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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 866 KB, 1072x1662, IMG_20190910_104938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12902592 No.12902592 [Reply] [Original]

It is chili time once again my dudes.

>> No.12902598

I’m an aids ridden sodomite btw

>> No.12902601

you must not put beans in your chili then

>> No.12902610

Good lad.

>> No.12902611

Why did you fill it so much how are you meant to stir without making a mess

>> No.12902613

Ffs this is not chili and no, it's not because you put beans in it.

>> No.12902618


I'm sure it's...edible

chilli con anon

>> No.12902641

I like to make a lot. I can mix it fine if I do it slowly.
It is. This is before cooking however.

>> No.12902659


It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, I just don't know why you would make it unless you've completely given up on ever being happy again

>> No.12902663

trashy af, can't even stir it

>> No.12902669

That's tomato sauce with meat and beans. Main ingredient to chili is chili's, not tomatoes.

>> No.12902673

What dried chilis did you use? If you say generic chili powder, I will drop this thread.

>> No.12902681

Anyone got a legit chili recipe?

>> No.12902689

Chilli without beans is meat soup

>> No.12902690

Looks too soupy and weird color

>> No.12902697


I think the proper way is to fry as much chilli, garlic, onions, herbs and spices as you have meat in a pan on a low heat. Once the onions have browned, add the meat and throw in some beans if you want to but you don't need tomatoes. Turn the heat up high to brown the meat. Add some beef stock or beer to bring the moisture. Turn the heat down so it's just barely simmering and stew that down for as long as you've got.

>> No.12902720

>Chilli without beans is meat soup
OK man.
But I'm on a weight loss crusade and eliminating carbs and sugar is working. Down 53lbs since June.
So, while I appreciate your gracious and enlightened contribution to this thread, please understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made.

>> No.12902724
File: 2.13 MB, 540x303, tumblr_pwxcbyN0Fj1y72ak6o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can.I took about out to try it and now there is plenty of room.
You cant have chilis be like 50% of it
Why do you say that?
based and beanfilled
Its not cooked yet in the picture. That was right before turning it on. It needs time to thicken up.

>> No.12902736

Including your health? Anybody that believes they have to abstain from a whole food group to make any progress on their weight is just going to run up against a whole host of issues down the line.

>> No.12902747


If you're on a weight loss crusade then get rid of red meat, eat more fish and green veg because they aren't as energy dense but full of vitamins and minerals.

>> No.12902753


No not same same amount of chillis as meat. That would be some kind of challenge. As much chilli, garlic, onion, herbs and spices as meat. So when you factor in the size of onions, it works itself out.

>> No.12902762
File: 20 KB, 620x350, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you supposed to fill up your pot that full, bro? Doesn't air pressure and shit need room? Is that a pressure cooker or a slow cooker? Shit's going to boil out and spill if you don't give it some more space.

>> No.12902770

Shouldn't have filled it up that much bro the heating will be uneven and require more stirring which will now be more difficult.

>> No.12902781

This. Take a few clean coffee mugs and scoop out one or two cups out of that pot to give it room to move. It would be a shame to damage your machine in such a silly way.

>> No.12902810

I used to think the same way. The government indoctrination was strong.
However, keto is amazing, and based on the research I've done, seems to be a healthier choice than a diet with higher levels of carbs and sugar, including the things you've mentioned.
Once I reach a my target weight, I might increase the carbs and sugars from natural sources, but in general, I'n never going back to consuming a typical diet.

>> No.12902816

I'll use generic chili powder and you'll do absolutely nothing about it fucking dumb incel

>> No.12902826
File: 291 KB, 480x360, %pn_2019-08-01_15-03-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a slowcooker and I've already dont this.

>> No.12902867

Yeah I live on the rural coastline so fish and veg are just cheap and local to us. I've been a US Size 2 my entire adult life despite drinking beer and eating constantly throughout the day but by all means, good luck with your beef and beans buddy. How much more you got to lose?

>> No.12902873

are you a grill

>> No.12902881

>beef and beans
you're obviously not paying attention
>are you a grill
probably because replying to my comment was more about her trying to project her social status than my nutritional choices

>> No.12902910


naw my comment was because you're trying to tell me my dietary choices stem from government indoctrination, when i really just eat cheaply, locally and healthily. You guys are here talking about diets this that whatever and overcomplicating shit. Just learn what is actually in your food and eat a balanced diet.

If i was indoctrinated by the government I'd be drinking my pint of dairy milk for my calcium and thinking that 5 portions of carrots and broccoli everyday will help me see in the dark.

>> No.12902927
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>> No.12902954
File: 6 KB, 259x194, lena dunham drinking male tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sweet sweet nectar

>> No.12903402

>mfw I found out there are people who don't put corn in their chili

>> No.12903428

>You guys are here talking about diets this that whatever and overcomplicating shit. Just learn what is actually in your food and eat a balanced diet.
When will ketards ever learn

>> No.12903672

nice meat soup. that ain't no chili.

>> No.12903691
File: 133 KB, 1024x683, 1523530796_f75b62bdbd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tears of men that avoid this bitch like a diseased animal. When whores have dyed stupid looking hair like that, its like seeing a brightly colored amphibian; stay away, it's posionious. That or a septum piercing all whores have now. stay far away.

>> No.12903764

How is it great soup if it has beans?

>> No.12903773

you ain't never heard of 15 bean soup? ham and bean soup? go ask your mommy for more tendies, you little faggot.

>> No.12903776

Says the boy complaining about chili online

>> No.12903796

i didn't complain. i said it isn't chili and told OP it looked like nice soup. you ain't too terribly bright, are you.

>> No.12903811


>> No.12903814

yes. yes, you are.

>> No.12904687

Male tears means cum you dum blacked whore.


>> No.12904823

Who puts fucking beans in chili? Come to Texas and pull some Mickey mouse shit like that and you'll get lynched

>> No.12904835

makes me sad when the poors try to convince themselves that adding cheap fillers is somehow better than making true chile con carne, which is Spanish for “no fucking beans in chili”

>> No.12904845
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>> No.12904846

tee hee

>> No.12904884

Texans actually believe this

>> No.12904890
File: 1.07 MB, 2160x2424, IMG_20190910_182721~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again. It's done.

>> No.12904903

fucking disgusting, also learn how to spell retard

>> No.12904912
File: 276 KB, 828x310, 87DE3DC3-5E6B-4267-AF83-840E25F3DC8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Texans realize adding beans (or rice, or pasta, or any other filler) is for coastie tastelets and flyover poors

>> No.12904915

If you're going to make a chili thread you should at least post a pic of the chili, not some random bean stew.

>> No.12904933
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x1494, Screenshot_20190910-224227~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post the part where their other chili category includes beans

>> No.12904981

>Come to Texas
Yeah, no. Also 90% of Texas eats chili with beans; you Texas chili hipsters are just fucking weird and out of touch.

>> No.12905105

>moves to Texas
>lives in urban area
>ignorantly assumes the one guy at work who made “chili” with beans for the office potluck represents most Texans
>sees “chili” with beans at Wendy’s and Applebee’s

you’ve never traveled more than 10 miles from your suburban 1 bedroom have you?

>> No.12905166

Texas is gay

>> No.12905187

There's like 2 autistic counties in Texas that actually care about chili having beans. Aside from that it's just chili competitions where people don't use beans. Maybe you should leave your village some time. I honestly believe that most of the "no beans in chili" posters aren't even American and have never set foot in Texas.

>> No.12905231

>down 53lbs since June
You're going to fuck yourself up losing weight that fast. I hope you're lifting to offset the muscle loss

>> No.12905302

Is there anything more pathetic than Texan pride?

>> No.12905441

Looks like chef boyardee
As I said b4, not chili

>> No.12906160

Chilli puritans are worse than vegans.

>> No.12906161
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>I only eat vegan chilli without beans
imagine someone like this

>> No.12906598

still waiting anon

>> No.12906600
File: 49 KB, 700x597, tumblr_d4b36ff43d1ed05221af2d31e528aa91_c7f3afaa_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He eats his chili with his eyes

>> No.12906627

Fucking hell man. That doesn't look good.

>> No.12906649

whats wrong with it?

>> No.12906660
File: 3.38 MB, 5248x2952, IMG_20190904_145504279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1LBS Beef
1 Can of Kidney Beans
1 Can of Plum Tomatoes
1 cup of Corn
Some Olive oil to start
One big onion
Four small peppers, any will do
Black pepper
Chilli Powder
Smoked paprika
Fresh Cilantro when done

>> No.12906663

Forgot garlic and I threw in a garden tomato since it was going bad. Two cloves for pussies six for men.

>> No.12906703

You're eating overcooked chilli with pieces of crackers out of a bucket, don't pretend you don't know what's wrong with it.

>> No.12906722

What do you mean overcooked? Whats wrong with crackers? Its just a bowl dude.

>> No.12906739

Anyone ever seen people add in a spoon or two of instant black coffee to their chili? What does that even do?

>> No.12906771

I've heard about that, it's supposed to just make it have another depth of flavor. You can add a can of beer too.

Crackers don't belong in chilli, it's already too calorie dense and without carbs so adding crackers defeats the purpose of why I even make it.

>> No.12906800

You make it to be healthy?

>> No.12906827


Why did you dump a can of heinz baked beans into your tomato sauce?

>> No.12906868

those are pinto beans

>> No.12906979
File: 257 KB, 921x886, 1560733125889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does my chilli always taste bland? i go crazy with spices but it has no flavor. is it because i dont drain the grease

>> No.12906991

>vegetables are a government conspiracy
Jesus fucking Christ this is truly the worst board on 4chan

>> No.12907014

Oh shit the chili police are here! You better not be enjoying something they don’t like! How dare you have personal taste and preferences! Only this man can tell you what you can eat!

>> No.12907144

drain the grease. Why are you not doing that?

>> No.12907352

Fuck that. We do it live!! Son!

>> No.12907791

Like an extra bowl worth?

>> No.12907824

>More tomato than meat or chili
>precooked pinto beans
What the fuck are you doing

Enjoy your spicy bean bolonaise

>> No.12908880

because i always cock up draining the grease when i give it a go

>> No.12908887


>> No.12908941

>Four small peppers, any will do
Yeah, no.

>> No.12908942

>bowl filled to the fucking brim
Why do incels do this?

>> No.12908947

You're probably using low quality dried spices like Chili Powder and it makes your chili taste muddy. You need to up the intensity of your spices. Try using some hot sauce to increase your heat.

>> No.12908983
File: 999 KB, 2240x3968, corn and double beans to say fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toast your chilies, lots of them, use mild ones if you can't into heat
>add them to the onions and garlic for browning
>add meat to it and brown it with a dash of worchestershire sauce
>deglaze the fucking pan
>chicken or veggie stock
>plenty of peppers, lots of varieties, hot and sweet peppers
>no tomatoes up to this point
>add a spoonful of relish, a finely diced small pickle or a few pickled jalapenos
>cumin, smoked paprika and cocoa powder are essential
>lots and lots of time, the more the better
>maybe do it the night before or early in the day, preheating helps a lot

Don't even (you) me about the beans and corn. It's delicious anyway and I like both in there.

>> No.12909003

>almost no chilis
Forget the beans, what the fuck are you doing

>> No.12909894

>90% of Texas eats chili with beans


Ask most old-time ranchers and farmers around
Texas about their opinion on whether there is beans in chili and they will have no clue where the question even comes from. They eat it however it is prepared. That some bozo might think that it is wrong to put beans in chili is beyond their comprehension.

>> No.12910093

looks like baked beans with meat languishing in it

poor showing

>> No.12910143

Can we salvage this thread? Post your best chili recipe

>> No.12910232

The name chili cone carne suggests that true chili is con't carne.

>> No.12910254

Beans are entirely acceptable but corn in chili is irredeemable trash.

>> No.12910286

It was before being cooked anon

>> No.12910818

Just finished the last of the chili. Good stuff.

>> No.12911017

>hurr durr i will make intentionally shit food and brag about it on 4chan because im that insecure
lol ok kid

>> No.12911027

lmao @ the triggered newfag incels

spoiler you fucking retards: you are not arguing with a female

>> No.12911035

god this is not even fun... anon, i legit think you are retarded or something... maybe a clever troll

>> No.12911046


>> No.12911049

>commenting on size and not ripeness/dryness which along with the seeds defines heat
Alright Brent Anderson just because Frank's is too hot for you, you don't have to pretend to like spicy food.

>> No.12911069


Chili originates as a poor mans stew consisting of "whatever the fuck i have to eat at the time".

Chili con carne is the basic requirements of what is needed to be considered a c hili but you'd have to be fucking dull to think people haven't always been chucking other ingredients into the pot.

>> No.12911083


You understand that chili powder is made from ground chilis right?

>> No.12911084

lena dunham's tits are awful though

>> No.12911088

1.toast lots and lots of dried chilis
2. deseed them
3. put in blender
4. add cumin, cocoa powder, corn starch, some stock, other spices if u like
5. blitz and now you've got a nice chilli paste as your base
6. make your chili with whatever meat, bean, tomato mix you want. i also add fresh chilis into the cooking at this point

no longer will your chilis taste bland which always happened to me

>> No.12911147

Yes it is. Had some yesterday and the day before and will have the last of the leftovers in a hotdog tonight.

>with beans FTW

>> No.12911157

Fun fact: legit chill can't be keto.

So give up the thought now.

>> No.12911178

Yes, siimilar idea to "red-eye gravy". I don't care for it but I'm not a big coffee fan so there's that. It'll be for some, just like adding in some creamed sweatcorn, peanut butter.

Other things that you might not know get added to legit chillis are plain chocolate (ideally from Mexico, but not essential), cinnamon (not cassia, real cinnamon), brown sugar, long pepper and mushroom sauce.

>> No.12911190

What spices anon? And try to give an idea of amounts.

Legitimately want to help as I struggled to make what I thought was a proper chilli for literally decades. I made chillis that tasted okay but they never quite hit the flavour mark I was going for, a half-remembered thing from childhood.

>> No.12911267

I don't mind when people use chili powder actually. Or tomatoes for that matter, I do it myself from time to time. There's a line where it becomes too much tomato though and the sweetness drowns out the earthy, smokey, and chocolaty flavors of chili's. Just like I don't really mind beans in chili at all, as long as the flavor is chili forward.

As one anon mentioned about a poor man's stew itt. Technically it was people like cowboys out in the bush catching whatever they could. The chili's helped mask the gamey flavor of lower quality meats.

So I have no quarrel with people stretching out the end product with things like beans or whatever is in the cabinet, I do the same dam thing.

My point still stands, you should taste mostly chili in chili, not tomato

>> No.12911272

On that note, this anon gets it>>12911088

>> No.12911728

Based. Thanks for the tips, man.

>> No.12911744

that! is NOT chili.

>> No.12912110


>> No.12913671

One time I had some brats that I needed to cook before they went bad so I made chili with them.

It wasn't a bad chili, but the flavors weren't quite what I'm used to.

>> No.12914669

I like to pretend to be a autistic Texan chili poster who gets outraged at the idea of adding beans. In reality I'm British, have never been to Texas, and often add beans to my chili.

>> No.12914673

Not chili, dude.

>> No.12914890

I do the same except I'm a Latvian who has never even seen a bowl of chilli irl.

>> No.12914902

will you think about me in bad

>> No.12914913

Slow cookers are for plebs. Cooking chilli in a dutch oven is much better and allows for the proper reduction of water.

>> No.12914927

Most of us dont mind beans but would prefer other cuts than ground beef being used in the place of beans. While chili is a great dish and was intended to be a way to preserve and flavor leftover stuff and whatever beer had, many of us dont need to make it as an emergency preservative dish anymore. Different cuts of beef are definitely pricier than beans to add, but can add much better texture contrasts. I simply prefer the springy, fibrous textures that beef adds. Pork, particularly shoulder, can also be a great addition. But that said, I wouldn't make a big deal out of someone making it with beans either. I've had great chilis with beans before.