty_Calories-732x549-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12912263 No.12912263 [Reply] [Original]

a real thing? or just more boomer pseudo-science?

>> No.12912285

No, it's a real thing. The epitomy of "empty calories" would be pure, refined sugars that have no additional vitamins, minerals or essential nutrients. They serve solely as calories to keep the metabolic fires burning. What people imply by this is that you should choose foods that have additional nutrients besides basic calories. Refined sugars are how people can be both obese and malnourished.

>> No.12912302

sounds jewish to me

>> No.12912307

Modern industrially refined ingredients like flours and sugars are why most governments have had to intercede and mandate vitamin fortification in various staple foods. People would be dying of vitamin deficiencies otherwise.

>> No.12912327

If you mean by that, there are distinct conspiracies to make the most possible amount of money by producing very non-nutritious foods and opposing ones to attempt to keep people alive despite this, then yes.

>> No.12912331

Kind of a misnomer, because they aren’t bad solely for their lack of vitamin content they’re bad because of their specific effects on the body from being empty and metabolizing quickly and inefficiently leading to energy storage as fat.

>> No.12912492

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.12912503

>we live in a society where picky eaters and literal retards who won't eat a balanced diet are only alive because the government sneaks just enough nutrients into their junk food to keep them alive
Blow it up. Im done. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12912517

It’s actually because single moms are the worst people imaginable and the us stock would be malnutritioned retards if it was left solely up to them. The most heavily fortified foods are kids foods like breakfast cereal.

>> No.12912519

Oh and pop tarts and stuff like that, fyi the pop tart is amazing survival food

>> No.12912523

Boomers believe that sugar (energy) is bad for some reason

>> No.12912532

if you tell me that poptarts are made with the same kind of sugary flatbread the US army uses i would so not be surprised.

>> No.12912538

What's Jewish is the general western population believing cereal and milk with banana slices is a healthy breakfast when all three of those industries paid doctors to say those things were healthy for the sole purpose of making money off of retarded consumers in the 1930s and yet people still literally eat it up.

>> No.12912548

What about pure fats/oils dummy

>> No.12912552

Based and Peatpilled

>> No.12912583
File: 143 KB, 800x981, 800px-Samuel_Johnson_by_Joshua_Reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oatmeal has a long history in Scottish culinary tradition because oats are better suited than wheat to the country's low temperatures and high humidity.[10] As a result, oats became the staple grain of Scotland. The ancient universities of Scotland had a holiday called Meal Monday to permit students to return to their farms and collect more oats for food.
>Samuel Johnson referred, disparagingly, to this in his dictionary definition for oats: "A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people." His biographer, James Boswell, noted that Lord Elibank was said by Sir Walter Scott to have retorted, "Yes, and where else will you see such horses and such men?"

>> No.12912591

Glucose is energy
Fructose is poison

>> No.12912601

Fat is an essential nutrient. You will die without eating any. Some refined vegetable fats (hydrogenated trans fats) are so bad for you that they have been banned most places.

>> No.12912605

love me some oats

>> No.12912624

A calorie is a unit of energy therefore empty calories cannot exist

>> No.12912653

I'm not talking about cereal as in literal grains, retard. I'm talking about sugar coated corn flakes.

>> No.12912660

It means that it has no substantial nutritional value

>> No.12912662

Nobody adds fruit to corn flakes

>> No.12912703

No it’s really like a car crash at higher speeds. Cals in cals out would argue that all car crashes should be the same because the cars are the same but how fast the metabolization of the food determines how efficiently your body can use that energy and refined flour and sugar mostly gets stored as fat

>> No.12912719

CICO is a useful term for weight loss, but it's not a nutritional term. Even then, CICO is getting modified as we discover how the body reacts differently to varied intake. Your body will react differently to 2000 calories of a balanced diet as opposed to 2000 calories of, say, a ketogenic diet.

It's a misleading term, but it essentially means the nutrient density of said food object is very low (not just in terms of macronutrients, but micronutrients at all). Heavily processed, sweetened foods like candy, snacks, etc. have very little nutrition and could be considered "empty" calories. In essence, you will never hit all of your macros/micros if all you consume are products from these categories.


>> No.12912869

a 32 oz bottle of crisco is 4.99, and provides a total of around 7680 calories. thisll satisfy your calorie intake for 3 and a half days no problem. you could easily live for about 1.25 a day with zero mess or cooking fuss

after all, all that matters is calories

>> No.12912875

>because single moms are the worst people imaginable

Genocide when?

>> No.12913596

Too much of it too often is bad if you become insulin insensitive. A sensible amount is obviously fine, but americans are not a sensible people.

>> No.12914350

It's only relevant because boomers have made "treats" common place.

>> No.12914467

How the fuck do vegetables even have fat in them?

>> No.12914535

They are referring to micronutrients versus macronutrients. Carbohydrates, Protien, Fat, and Alcohol are macronutrients and can be broken down into calories alone. Usually processed grains and sugars are called empty calories because they are the worst macronutrient and have no micronutrients. The fda started enforcing the "fortifying" of breakfast sugar cereals because they had no micronutrients.

>> No.12914544

That's true in the matter of energy but your body still need other nutrients to keep certain functions up.

also that would be hell on your liver since alchohol is filtered by other foods, just burning pure alcohol would be fucked.

>> No.12914650
File: 64 KB, 824x454, glycogen-storage_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

empty calories is partially wrong.
The human body can save a big amount of sugar inside the liver, excess turns into fat and is safed in fat cells. Only problem that I see is the rate of breaking down sugar or starch into Glucose. Sugar gets very fast into the blood and when the body cant save it its time to make you fat, starch needs more time and this means that broken up starch gets burned by the body while other molecules are in progress of breaking down, lowering the chance to reach the bodys glucose reservoir. Thats more a explanation why sugar is good to get fat but not for your question. Its possible to safe the sugar inside the liver and the body uses this energy to feed the cells but the PROBLEM is a stomach thats empty way befor your saved sugar is consumed, you start to feel hungry, eating more food and overfilling the liver with sugar. This makes you fat and is the explanation for your question.
YES, its a real thing.

>> No.12914711

>fats and oils contain no nutrients
What a fucking retard.

>> No.12914731

>Your body will react differently to 2000 calories of a balanced diet as opposed to 2000 calories of, say, a ketogenic diet.
And also differently to 2000 calories with lots of sugar
Because keto is right and sugar = fat

>> No.12914747
File: 54 KB, 397x397, Empty Calories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, fat is empty calories

>> No.12914752

>The human body can save a big amount of sugar inside the liver,
also in the muscles

listen, bud, the human body does NOT convert sugar into fat normally. It can, technically, but it rarely does.

>> No.12914754

Anticipating a troll like you is why I posted >>12912331

Sugar = fat

Deal with it

>> No.12914770

Seeing so much fat kids drinking only cola and GamerFuel... I know enoght guys drinking no water and everyone is fat AF. They body does because sugar wont make you full for a long time. Thats the reason im mixing proteinpowder with starch for a shake (and some glucose) after lifting

>> No.12914789

fat kids eat Doritos, pizza, and candy bars. All these are full of fat. it is the fat that is making them fat, not the sugar.

>> No.12914793

fat makes fat, no wonder. Never been fat, possible a shitty feel when you´re starting a diet and cant eat what you want

>> No.12914798

Doritos pizza and candy bars are higher in sugar than fat doofus

>> No.12914815

>fat doofus
I'm thin, I don't eat fat, I eat lots of glucose in the form of starch.
>Doritos pizza and candy bars are higher in sugar
fat is high calorie sludge and almost all fat is turned into body fat. When you get older and your metabolism slows down you will find that eating fat will make you fat very quickly!

>> No.12914822

Actually they are they worst kind of sugar: fatty carbs. It's the combination of macros that's both a calorie bomb and has a metabolic fast track to fat storage. The sugar negates the satiety of the fats because of insulin spikes, too.

>> No.12914826

>almost all fat is turned into body fat
Point and laugh at the spastic.
Point and laugh.

>> No.12914934

>insulin spikes
In healthy non diabetic people, insulin spikes suppress appetite and prevent over eating, and so are a good thing, doofus.

fat doesn't raise blood sugar or spike insulin, so that is why humans can seemingly eat an endless amount of fat without feeling full. Fat also makes humans binge. This is a survival impulse.

>> No.12914962

>insulin spikes suppress appetite
meanwhile in Bizarro World

>> No.12914994

The 90s called, they want their bunk science back.

>> No.12915205

Blood sugar rises, insulin spikes to clean it up, sugar is absorbed, appetite is suppressed.

Why people think insulin causes hunger is related to their diet and whether they're diabetic. diabetics and people that are overweight and eat a high fat diet, must overproduce insulin to get the sugar out of their blood. This overproduction of insulin is what leads to hunger.

A normal healthy non diabetic person eating a high starch low fat diet will produce just enough insulin and feel satiety quickly and for longer after meals, because it takes a long time to digest a big meal of starch.

>> No.12915505

Fucking lmao

>> No.12915522

and nobody thinks fucking frosted flakes are healthy, jesus christ, I love when retards decide to shit their brains out their ass on every possible board.