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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 460x578, goslingcoke012013_01-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12902552 No.12902552 [Reply] [Original]

ok /ck/ time for a grocery store thread what are some things always on the list or grocery store pet peeves

>> No.12902565

The only thing that pisses me off is when boomers grab a handful of peanuts or pistachios, eats them while walking around and then dumps the shells on a random shelf

>> No.12902578

sappy/cringey songs for the "music"

fat people blocking the aisles/fat people in general

people taking 15mins to dig up some coupon to get 10% off while holding up the line

>> No.12902652

people who poke the meat

>> No.12902711

I do that intentionally knowing it triggers you wageslaves. Cope harder.

>> No.12902731

I dont work there. I just despise people so lazy they cant be bothered to find one of the one hundred trash cans around the store

>> No.12902738

I fucking hate that no store ever has what I need. Theres always like one or two items I have to go to a completely different store to get. And every store near me isnt close to each other either. There like 10min or more from each other.


>> No.12902740


>> No.12902743

your store has trash cans

>> No.12902750

I've noticed that a lot of old asians have that entitlement that their societies back home give. They tend to float around the store getting into peoples way and cutting them off and just basically not really giving a fuck about anybody but themselves. This bothers me when anybody does it, but I've noticed that it certainly is a lot of older asians who tend to do this the most.

>> No.12902769

give em the ol' hip bump and laugh as they fall and break a hip

>> No.12902976

Every store has trash cans

>> No.12903001

mine doesn't none open to the public at least

>> No.12903013

Then they're asking for it

>> No.12903052

always on the list:
green veg
whatever other veg looks good
whatever fruit is in season
kombucha or skyr or yogurt
whatever fish is on sale
bulk beans of some type
bulk grain of some type
eggs + milk
a bread and cheese that i've been wanting to try
haagen dazs

pet peeves: sad produce. that's all. not really a lot of annoyances at my grocery store.

>> No.12903087

When fuckers open the milk bottles and then put them back on the shelf. The section also happens to smell like musky piss.

>> No.12903179
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>be me, britbong
>worked at a supermarket after school as an awkward teenager
>stacking shelves on biscuit aisle
>gorgeous 10/10 mid-20s brunette lass walks over
>hot sunny day and she is dressed in a sexy revealing little white dress
>she asks "can you help me?"
>immediately drop everything
>"i'm looking for lady fingers"
>no fucking idea what lady fingers are
>sorry what are they?
>"you know... they are soft and spongy and about so big" *indicates the size with her fingers*
>surely not...
>umm *voice breaks* think they are 3 aisles over
>"can you show me?"
>start walking up the aisle too nervous to talk
>she follows behind not saying anything
>we slowly walk past all the biscuits
>cacking me pants
>turn left and walk passed a few aisles
>get to the aisle with hygiene products
>neither of us say anything
>get to the tampons
>still too nervous to say anything
>she stares at me blankly
>dreading every second that passes
>finally work up the courage
>ummm d-do y-you mean these?
>motion toward the tampons
>she cracks up laughing
>hysterical laughter
>head back and hand on her belly laughter
>my face goes bright red
>eyes watering, resisting urge to cry from embarrassment
>tells me lady fingers aren't tampons they are a type of biscuit
>my spaghetti is all over the aisle
>her laughter ringing in my ears
>s-sorry we don't have any
>turn and briskly walk away trying not to run
>go out the back and into the toilet
>sit there for 20 minutes dying of embarrassment and holding back tears
>certain i'll be fired
In the end nothing ever came of it but it was one of the worst experiences i've had as a wagie.

>> No.12903240

Old people in the self checkout too stupid to figure it out quickly

>> No.12903242

Old people in general lack spacial and social awareness. The old men at the gym for example walk way to close to everyone's station.

>> No.12903252

i don't see anything embarrassing about this, it's funny

>> No.12903264

If you weren't such a sperg, she'd be yours. You fucked it, anon.

>> No.12903308

this is a very cute story, you shouldnt have been embarrassed anon.

>> No.12903429

How the fuck do you not know what lady fingers are

>> No.12903437


>> No.12903449

God dammit anon, you absolute fucking beta, holy fucking shit. She literally thought you were the cutest thing ever, and probably thought it was one of the funniest things that’s ever happened to her at a grocery store.

Laughter isn’t always AT you, anon. Some people laugh a lot, because laughing is fun, and they laugh when funny things happen. You can still get your life on track, just stop being so scared of the world. The worst thing that can happen is someone doesn’t like you, and who fucking cares?

>> No.12903491

as a student, my shopping for the past couple weeks has been like this:
-two or three pepperoni pizzas
-frozen chicken kiev
-frozen chips
-a bar of white chocolate
-a bag of peanuts
-a 6-pack of mccoys cheddar and onion crisps
-2 packs of digestive biscuitss
-some milk (exclusively for tea)
-a bottle of elderflower cordial
-some ice lollies

as for pet peeves, i guess i get annoyed by people parking their trollies right in front of what im wanting to get at, as well as the times when the fucking machines whine about unexpected items in the bagging area every time you scan something.
i'm really really hoping i might be able to get my shit sorted when i actually go back to uni

>> No.12903541

>this happened

>> No.12903557
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>ice lolis

>> No.12904534

>elderflower cordial
I don't know what this is but I can't imagine anything more gay-sounding.

>> No.12904558

It's just a soft drink/sweet beverage made with elderflowers. I have never had it, but I imagine it taste good considering elderflower liqueur is excellent though potent.

>> No.12904573

Fuck off with this British shit. Talk like a real person.

>> No.12904682

I unironically cursed out an old Chinese lady at Target for being this way. I had a hell of a time getting there in trafffic and she'd been in my way in several aisles and then finally she cuts around me when I'm reaching for a loaf of bread to get some shit I was in front of so I went off.
Some combination of "fucking chink cunt" and "other people are shopping here" repeated several times and I just left the store after that. Felt good.

>> No.12904691

If it's at the right time then rotisserie chickens or fried chicken, grocery stores make those pretty good and the price isn't killer.

>> No.12904695

I'm with one of the biggest beer vendors ever. We have a ridiculous amount of product and we have strict time tables for dealing with stores. For whatever reason, its women. I cant fucking stand women in stores when I'm working. I have 40-50 cases of beer per cart which is heavy as shit. And women are always acting oblivious, standing around, clearly aware they're just being in the way, only to snap out of it after 30 seconds with a "oh excuse me". Other times I'll be moving on the side giving everyone plenty of room, but that's not enough. They'll just sit there, staring at me, and then go "excuse me" as if they'll never make it past without me having to move my cart completely out of the aisle. And finally walmart boomers in scooters. Not only are these motherfuckers not having to walk at all, but they have the nerve to just sit there, wasting time they could have spent using the powered motor to navigate past instead of eyeing me with contempt for daring to do my job. It's not even like I'm saving them time at that point, its literally faster for them to just back up and go down the other short ass aisle than it is for me to move the bigass cart or pallet off with enough room for them to pass an area they arent even buying anything in. What the fuck is wrong with just shopping like a normal fuck, why do people have to take literal pleasure in inconveniencing people with actually demanding jobs? No wonder these jobs pay so well.

>> No.12904709

... the right time is about 1:30 PM during a weekday.

>> No.12904716

you know squash?
cordial's basically that but a bit stronger
elderflower is pretty good imo, though it does admittedly sound pretty poncey.

>> No.12904771

Haha oh wow

>> No.12904993

are you really bragging about cursing out an old lady? shame on you anon

>> No.12905076

just fyi, if you ever bring a full pallet down a grocery aisle, you're the dumbass

but I do agree with you. Everyone in every grocery store ever are all retarded oblivious pieces of shit

>> No.12905162

Put me in the screencap.

>> No.12905226


>> No.12905297

>things always on the list
Green onions, red onions, mushrooms, chicken breasts and thighs, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers, rice, Jalapeno peppers, avocados, swiss and parmesan cheese, tortillas, Botticelli pasta sauce if it's on sale. I have no need to make a shopping list because it's like muscle memory at this point. I need to start making my own pasta sauce now that I think about it.
>pet peeves
The heroin whites that scour the parking lot for easy marks to beg for money from. I shop late at night so they're always there it seems, and I look like a non-threatening friendly guy (re: easy mark) so they're drawn to me. I quickly jump into my car without making eye contact, lock the doors and drive away.

Amusingly, I would probably make one of them a meal if they truly were in need and asked for it, but they just want money for opiates.

>> No.12905309

At 6 am? When the fuck am I supposed to do it? Your manager orders 5 pallets worth of beer, I'm supposed to consecutively lift half a pallet to a cart 10 times over the course of 5 hours just to put out product and I have 3 other stores to hit with similar orders. Fuck that, if its early in the morning and you dont open for vendors before open hours, then I bitch because this is the stores product that I'm putting out according to the stores wishes that apparently cant be assed to hire people to deal with their own retarded purchases. I've never met anyone at kroger or walmart who picks up a single case of beer that isnt a receiver. And yet I get the angry calls because I'm not at the next store yet because your shitty store says no pallets. Fuck that, and fuck the boomers shopping for beer at 6 in the fucking morning. They can wait.

>> No.12905312

I always make way for the people stocking shelves or moving pallets.
>No wonder these jobs pay so well.
Are we talking a driver+stock boi type job? Do you drive a large commercial vehicle and need a CDL? What does it pay?

>> No.12905316

Stock boi needs no cdl. Drivers make salary but decent. Stockboi makes 15 minimum but quarterly raises and as much overtime as you want.

>> No.12905555

I'm on your side of this, but FWIW most stores I've been in in Europe don't have trash receptacles inside. Outside one or more of the doors, yes, and past the checkouts maybe but not anywhere in the aisles.

>> No.12905557

what do you use the bell peppers for?

>> No.12905569

stuff them with meatloaf and go to town

>> No.12905651

>some milk (exclusively for tea)
>no tea on list

>> No.12905660

stuff them with penis and go to town

>> No.12905678

that's because a single box of yorkshire tea will last me for months, hence i'm not regularly needing to buy any

>> No.12905868

Chicken fajitas, vegetable lo mein. I don't stuff them but I should learn how to make some sort of stuffed pepper dish.

>> No.12906506

>with actually demanding jobs
lol you are a delivery boy

>> No.12906518

not much to eat, i literally can't stomach most this stuff

>> No.12906580

what the fuck do you eat

>> No.12906588

nothing special, but only a few things always

>> No.12906590

>ᵍᵒ ᵗᵒ ᵐᶜᵈᵒnᵃˡᵈˢ ᵈʳᶦᵛᵉ ᵗʰʳᵘ ᶠᵒʳ ᵈᵃᵗ ᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵈᶦʳᵗʸ ᵇᵘˡᵏ
>ᵒʳᵈᵉʳ 2ˣ ᵐᶜᵈᵒᵘᵇˡᵉˢ ᵃnᵈ ᵃ ᵐᶜᶜʰᶦᶜᵏᵉn
>ᵖᵘˡˡ ᵘᵖ ᵗᵒ ʷᶦnᵈᵒʷ, ᵠᵗ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵍᶦʳˡ ʰᵃnᵈˢ ᵐᵉ ᵐʸ ᶠᵒᵒᵈ
>"ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵒnᵉ ᵃ ᵈᵉᵐ ʰᵒˡˡᶦˢᵗᵉʳ ᵐᵒᵈᵉˡˢ"
>ᵗ-ᵗʰᵃnᵏˢ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ
>ᵈʳᶦᵛᵉ ʰᵒᵐᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶦnᵍ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵐʸˢᵉˡᶠ
>ᵍᵉᵗ ʰᵒᵐᵉ, ᵒᵖᵉn ᵇᵃᵍ
>ˢᵗᵘᵖᶦᵈ ᵇᶦᵗᶜʰ ᶠᵒʳᵍᵒᵗ ᵐʸ ᵐᶜᶜʰᶦᶜᵏᵉn

>> No.12906593

Poor people.

>> No.12906601
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>> No.12906618

stfu faget

>> No.12906838

is this picture real? pls respond

>> No.12906901

anon i...

>> No.12907069

yea its just ryan being sad as usual

>> No.12907303

That’s not how the word hence works you grammar pleb

>> No.12907521

why don't you just go to a partially different store if that bothers you?

>> No.12907703

Shut hence the hence fuck up hence.

>> No.12907716

Fuck you I make $9 an hour. I make fucking bank

>> No.12907751

That would be a driver, anon...

>> No.12907773

The British arent real people silly

>> No.12907779

Stop shopping at poor people grocery stores and you will stop running into the poor people hahahahaha wagey

>> No.12907815

I start my grocery list by first writing down all the dinners I'm planning (I go about every 9-11 days). Then I check through the ingredients of each versus what I have on-hand. Next I take stock of everything else that just gets replenished (like paper towels, bathroom stuff). I also know the order of the aisles of the stores I go to, so I write them down in the order I will get to them in the store. I don't follow a normal path: I always go to the bakery, frozen meats, and fresh veggies first, because if they don't have certain things, I will need to adjust on the fly.

I do this, but with a jar of macadmias and a bottle of white wine. I figure I'm costing my grocer a good $75 each time I go there, but they can't stop me. I also walk around with a weed-vape.

>> No.12908076

That's barely above minimum wage. The cashiers at my local dollar general make more than that.

>> No.12908272

fuck you $9 is enough for 2 hours with your mom

>> No.12908762


I check the weekly ad before hand, then patrol the whole store several times over, only buying items on sale and only non-refrigerated items, taking note of which cold items I am sure I will buy. Then I go back through in somewhat of a hurry, picking up the cold items, and if I have to stop to make another decision, I place them all in a random refrigerated section while I decide. I use the Kroger app to help me plan what I will buy, as well as to get the additional digital coupons that they offer. I go in to a silent, autistic rage when I check my receipt and did not receive a discount that I had anticipated. I get it corrected unless its is so small it is embarrassing, in which case I just simmer, furious and tight-chested.

>> No.12909478

>but they can’t stop me
They can easily record you, record your card number, figure out your billing address, and send a bill for every last dollar you wasted at their store. They typically wait until it’s around a thousand because if you can’t pay up they get to start looking at your assets since not paying is technically grand theft.


>> No.12909504

Eating or drinking the food before buying it. It's wrong.

>> No.12909541

>grand theft
Just consider it an implicit tab.

>> No.12909548

If you’re obsessed with saving why are you buying from kroger

I never understood coupons, how cucked are you to clip coupons to save a few cents at an expensive grocery store

>> No.12910359

You really shouldn't feel bad about this. You made her day. I feel you regardless.

>> No.12910370

Anon I do shit like this on purpose to keep my gf laughing. Don't be embarrassed.

>> No.12910378

>every boring ass loser thinking anon could have got laid because they’ve never made a girl laugh

>> No.12910396

Personality goes a hell of a long way anon.
I find awkwardness cute as fuck.

>> No.12910535

toppest kek

>> No.12910562

i just started working as a coke merchandiser. Where I am (cincinnati) we are all unionized so off the bat you make $16.95. Down in Kentucky theres some other merchs who I heard only make $13. According to a fellow employee if you stay for a year you get a raise to $19 or $20 or something but then after that it will slow down.

>> No.12911003

Its not even "asians" really. Its the fucking chinks in specific. Chinese people are like boomers magnified when it comes to shitty behavior.

>> No.12911006

Yeah Aldi is gross.

>> No.12911015

Chinks arent human.

>> No.12911813

I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.12911953
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i really hope this is real

>> No.12912033

its a copypasta ya fucking idiot

>> No.12912169

is Kroger expensive? people still say cucked?

>> No.12912398

dont post for another 2 years please

>> No.12912600
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There is a qt who works at the grocery store I shop at and I want to ask her on a date.
Is it weird to ask out shop girls?

>> No.12912818
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>> No.12912835

if she says no you can't shop there anymore, keep that in mind

>> No.12912863

I know she only works on Saturday and Sunday so I could spare my embarrassment by avoiding going at the weekend but still go midweek.

>> No.12913416

That's cute and adorable.

>> No.12913428

Just wait until she's off work and follow her until she goes to a bar or shop or something. Then you "wander in".

>> No.12913446

I do remember articles from Korea and Japan about not wanting Chinese tourists because the ones that can afford to go there do shit like throw food (shells, bones) on the floor and wipe their hands on other people's clothes. They basically just act like entitled jackasses.

>> No.12913794

I buy veggies since they are cheap and go in anything, buy meats on sale and stock up, bread maybe snacks and sweets. Then I look at it all in my fridge and make it work. If I crave particular food, I go back and grab little things price be damned

>> No.12913840

No, A single date is never going to be awkward, if she's not up for a second that's okay, you don't have to try and avoid her

>> No.12914419

I feel like that will scare her and maybe get me arrested.

Hopefully it wont be too busy at the weekend and i'll grow the necessary backbone. I've only ever asked out girls who I knew through school or met through friends.

>> No.12914438

Oh no, anon...

>> No.12914465


>> No.12914471

if she's pretty cute then she definitely gets a decent amount of male attention. there's a good chance she'll just be annoyed.

if you're attractive and not awkward go for it, but this is 4chan, sooo...

>> No.12914556

Unironically based. Fuck China.

>> No.12915414

anyone saying this is cute is a fag 100%

>> No.12915492

ebin :DD

>> No.12915514


>> No.12915839

she is cute but seems quite and shy and yet also responsive to my flirting. im not great looking but not unattractive either. im not awkward I usually make conversation with her and have a pleasant chat.

>> No.12915943

should've just laughed with her. That's hilarious

>> No.12916100

not so bad, you could have chadded it up and laughed along

>> No.12916125

It would help a shitload if you have a banter going with her or know literally anything about her interests. You defo can't just ask her to coffee. Pub maybe especially if you're meeting friends
>hey I'm meeting some friends at the Cock and Bull around 7 if you're off you should stop by

>> No.12916190

I wouldnt want my friends to be around when im trying to get to know her if that scenario played out. Plus I know she doesnt really drink. Despite that I hate coffee. Why cant I ask her out for coffee?

>> No.12916218

Well it's a gay cliche for one. Only way you could is if the place is new
And chicks like to know you have friends and aren't a psycho, takes a lot of pressure off as well, not just for you but for her

>> No.12916615

My friends are bastards. They would intentionally ruin things to embarrassment and probably try to shag her. Whats a good place if not coffee or a pub?

>> No.12916661

Nevermind the friends then. I have a lot of success with food trucks and bowling alleys but idk if that would be weird in your cunt
Does your town have a free paper with goings-on? They can be really helpful for druming up ideas

>> No.12916683

You dont let her catch you following, idiot. Youre manufacturing serendipity, not blatantly stalking.

>> No.12916925

Yeah that would be weird desu. Im in England so people usually either meet for coffee or go for drinks and/or food.

>manufacturing serendipity
please explain

>> No.12917153

alot of companies require they bring the pallets down the isle and keep them wrapped until they get it scanned in or counted

>> No.12917274

The reps from companies offering food samples. They are always so pushy. No I don't want to drink your wine or eat your biscotti leave me alone to shop in peace.

>> No.12918591


>> No.12918596

I know I bugged people because I kept comparing price per ounce of different rice brands and because all the bags were weird sizes I had to use the calculator on my phone. I just wanted to be cheap.

>> No.12918689

yeah kroger is somewhat expensive.
they only time i really went when they still had one around me was to get drugs the pharmacy had cheaply priced meds i was taking at the time and sometimes after work because it was on the way home from work and thus a little bit cheaper to save on gas

>> No.12919150


>> No.12919164

My blood pressure always rises at the Asian grocery store. This shit everywhere. I try to go as early as possible on a saturday to avoid it

>> No.12919622

>he doesnt shop on the Isle of Wight

>> No.12919625

When there's nonwhites in the store

>> No.12919636
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ebin tail