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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12891893 No.12891893 [Reply] [Original]


How often do you eat fried potatoes? It better not be more than once a week.

>> No.12891901

I wonder when they're going to release the cure for death.

>> No.12891905

pretty sure regularly eating fried anything is bad for your health

>> No.12891909

jesus.. CNN is now the Weekly World News, clownworld indeed!

>> No.12891915

>The study is observational, meaning the researchers simply tracked the behavior of a group of people and found an association between one behavior -- eating fried potatoes -- and another factor -- early death. Because it is an observational study, Veronese and his co-authors note it cannot be said that eating fried potatoes directly causes an early mortality

Great article

>> No.12891916

This confuses me, in nz it's 'fried' (sauted), shallow fried, and deep fried.
do americans really say 'saute', or pan fried or what?

>> No.12891923

I'm gonna go ahead and say it's just that obese individuals who live a completely sedentary lifestyle and lack exercise are more likely to have health problems.

And eat at McDonalds.

I'd like to read more about their statistics, and how individuals who lead healthy, active lifestyles -- and also eat fried potatoes 2-3 times per week (do they even exist?) fare in this same study.

>> No.12891924
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For me, it's idaho potatoes washed and poked with a fork, covered in oil, salt, and pepper, and then baked for an hour at 400 degrees. Comes out perfect every time

>> No.12891933

Americans call gasoline gas, measure things in quantities of 12/3/5280, and just generally lead lives where information is seemingly intentionally made obscure and difficult to comprehend.


>> No.12891938

This shit makes me cry it's so good.

Add some butter, maybe some cheese and a bit of sour cream..

Fuck me, I've gotta make some potatoes. I know it's past midnight but it's Sunday. Can you blame me?

>> No.12891947

Yes, that’s epidemiology, in most cases you can find some degree of control and find near causality statistically

>> No.12891950

How reliable is that?

>> No.12891959

do it faggot and post pics

>> No.12891990

I banned oil fry from my kitchen. Same with browning at high heat + reducing bread .Fucking cancer

>> No.12891991

I don't eat anything besides eggs more than once a week.

>> No.12892013

Why? "Free radicals"?

>> No.12892016

Literally every single day.

>> No.12892044

No one here understands regression modeling

>> No.12892048

Nope, explain away.

>> No.12892070
File: 72 KB, 701x982, taters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure to eat the potato skin part too. That's where all the fiber and vitamins and minerals are. Just look at these stats.

The biggest reason I hate deep frying shit at home is because than you have a ton of extra oil lying around that you need to clean up.

>> No.12892076

Oh I always eat the skin. The skin's my favorite part. Even when I make mashed potatoes, I leave on the skin.

>> No.12892113

3 times a week maybe, depends if I bought a bag of them or not.

>> No.12892159

>never eat a potato in my life
>live forever

>> No.12892163

I put the dirty oil into the empty oil container and throw it in a dumpster. not difficult

>> No.12892164

You meant to say that nobody in the world in the position to tell Americans anything, because you're all stupid assholes that live in shitholes.

>> No.12892166

I just thought about how you're gonna die one day and felt sad

>> No.12892168

the skin is the part that you should throw out and absolutely not consume under any circumstances due to its high content of a deadly poison called solanine. This was common knowledge only a few generations ago. solanine content varies potato to potato, so you might be getting away with it for awhile, but the time you get an unlucky potato with a high solanine content in its skin, you might end up dead.

>> No.12892720

That's CNN.

>I'm gonna go ahead and say it's just that obese individuals who live a completely sedentary lifestyle and lack exercise are more likely to have health problems.
Bingo. Fried potatoes aren't poison, some people just eat shit and/or more than they need to, and get little to no exercise.

Correlation isn't causation.

>> No.12892732

Epic post, my friend :^)

I really don't care for potato skin, be it on plain boiled potatoes or french fries.

Explain it to us yahoos, then.

>> No.12892733
File: 14 KB, 292x172, Inevitablism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, brother.

>> No.12892739

>French fries, potato chips, hash browns -- and any other preparation requiring a fryer -- are all included under the umbrella of "fried potatoes,"
So people who eat junk/fast food more often don't live as long. Shocking.

>> No.12893115

It's really just the fact that fried potatoes are fried in inflammatory polyunsaturated omega 6 fats, there's nothing wrong with potatoes by themselves.

>> No.12893144

Don't eat green potatoes and you won't have to worry about solanine.

>> No.12893792

>higher risk of death
Life carries a 100% certainty of death.

>> No.12895494

pretty sure for americans fried is deep fried 90% of the time

>> No.12895517


>> No.12896026

I'm American and it confuses me too. I think it just depends on context. The only time anyone says pan fried is when talking about trout and occasionally potatoes. If you pan fry say, a milanesa, we would just say fry, or "fry in a little oil".

>> No.12896121

Im using he oil to fire the coal for BBQ but its still more waste than I want.
No, its called Pyrolysis and this is decomposition of chemicals at heat and the new resulting chemicals can be carcinogenic and I know they always pop up when baking bread or frying. especially with starch and flour

>> No.12897462

I looked in the mirror earlier and I asked myself if I really do want to live forever. I guess it just really depends on what type of living we're talking about here.

>> No.12897467

The only thing that keeps me going in life is the knowledge that I'm going to die anyway.

>> No.12897484

I probably have realistically 30 more years left if I start focusing a little bit more on my health.

>> No.12897489

Whenever I feel like it

>> No.12897526

Saute for something where it's like a tablespoon of oil. Frying is where you have basically half a thing submerged and have to flip it. Deep frying is dunking shit in oil. Never heard anyone just call something "fried" unless it's just part of the name like fried chicken.

>> No.12897546

Higher risk of death!
Dont like those odds

>> No.12897588

I can't stand the taste of fried potatoes anymore, especially french fries make me feel like vomiting. Baked or boiled, that's my kinda tater.

>> No.12898798
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/co/ here Spinel is such a cutie. That is all.

>> No.12898810

Pathetic. The banter level of a 10 y/o

>> No.12898857

Quit posting that shit on this board.

>> No.12898874
File: 886 KB, 500x380, meanwhile_in_america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correlation is not causation. Probably fatties eating 5000 kcal a day dying early. No rocket science.

>> No.12898897

The real CNN would have found a way to blame Trump for it.

>> No.12898907

Pls no.
It’s all I have to look forward to.

>> No.12899015

Study said, idiots making stupid studies to push agenda should be wiped from the face of the planet.
It's almost like dr shill or ellen degenerate.

>> No.12899030

They already do, anything to do with ted turner and hanoi jane will take every opportunaty to blame Trump for even the rotation of the Earth, that's cnn and msnbc.

>> No.12899101

What's the thing under her right arm? A nipple? Dead puppy?

>> No.12899111


>> No.12899118

god, just concentrate all the deadly parts and give it to me
i hate living

>> No.12899119
File: 25 KB, 321x322, 623253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating high fat starches isn't healthy

>> No.12899135
File: 133 KB, 626x993, iq is getting lower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12899155

>brianlet euro poor can't remember all the various measurements

>> No.12899158

Someone will release grey goo and end it all any way.

The way things are going transhumanism will just mean you will see parents declare their children are trans-animal and have doctors body mod them into animal bodies while reducing their IQ ...

>> No.12899170

>quantities of 3
Only the finest Holy Trinities my friend

>> No.12899172
File: 303 KB, 483x479, cheesy potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about cheesy potatoes?

>> No.12899201

I'm doing keto so all I eat is fried chicken wings and fried butter

>> No.12899208
File: 41 KB, 359x222, force fed lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh m8 there are 1760 yards in a mile

>> No.12899231

Her opening song was one of the better ones in the show but past that she is pretty boring.

>> No.12899278

based Lardybeige.

>> No.12900019

If you can't do both metric and imperial you're a smoothbrain.

>> No.12900145

Which is more important, the fried part or the potato part? I bake all of my potato products instead of frying them.

>> No.12900187

>there's no statistics nerds on the website with a bunch of nerds
Literally HS level knowledge btw. If none of you know any basic statistics you should be ashamed.

>> No.12900196

I don't have any frame of reference.

>> No.12900360

Mostly the...
>eats too fucking much
>way too little diversity in diet
>probably drinks way too many softdrinks
>near zero exercise
... parts. You know the kind.

>> No.12900374

I never get fries anyways, but the 5 mcdoubles I usually get can’t be that great for me insides

>> No.12900458

Aleast I can die happy

>> No.12901644
File: 30 KB, 500x362, 20081211-mcd-cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburgers aren't really that bad inherently, that's just vegan propaganda, McDonald's meat patties are pretty low grade, but they're still just meat, then you've got the buns, which aren't anything great either but they're still just bread.
Then you've got what, the cheese? I guess that's kinda fatty, and it's a cheap processed kind, though there's not a lot of it, and then the rest is chopped onions, ketchup, a pickle slice, and some kind of cheap yellow substance they pretend is mustard.
As far as hamburgers go, it's pretty tame, there's not even a fatty dressing on the McDouble, or any larger volumes of cheese.

Five McDoubles is a large volume of food though, I'm a tall and chubby guy, but I'm pretty damn stuffed after just three of the regular McDonald's cheeseburgers, a medium fries, and medium soda. I'm assuming you're an even bigger guy than me.
The fries are, well, deep fried in oil, and salted plenty, so that's kind of unhealthy, and the sodas are full of sugars, syrups, and acids, so that's probably the least healthy part of the menu.

I'm assuming the study pertains to the kind of person who eats at McDonald's every day, and frequently eats lots of fries and drinks lots of soda, and then don't get any exercise, which is the kind of lifestyle that puts you in an early grave. This person probably don't eat a lot of vegetables, and probably doesn't cook very much for himself, if at all.

>> No.12901923

Watching tranny tumblr cartoons linked to higher risk of suicide, study says

>> No.12901937

honestly and 100% honestly i would rather die than give up fried potatoes, i'm not even meming

>> No.12904009

You must be losing so much weight

>> No.12904191

>people who eat fries regularly are the same kind of people that don't give a fuck about their health

>people who don't usually are health freaks


Same shit with "eating le cured meat is le cancer".

>> No.12904332

Everyone who has ever breathed air dies.

>> No.12904352

so u be sayin...
fish be immortal niggas?

>> No.12904374

Wait, can I eat eggs now or not?

Fuck off with your retards crying wolf.

>> No.12904405

>It's another episode of follow these rules that will effect your quality of life negatively so you can live 5 more years of abuse by a female midget spic in a retirement home

Yeah, no, thank you.