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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12899867 No.12899867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it with Americans and mayonnaise?

>> No.12899881
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What is it with Europeans?

>> No.12899945

Mayonays is tastes good
Shut up with your retarded shaming candyassgot vegun faggit

>> No.12899950
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>> No.12899983
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soybean oil = calories = dirty bulking = obesity ftw

>> No.12899986
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>> No.12900101

it tasty on my sammy

>> No.12900148
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Are fat people even people anymore?

I sometimes look at the ham planets barely shuffling through the alleyways at a supermarket and I think to myself "Jesus Fucking Christ, how is that even alive?".

>> No.12900154

UK Boomers are the freakiest eaters.

>> No.12900157
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>> No.12900169

americans don't eat that much mayo

>> No.12900170

lol what a fucking queen

>> No.12900194

There's nothing wrong with mayonnaise.
Try it in coffee, it's delicious and tastes like creamer but better.

>> No.12900200

Just imagine, at least 5 or 6 white(possibly asian) men are currently working and giving 1/5th of the money they earn to keep this troll alive.

Makes me want to bomb a governmental building for a second when I think about it.

>> No.12900203
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>> No.12900204
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>Try it in coffee.

>> No.12900292

What in the actual fuck is wrong with wh*te '''''people'''''

>> No.12900295
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>> No.12900305
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At what point do you just say that it's time to put it out of it's misery?

>> No.12900306
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>> No.12900309
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>3 stones

There aren’t words that can describe the hate I have for Anglos when they do shit like this

>> No.12900311

I'm a white american and I fucking hate mayo by itself but there are several mayo based sauces I like.

>> No.12900312


>> No.12900313

fucking bitch says it with a smile. Fuckface

>> No.12900314
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Nothing wrong, innit?

>> No.12900324

Europeans dip their french fries in mayo tho

>> No.12900326

And so began the next obnoxious food trend.

>> No.12900337

she sounds chad as fuck
wouldn't mind her slamming her rack into my face and then knocking me straight into kingdom come with those heavy knockers

>> No.12900341

Technically, she's not wrong.

>> No.12900342

I do that and it’s spectacular. I also eat freshly baked bread, like ciabatta who’s crunchy outside and soft inside, filled with mayonnaise.

The problem is, the mayonnaise I have here is different from the American one and you have to taste it to understand what you’re missing tbqh

>> No.12900350
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>> No.12900352

>America has a singular type of mayonnaise

>> No.12900359

I prefer ranch for fries, but mayo works too.

>> No.12900371

If you believe that OBESITY is unhealthy then you should logically conclude that EXERCISE is unhealthy because both are unnecessary STRESS on every organ system in your BODY.

>> No.12900382
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>Something that improves the organs is just as bad as something that destroys them

>> No.12900391
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>you can't go up a flight of stairs without having to lay down for bit
>I can run 6k at a drop of a hat
>mfw we are apparently equally unhealthy

>> No.12900400
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What does /ck/ eat for pre-breakfast?

>> No.12900409
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Unless you go for premium products it’s all sweet shit that doesn’t taste like mayonnaise nor is acidic.
Pic related is a good example of something that belongs in the trash.

>> No.12900412

I do 50 pushups before my morning shower and breakfast.

>> No.12900421
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>Unless you go for premium products it’s all sweet shit that doesn’t taste like mayonnaise nor is acidic.
Oh god, this. The first time I visited USA and I encountered sweet mayo I thought I took the wrong thing, but no, it was labelled mayo. What a fucking disgrace.

For me it's always this.

>> No.12900496

You can see her defending herself by saying her left knee went out or some shit. God damn that's humiliating and using the gravestone as leverage is fucking disrespectful.

>> No.12900507

Things fat whales who eat all day say:
>I haven't eaten all day!!!
>I need to eat to live
>I sometimes don't eat enough
>starvation mode!!!!!
>sometimes I have to force myself to eat
>I don't want to do X diet because it will ruin my metabolism
>I LOVE vegetables

>> No.12900516
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>I'm a little overweight, one of my coworkers is an absolute whale
>She and I agree to diet at the same time
>Make very similar meals
>She still eats three bags of chips a day
>And at least 2 grand frappe machiatto something or others
>At least 1500 in snacks alone
>"Why are you losing more weight then me? You just have good genetics"

>> No.12900644
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Compared to Japan the US is lukewarm on the whole mayo thing.

And it's Europe where it's normal to eat everything with mayo, including fries.

>> No.12900674

Usually a glass of no fat milk.

>> No.12900680
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It's not hard to get the really good stuff, either.

>> No.12900683

Ranch mixed with buffalo sauce is even better.

>> No.12900688
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>> No.12900690


>> No.12900691

>t. Donald Trump

>> No.12900699

I barely even eat breakfast, just a protein bar with my coffee if I remember it.

>> No.12900706
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>> No.12900717
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>> No.12900760


>> No.12900824

Mike Stoklasa is fat...

>> No.12901429

American here. I don't know why people don't make their own mayonnaise. It's not very hard, and it tastes amazing when you choose your own fats and acids. Commercial mayo tastes fucking terrible, no exceptions. Cheap distilled white vinegar, cheap soybean oil, pasturized powdered egg, odd flavors added (like sugars). Once you start making your own, you'll never go back. I think the better question is, what is it with Americans' preferrence for commercially prepared foods? I think the answer is corporate greed and government complicity.

>> No.12901484

Fucking ranch
Like i wanna have the taste of ass in my mouth all fucking day
Fuck off

>> No.12901625
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*dabs on american mayo*

>> No.12901633

fuck that shits me about the Brits
>we're kinda going to adopt metric
>but not really

>> No.12901660

What happened in 1930, 1950, 1970 and 1990?
Did women not exist thoes decades?

>> No.12903207

> measures things in stones
> "giant dog" is an obesity classification

And people get on Americans for using gallons

>> No.12903212

Everything Japanese is in such tiny portions that it pisses my fat ass off.

>> No.12903218

I remember a heavily marketed TV show that was a food challenge contest, they were just eating big bowls of mayonnaise. Then in round 2 they ate giant sushi rolls, but they weren't cut up, instead they were just six foot long black burrito-like things. Everyone got through the first foot just fine but then it turned out the second foot was all wasabi and that stopped all the contestants. I don't remember the third round.

Does anyone else remember this show or was it some fever dream I had?

>> No.12903229

fuck i drown my food in Hellmans no wonder i have high cholesterol

>> No.12903241

Americans love their mayonnaise. In elementary school every morning Americans have to give their kids a jar of mayonnaise to take to school. It warms up in their backpack and then they can slurp it up with a straw if they feel like a snack. The kids with Duke's or Hellmann's mayonnaise all make fun of the poor kids with store brand mayonnaise. This is called the "morning mayo" and Americans have been doing it for generations.

>> No.12903278


I did a quick bong to burger conversion and 3 stone is 42 pounds if anyone cares.

>> No.12903370

Mike is a bit of a fatty

>> No.12903373
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that does explain a lot

>> No.12903384

a whole fifty pushups? get outta here

>> No.12903390

He is, but he's far from the morbidly obese monsters that you see in Wallmarts sitting on those electric scooters. Those people who's thigh fat weighs more than a whole thin person.

It's mostly to get the blood flowing and wake me up. I do a proper workout after I finish my run every other day.

>> No.12903397

>seething yuropoor trying to make fun of morning mayo
wouldn't expect a third worlder to understand the based-ness of mayonnaise

>> No.12903407
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>> No.12903501

Holy fuck I tried to post some shit almost exactly like this a while back, and you’re right because it doesn’t make fucking sense.

Mayo is like 3 ingredients unless you want to improve it yourself, which is vey easy to do after the base ingredients. The base ingredients are vinegar, egg whites, and an oil, which isn’t even fucking complicated or uncommon in any way.

But there we are, all going down to the store to buy every last food product we need because we are all idiotic slaves who’s minds can’t stop thinking about prices, deals, convenience, and all that other corrupting shit that is destroying society

>> No.12903538

Because most Americans forsake quality for convenience because they're so "busy." "I never have time for x," whether it's exercise, personal development, cooking, getting out in nature. But busy basically means they'd rather stare at their phone/TV all day than make an effort to do shit for themselves. It's really depressing the state of far too many of us. I'm not condemning everybody in my country but goddamn, "average" is pretty fucking depressing.

t. American

>> No.12903546

Very little societal change as a whole when it came to fashion and beauty standards.

>> No.12904101
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>Common cheap meal is a huge cabbage pancake with pork belly slathered in sauce and mayo

>> No.12904225

I’m American, and I don’t consume this disgusting shit. Please don’t lump all of us into the same pot, ty.

>> No.12904247

Don't worry, mayonnaise is a low cholesterol™ food

>> No.12904281

The biggest obstacle fatties face is mental not physical. If they were capable of losing the weight they'd have done so already.

>> No.12904294

It has it's time and place. I like it on rice and eggs, but it doesn't work at all on my liverwurst sandwiches.

>> No.12904304

It's probably more of a fat fuck thing than an american thing, my friend from Chile eats his rice with mayo and thinks there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.12904359

Mayoshit is usually a white american thing from my observations.

>> No.12904370

except that mexicans drench everything in mayo. go away you stupid cracker.

>> No.12904373

Yogurth danone before playing basketball with my brehs

>> No.12904396
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i like to pretend it's a bio-mech that can barely get up because the pilot has been in an against the odds battle all day.

>> No.12904456

Yeah man makes me want to target a senator or congressman and hold them hostage until the negotiators give me 1,000,000 dollars in cash

>> No.12904553

They’re fat and stupid mutts, what did you expect?

>> No.12904624

>3 stones
You all bitch about Americans using the Imperial system yet these people weigh things in stones?

>> No.12904737

>possibly Asian
Not unless you meant orientals.

>> No.12904750

I mean real asians, like chinks, koreans, or japanese.

Not fucking mudslimes worshipping a pedo.

>> No.12904773

god bless that woman

>> No.12904775

At least in the US you pay 20%. In Europe it's so much more and since I have a company I even pay VAT. I feel cucked.

>> No.12904778

>At least in the US you pay 20%. In Europe it's so much more
I'm Polish and I pay 19% flat, no VAT because I export services outside of EU.

>> No.12904782

19% corporation tax or 19% income tax? Corporation tax here is ok too, but at some point I want that money on my own account and then I pay more.

>> No.12904792

I guess you'd call it corporation tax, but since my business is 1 person business it's same as income tax for me, it's the only one I pay.

Personal income is at 18% before 20k eur and 32% above that. Which is why flat 19% corporate is so much nicer.

>> No.12904805

They don't even follow the 16ths rule most weight/volume measures do, they're 14 pounds, da fuck is that?

>> No.12904822

Ok that's interesting, might even consider moving.
In Germany I can not legally use the money that my company makes to buy things for myself, I have to pay myself a salary and I pay more tax on that.
Of course there are some tricks, maybe if I buy a laptop for the company I can still use it to lurk 4chan, but for many things it's not possible.

>> No.12904842

Right, I've heard it works like that in other countries. In my case since it a 1 person business it's essentially just a kind of a thin wrapper around me as a person for the purpose of doing contract work. In essence my company income is my income.

Though there is such a thing as company assets, which I can pay for with company money, which lowers my corpora/income tax and can lower VAT(if I paid it), but it's more of distinction in bigger companies. In general if I dissolve my 1-person business its assets are mine, just like that.

>might even consider moving
Fuck off, we're full.
But seriously, if you're white and at least culturally christian I'm fine with it.

>> No.12905143

Checked and based

>> No.12905169
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fuck yea

>> No.12905778

California maybe.

>> No.12905873

>when I have to force myself to eat something cause I know it's been a while
yeah, 5 seconds

>> No.12906066

The bitch judging him seems to be pretty chunky herself

>> No.12906071

We try to forget that they exist but they keep for attention with things like Brexit

>> No.12906073

Keep begging* I accidentally a word

>> No.12906148

You know the can break their ankle ans legs from shit like that? Had a classmate in HS who was that size and every time she fell from some brick that was placed improperly she'd end up breaking something.
She sued the school like 3 times

>> No.12906165

Always a good laugh to see posts from people who have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.12906180

It's you faggot Euros who dip fries in the stuff, fuck off!

>> No.12906487

Americans are more into Ranch, euros like Mayo.

>> No.12906983
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>> No.12908129
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What's with the oriental and mayo?

>> No.12908245

I only use it for fish/tuna.

>> No.12908335


>> No.12908344
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If mental gymnastics burned calories they would all be thin

>> No.12908348
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>> No.12908450

>that fucking hair
it ain't easy being cheezy

>> No.12908562

>divorcing that thing
>not just waiting 5 months for it to die of heart disease

>> No.12908575

Mayonnaise is legit a european dish

>> No.12909149

The sad part is, a solid percentage of Americans look like this or worse. The doubt she'd qualify for benefits over here

>> No.12909155 [DELETED] 

I love mayonnaise, even mixing it with Carolina Reaper for a dip.
Nothing wrong with that white gold

>> No.12909895

This can't be classified as regular mayo as it doesn't use eggs, just soy bean oil and a bunch of chink ingredients

>> No.12909901

We should euthanize fats and feed them to Africans.

>> No.12909913

That's not huge, I could easily eat 3 okonomiyaki in one sitting.

>> No.12910054
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>> No.12910323

Wow, you're retarded. Kewpie is a superior mayo, it uses egg yolks, rice vinegar, oil, msg, and spices. Regular mayo uses whole eggs and distilled vinegar.

It also goes through a proprietary emulsion process that creates a finer, creamier texture.

Ah, you're a landwhale.

>> No.12910332

>feed Africans
That’s like the source of most of the worlds problems

>> No.12910335

At least they’re white, mohammed, and not like your obesity rates are far behind

>> No.12910357

What's wrong with mayonnaise?
Why can't black people eat it? Is that a genetic thing, like the inability to swim?

>> No.12910363

A days meal in a single bowl of cereal. That's pretty efficient.

>> No.12910365

Blacks don’t have anything in life so they spend all there time thinking about white people and their relations to things

>> No.12910372

I did a quick burger to rest of the world conversion and 42 pounds is 19 kilograms if anyone cares.

>> No.12910649

Nothing better than homemade mayo with bread.
Honestly, I think a good mayo is able to even "ressucitate" stale bread.

>> No.12910653

Except you exercise for a hour or two a day, but you keep being fat perpetually.

>> No.12910671

1910s is a perfect cutie

>> No.12910672

Oatmeal/grits and a protein smoothie. Sometimes I'll fry an egg and have that on toast with peanut butter and hot sauce instead.

>> No.12911066

>half a kg of mayo
>tiny portions
Fucking hell, m8.

>> No.12911320


Is that legit?

>> No.12911342

it's a french mother sauce you simpleton

>> No.12911358

Why do Yuropoors insist on using antiquated systems of measurement?

>> No.12911376

yeah, healthy food is expensive when you're buying $5 sleeves of oreos first

>> No.12911409

No, it isn't.

>Béchamel: Roux + Dairy (traditionally milk or cream)
>Velouté: Roux + White Stock (traditionally chicken, but also vegetable or fish)
>Espagnole: Roux + Brown Stock (traditionally veal or beef)
>Tomato: Roux + Tomatoes (or, go the Italian route by skipping the roux and simply reducing tomatoes over medium-low heat until thick)
>Hollandaise: Egg Yolks + Clarified Melted Butter + Acid (like lemon juice or white wine)

Those are the Mother Sauces. Mayonnaise isn't even a french word.

>> No.12911415

literally based

>> No.12911423

>very little society change as a whole when it came to fashion and beauty standards
you've got to be shitting me
the 60s were the dawn of second wave feminism, hippies, and drug culture

>> No.12911424

Are you just counting the male tax payers (inb4, women as a whole are a net drain on taxes) because you also need to count all the guys she uses for £

>> No.12911434

mayo (yes even hellmans) has zero sugar

>> No.12911451
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just call it a comprehensive benefits package
surely there are companies that - say - provide lunch for employees, right?
what if those companies took it a step further and provided ALL the food and clothing that employee needs?
hell, what if those companies took it further and paid those employees' mortgages and vacation expenses?
it's just a benefit, m8

>> No.12911476

2 things:
>135 at 5'7" already has "a layer of fat," and this should have been a red flag
>33 and no kids - they should have been having kids before 30

>> No.12911486
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>people won't abuse nationalized healthcare

>> No.12911498

>Hollandaise isn't a kind of mayonnaise
have sex

>> No.12911568

It's not, you fucking troll. The fact that you run immediately to your buzzword "insults" is pretty telling of how low your IQ is.

Hollandaise is a heated sauce where the egg is gently cooked and butter added. Mayonaisse is a cold dressing made by whipping oil into eggs, it's not a sauce.

>> No.12911577

I hate mayos too

>> No.12911617

>oooh i'm gonna put this on facebook
The audio for this video is priceless

>> No.12911646

I'd rather one or two twats abuse the system than be exploited by a dozen rent-seeking middle men like we have now.

>> No.12911650

>liquefied fat
yes it's literally the same thing
unless you're going to claim "mayonnaise with olive oil" is its own unique emulsified blend that's not actually mayo

>> No.12911659

I'd rather the healthcare industry not be regulated to hell so treatments cost as much as a cell phone and not a car

>> No.12911671

people are scared of raw eggs

>> No.12911680

Similar ingredients, different techniques, and, again, mayo is not a sauce, it's a cold dressing.

It's not "the same thing."

It costs what it does because of capitalist greed, buddy, not regulation. 95% of the profits in the industry are because pricing is totally unregulated and goes to paying middlemen like insurance companies.

>> No.12911688

this is legitimately a reason
I was making some fucking hollandaise because my mother in law wanted eggs benedict for breakfast while visiting
I was 90% of the way done when she saw the raw eggs I'd left out
she asked what I was using them for, and instead of smartly saying they were for poaching after I'm done with the sauce I explained to her how hollandaise was made
well that bitch didn't eat breakfast with us

>> No.12911694

literally identical techniques
and no, healthcare doesn't cost more "because of capitalist greed"
unless you think computer prices have gone up since the 1970s
>middlemen like insurance companies
insurance companies aren't middlemen
there's a reason your car insurance is so much lower than health
because repairing your 2003 civic is a lot cheaper than placing you on dialysis from all your drinking, thanks to overzealous regulation

>> No.12911704

fuck me

>> No.12911735

I mean how often are people getting sick from eggs? I thought the whole reason we washed them was so that didn't happen

>> No.12911742

I've been doing this for ~15 years and have never once gotten sick from them
I also buy bottom of the barrel cheap as fuck eggs
maybe that's why I don't get sick - soaked in ammonia or something

>> No.12911750

Medicare has a 3% administrative cost, Blue Cross is 40%. There's no reason to continue this madness

>> No.12911753

I think it's literally not a problem unless you're a pregnant diabetic on DMARDs for your arthritis

>> No.12911755

>inb4, women as a whole are a net drain on taxes
Yep, only men pay taxes in practical terms.

>> No.12911769

medicare more often than not doesn't actually cover the cost of healthcare
even the fucking mayo clinic had to stop accepting it in their AZ branch because of all the old farts retiring there
if you REALLY want to destroy the american healthcare system, then put everyone on medicare and force all private practices to accept it
you'll see disease skyrocket

no, it's more like this
>pharmeceutical company spends $40M developing new drug
>could sell it for $5/pill
>FDA steps in and says OH WOAH WOAH THERE BUDDY we have to spend the next 10 years testing it
>company spends another $100M on testing with the FDA and loses 10 years of revenue
>FDA finally approves said drug
>now costs $100/pill because of all the added cost and lost revenue
it's not hard to see through this shit

>> No.12911774

>literally identical techniques herp derp derp

Before Health Insurance was a thing, medical costs were billed purely on actual cost of care + a reasonable profit margin by the hospitals. Insurance companies horned their way in as a way to provide "reasonable" constant-fee means to pay medical bills, that started pressuring hospitals to discount their already minimal fees because of how much collective business they brought.

So in comes the "Chargemaster." An array of arbitrary pricing rates for types of care that are massively overinflated compared to actual costs so that your insurance gets to negotiate a "discount" from that price. Which, if you're "out of network" or just not on insurance is what's charged to you.

Modern medical insurance is literally a middle man that exists only to funnel money out of you and into the insurance industry.

Property insurance is a protection system that pools a lot of people's money in case one or two need it because of a loss.

Single-payer health care is a system that pools tax dollars to provide for everyone, and has the power to negotiate care and drug prices to sane levels.

For-profit health insurance could do the same thing, but instead is a parasite on the economy. By design.

>> No.12911779

>Repeating Faux News talking points