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12904435 No.12904435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food to cope with Tinnitus?

>> No.12904439

Potato chips
Ice cubes
Pork rinds

>> No.12904462


>> No.12904468


>> No.12904487
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a bullet

>> No.12904488
File: 38 KB, 351x550, lipo flavonoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure the tinnitus is not a warning sign to be ignored of something else wrong, like a drug overdose side effect sign or too many decibels and eardrum rupture, or some other medical condition, of course. It's fairly common OD from pain meds like aspirin.

My tinnitus was an unwanted post surgical effect after an eardrum injury. And, I saw alllll the specialists, a ton of them. Years ago, I took a supplement recommended just by 1 of the docs, which then happened to awesomely help, if not cured the tinnitus, well til all my healing was finished up from my surgery. It was the bioflavonoids from foods that it was hoping to simulate and I shouldn't have waited a whole 2 weeks to buy it at the time. I read the nutrition facts, and was like ehh, just vitamins, but I was wrong. I really saw a benefit.
Lipo-flavonoid was the name, and it was a proprietary blend specifically targeting the ear healing, so no, don't try for the generic, sorry because I think there are literal thousands of flavonoids, technically speaking. They've worked on this one through a lot of trial and error. I took it 20+ years ago. I'm sure it's even more fine tuned now.

I'd for sure try to add some pink noise, white noise, fans, and some other things to give you a little sanity when you try to relax and sleep. Feel free to ask for drugs to keep you asleep or get you to a hypnotic state to sleep, like ambien. OTC would be like a benadryl. I had some help from anti-inflammatories, too. If you are having problems, sleeping that it. You may not realize, but you might be tensing up the jaw, neck and shoulders against the assault, so keep things limber there with a bedtime shower, maybe some relaxation at other times too. Heat compress, cold compress, one might do something to quiet the nerve.

Foodwise, just treat yourself with indulgences you crave.

>> No.12904489

Milkshakes and soup ninja

>> No.12904491

Alcohol. When you're drunk enough you stop noticing it.

>> No.12904513

Nothing. There is no cure for tinnitus.

Wear earplugs, kids. I can't believe I used to play drums without ear protection.

>> No.12904514
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, kinison-good_answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good answer!

>> No.12904543


>> No.12904702

a possible cause but a definite cure

>> No.12904837

This desu

>> No.12904899

shamiko's urine.

>> No.12905271

Not OP but I'm gonna try this. I have the most minor case ever from a concert I went to but it was a couple months ago and I still get the ringing every once and awhile. Fingers crossed.