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12906399 No.12906399 [Reply] [Original]

Name a tastier mushroom than chanterelle.

>> No.12906403

Actually, mushrooms give me stomach pain.

>> No.12906412
File: 45 KB, 700x700, fresh-porcini-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer THICC boys like porcini or eringi

>> No.12906436


>> No.12906438

god i wish that were up my ass

>> No.12906440

Damn never tried it. Pretty rare stuff.

>> No.12906449
File: 1.05 MB, 2496x1896, 2007-07-14_Cantharellus_cibarius_Detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.12906453
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>> No.12906458

>work in high end restaurant
>meat dish is same old boring slowly cooked
>fish is nicely grilled Scottish salmon
>veg dish is freaking Chanterels, Porcini and Morels topped with Truffle dish
>hardly sold any
people really don't know what's good for them

>> No.12906459

I have never had chanterelles but I'm gonna go hunting for them soon. I hope I find some.

>> No.12906463
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My man, nothing beats a tagliata with porcini and...

>> No.12906464

Can't say I cared much for them, flavor wasn't that appealing, and they were oddly chewy. Maybe it was just the ones I ate.
I do really like white button mushrooms a lot though, and I haven't tried much else, so I figure there has to be many others out there worth trying.

>> No.12906475
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...risotto with dried porcini

>> No.12906570

Looks good. Got a recipe for that?

>> No.12906589

add 1 cup beef broth into 2 cups of rice pudding, sprinkle shrooms on top

>> No.12906606

Oyster. Chicken of the woods, morel

>> No.12906635
File: 33 KB, 800x450, A1F72726-AE7E-4C01-B6B2-E6175B27266B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingredients for 4 people

300 gr of carnaroli rice
40 gr of dried porcini mushrooms
1/2 liter of vegetable broth
2 small shallots
70 grams of butter
chopped parsley
1 glass of white wine or prosecco
grated Parmesan cheese
extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste.

How to cook a risotto with dried porcini mushrooms

1. Preparation of the vegetable broth: Put the water in a pan, 1 onion, 1 carrot, a stick of celery, salt and let it boil for about 15 minutes; at the end of cooking we filter the broth that we will use to cook our risotto. Remember: we will add salt only in the broth and not in direct contact with the rice;

2. Preparation of the risotto: In the meantime let's soak our dried porcini mushrooms for about 15 minutes in warm water; then we trifoliate them in a pot (where we will then go to cook the risotto) together with two tablespoons of oil, the shallot, the chopped parsley and a little of their water that has served to make them resume and a pinch of salt, letting it cook for about 5 minutes over medium heat. At the end we turn off the heat and set them aside.

3. We prepare the base of our risotto: put in the same pot of first 50 g of butter, two strands of oil, the other chopped shallot and let it fry for about 5 minutes; then add the rice, toast it for another 5 minutes, then add the wine and let it evaporate for another 5 minutes;

4. Now add the previously cooked mushrooms and a couple of ladlefuls of broth. The cooking will be completed when the rice has absorbed all the broth;

risotto with dried mushrooms, preparation

5. Creaming the risotto: when cooked, turn off the heat, add the rest of the chopped parsley, the butter and the grated Parmesan.

Before serving, let the risotto rest for at least 30 seconds.

>> No.12906652

Jesus christ.

Recipe for any risotto:
- keep broth boiling in a pot (needs to be hot)
- very finely chop onion, fry in butter on very low for a few minutes
- increase flame, add arborio rice, stir for a minute
- add white wine, stir until most of liquid is gone
- keep adding hot broth and stirring until rice is al dente. only add another batch of broth (half a cup at most each time) when there's almost no liquid in the pan
- when rice is done (for the love of god don't overcook it), turn off the heat, put in more butter and grated cheese of choice (pecorino or parmigiano), put lid on for 2 minutes
- then taste it and season if needed (salt and pepper), serve with something green on top (e.g. finely copped parsley)

This is plan white risotto. To make it a mushroom risotto, fry mushrooms with onion in the second step.

>> No.12906659

sounds like a massive pain in the ass for not much return

>> No.12906669

if you know how to do it it takes only 20min for a really good dish

>> No.12906670

Actually it's like 20 minutes to make, only pain in the ass is that you need to keep stirring it. But I think payoff is really amazing, good risotto is awesome even if it's just plain white risotto with nothing added. If you put in wild mushrooms (porcini, chanterelle or any other really), asparagus or seafood - it's out of this world.

>> No.12906677

Its very easy to make and you can put anything in it, so its a great way to get rid of leftover meat/vegetables.

>> No.12906696
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Based and sporepilled.

See pic related.

t. Hedgehog teeth witch

>> No.12906697

I'll try it sometime.

>> No.12906698

LOL no. Oysters are definitely not superior to Chanterelles you fucking inbred mongrel.

>> No.12906707


>> No.12906717

this man knows the truth, not necessarily on taste, but the texture of hedgehog blows chartrelles out of the water imo

>> No.12906779

A good risotto is a fucking exquisite experience, my man.

>> No.12906820
File: 3.55 MB, 5184x3456, Armillaria_mellea,_Honey_Fungus,_UK_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these little bastards, especially pickled.

>> No.12906942

So did you rehydrate the porcini then fry with the onion?

>> No.12907096
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for me, its these

>> No.12907735

mushrooms dont have a taste

>> No.12907745
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>> No.12907835

I want to go mushrooming how do i start

>> No.12907847

Go into the woods, pick mushrooms. Go home and wash them lightly. Then, sample the various mushrooms you found. Take note of which ones kill you and which do not.

>> No.12907854

Actually wait. Don't do that. You do not want to wash the mushrooms. Instead, clean the dirt off them with a brush.

>> No.12907855

Hmm dont want to die i live in oregon and i guess people go around for morels which are prety tasty but theyre all super secretive about their locations or want me to pay money to be in a club. I just want to pick morels AND not die

>> No.12907862
File: 102 KB, 900x1200, shiitake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name a tastier mushroom than chanterelle.
Shiitake master race report in!

>> No.12907868

The edible morel can only really be confused with one other mushroom (another morel, poisonous), so once you figure out how to distinguish between them, just go out and look for them.

>> No.12907883

King oyster.

>> No.12908264

You stupid fuck I posted the instructions here >>12906635

>> No.12908289

I foraged a bunch of chanterelle this summer, to preserve it I baked it at 200 for several hours with the door partially open, when they are perfectly dry and lightly toasted they taste like bacon. If they are not perfectly dry then they taste like a good mushroom but not at all bacony

>> No.12908292

Never had it. How does it taste?

>> No.12908421

>I just want to pick morels AND not die

Morels are nearly impossible to confuse with other species, they look super unique. So unique that you could get a 100% confidence ID from a single photo posted online. Also, those are a spring mushroom found at previous year forest fires. Right now you should be looking for Chanterelles, chicken, hedgehog, cauliflower, etc

>> No.12908547

>go to a local park after seeing the thread about mushroom hunting
>barely any mushrooms
>only ones are rotten, white, or purple
>probably poisonous
That was a waste of 2 hours. My calves ached like hell that night walking 8 miles back and forth

>> No.12909391

Where's the ketchup?

>> No.12909419

Those legal?

>> No.12909724
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>> No.12909729

commit sudoku

>> No.12909734

Maitake, shiitake, porcini, blewits, morels, and matsutake. That wasn't hard.

>> No.12909771

Why are fungi being served as the veggie dish? Fungi are not plants.

>> No.12910069

What are some cool mushroom names?
I gotta name a bunch of liches in dnd and need a theme.

>> No.12910091
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>> No.12910101

Bleeding Tooth
Devils Cigar
Tequila Spike
Aminita Muscaria
Lions Mane
Fly Agaric
Funeral Bell

>> No.12910157

By God it's a league of lich-themed supervillains.

>> No.12910281
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>> No.12911379

Contestants on Top Chef always say it takes an hour at least and they always get eliminated when they make it because it's so difficult...

>> No.12911431

False morels can be eaten, but they have to be dried, then boiled and rinsed repeatedly (at least 3 times) in order for then to become edible. They're a naturally occurring source of hydrazine, and that shit is insanely toxic.

>> No.12911468
File: 143 KB, 1180x664, mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad boys right here are to die for. One taste will send you straight to heaven, they're so good.

>> No.12911494

Pure fuddlore. There is nothing wrong with rinsing your mushrooms.

>> No.12911541
File: 368 KB, 680x680, pusynine-rudmese-922[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both chantarelle and porcini, but my number one for taste and texture is THIS.

>> No.12911545

I picked thousands of these in my life, my favorite.

>> No.12911574


>> No.12911815


>> No.12911917
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>> No.12911991

Same, unfortunately they're hard to find for me, because they blend in perfectly on the forest floor where I normally look for them, so I only know one spot.
Got any tips for finding them?

>> No.12911994


Where do you find these bastards?

>> No.12912005

Heathlandish mossy pine forests, but it depends where you are in the world I guess.

>> No.12912019


>> No.12912055


Ontario, Canada.

>> No.12912088

Then ye, go look in mossy/grassy pine forests.
Usually helps to stray from paths because they get picked empty quickly.

>> No.12913130

Naah she says the stems are bad therefore the mushroom is bad.


>> No.12913182

For me it’s oyster mushrooms.

>> No.12913208

I grew golden oyster mushrooms once, made the nicest mushroom soup I've ever had out of them.

>> No.12913273

Do they taste anything like oysters?

>> No.12913277

mushrooms are fucking disgusting. the rich tricked themselves into eating fungus to feel superior

>> No.12913290

I've never tried them because they're fungus. I always wonder if I'm missing out, but then I remember that they look disgusting and may be taking over the world so I'd rather not ingest them on purpose.

>> No.12913300
File: 160 KB, 1300x865, 26788545-fresh-whole-white-button-mushrooms-or-agaricus-in-a-bowl-on-a-rustic-wooden-counter-ready-to-be-clea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny, because I can get fresh white button mushrooms for real cheap, son.
Just a dollar or two gives me LOTS of them.

>> No.12913308
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>> No.12913327

You're being a bitch.

>> No.12913356

king oyster

>> No.12913538

have fun beimg part of a bot net faggots

>> No.12913571


>> No.12913575

>the rich eat garbage!
He says as he suckles high fructose corn syrup from the teats of the hybridized fluoride sheepig cow, liberally slathered in fishtomato ketchup.

>> No.12913610

how are you psychic? or do you know everyone? or are you just a faggot?

>> No.12913614

I beg your pardon

>> No.12914813

>why aren't people buying a vegetable dish that has no vegetables in it

>> No.12914923

Vegetarian, not vegetable.
Unless vegetarians have some fucking hangup about fungus I don't know.

>> No.12914929

Tastier mushroom? I like them all, but I guess you would prefer the Hairy Nuts Disco.

>> No.12915537

It's a hot topic among vegans/vegetarians. Fungi are completely unrelated to plants and are actually the sister clade to animals making them their closest living relatives.

>> No.12915561

I struggle with mushrooms by and large. I really don't like them, but I want to like them. Any suggestions for one that would go well say... sauteed with a nice pasta or something like that?

>> No.12915801

Porcinis, champignons, portobellos or oysters are all pretty inoffensive in terms of flavour and would go well in a creamy pasta sauce. Chanterelles are nice, but strong in flavour and aromatic, so maybe you wont like those.

You can also make blended mushroom soups if the texture is off-putting to you.

>> No.12916027

Yeah, I figured it would be something fucking retarded like that.

>> No.12916239

What are some good recipes for those french chicks?

>> No.12917161

> the rich tricked themselves into eating fungus to feel superior
You are so ignorant it is funny. Mushrooms are a food of the people, they grow by the thousands out of the ground all around you. Just take some time to research your local mushroom species and you'll realize you've been passing up hundreds of pounds of free delicious food for years.