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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12895867 No.12895867 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat full fish?

>> No.12895882

Yes, if they're small enough. With fish that large I leave the headbones, ribs, and spine behind.

>> No.12895900

Nope. Only fish I eat at all is tuna.

>> No.12895909

No, I live in a white country and I do not hate western civilization

>> No.12895917
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Without the head

>> No.12895935

That looks like it stinks pretty bad

>> No.12895998

Its fresh fish I brought in spain. Had no smell at all.
The colour is because grilling inside paper/foil and than it had a nice lemon, sage and Date fruit smell

>> No.12896008

Yeah, at Chinese restaurants. Retards, not Chinese people give me a white boy weird looks sometimes so I turn the fish to them and then they really freak out. It's funny.

>> No.12896045
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I guess that I'm just a madman.
Forever Young

>> No.12896954
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Yes. Crispy fried smelt

>> No.12896961
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Fried whitebait is good too! And they're so small some places even fry them up like fritters

>> No.12897870

Yes, every bit of it apart from the bones. I might suck on the bones afterwards, though, because god I fucking love fish so fucking much.

>> No.12897877

Whitebait fritters are goat

>> No.12897881

I don't eat fish at all because it's fucking expensive.

>> No.12897882

fish skins are fucking good

>> No.12897988

God damn that looks absolute dreadful...

>> No.12898442
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There a restaurants in Japan specializing solely on Salmon skin.

>> No.12898451
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Yep. Thai baby Anchovy snacks.

>> No.12898496

How would you prepare that anyway, do you just leave the bones in? Seems like it would be a ton of trouble to clean.

>> No.12898501

I only eat semi or bolt action fish

>> No.12898665
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Fine, as long as you don’t serve the chicken that way

>> No.12898688

gut, remove gills, then steam or deep-fry.
You leave the bones in, then pick the meat off the bones as you eat.

>> No.12898824
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>eat it with the bones in
Sounds like meme food for upper class white people.

>> No.12898842

The heads the best part especially the eyes.

>> No.12898979

It's delicious. Definitely not a meme. I like to pick off all the scraps of meat and chew the head (and eyes, brain etc.) when at home. In a restaurant i would be a bit more delicate and use a knife and fork as much as possible. I think it's a culture thing. I find those from ethnic minority households grew up eating the whole fish and treating the process as a delicacy.

>> No.12898997

Heads and bones are great for making stock and soups but can you really just put a whole fish head in your mouth and chew it up?

>> No.12899003

sometimes. I like seabass and rainbow trout. although having to constantly spit out bones get a bit tedious.

>> No.12899006

I don like the eyes but the cheek is very nice. I removed the head in spain for a fish soup + to pack more inside the cooler. Im traveling with a cooler inside the car to bring local foods back home for later. Everytime eating it is like a reminder from spain

>> No.12899036

It sickens me to see filet of really nice fish in malls when the whole fish is right next to it. I only ever eat fish if I buy the whole thing. Always comes out way better

>> No.12899357

All the time when I was in Spain for a while. Literally watched it get killed and prepared right in front of me. Prefer it this way now, really teaches you to slow down, savor the dish and the whole meal as opposed to the American custom of wolfing everything down.

>> No.12899368

No I'm not sure where to get them and am a bit concerned about price, having seen half of a fish cost up to 20 dollars at my local grocer.

>> No.12899486

This, you starts to honour the natural taste of fish and not cover up with strong ingredients.

>> No.12899533

I could easily eat fish like this with the head, especially if it’s fried and crispy to begin with.
This would be too much for me though

>> No.12899547

Why is your name chemistry dude, I bet you have like an AP test credits worth of chemistry credentials to back that up, bud.
Adding flavors to other foods through seasoning/aromatics is literally an ancient practice and the idea that it’s somehow “bad” because it covers up “natural flavors” makes you a retard. The natural flavor gets boring after a while. Changing things is what keeps us alive.
You’re fucking gay for one, and for two only niggers wolf things down, so stop hanging out with niggers.

>> No.12899569

Because Im a organic chemist with promoton and love chemistry, no other reason.
I never said seasoning is bad. I said its bad to cover the taste. This means giving it all kinds of flavos but keeping the fish taste is perfect. But yeah,always he same taste in subIQ behavior

>> No.12899584

I don't really eat fish at all outside of Tuna in salads
My region really never was into Fish so I never developed a taste for it.

>> No.12899596

Okay, you’re saying overseasoning is bad, but generally anyone who isn’t stupid understands that.

The real problem is university students, most of them are brainwashed in their little “business”, “English”, and “public policy” schools while they’re eating diets put together on 5 dollars. They eat garbage for so long they forget what real food is, god forbid if their parents didn’t know how to cook.

>> No.12899599

try to fry some carp one day. Pretty good to start with fish

>> No.12899610

I was a fucking redpilled student back in the days. I hated them for the simple world view and teamed up with other student with the same view. Good old time but our world is fucked right now.
>but generally anyone who isn’t stupid understands that
seeing this so much on /ck/, you never know nd most volks wouldnt spot good food

>> No.12899757

I think science students tend to be less brainwashed because they already tend to have established their own world view and know specifically why they’re attending hire education is to learn science and everything else is garbage unless it’s personally interesting.

I’m attending uni myself and the level of herd mentality you’re expected to have when attending one of these institutions is astounding. I’m glad I’m a physics nerd nobody gives a fuck about, but thank god I also don’t look like one.

>> No.12899825

Haha,physics looks like talk skinny nerds or indianshitskins... good for you but this wont give you pysics pussy because they´re non existent or a shame :3
We had the science section 2miles away from other Facultys and this was kind of nice to avoid the scum.

>> No.12900743

I forgot to mention, I have a completely idiotic friend who always thinks he's funny for pronouncing fish like "FEEEESH"

>> No.12900876

You need a hammer to cure his autism

>> No.12900921

is he a Cat?

>> No.12900935

you can buy whole fish from the fishmonger that has been gutted, scalled and de-finned

After you cook it, you can just lift the fillet off with a spatula, scraping the backbone, and serve it, then peel off the spine to get at the other fillet and pick at all the little bits of flesh left behind like the cheeks and stuff on the bones and such.

It's only worth doing if you can get an exceptionally fresh fish, otherwise it's better to have fillets and flour and shallow fry them or something.

If it's fresh enough, steam it whole, don't even salt it.

>> No.12902755

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12902861

yes. the thought that people can even be grossed out by an entire fish is so soy to me

>> No.12902890

yeah, the eye is nice and chewy and if I'm lucky, there are eggs inside.

>> No.12903471

This is my favorite meal and unfortunately its hard to get in America because mutts have no culture

>> No.12903483

this. also i know how to fillet a fish.

only poor people cook the entire fish because they literally HAVE to eat every single morsel of meat on the fish since they don't know when they're going to eat again

>> No.12903539

It's the cheeks.

>> No.12903543

Are you a savage? Why would you buy fish in a mall?

>> No.12903548

>This is my favorite meal and unfortunately its hard to get in America because mutts have no culture

Eating meat is morally wrong. I'm sorry your ass backwards culture hasn't evolved to the point to realize this.

>> No.12903551

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.12903806

>for upper class white people

Nope. De-boning, scalling, gutting, and filleting are factored into the price of fish when you buy them at supermarkets. Aka it's cheaper to just buy them whole. Which means it's actually poorer people who cook with whole fish more often. At least where I live

Plus some fish are just too difficult or impossible to completely de-bone

>> No.12903817

My dad does it. He chews and then spits out the tough center of the eyeballs and whatever other tough parts he can't swallow.

The process and the "by-product" honestly look disgusting

>> No.12903924

Once on a trip to NYC my group ordered live carp in bean curd at a chink restaurant and I picked out the eyeball and ate it just to trigger people. It worked.

>> No.12903951

I mean, picking out the eyes, the cheek meat, and all that, is fine. I do that too. Eyeballs are fucking delicious! But the sight of fully chewed up fish head being spitted out back onto a plate is not. He doesn't even spit it into a paper towel or something. If he's not done with his meal he, back onto his plate it goes

>> No.12903959

In some foreign countries, they eat animals that Americans keep as pets, like fish!

>> No.12904292

Nah you're just trashy trash mate.

>> No.12905898
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Yes I love me some deep fried tilapias from time to time.

>> No.12905932

was this pickled and fried?

>> No.12905935

this is objectively disgusting, definitely not fresh and certainly way undercooked

>> No.12905973

Don't really have much full fish to choose from, but have made fish stock from carcasses w/heads and the fucking stock was full on like taking a thyroid supplement.

>> No.12905976

Living in South Korea, you automatically learn how to eat big fish and their softer bones.

>> No.12905985
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no, rolled inside baking paper and than tinfoil. Went on the coal for 20mins at 570°F
>way undercooked
filling is hot but the fish is undercooked? Back to /b/ , this fish was perfect!

>> No.12906028

are those beef neckbones?

>> No.12906041
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No, 10months old sheep/lamb? (how do you call it in english?). They had a special herb-oil extract marinade and later a herb-garlic-oil rub on the fire

>> No.12906131
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I eat the fish.