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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 355x263, 41CGtIyWgML._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12894050 No.12894050 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's lettuce.

>> No.12894066

Raw tomatoes. People always say "oh you just haven't had a good, fresh tomato". Horse shit. My mother used to grow her own and while they were better than the supermarket's mushy garbage they still tasted like a nasty ass goddamn tomato, just more earthy.

>> No.12894067 [DELETED] 
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For me it's aninal products.

>> No.12894074

heated bell pepper

>> No.12894109




i disagree but understand

>> No.12894128

Fennel. Tastes like aids

>> No.12894155
File: 1.18 MB, 3456x4608, g6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh tomato
reminder for you :3
And yes, sometimes tomatoes turn out without flavor (last year) but this year is like a god tier tomatoflavor. Harvested around 73lbs last and made tomato juice for cooking, cant wait to try it for chili or spaghetti. And good tomatoes change cooking, just one for some chicken and you have that taste everyone wishes

>> No.12894159

Have you tried different varieties of lettuce?

>> No.12894160

Black olives. I’m fine with most olives but I detest black olives.

>> No.12894164

Almonds from the almond cow

>> No.12894168

What animal do almonds come from?

>> No.12894174
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>What animal do almonds come from?

>> No.12894272

Absolutely based

>> No.12894325
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>> No.12894334

Anything that isn't Whiskey and Coke combined I don't consume. My doctor once suggested I eat more solid food and less alcohol because apparently it's "bad for my liver". What the fuck does that god damned idiot know? He wears a fucking pizza-cutter strapped to his head.

>> No.12894342

That made me think of that stupid bitch woopie goldberg with that pizza thing on her head.

>> No.12894903

Nah. I've only tried tossing an homeless man's salad and it didn't taste very good

>> No.12894925

You just can't taste the herbal notes
Probably because you're non-white and have nonsensitive taste buds

>> No.12894968

Fuck onions, sauerkraut, mushrooms, peppers, and olives. My mom would be the best cook ever if she could just erase that shit from her recipes.

>> No.12895050

It's weird because I fucking love cooked and processed tomatoes and everything that has them in it but I just can't stand the taste and texture of them raw. I go into conniptions when I ask for red salsa at the drive through and some retard gives me pico instead of the shit right next to it labeled "salsa roja."

>> No.12895072

>onions, sauerkraut, mushrooms, peppers, and olives.
Olives and Sauerkraut? Shes based and possible a very good cook

>> No.12895085
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Imagine having such an underdeveloped palate

>> No.12895088

I'm a bong immigrant and when i first tasted yam and marshmallow casserole i involuntarily cringed, what the fuck is that nonsense

>> No.12895103

Olives are shit

>> No.12895443
File: 47 KB, 760x997, 2-760-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shit. Doesn't matter if it's canned, creamed, or on the cob, I've never been able to eat it as the taste makes me projectile vomit every time. Been that way since I was a kid. What's dumb about it is that I can eat hominy just fine, and I can eat Veg-All just fine too. It's something about the flavor and the smell in it's plain state ... If I even smell plain corn cooking, it makes me want to hurl

>> No.12895448
File: 42 KB, 450x300, 154968840ps-58a4b87e5f9b58a3c91a71b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, cilantro. Literally tastes like a mouth full of Raid ant and roach spray

>> No.12895451

It means that you're an homosex

>> No.12895452

Have a good BLT and then get back to me.

>> No.12895456

Shit, I could go for a nice BLT right about now, funk soul brother

>> No.12895473

Dried tomatoes. I love me some tomatoes as long as they still have their moisture.

>> No.12895475

Raw onion, especially the slivered onions on McDonalds burgers.

>> No.12895483

Negro, give them another go but make them into a spread with a little olive oil with some thyme, salt/pepper and some roasted garlic and spread that miracle on some toast

>> No.12895487


>> No.12895491

Ohhh look it's much like waterlogged paper, and tasteless
it's actually eaten by people

>> No.12895492

ITT: teenagers

>> No.12895499

this. fuck mexicans/indians/vietnamese who throw this shit into everything. completely ruins the dish, every time.

>> No.12895501

Some of our moms prepare that for Thanksgiving and Chirstmas feasts.
They like to think that they're cooking so whip up that shit. It's mom stuff, one can't really complain or you'll come across as rude.

>> No.12895558


It's meant to repel tasteless low test faggots like you

>> No.12895567

t.shitterscorched hernandez

>> No.12895572

it’s interesting how disdain for cilantro is genetic, and only nonwhite populations seem to enjoy it enough to put it in everything. hmmm

>> No.12895586


Nah, you're just a couple of wimpy faggots.

T. Nordic cilantro chomper

>> No.12895589

pleb filtered

>> No.12895593

t.shitterscorched hernandez engages in LARP

>> No.12895600

I love eating a big bowl of lettuce with ranch dressing.

>> No.12895606


Vedä sinä tuohisuu spermahönkä naru kaulaan ja pyydä tuota poikaystävääsi roikkumaan jaloista. Korianteri on 5/5.

>> No.12895612

Voin käyttää myös Googlen käännöstä, hernandez

>> No.12895616

But the store was out of broccoli :(

>> No.12895624


T. Tasteless faggot coming up with copes for his inbred tastebuds

>> No.12895638

t.shitterscorched hernandez so rattled at someone talking shit about his shithole country's primary ingredient that he's still typing out replies with clenched brown fists.

>> No.12895639


>Y-you have to believe me!!! I'm an American!!! I'm white for God's sake!!!

>> No.12895643

i'll eat anything but grapefruit and cucumbers. cucumbers just taste like the rind of a watermelon aka the part you're not supposed to eat.

>> No.12895653


Imagine being so mad about your underdeveloped tastebuds, that you start ethnically profiling people on an anonymous frog forum based on the spices they like.

>> No.12895662

holy fuck, who knew cilantro made minorities so assravaged

>> No.12895678

Imagine taking offense personally and getting name-calling mad just because an anonymous post on a Cantonese pillow marriage marketplace said that they didn't like what you like

>> No.12895684
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wat? it's practically flavorless. i just enjoy it for the texture.

>> No.12895689

This is not David Bowie - This Is Not America

>> No.12895693

Of you love the texture.

>> No.12895696


You two homos can enjoy you tendies and McDonawds :333 while real men eat exciting and delicious food made for humans.

>> No.12895697


>> No.12895699

Word, that shit's fucking gross

>> No.12895703

my favourite vegetable
because it is WHITE

>> No.12895704

Go sprinkle your shitty ass battery acid herbs on your menudo and wash it down with horse piss cerveza

>> No.12895712
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No arguments there.
White is best.
Them green chicks can be cute though.

>> No.12895716

absolutely cringe. It's about the sort of tomato you eat. You can't a shitty ass fuckery like picrel >>12894155 raw and like it.
Not to mention tomatoes aren't about flavor. Especially raw.

>> No.12895724
File: 105 KB, 473x250, El_Pato-Yellow_n_Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try out some El Pato, it's really great in chili.

>> No.12895728


Wrong country, continent and ethnicity you white-larping mutt faggot. Enjoy the shitty tendies your good-for-nothing whore of a mother makes for you.

>> No.12895730

There's a red El Pato also but I never seem to find it.

>> No.12895735

Seems like some brownie has deep issues.

>> No.12895737

sun dried tomatoes?? those are fucking orgasmic.

>> No.12895739

>eating canned tomatoes raw
sorry, but i've got tastebuds.
also not a mutt

>> No.12895738


did babby huwt his tongue? :333 uWu dees spices too hot for gringo ajajajajajaja

>> No.12895740

>shitterscorched hernandez continues to rage well into the night because someone said a bad thing about a shitty herb
You prove that you're a fucking beaner with each post you make. You're the white-larping mutt faggot because white people don't eat wetback cuisine.

>> No.12895743

Beaners, folks.

>> No.12895745

Ohh, so because you're a brownie your taste buds are better than mine? You know what you can do with that? PISS THE FUCK OFF you arrogant cumbucket.

>> No.12895752

dude are you ok

>> No.12895754

>It's about the sort of tomato you eat
This is fucking true. I needed more than 10years to find the right kind of tomatoe. Pic related is some medium big east Yuro tomato. Very good taste, big, insensitive and nearly as tasteful like cherry tomatoes. But I have some cherry tomatos aw because better for bread dinner

>> No.12895756


Is this the first case of cilantro-induced psychosis ever recorded?

>> No.12895757

dude, sorry i dont like your fucking excuse of a food.
jesus, you americans are strange

>> No.12895758

My dad hates tomato, and cheese.
Literally never eaten pizza.
How the fuck did I come from his balls...

>> No.12895765


No. I have to wake up in three hours for Uni but I'm larping as a cilantro-loving zealot on /ck/.

>> No.12895769

You brownies need a correction.
You all have chips on your shoulders and they'll get knocked off fast.
You're barely one step up from niggers and we all know it.

>> No.12895771
File: 390 KB, 1200x787, 31143aa6a6e0abb1ade0794f895d51df-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom had a dog?

>> No.12895775



How many times do we need to have this conversation?

>> No.12895776

Yeah, the qt was named Duffy.

>> No.12895778

You tell me, jimenez hernandez

>> No.12895781

No perro.

>> No.12895780

As many times as you bring it on brownie.

>> No.12895788
File: 58 KB, 500x375, perro_caca-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No perro caca?

>> No.12895790

nice. As a balkanshit i recommend buffalo hearts. They're very juicy and probably the best local tomatoes.

>the only countries out there are murica and the YUKAY
so this is the power of the american educational system

>> No.12895791


>no other countries besides US and Mexico

Mutt's gonna mutt

>> No.12895792

okay, this is based

>> No.12895797

Apparently you're the one that can't spell.

>> No.12895800

No other countries violently defend cilantro, which proves that you're a filthy wetback.

>> No.12895803


>> No.12895804

Canada, England and Thailand as well.

>> No.12895807

Look at this babby tastelet

>> No.12895815


I just like it and think you're a faggot for not liking it. There are also many other reason why I think you're faggot, the main one being that you're a faggot.

>> No.12895817
File: 94 KB, 633x412, 71073f8b9a1a5483b3b309d6cef6e55d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendo, give me some nice Tripe soup with Brottrunk or im burning down your garden !

This is one of the foods I wish every /ck/tard could taste someday :3

>> No.12895820

>>the only countries out there are murica and the YUKAY
WTF is that crap?

>> No.12895826

Look at this tacobender

Only faggots cry about someone disliking what you like.

>> No.12895828

That's the "secret garden"

>> No.12895830

Based because he missed Canada

>> No.12895835

ay, papi! como estas? los gringos no les gusts la comida verdad, si? jajajaja

>> No.12895836

isnt canada basically uk?

>> No.12895839

No, its asia

>> No.12895842


I dislike pedophiles. Are you saying that I'm a faggot for disliking child molesters? You sick faggot pedophile just kill yourself. You disgust me.

>> No.12895845

>Tripe soup with Brottrunk
what the fuck?

>> No.12895848

For me, it's chicken. Always think I'm gonna get sick after eating it.

>> No.12895849

Canada is pretty cool and they have some really hot chicks but I think it's Brit commonwealth or territory. Their money has the brit queen on it.

>> No.12895856

raw tomato you buy from a grocery store is usually awful

no flavor, no sweetness, no umami

>> No.12895858

Its one of the most amazing soups I ever eaten. I love Miso but this shit is total king

>> No.12895861

Do you cry about them, like you are now with actual tears? Then yes, you're a faggot.
Now, you're just rattling off shit out of sheer anger. How does me not liking a shit-tier garden herb a pedophile? Holy fuck, please get your butthurt under control. You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.12895868

I saw some goofy movie last night "Mean Frank & Crazy Tony" and one of them was wearing a tripe hat. It was from dark vault of public domain.

>> No.12895872

*make me a

>> No.12895874

have never heard of it.

>> No.12895886


>> No.12895890


Got all defensive suddenly? I fucking knew you were kiddie fiddler the moment I read your messages. People hate your kind for a reason. Just off yourself, pedo faggot.

>> No.12895896
File: 188 KB, 1440x1440, 67798020_2410819785692171_8160242883549397006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore that maggie shit in the background
>vegetable soup with very soft tripe
>full of flavor
>Brotdrunk gives it a weak sourness and a special taste
Would kill for it and making a thread for it in Dez

>> No.12895899

Tiddler the fiddler?

>> No.12895901




>> No.12895914

looks pretty good.
I can give you a good shkembe recipe if you want

>> No.12895922

actually scrap that, shkem e IS tripe kek
Our shkmebe looks much more different

>> No.12895927

What is that stuff in the upper right?
I've never seen that before but I'll look.

>> No.12895930

>I can give you a good shkembe recipe if you want
I have my old family recipe, we can compare it in 3 months or possible this week if im in cooking mode

>> No.12895944

Not the one you replied to but I'd like the recipe.

>> No.12895958

Not defensive in the slightest. Why don't you imagine up some more names to call me out of anger. You're the one who brought it up, which makes me believe that you're the pedo here. Go ahead, think of something else to call me to ease your tender mexican fefes.

>> No.12895965
File: 13 KB, 267x445, 31EbRRQTqtL._SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, needs some time but infograph is coming

This is Brotdrunk, its some kind of weak vinegar and goes perfect with most type of meat/veg soup

>> No.12895983


Pedophiles hate cilantro. It is a known fact.

>> No.12895991

Only 3rd worlder brown skins like cilantro. It is a known fact.

>> No.12896007
File: 613 KB, 900x900, mexicans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what cilantro consumers look like

>> No.12896027
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>> No.12896080
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>> No.12896097
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This piece of shit is able to completely FUCK UP everything it's put into.

>> No.12896141
File: 32 KB, 400x266, rote-beete-einlegen-400x266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, its the negro of vegetables. As long as its for its own its OK

>> No.12896144

Cottage cheese
green peas
tomatoes in any way shape or form
The whole of Mexican food mostly because they put tomatoes on fucking everything

>> No.12896155

Fucking hell. Its like one of the prime ingredients in every type of decent savory seasoning. You suck ass man.

>> No.12896265


>> No.12896270

I love fruit and im not picky but I hate bananas

>> No.12896374

cooked onion/garlic

>> No.12896394

Corn, because it triggers migraines for some reason. I literally cannot stand it.

>> No.12896407

Never breed.

>> No.12896413

pickled foods are for chads and dads.

>> No.12897193

Kids all the way to senior year used to gag because id always have pickles at lunch.

Some people are just weak.

>> No.12897201

Great for seasoning and roasting with spices and dressings.

>> No.12897519

It's the most disgusting fucking food on the planet.
Makes my entire body stink for a full day or two. Makes my breath bad and mouth taste awful.
Makes me fart toxic waste.
Tastes like shit all-around and makes me sick to my stomach.