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File: 382 KB, 540x540, cigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12887566 No.12887566 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's not technically food, but since I want to ask about the taste I think this is the best board for it.
Well, cu/ck/s I love the smell of a nice cigar, but I've never smoked in my life so I want to try one for myself. Which one should I buy? How does it taste like? Should I smoke a normal cigarette first just to get used to it or dive into it right away?

>> No.12887568

ask reddit instead

>> No.12887571

Just stay far away from any of that shit dude. It wouldn’t be hard for this dumb idea to turn into a full blown vogue addiction

>> No.12887628

What the fuck is reddit about my post? I've never been there, you obsessed faggot.
I'm not interest in it for the aesthetics, I just really like the smell and want to try it the best way possible.

>> No.12887647

I don't smoke cigars that much and I guess you are in the US so you have that bullshit Cuban embargo still going, can't give you much specific advice
>Should I smoke a normal cigarette first
No. Cigarettes are arse and you inhale them. Cigars are pretty full flavoured and you roll the smoke around in your mouth, maybe expel it through the nose
Eat beforehand, don't get a giant cigar. The nicotine hit if you aren't used to it can be pretty powerful.

>> No.12887648

oh and in case jannie kills the thread there's a pipe thread on out

>> No.12887658

>guess you are in the US
I'm an Europoor, I live in Spain. Should I get a cuban cigar? I've heard they are wonderful but expensive. Maybe the expensive part is because of the American embargo.
What brands do you recomend?

>> No.12887711

Try a Hemingway Short Story. If you don't smoke cigarettes, avoid inhaling.

>> No.12887719

Dont touch cigarette, they suck at first and you need to inhale them and by the time you get used to it you're already addicted
Cuban cigar are nice, don't know the brand but there's some affordable ones in europe

>> No.12887725

If you want cheap but still decent, Romeo y Julietta make cigars in all shapes and sizes, they're a decent starter cigar, not too rough, not too mild, and a decent draw. If you're looking to spend a little more, the best advice is to go to a brick and mortar cigar specialty store and tell them you're new to cigars and ask what they recommend, they'll probably ask you what size you want and then make a recommendation.
As for what it tastes like. Tobacco. What did you think it tastes like? Unless you get a flavored one, it's just going to taste like tobacco. Flavored cigars are all overthe place because they're all flavored differently, cherry, liquor and chocolate flavors are the most common I've seen. But I reccomend starting with a plain tobacco cigar. And don't worry about cigarettes, cigars and cigarettes are completely different beasts. You're not supposed ot suck down cigar smoke, just draw it into your mouth and savor the flavor.

>> No.12887826

>I've never smoked in my life
I think that's a silly idea but if you really want to go for it I'd say try mini cigarillos from a reputable source like Montecristo or Cohiba. They should give you at least an idea what the larger cigars are like. Not sure if these are sold in US though, you guys still do that Cuba embargo?

>> No.12887870
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>> No.12887889


>> No.12887924

>liking literal mouth cancer and poison
>not cringe
You have to go back

>> No.12887927


>> No.12887928

keep in mind strong/medium/mild doesn't have to do with nicotine, it's to do with taste most of the time. I'd recommend Macanudo Whites/Blues, and Cuban Cohiba Maduros to try. Don't mangle them with a knife, get a cigar cutter for like 3 bucks from a gas station, and preferably a torch lighter, or something with a consistent flame. Toast it a bit on the flame before you cut, and then light it evenly and slowly, otherwise you'll gimp the burn. If it burns too fast on one side of the cigar, tap your finger on your tongue and then where you'd want to slow it down, don't get it too damp, otherwise it won't burn at all.

You can put it out whenever you want, but if you want to save it, use the clipper to cut off any toasted parts, otherwise the next time will have a burnt flavour. It's also a slightly acquired taste, give it a few chances, sometimes you'll just get a bad cigar out of the batch. I'm not too into it, but once in a while this is how I go about it casually

>> No.12887960

Anything by Padron or Arturo Fuente is going to be good.
He's right. Go take a look at the /r/cigars wiki. It has some good info to start you off

>> No.12887989

Matches or Zippo is the only way to light a cigar

>> No.12887994

i use matches, but only because my zippo flints are done, and all the torch lighters I buy seem to be shit. My buddy used a butane utility torch, but that's a bit too excessive for my tastes.

>> No.12888045

Not if you want to toast it properly (hint: you do)

>> No.12888063

enjoy the cigar taste in your mouth for the next few days, ‘cause it’s ALL you will taste, no matter how much you brush your teeth or use mouthwash

>> No.12888244

get a set of grape flavored backwoods. exquisite flavor, smooth burn, perfect cigar.

>> No.12888453

I'm reasonably sure that the soyboy in this situation is the one crying like a babby about tobacco use

>> No.12888467

Smoke Italians. Toscano if you can get that in Spain. Much stronger and richer than a Cuban for a fraction of the prize. Pure 100% Kentucky Tobacco.

>> No.12888592

Ive never smoked anything, but In thinking 2 or 3 cigars to build a pallet, would I take the gold sticker off as i smoke or leave it on?

>> No.12888614

>go to a brick and mortar cigar specialty store and tell them you're new to cigars and ask what they recommend, they'll probably ask you what size you want and then make a recommendation.

Literally do this, dont listen to these idiots trying to tell you to buy some super strong ultra flavor shit for your first cigar.

>> No.12888791
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What's your pick? I'm a robusto fella

>> No.12888798

the sticker's there to keep it intact and look cool, cut the cap and then take it off. I save em to remember which ones I liked the most.

>> No.12888801

I'm basic af and prefer corona

>> No.12888810

You only smoke 2/3 of a cigar you fucking plebs.

>> No.12888817
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>he doesn't stick around for the stingin' roger

>> No.12888945

I thought coronas were more like 5.5 - 6

>> No.12888961

dunno, I was always told that it was whatever the manufacturing wanted it to be, since it had no specific measurement anyways. They should really standardize at some point, everybody's putting out proprietary sizes with overlapping names at this point

>> No.12888969

Learn to smoke cigars poser

>> No.12888986

Maybe if you post more terrible, overused 4channel memes the bad people will go away

>> No.12889015

Short Storys are a great choice.

Also consider Nub by Oliva, they're on the cheap side and a good short-ish smoke.

If you like flavored stuff, I like the Acid cigars from Drew Estate. Speaking of them, if you have a lot of money to burn, their Undercrown and Liga Privada are excellent smokes.

>> No.12889104

Ehhh it doesn't really bother me. I like some variety in my cigars anyway. The flavor and draw is more important.

>> No.12889139

return to reddit

>> No.12889148


>> No.12889180

I exclusively smoke The Judge toros by My Father

and a few bowls of Presbytarian blend out of a corn cob pipe once in a while

>> No.12889206

how's the draw on the longer cigars like Churchills? I mostly smoke robustos, and I'd like to try a longer cigar so that I can burn it on and off during a longer session like a BBQ, but if the draw is a lot worse I'd rather not sacrifice it.

damn, the Judges look good, I'll see if they have them at my local shop

>> No.12889233

Personally I'd recommend a smaller ring gauge and length Camacho Connecticut cigar for your first time. If you go with something made with ligero leaves (high potency) your first time you will likely puke, so go for a more loosely packed light cigar. Ultimately, I would recommend asking your local cigar shop for a couple beginner cigars, they know better than the people here most likely.

>> No.12889247

I almost exclusively smoke gordos.

>> No.12889263
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>he doesn't have a cigar lounge
I feel bad for people who have never been to a real cigar store. The smell is amazing and you'll always find someone interesting to talk too.

>> No.12889270
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Ama. None of these other retards know anything. Story stories are trash. Domestic ryjs are trash.

>> No.12889278

Again, those are Cuban brand names purchased by general cigar who then makes junk for people to post on reddit.

>just picked up some cohibas, did I do a good job?


>> No.12889579

Why the fuck do you think I have a nubber?

>> No.12889619

whats a good medium-strength robusto or toro in the 20-30USD range?

>> No.12889623

I prefer the Ashton Kutcher Select. It tastes like apricots rolled in roasted olive pits with a hint of yeast infection.

>> No.12889650

>how can i get addicted to tobacco in a classy manner?
Kek, have fun.

>> No.12889777

Sorry man, I was pretty tired, just about to pass out when I asked you.

I keep seeing good things about My Father, and seeing as you also like Presbyterian, might have to get a handful.
>Domestic ryjs are trash.
Wow, I would have thought the Cuban ones would be better. That was what I was going to recommend him. Never tried the US version I just assumed the offshore Dominican brand made for the export market wouldn't be as good.

>> No.12889897

Sorry, I'm american. I use the term domestic because US companies bought up all the cuban brand names and now produce shitty cigars. I do think cuban RyJs are generally overrated/overpriced though, but still gems compared to the "fake" line. Don pepin in the guy behind My Father. Generally delicious little pepperbombs. He does alot of blending for Tatuaje as well. Another king to look out for is AJ Fernandez. I don't think anyone can compete with him over the last 10 years. For a beginner, try to snag a rose of sharon.

>> No.12889976
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>Story stories are trash
Assuming you can't type and you're shitting on the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story, why do you have a fuckin' Chateau Fuente in there?

>> No.12889991


Because 858 rosados are fucking hard to get? Why else? If you didn't notice, those opus x are fuentes too...

>> No.12890016

>I know it's not technically food,

It's not food in any way shape or form.

>> No.12890018

All jokes aside, Illusione Rothschild CTs are twice the cigar ss naturals are, at the same price.

>> No.12890029

>spend 3 hours of your day smoking the same stick
Why do sőīaboys do this? Just buy a pack of nice cigarillos and enjoy a shorter and just as flavorful smoke instead of wasting precious hours of the day smoking a single stick

>> No.12890032

Some of us have decks, not stoops.

>> No.12890036

Leave /ck/ you tourist fuck, we can all plainly see that you do not belong here.

>> No.12890037

You don't even own a house boy
Why don't you grow up before posting on 4channel

>> No.12890045

Dumbass its not like reddit is any diffrent at this point and they will tell you alot more then us

>> No.12890046

Of course, but entry Fuentes are recommended to beginners because they can be found everywhere and they are better than most of the crap out there.

>> No.12890055

Entry fuentes are recommended to beginners because of the absurd b&m markup on them. You're posting on a niche forum, you can order cigars online like a big boy.

>> No.12890057

Buy factory smokes by Drew estate they are dirt cheap but fantastic for just over a buck each. Fox cigars had them cheapest.

>> No.12890058
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>he doesn't snuff and clip it for later
>he doesn't sit back and enjoy a sunday sunset
>he doesn't huff through a strong churchill in 15m like a chimney and KO from the headrush
shiggy diggy

>> No.12890064

Don't snuff your cigars to smoke later.

>> No.12890067

they're cheap shit in the first place, there's nothing to ruin

>> No.12890069
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>post soy about soy posting soy
>it isn't a response to soy posting
well okay little boy but this is an 18+ site and the adults are talking about completely legal tobacco products

small cigars and cigarillos are my preference, if I feel like going longer i can just have a second without much guilt

wow way to make me want to disregard my own convenient preferences by being a faggot

>> No.12890071

I bet you have potters foam in your humidor.

>> No.12890077

>I'll take my martini VERY dry. Like, wave it in the general direction of Italy.
*tips barkeep*

>> No.12890085

Widely accepted fact that petite coronas are the pinnacle of cubans. I'm about to snag a cab or two of Por Laranga pcs to stash back for 8-10 years.

>> No.12890091

Why are you buying cheap shit?

>> No.12890098

>Entry fuentes are recommended to beginners because of the absurd b&m markup on them
All cigars have a high B&M markup. That's how they pay their lease.

>> No.12890102

because i save the good shit for when i have time, and because I'm a stingy cunt who has low standards, and still finds a cheap macanudo relaxing

I'm not talking shit like philly's blunts or backwoods, that crap is disgusting

>> No.12890142

Worked at a b&m for a time. I know brand markups. Don't send morons off to buy fuentes. Also don't ask tobacconists what to try for your first cigar. I'm going to sell you a fuente.

>> No.12890180
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Remember the old saying.

>> No.12890208

There are good short cigars. Don't waste your time on cheap shit. Don't clip your sticks. The goal is to release as much oil as possible from the leaf, without burning it. Purging the smoke, then clipping it does not put back the oils that were already vaporized off the leaf. I'd compare it to dropping way too much wax on a banger, hitting it, letting it cool, then smoking reclaim.

>> No.12890309

Youre the reason I buy online exclusively.

>> No.12890341

Welcome to retail. I hit my b&m up exclusively to swap out my xikar cutter when it dulls. Lifetime warranty. But yeah, if you're shopping online, don't buy domestic macunudos. Rule of thumb is if they sell foil packs of the cigar in casinos, you don't need a box.

>> No.12890343

So what do you recommend to beginners?

>> No.12890351

Drew estate

>> No.12890353

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.12890367

Anything specific? They have huge range

>> No.12890419

Anything on the lighter end of Aj Fernandez is going to be delicious. Rose of Sharon, Bella Artes, even New worlds will be good. Other than that? Perdomo 10th anny champagnes, Illusione Rothschilds, or even something like an Epernay. Dion Giolitto kind of pioneered the full flavor, medium strength cigars that are popular lately.
One of the best cigars I've ever smoked was an Ave Maria reconquista that I aged for 7ish years. Just found out last week thats an aj fernandez stick. Ave Maria clermonts are also great, cheap, and available.
DE has gone WAY downhill since Saka left. Nortenos and HEs are pretty good, but I don't smoke nearly as many LP9s anymore. UF13s were one of my gotos back a few years ago.

>> No.12890434

Cigar culture is generally terrible. It's impossible to engage in it casually without ridicule from the staff and patrons of any place you may wish to purchase a cigar. Just get black and milds or other such bullshit at your grocery store if you want a nicotine buzz without going full cigarette addict.

>> No.12890440

shop online if you hate dealing with people
worst case scenario you save money

>> No.12890453

>People make fun of me whereever I go
>It must be the culture

I bet bartenders love you too.

>> No.12890479

Abbut: A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a Cuban.
Kosh: A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles. Do you understand, Miss Winters?
[Talia sees images, which frighten her so much that she screams.]
Abbut: You were swell. Maybe we can have that Jovian Sunspot sometime. Kosh, old boy, a pleasure as always. Let's do lunch soon.
[Abbut hands Kosh a data crystal. Exit Abbut.]
Talia: What was he, and what was on that data crystal he gave you?
Kosh: Reflection, surprise, terror. For the future.

[Just some old Babylon 5 stuff]

>> No.12890643
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get a tin of these qts

>> No.12890658

Id just dive into it. Buy a variety of cheap ones. Then move up as you develop a preference of a certain cigar. Ask the guy who runs the smoke shop what is similar to the ones you like. Then eventually become a snob.

Why cant you figure this out on your own anon?

>> No.12890663

>I bet bartenders love you too.
They do! Even my coke dealers love me, this is definitely a cultural phenomenon within the wrapped tobacco leave industry.
>shop online
This is exactly what I've told the proprietors of cigar shops what I would do from now on. It's been nice to see them fail.

>> No.12890687

I shop Famous Smoke dot com. It has the best prices on Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario Double R. If you don't know what that is then stay in your lane. Real cigar afficianados are coming through.

>> No.12890709

I've experienced the exact opposite
Every shop I've gone into is welcoming, loves to inform, and is full of unpretentious customers
I was actually shocked at how laid back everyone seems to be

>> No.12890717

I'm willing to accept that I've just had random bad experiences from a few local shops. It's just weird considering the usual Texan acceptance of folks. The guys that liked cigars at my regular bars seemed like good guys with good recommendations, it was just the fucks at the shops locally that were pretentious douche bags.

>> No.12890735

>Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario Double R
Call atlantic, get vip pricing.

>> No.12890821

Are you willing to accept proprietors of high end tobacco establishments don't want to deal with dipshit cokeheads looking for "stogies".

>> No.12890876

Maybe it's different in Aus because tobacco is beaten around so much but I haven't come across any wankers in person yet. Online's a different story though, seems to be quite a bit of drama on the facebook groups somewhat often, none for pipes.

>> No.12890878

You mean they don't sell loosies?

>> No.12890889

I can see aussie fb groups being trash because of your import taxes. I know it happens alot with hookah.

I'm about to step out for a smoke. 4 Kicks or a Tat serie P miami?

>> No.12891024

You mean that they wouldn't want the clientele of people that have tons of disposable income for getting fucked up? I don't think I'm willing to accept that, no.

>> No.12891042

It means they don't need your income.
>inb4 i made them go out of business

That would have happened regardless.

>> No.12891058

So you agree that their attitude was fatal to their business?

>> No.12891097

The industry is fatal to their business.

>> No.12891152

Thanks. I'll try that Monday. All the best to you.

>> No.12891158

Do you care to explain this in terms that make sense? Like are you saying gas stations fail because of the existence of the oil industry?

>> No.12891169

A friend from South Africa turned me on to those. He got them on his flight from Germany to JFK, apparently duty free on the plane itself.

>> No.12891175

The Davidoff's are pretty good, unfortunately expensive if not tax free.

>> No.12891193

Fennel seeds get rid of cigar breath and cleanse the pallet. You'll be tasting licorice for a little bit, but otherwise the cigar taste is gone.

>> No.12891212

I'd rather have cigar taste on my breath then lickorich taste.

>> No.12891256

Only the malevolent child wishes to escape the famed taste of a cigar.

>> No.12891264

I've spent good money to belong to a cigar club. The last thing I want is some off sided coke head lingering about.

>> No.12891279

Because you feel you've spent money to belong to an exclusive group you wouldn't want the proprietor to make additional money? Isn't this the exact thing I was originally talking about concerning the pretension of cigar folk? Oh, and I guarantee some of your club members use coke and don't include you because you're a dick.

>> No.12891324

If a member or two wishes to engage in such debauchery then let them go about it outside of the club. We maintain a classy and disciplined standard here.

>> No.12891334

Alright buddy, have a good night with your roleplay. Have fun.

>> No.12891339
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>What the fuck is reddit about my post? I've never been there, you obsessed faggot.

>> No.12891352

You do not - nor do your cohorts - belong in my Shangri-la. You're an outcast.

>> No.12891363

brand: CAO
product line: ITALIA
Blue band/ring on it
best 7$ cigar you can buy
One of the best tasting cigars out there as well.
Tips: eat food if you are new, get a cup to spit in, light your cigar with stick matches only, rotate the cigar as you smoke and as you let it sit, do not inhale, don't take the band off the cigar until the ash/cherry gets down to it, band is there for a good reason.

t.regular cigar smoker

>> No.12891408
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Customers who strictly shop for the best deal will fuck over an entire cities worth of b&ms. In actuality you're paying a premium for convenience. Someone is aging the stick you like, in hopefully a well monitored environment. Its a race to the bottom in a heavily regulated and taxed industry. You're literally holding onto thousands of dollars of extremely fragile inventory in the hopes that you'll break even. Its a niche industry reliant on normies like you wandering in and spending more than they should.

>> No.12891424

Stick matches? You're not actually burning potassium chlorate and tetraphosphorus trisulfide under your cigars are you? Get a torch. Every xikar I've had has broken, my prometheus and lotus lighters are all going strong.

>> No.12891426

If you buy a few boxes(of anything) over the phone, you can usually get them to waive the $60 dues.

>> No.12891448

Quality has also gone downhill since general cigars bought them. Huber and co left a few years ago to form crowned heads, who made that 4kicks I just posted. Check them out, around the same price per stick.

>> No.12891549
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Just got done sitting in my backyard and puffing some cigars with scotch. I can't be assed so i won't go into too much detail or back up what im saying so take it with a grain of salt. Flavors you like change from person to person and as you progress in cigars but starting light is a better play. cigars are not cigarettes, theyre completely different so dont fucking go there. The smell and the taste are drastically different. kind of like when you spray a puddle of perfume on your hand instead of just smelling it pass by. The flavor changes with the intensity of the smoke. Its hard to describe the taste of a cigar besides smokey. When i first wanted to get into it I tried to find cigars with "notes" like my whiskeys and wines. That shit dont work. you either have a good or bad cigar for your pallet. I heavily recommend pairing with an alcohol. Your best bet for finding a starter cigar is going to a local cigar shop and having them hook you up. My personal recommendation would be a Kristoff Brittania. Light enough to not overpower but flavorful enough to give you an experience. feel free to ask questions if this thread isnt dead already

>> No.12891621
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110x18 only dont @ me

>> No.12891751

hey trump smokings bad for you

>> No.12891818

Gay as fuck

>> No.12891821

I really like tatuaje cigars. They taste nice.

>> No.12891825

I've got some 2014 pudgy monsters getting here Monday. I'll post em if the thread is still alive.

>> No.12891952

Cuban cigars are a meme. If you are just starting out, get something that isn't "spicy" and look for something more smooth or "creamy." One of my personal favorites is a Romeo y Juilieta Reserva Real (the non-cuban version) and it's really nice for a beginner.

>> No.12892135
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Personally I recommend Oliva serie G Cameroon tin of 5, pic related. If you head over to /out/ they have a pipe general, but cigars are also welcome.

>> No.12892283

>how's the draw on the longer cigars like Churchills?
Cooler and weaker at the long end as you'd expect, but as they burn down that thickness starts to hit you. I usually smoke them in halves, first half before drinks, second half after drinks.

>> No.12892287

Is it worth it at all to wrap my own cigars? Seems like a lot of effort for not much gain, especially since I'll basically be using the same tobacco that's in premade cigars anyway.

>> No.12892343

I've been trying to source some vintage wooden molds for a potential doomsday type scenario. Bunch of the guys on botl roll their own, so I'd dig around there.

>> No.12893443

Alright OP, I’ll pitch in my two cents, I work in the American cigar industry and have a bit of experience in international cigar markets and Cuban cigars. First since you’re in España Cuban cigars are available at one of the more reasonable prices outside of Havana except for the brand Cohiba and their Behike line which used to be priced well in Madrid but have shot up significantly in price the last five years. Now Cuba produces good quality tobacco and has many skilled torcedores but they are very limited by their lack of technology, i.e no fertilizer, no pesticides, nothing made after 1960 basically and this does impact quality. It’s also worth mentioning that for many cigar smokers the allure of Cuban tobacco is the perceived quality over real quality especially in America. In the last several years many new cigar makers have emerged and put out very good product and the market is pretty competitive which is starting to hurt large conglomerates like Altadis or General Cigars. For you I would recommended starting with mild cigars, trying a few different types from different countries and seeing what you like. For mild cigars non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta reserve real is a good starting point. If you’d like to see what Nicaraguan tobacco tastes like try a Padron, something from their thousand line. It’s also worth mentioning that very few cigars are puros nowadays, meaning most cigars are blended from tobaccos from many different countries. I’d find a good local cigar shop or lounge, perhaps a Casa Del Habano nearby. The staff at a good lounge is usually pretty knowledgeable and I know my favorite part of working in a shop is helping a newbie get into cigars. I’ll lurk this thread for the rest of the day if anyone has any questions. Oh and I think cigars is definitely /ck/ because like pairing the right wine with a steak or fish a cigar is a great way to relax with a meal or after.

>> No.12893499

You never want to use zippos the light a cigar, then it winds up tasting like lighter fluid. Matches are fine so are cedar spills but butane lighters are the most common. Also you really should not light a cigar by puffing it while you light the foot, that pulls heat and ammonia into the body of the cigar. You should light it independent of your mouth and start from there, you can also gently blow through before you start smoking to clear out any residual heat.

>> No.12893572

I’ll try anything but lancero or Coronas are my favorites.
Nothing bothers me more than a guy who buys a cigar to smoke only half, not as bad as giving someone a good cigar for them to only smoke half
A well made cigar should always draw well, Churchills usually don’t have draw problems those usually only happen with poor quality cigars, poorly stored cigars, or sometimes an odd vitola
The conversation and quality of people are my favorite things about my local shop, everything from investment bankers to plumbers to retired hockey players to tailors to doctors.
Fuentes puts out a good product but way to much hype especially on their Opus. I hate fanboys of companies like Fuente or Drew Estate who refuse to even look at other brands. Realistically most companies put out a good product but like wine everyone has different taste. That being said Fuente has objectively gone down in quality the last several years.

>> No.12893648
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>spending upwards of $20 for an hour of ash mouth
AHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck i am laughin what the fuck is wrong with you
Nasal snuff gives you the truest flavor of tobacco. "Enjoying" the flavor of cigars is the same as "enjoying" the flavor of your daddys dick

I am gone, you know I am RIGHT

>> No.12893657

Based schizoposter

>> No.12893658 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12894542

Hey look someone else who knows what they're talking about. Think it worth tracking down the other monsters? I've got access to Jekyll's Hyde's Michaels and brides under $10 a stick. Tatuajes one of the cult brands I havent delved too deep into their HTF stuff.

>> No.12895949


Missed your reply, cheers. Looking at taking cigars a little more seriously now pipe tobacco is harder to import.

>> No.12895972

>A well made cigar should always draw well,
No True Scotsman nonsense

A fat cigar is simply going to have fewer quality control issues, there is a reason lanceros cost more, it's because they take the most skill and more tobacco goes to waste from mistakes

Also I am amused that there is still Opus X hype, I stopped smoking almost 20 years ago and back then people were also grousing over Opus X hype

>> No.12896055

Fwiw I've had more cubans with draw issues than any other region. Also never had any construction issues with opus or anejos. Had a box of casa fuente lanceros that split, but I'd choc that up to the store being junk.

>> No.12896723


>> No.12897175

Get some Indonesian pipe tobacco from time to time and the guy knows an old cigar roller, looks like he rolls some pretty good ones. Decent idea?
Mostly a blend of different Indonesian leaves but he threw in some Latakia which sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.12897177

Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. YUCK!

>> No.12897703

my uncle always used to dip his cigar in soy sauce and bite a chunk out of it before smoking it when he was trying out a new brand

>> No.12898191

Canary island cigars are both cheap and good

>> No.12898248

Get one from the Dominican Republic instead. They too know what's up.

Also, here is a neat trick. Get cheap but fat cigars and soak their butts in cognac for a while. Let them dry for at least 24 hours. Fucking awesome smoke.

But seriously, don't smoke. It's bad for you. I quite years ago, and I still struggle, but I'm also very glad I quit.

>> No.12898258
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Noir is my favorite

>> No.12898304

long n skinny like my dingus

>> No.12898377

As some others have mentioned, go into an actual proper cigar store and ask the person behind the counter what they recommend as you've never had one before. Ask for low strength cause the nicotine might make you sick unless you've eaten before

>> No.12898412
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Absolutely fucking based

>> No.12898662

No. Even high quality cigarettes are shit compared to low grade cigars.

As for which to try, Id reccomend going to a local shop and asking for help. Most smoke shops are super helpful, especially for first timers.

That being said, Id reccomend a conneticut for a first timer (light color, the vanilla looking ones). Cigars tend to be harsher and stronger the darker in color, so a light conneticut is a safe bet.

For brands, Id reccomend padrones. They dont make a lot of conneticuts, but their one of the big names that you find basically anywhere. They range in price from cheap to premium, and generally the quality matches the price tag, although all their stuff is good.

On the point of price, dont get cheap cigars from a gas station or some shit. You can end up with some sketchy shit that is basically tobacco scraps pressed together. On the other hand, dont be afraid of getting cheap cigars from actual tobacco shops. A real tobacco shop will most likely only be getting quality stuff, so you should feel safe grabbing anything.

Also, never buy acids. Theyre stocked everywhere that sells cigars that isnt a tobacco shop (fairs, grocery stores, weed smoke shops). They are dog shit.

>> No.12898679

>skipping the third third
>not smoking until your lips burn

I can smell the soi from here.

>> No.12898692

>he doesnt get together with the boys, grab a stick or 2, a couple beers or some whisk(e)y, and shoot the shit for a couple hours

Why even smoke at that point.

>> No.12898708

cigar shops in my area are full of tourists on bachelor/bachelorette parties so I tend to avoid

>> No.12898728

No, probably a chode

>> No.12899052

Even if every single person on 4chan went on reddit and vice versa 4chan would still be better, there is no reputation system and therefore no reason to lie apart from lulz.

>> No.12899127
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Nicaragua>DR. Also don't listen to this fuck dipping dog rockets in shitty cognac.
High ratings of 87 lol.
Good stick, real cheap too.
Doesn't know shit.
Yeah, nubber. Perfecdraw.

>> No.12899136

/r/cigars is nothing but people posting undercrown cts and posts shilling fox.

>> No.12900125
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What are y’all smoking? Finishing up a Plasencia with some scotch after a steak dinner

>> No.12900129

That's a sign it's a shit store. The default noob recommendation should always be minimum 47 ring gauge.

>> No.12900135

Where are you from?
>I'm american
Ok buddy you know what I mean. Where are you FROM?

>> No.12900210

What's wrong with Padron?

>> No.12900308

AJF worked for PDR then for his uncle(I believe) Nestor Plasencia. Fantastic sticks.
If you can't spell Padrón you probably don't smoke Padróns. Also I keep some acids on hand in a separate humidor for people who don't smoke who want to try something. They're fine. I'll even smoke a blondie belicoso from time to time. Just because Drew Estate is flavoring the leaf, doesn't mean its not good leaf. The post is also full of generic info you'd find within 30 seconds of searching "how 2 cigars" on youtube.

>> No.12900376

>thinks acids are ok
>claims other dont know shit

Sure thing tastelet

>> No.12900384

Post your humidor.

>> No.12900407


>> No.12900419

Dont have one. I go to a lounge.

Quit trying to wave your cock around, its just cigars senpai.

>> No.12900426

Cant say without any details. If its not expensive give it a spin. What have you got to lose?

>> No.12900431

I just don't know much about Indonesian leaf. I assume a fair bit of it is crap for cigarettes but this guy has a lot of passion for what he does re: pipe tobacco so he probably has some good connections. I reckon I'll buy some sticks anyway.

>> No.12900445

You smelled like a custy.

>> No.12900455

Yes? And?

>> No.12900470

You're trying to feign authority when you can't even take the time to pick up a few bovedas and a tupperware. Next time just sit and read. You may learn something.

>> No.12900498

>feign authroity
Jesus christ have you got a napolean complex or something? Someone asked for advice on something I enjoy, so I brain dumped, period. I dont have a tiny dick I have to compensate for by acting like big boi cigar man on a shitposting forum.

>can't even take the time to pick up a few bovedas and a tupperware
I have like 3 lounges within a blcok of where I work. Me and my friends meetup at these lounges after work. I have no reason to own a humidor, it makes more sense just to buy when I go to smoke.

Stop being a presumptious faggot.

>> No.12900506

>I have no reason to own a humidor

Other than controlling the micro-environment that your sticks age? Yeah, zero reason. You're trying to convince us you can run, when you haven't even begun to crawl.

>> No.12900537

Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, thats clearly you friend. I smoke cigars to chill with my friends and meet people. I never claimed to be any sort of authority on cigars.

Youre the one waving a humidor around like some pothead whos proud he made a homemade bong. Do you honedtly feel proud of being the cigar snob on 4chan?

>> No.12900561

Not really sure what/how youre smoking but honestly the taste goes away for me after eating or a few hours regardless. Maybe its just me

>> No.12900564

This. At worst I have some funky taste in my mouth the next morning, but brushing/swishing with water fixes that.

>> No.12900568

Again, if you're smoking in the lounge exclusively, don't you think the people you're trying to meet are slightly knowledgeable about cigars? Take the time to learn. You're not allowed to have an opinion on shit you know nothing about. A buddy of mine takes me fishing a few times a year, I don't have an opinion on fishing equipment. The only people I feel the need to correct are the loungefaggots who spend $10 a week and think they're Litto Gomez. If me literally burning money for years leads to one of you retards smoking something half decent you wouldn't have ever been recommended, I've done my job. But keep shitposting, keeps the thread alive.

>> No.12900590

>you cant talk about cooking unless youre a chef

I should have expected nothing less from ck. I concur, keep the low quality shitposting going.

>> No.12900606

This thread brings me back. Shit flinging contests on cigarfamily.com circa 1998.

>> No.12900629

>I cook maybe twice a month, nothing fancy
>Why would I cook the other 88 meals, I live within 2 blocks of a mcdonalds. I go there to socialize and meet new people.

>> No.12900653

Are you just baiting at this point or do you actual care that much about proving you know more about cigars than an anon?

Congratulations, you are more invested in cigars than me. Is your autism satisfied?

>> No.12900660

So when you take a weekend trip, you just like stick your cigars in a ziplock right? They should be fine.

>> No.12900667

Nah, I buy cigars at the place I go to. Usually dont smoke when Im out on a trip.

>> No.12900671

Not like theres other cigar shops or anything, anon. Even I know that and I dont smoke.

>> No.12900705

You're telling me you don't pack 5 well aged sticks for the weekend, just in case? You just assume the random shop you're stopping into is treating their cigars properly? You know how many shops I've stepped into to find moldy boxes?
Yeah, we've established you're a casual faggot. Go post some lounge pics on reddit.

>> No.12900732

>You're telling me you don't pack 5 well aged sticks for the weekend, just in case?
Holy autism. You know what I do if I cant grab a smoke over the weekend. I dont smoke.

>Yeah, we've established you're a casual faggot.
Yeah bruh, never claimed I wasnt. I dont get upset about how much other people invest into my hobbies.

Btw im curious, you kept harping on about me claiming authority. Which post did your autism riddled brain interpret as a power move?

>> No.12900766

I had never touched cigarretes in my life until my friend went to a tobacco shop and I decided to buy a cigar when I was there for some dumb reason. I lit it and kept tasting the flavor and the nicotine made my heart race by the end.

>> No.12900773

I take trips to relax. I relax with a nice stiff drink, and an excellent cigar. Sometimes a nice espresso and a short mild cigar. Its important to have options. Why would you ever take a relaxing trip without the right equipment? Doesn't make sense. You think I'm going to spend valuable time tracking down something to smoke? I've already done that.

Every. Single. One. You're fucking greener than a candela and it reeks. Pure ammonia.

Listen to these faggots make fun of you and your friends.


>> No.12900795

Now tell me, where do you think I got the notion you've got zero clue what you're talking about?

>> No.12900833

Oh yeah tnt. Love those guys, shame what happened to the show. Btw did you watch the clip? They poked fun at newbies for 5 seconds and then clarified that they love them. A non autistic brain can process that as a harmless roast, not some declaration of hate or whatever you thought it was.

Green? Nah, just a casual smoker my dude.

Ive had fun poking you, but Im getting the vibes that youre unironically autistic. Let me explain to you what happened here.
>see cigar thread
>oh man, I really enjoy smoking and theres rarely threads about it
>proceed to give advice because I want op to start enjoying the thing that brings me joy too
There is no authority there. Im well aware there are many people like you who are way more knowledgeable about cigars than me. Thats cool, different strokes and all. Ive got other hobbies Im autistically dedicated to, cant be the best at everything after all.

I never saw my opinion as more than another anons suggestion in a sea of faceless suggestions. The fact you took it as a powerplay suggests you see misintent and aggression in strangers harmless actions, and perhaps have some strong insecurities.

I hope you can come to terms with your micropenis friend.

>> No.12900838

>you cant give advice to new smokers unless youre super dedicated to the hobby

Next time someones asks me for a wedding cigar suggestion Ill just tell them
>sorry man, not allowed to give cigars suggestions
>i dont even control my micro environments dude

>> No.12900857

Theres rarely threads here because bozos like you gum up the thread with useless babble.

What do you mean by wedding cigar? Good shit for the groomsmen? Cheap but great boxes that people can smoke after the reception? You don't even know what you're talking about in your handcrafted scenario. We could have having a great conversation about great sticks right now. But we can't. Because you don't know enough. AMA. Thats what I'm hear for.

>> No.12900861

Reminds me of Facebook groups.

>> No.12900896

>Theres rarely threads here because bozos like you gum up the thread with useless babble
Or because spastics like throw a fit when everyone posting isnt as enthusiastic about cigars as you on a forum not about smoking. Ill remember to flip shit next time someone on fit mentions they dont know as much about computers or some shit.

>What do you mean by wedding cigar? Good shit for the groomsmen? Cheap but great boxes that people can smoke after the reception?
I mean a cigar people would smoke at a wedding. The specifics arent important, because you can reccommend for either.

Are you this much of a pedantic fag irl?

>> No.12900912

And in this scenario, your advice is
>lol I dunno, I just go to the lounge with my buds
? What makes a wedding cigar a wedding cigar? It could be any cigar. Is that why you're comfortable recommending they just go to the lounge and pick something random out? They didn't need your advice to do that, but I'm glad your expertise came in handy. Now what instant do you think I knew you didn't know shit. There are no wrong answers, I'm just asking what you think.

>> No.12900932

>lol I dunno, I just go to the lounge with my buds
Nah, id ask them a couple questions to get a sense of their tastes and give them a couple suggestions of cigars I like that fit in their tastes, with descriptions of each to let them pick.

I was very careful with my description, so hopefully you understood what I meant.

>Now what instant do you think I knew you didn't know shit.
Dude, you still on this? Ive already acknowledged Im not an expert. Why do you care so much?

>> No.12900947

Its a simple question. Almost as simple as your
>uhhhhhhhh do you like light or dark?
question. You're really going to recommend they blind buy a bunch of sticks to be smoked rott? C'mon man, these are your friends asking for advice. You know what, you can always post a thread here and hope I show up.

>> No.12900970

Maybe we can't have a great conversation about cigars because autistic faggots like you turn it into a pissing contest.

>> No.12900981

what's what the most enjoyable cigar youve smoked?

>uh its on the middle shelf somewhere I'll go look for it

>> No.12900985

>uhhhhhhhh do you like light or dark?
Dude, thats meant as a general opening question that you follow up to narrow down something specific. You cant bombard someone whos new with specfic flavors. Imagine asking someone whos never had a beer how they feel about hops.

>You're really going to recommend they blind buy a bunch of sticks to be smoked rott?
No? You keep making weird assumptions. If the person in question has never smoked I try to narrow down to what they might like, offer to buy it for them, and once theyre done smoking figure out what they did/didnt like about it and move on to the next.

I was having fun before man, but Im unironically starting to get depressed. Do you not understand how normal people ease newbies into their hobbies? This isnt even a cigar thing, this is like standard protocol for any consumable hobby.

>> No.12900993

>t. No one
Im the dude youve been arguing with. Im familiar with different cogar makers and the sort, I know which sticks I like.

Youre raving against some imaginary person guy.

>> No.12900995

I'm arguing with the void bozo. Keep up. Quit getting upset that you don't know shit, and start discussing cigars.

>> No.12901008

Here's a funny cigar story, I was chilling at some hotel in Florida for my birthday about 20 years ago and there was a cigar store nearby, so I got one, a cohiba, and I didn't how to smoke it so inhaled and almost passed out. If I wasn't leaning against a rail by the ocean I would have fallen over.
That's a learning experience, one that I wont forget.

>> No.12901019
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Guy, half my responses have been trying to deduce what youre so riled up about. Best I can tell youre mad I misspelled padron and didnt give specific enough reccomendations.

Smoked pick related yesterday. Im not usually a fan of cigars this spicy, but this one hit a nice middle ground for me. Hope these guys take off and start making more shit.

>> No.12901051

>For brands, Id reccomend padrones. They dont make a lot of conneticuts, but their one of the big names that you find basically anywhere. They range in price from cheap to premium, and generally the quality matches the price tag, although all their stuff is good.

Padrons are OK, less OK for the price. If you haven't been paying attention, I'm a huge fan of Nicaraguan puros. That being said, don't send a newbie off to try a $18 1926. Also don't send him off to try an unaged 3000. They really start to shine after 4 years. You're trying to make him either blow his cash on an OK stick, or smoke a cheap unaged 3000 and let him think the whole line is garbage.

>> No.12901065

Its just a Caldwell. They're LITERALLY all great. AJF has done a bunch of blends for them. Try out the LLTK line or The T. The t is Caldwell+ajf+room101. I really miss some of the old room101 shit. Matt booth doesn't get nearly enough credit.

>> No.12901068

hahaha room 101, right out of 1984.

>> No.12901097

Gonna be making a tupperdor soon, want to buy some sticks for my 30th at the end of the year, should I buy cedar trays or sheets?

>> No.12901103

Trays 100%. Its a pain to dig through anything without trays. I'd spring for heartfelt beads and a sensorpush and you're literally done with maintenance from the get go.

>> No.12901117

Thanks for that. Would it be worth lining the inside of the plastic with sheets too, or is that just overkill?

>> No.12901123

The most enjoyable cigar I've smoked so far is Java Latte. Smooth, tastes great, really good with breakfast stout.

>> No.12901124

Nah thats overkill. You're sacrificing spanish cedars aroma for an airtight seal by going with a tupperdor. Not a bad trade desu.

>> No.12901133

Its literally a coffee acid with some help from Rocky Patel. Never been a fan of Patel. They like to put out a single shipment of decent sticks then immediately change the blend by the time you're looking for another box.

>> No.12901147

Are you just knocking the 26 for the price for a first smoke, or just in general? I like them quite a bit and have been trying to find some maduros that hit that mix of intensity and smoothness. Haven't found one yet though.

Do they? I've always gotten that sense that the first couple sticks of any given line of theirs were better than any later ones I had. That's sad if true.

>> No.12901162

Cheers, now I just need to pick out some stick to share, there's a lot of solid suggestions to pick through.

>> No.12901174

Little bit of both. Its a good stick, but I'm not keeping boxes of them around. I actually just smoked a #35 1926 last week. Poor little guy I rescued from a grocery store humidor and let rest. For $18 you could pick up 2 drastically different, fantastic $9 sticks that would lead a new smokers tastes in the right direction.

>> No.12901183

Yeah I generally stay away from them these days. Theres just way too many better brands these days. I probably have an original release winter 2012 at the bottom of my box.

Get on botl, get your 30 posts or whatever, get a newbie cash trade.

>> No.12901195

>Get on botl, get your 30 posts or whatever, get a newbie cash trade.
I've already been posting on my local equivalents, which I plan to use. Might still order some sticks from overseas and hope they slip past customs.

>> No.12901198

I should probably read entire posts before responding. Check out some of the darker liga privada unicos. Dirty rats, UF13s. LFD also puts out amzing dark sticks.

>> No.12901205

Good shit, can't wait to see your tupperdor filled to the brim.

>> No.12901246

Should be good. I've got plenty of pipe tobacco to share so I'll be buying some smokable seconds from Missouri Meerschaum for people to use too. Main party is going to be out for dinner then drinks in the city but I'll be inviting some close friends around for dinner at a local fine dining restaurant and drinks at my place.

>> No.12901311

I've got 2 MM seconds on my desk actually. Guy on botl sent them to me with a bunch of pipe tobacco.

>> No.12901370

>all this talk about nicotine hits and addiction

my first time smoking a cigar I had like 2 and felt nothing

then I had another one a couple months later

Totally addicted bro

Y'all stupid

>> No.12901383

Nothing wrong with having both.

>> No.12901397

World of difference between a nub ct 460 and an lfd double ligero. That being said I threw up in a subway bathroom in college after charging through a cain F nub. All trolling aside guys, nicotine poisoning sucks dick, make some lemonade or grab a coke or something while you're smoking. Sugary drinks are supposedly a folk remedy but they've always helped slow down the"nicotine chills" for me.

>> No.12901401


>> No.12901405

That reminds me, there was a thread on /mu/ where somebody asked what music sounded like Arnold's room, and a heap of people posted tracks with Rhodes piano. Heard another track I like called Myrtle Avenue, which goes from Brooklyn to Queens I think, heavy on the Rhodes.

What is it about the Rhodes piano that gives off NYC vibes?

>> No.12901416

Not a clue. Have you heard this?


Really hitting the spot after a few bowls.

>> No.12901424

Try sticking some rotting garbage covered in piss up your nostrils for true NYC immersion.

>> No.12901440

Wait why the fuck is the hey arnold soundtrack so good?


I just snagged the 72 song soundtrack off redacted. Jim Lang's a genius.

>> No.12901766

Honestly I would start with something mild and cheap like a good Perdomo or a Ashton Classic. Either of the two are what most people start smoking with because they are mild on the draw and have a pretty smooth mouth feel. Once you've had a few start going for slightly bigger cigars like Churchill or a Double Corona. This will let you get the feel for a full length cigar and build a feeling for nicotine. Once that is all over it's experimenting time. Find a nice and bold cigar, maybe an even lighter one than your starters. It's all preference for fuller or lighter bodies that set the smoker apart.

Pick up a good cutter and determine what cuts you need, depending on how often you puff or how much smoke you want in each draw. Flat long cuts provide best smoke while shorter cuts allow less smoke and elongates the time spent while prolonging the nicotine rush.

It'll take some time to learn how what is good in your eyes. Nobody on this board will have a good answer for you, as everyone has different tastes.

Don't smoke cigs though lmao
>"Just let me pump the tar directly into my lungs bro trust me"

>> No.12901848

Tobacco is fuckin nasty and doesn't even do anything for you

>> No.12901862

Is snuffing out cigars for later cool or is it bitch boy behaviour?

>> No.12901900
File: 34 KB, 720x720, D4M_XbQU8AEXh7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres rarely threads here because bozos like you gum up the thread with useless babble.
Wasn't your first post in this thread just shitting on everyone else and now you're just picking fights with everyone?

>> No.12901904

Who makes good cherry cigars?

>> No.12901905

might get judged as cheap and trashy but who gives a shit it's yours
does change the flavour though even if you clip off a bit, but if you don't mind that go for it

it's one reason why I prefer to smoke small ones instead of big honkers, its just better than starting and stopping on one which makes it stale tasting

>> No.12901913

Java mint

>> No.12902205

Let if go out by itself, physically snuffing it out is considered bad etiquette and may damage it. You should also cut off the end and blow through it in order to clean it from bad flavors as much as possible.

>> No.12902352

Am I missing something?
Yeah I mean the Plasencia family has been a big name in Nicaragua for a long time and they produce tobacco and blending for major companies. Fantastic cigars!

>> No.12902372

Speaking of. Where can I get a zippo engraved with a custom image that will ship to Australia? I can't find anywhere local that engraves zippos except for plain text.

>> No.12902435

etsy has multiple vendors who do custom engraving for zippos

>> No.12902454

Cool I'll check it out

>> No.12903441

The biggest bitch boy move. It doesn't change the flavor, it ruins it.

If you're going to use a zippo, get a butane insert.

Posting a box of cigars and an opinion isn't shitting on anyone. AF short story is the first cigar reddit will recommend,and ive laid out my thoughts ob why that is. I don't like people passing off second hand knowledge of their own. Its no different that the coffee guys larping that they own anything other than an aeropress. But wipe those tears away and reread the thread.

Blowing out stale smoke isn't going to replace the oils you've already vaporized. You've got an ember going through a tube of tobacco. Those oils are constantly released. Cutting the cherry off and blowing it out still leaves you with 3+ inches of already dry tobacco, and the rest is coated in burnt carbon. Don't clip your sticks. Part of the reason I don't smoke too often is because never going to force a cigar. If I don't have time, I don't smoke.

Yeah I was just compounding my cigar journey. I smoked a shitload of Nestor plasencia and PDR sticks, then 10 years later, I'm still smoking the same blender. AJF is a genius and I can't recommend him any more

>> No.12903562

That's only Billy Joel.

>> No.12903903


>> No.12904006

Are you not spitting?
Also get a drink man

>> No.12904236

Straight cut, v or double v?

>> No.12904341

Anon, we don't all live in Australia

>> No.12904495
File: 47 KB, 359x400, lars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine calling a cigar "acid" and still expecting to be taken seriously

>> No.12904889
File: 83 KB, 770x578, johnathan-drew-drew-estate-cigars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well known fact that john drew is a massive cokehead. What do you expect?

>> No.12904909

Is there a good site to buy like 2 or 3 cigars at a time? I don't smoke often and I don't want to fuck around with humidors and all that shit. A box of 20 is more than what I go through in an entire year.

>> No.12904994

How small is your cock

>> No.12905277

Little north of a gordo.

>> No.12905304

I know I'm not the only one who thinks alcohol absolutely does not pair well at all with cigars.

>> No.12905340

just put them in a tupperware container with a boveda pack

>> No.12905559


Ziplock weathershield is the goto for tupperdores these day

And foxcigar janustobak and smallbatch are all good sites for singles.

>> No.12905584

Don't smoke, retard.

>> No.12905838

I buy dark shark cigars from cigars international dot com. (Churchill)

>> No.12906442

CI buys out old brands and uses the label to put out dog rockets. Been doing it for years.

>> No.12907790
File: 93 KB, 601x601, 1568039355095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine voluntarily paying to poison yourself?

>> No.12907871
File: 142 KB, 460x578, goslingcoke012013_01full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Adderall really trigger chainsmoking or is it an urban meme? I'd answer my own question but I don't smoke.