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12901039 No.12901039 [Reply] [Original]

What was the absolute best wine you have ever had? How did it taste and smell? How did it go down? What was its age?

For me, it was a few years back when I lived in Canberra, Australia. My dad was working as a programmer for a government department. Many of his co-workers were rich and a few owned their own wineries. They had a system where they were selling unlabelled cleanskins. These bottles could have been $10 each or $500 each. But you could buy 12 of them for $50.

This wine was amazing, it was red and delicious. Sweet but not so much that it becomes sickly. It went down smooth, the smoothest wine I've ever had. The bitterness was perfect, it gave it character, such that you wouldn't actually call it bitter.

I would give anything to know where that wine came from so I could buy it again.

>> No.12901113
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>> No.12901122

Some wine from the next village. Pretty known a few 100s miles away for being pretty good.
Just 8$/L so its not to expenisve to have some bottles inside the wine stand when you need a present.
Wasting big amounts of money for wine in Cuck tier, prove me wrong

>> No.12901171
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>> No.12901189

I don't remember the exact name, I'd know it if I saw the bottle again but it was a Spanish Rioja, I really like those.

>> No.12901194
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Mix that with champagne to make champipple.

>> No.12901204


I've had many glasses of wine OP, as I had lived in a very well respected wine country for almost a decade. The Camus 2008 Carbernet Sauvignon is the absolute finest wine I have ever consumed. This wine admits no description via flavor profile. It can only be described through synesthetic means, my choice being the sensation of liquid gold and velvet. I was served the Camus 2008 cab casually without any indication of its origin, believing it to be some $20 bottle of Trader Joe wine. The nose failed to belie the transcendent experience held moments away.

Most wines have some characteristic "semi-flaw". Some sharp, ever-present note that catches your attention briefly while your mind attempts to reason with it. The wine is "mildly fruity", "notes of pepper", "hot", "bright" et cetera. These tasting notes are not positive qualities, they are compulsions of the mind coping with imperfection, not appreciating. It was not until experiencing the Camus cabernet that I became aware of this paradigm. The Camus was perfect. No discernible flaws. Nothing that jumped out. It was a choir in singular balance, an indivisible entity standing on its own.

>> No.12901362

Friend of a friend is a garagiste. Got to hang out with him while I was over in france a few years back. It may have not been the "ABSOLUTE BEST" but theres something about drinking wine with the dude who made it, and see how happy the guy is that you like it.

>> No.12901384
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>My dad was working as a programmer for a government department.
>Many of his co-workers were rich
Governement employees shouldn't allowed to be rich. They are rich from YOUR TAX DOLLARS and all they do is waste resources, limit your rights as an individual, suck corporate cock, and fuck your country up instead of being proactive and doing literally anything positive.

If taxes pay your salary, you shouldn't be fucking rich!

>> No.12901392

>t. underage b8 brainlet.

Ever consider the possibility that the government might require experts in a field to do critical, expensive, and complicated work? These experts should be compensated for their effort in accruing this expertise. For example, we pay lead NASA engineers 200k+ per year (at the high end of the spectrum, talking 20 years industry experience) in salary for spaceflight. If we want to launch rockets, we have to pay these government employees their market value, otherwise they would never work in the public sector, they would end up working elsewhere.

>> No.12901398

How about that, Elon Musk?

>> No.12901404

>we have to pay these government employees their market value, otherwise they would never work in the public sector, they would end up working elsewhere
As it should be. Since the private sector would boot them to the curb when necessary. The public sector would let them hang on a couple of years to get their pension or keep them around despite not needing them because "hey, why not? The taxpayer is footing the bill". The government is a bloated greedy pig.

>> No.12901417

>t. government pig feeding off the tax payers tit
Fucking scumbag.

>> No.12901432

Some 1990 croze hermitage my grand father left behind. He was accountant for the corporation for 20 years, but died when I was very young or I could have gotten some pretty nice bottles.

>> No.12901458

>the government might require experts in a field to do critical, expensive, and complicated work
If you're an expert in your field, or even slightly over competent, you don't work directly for the government. You might get some contract work, but you work in the private sector. People who have cushy government jobs re usually incompetent pieces of shit.

>> No.12901463

I went on a bender with Fuedo Maccari's 2016 nero d'avolo last year. Fantastic wine, and fairly priced.
Then it won an award or something, price got upped 10+ dollars, sold out, and now all you can find is their 2017. Not bad, but not worth buying more than a bottle for a dinner.

>> No.12901612
File: 32 KB, 500x900, 2015-Decoy-Sonoma-County-Cabernet-Sauvignon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckhorn Decoy, at the Keg on Jarvis in Toronto a few years back. absolutely delicious.

>> No.12901690

Not a wine expert by any means, but this (and their merlot) are delicious

>> No.12901807
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Every wine I've ever had was like drinking easter egg dye regardless of "quality"

>> No.12901824 [DELETED] 

Wine sucks, drink a real beverage you absolute fucking pussies

>> No.12901885

Can't say. Any bottle I've enjoyed has been far less impressive the second time around.

>> No.12902127

>driving around italy with my new waifu
>"hey this village looks cute"
>pull into san gimignano
>buy bottles of wine from just about every house that has an "oilo y vino" sign on the driveway
>its all good, but nothing blowing me away
>pull up to this other house
>try their oil.. its awesome
>try their wine.
>holy shit this is the best wine ive ever had in my entire life
>no preservatives
>wont keep
>drink 3 bottles of it in one night
>never to be had again.

>> No.12902130

Throw a bunch of fruit and sugar in a black bag under your bed. Retrieve amd voila, you got vomit wine

>> No.12902214

I can never remember which wines i have liked the most mainly because i end up getting drunk and then the memory of drinking said wine is forever fuzzy. There hasn't been a wine i haven't liked. Im not picky little bitch.

>> No.12902522

Patently wrong. A nasa engnineer could just as easily work for any large tech company and make the same, if not more money with more benefits.

If one is providing a service to the country, then one is not being fed off the taxpayers tit, they are exchanging services for taxpayer money. You have an infantile viewpoint of how economics work.

This is also incorrect. Nasa employees are government employees, and they fund research and development that other sectors would not necessarily fund. So plenty of experts who want to conduct their research work for the government. You do not have an accurate viewpoint on how the government sponsors scientific innovation, something that is 100% important for the technological development of the US as a whole and benefits the tax payers directly.

>> No.12902563


Best wine I've ever had was a Furmint from Hungary. It was only a few years old, white, crisp and dry but with no acidity or tannins. Apple on the nose. In the mouth it was very savoury, pear, quince, sage. Savoury but also refreshing. Had it with some fresh seafood a couple of years ago and it blew my mind. Never had a white wine quite like it before or since.

>> No.12902694
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>> No.12903313

Opus Ine 2009
Kind of a meme but it was pretty good
Had some grassy/herby notes that I dont usually find in wine.

>> No.12903954

Huh, so every overpaid and redundant government employee is basically the equivalent to a NASA employee? When you inflate the importance of positions that are essentially government waste to NASA scientists your entire argument falls apart.

>> No.12904840
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Ok so I've been sad lately and have put down the hard liquor for a while. Beer is a no go because too many calories and carbs. Wine is less.

Recommend me some good shit, preferably that I can pick up at Walmart.

>> No.12904850

how do i get good at analyzing wines i drink? i can separate into wines I like and wines I don't like. and i have some favorites. where do i go from here? how do i start developing my pallet to identify tastes and judge wine more fairly?

>> No.12904932

Thank you for the tears of laughter

>> No.12904951
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>king of floral whites

Reds it's got to be a Tannat or a Barolo I've had in the past few years. I've been wanting to try an Amarone for a while, it's meant to have an edge on a Barolo.

I was gifted a Tunisian wine 1998 vintage at Christmas which I was really looking forward to, but the fucking thing was corked. The most of the box apparently - it's definitely not worth keeping wine that long.

>> No.12904953

Holy shit what an absolute faggot.

>> No.12905005

I might be retarded but isn't wine supposed to be corked at the top.
Why was it not good i thought wine was supposed to be old.

>> No.12905038
File: 166 KB, 802x510, pallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i start developing my pallet

Once you've developed an appreciation for the classic wooden pallet you may move on to a plastic formed one and from there a whole wide world of pallets

>> No.12905043

I've been trying to get one of those GPS pallets from WalMart. Is this safe?

>> No.12905058

The best wine I ever had was from a place called three blind mice or cats and it tasted like grape juice and was hard to boot. It was three dollars because they were going out of business and were offloading their inventory, I wish I picked up a case.

>> No.12905068

I like young Italian wines. Spending a ton of money on a wine that tastes like woody trash is for cucks.

>> No.12905071

The only people who are a watse of resources in the government are elected officials and their lackies.

>> No.12905120

best wine I've had was a meme CA pinot. Overpriced but the dark fruit flavors were absolutely delicious with the meal I had
I mostly drink argentinian reds nowadays, imo best price/taste widely available in the USA

>> No.12905122
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>> No.12905127

Based post. Just knowing that a giant jug cost me around $10 makes it taste 10x better

>> No.12905159
File: 198 KB, 756x1008, monte bello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to be great, but they got bought out by a big law conglomerate and they've definitely gotten worse

This is my GOAT. I have some bordeaux in my cellar that has the potential to beat it but I won't know for another 10 years.

>> No.12905251

Barefoot pink moscato