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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 968x726, beans-mean-s-he-405643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12881312 No.12881312 [Reply] [Original]

A man was shocked to discover just one bean swimming in juice after he opened a tin of baked beans.

Steve Smith, 41, was looking forward to a quick, easy meal after getting home late from a busy day at work.

But when he opened a multipack tin of Heinz baked beans ready to tuck in, he was shocked to discover there was only one bean and some bean juice.

On average, a Heinz tin contains about 465 beans.

The local councillor, based in Bristol, said it was “annoying” – but he managed to see the funny side.

He said: “I got back late from a residents’ meeting and wanted some food.

“I poured out the tin and I found one bean.

“I thought it was funny – but annoying. It was the last tin we had in the cupboard.

“I had to have scrambled egg instead.”

Mr Smith, Conservative councillor for Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze, said he eats beans “once every couple of weeks”.

He posted a video of the find on Twitter and tagged manufacturer Heinz.

He wrote: “Hi @HeinzUK. I enjoy ‘bean juice’ as much as the next person, but when I opened a can this evening I was hoping for more than one bean.”

Mr Smith added: “I thought they might see the funny side.”

Heinz has been approached for comment.


>> No.12881320

new brexit variety bean

>> No.12881351
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He should have just shut up and enjoyed a nice, refreshing can of bean juice.

>> No.12881411

Is this really what passes for news in the UK?

>> No.12881434

beans are serious business in Bongland

>> No.12881451

As if Heinz gives a shit about someone from a middle eastern country lol

>> No.12881585

I'd just drink the juice and call it a night

>> No.12881625
File: 106 KB, 600x600, 5630BE15-50FC-4052-A72D-702872D45A40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd just drink the juice and call it a night

>> No.12881634

hold on, what is this man holding? a fork? why wasn't he reported to police?

>> No.12883871

in some places in America you're not allowed to collect rainwater or plant vegetables in your front garden.

In the UK you can own a shotgun, rifle, swords etc provided you don't take them into a pub or something.

Maybe consider that you might not be that free at all?

>> No.12883935

Check out Daily Mail.

>> No.12883950

I was about to say the same thing and then I remembered that Fox News exists.

>> No.12883962

You should check out hanoi jane cnn and msnbc for shits and giggles and outright lies.

>> No.12883986

Neither of those have anything to do with Fox News. Are you even familiar with any of these things? Fox is literal fluff like the OP combined with Trump propaganda, whereas the other two are actual news sources that lean slightly left of center.

>> No.12884005


>> No.12884013

Oh, you know much more than I do. If you've ever watched cnn or msnbc you'd know and realize a load of crap they are. If their little panzy clinton had won the last election and done the same things then they'd be lauding her but she didn't win, get over it. But because it's Trump they go after him 24/7.
Can't you see that or are you too stupid to see it?

>> No.12884021

>if clinton had won the last election and done the same things
In what world are you living in where that's even a possibility?

>> No.12884022

I'm thinkin about thos bean

>> No.12884026

Reality world where the bitch lost.

>> No.12884030

Yes, I did it. I stole his beans.

>> No.12884037

in the entirety of the uk you can get arrested for calling someone a faggot on the internet. Have fun being "free" faggot

>> No.12884038

I didn't like Hillary either, but literally anyone would have been better than Trump. The guy changed a weather map with a fucking sharpie and has spent the last week doubling down on it. He's literally a stubborn child with no understanding of reality.

>> No.12884039
File: 169 KB, 850x638, Canavalia_napaliensis-Jack-bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was his name Jack?

>> No.12884047

It seems like you have an axe to grind and your sense of reality is distorted. I suspect that you're not even an American and didn't cast a vote.

>> No.12884063

you're a faggot
*waits patiently for the fuzz to arrive*

>> No.12884072

Here's a funny one about shillary... my phone number in NYC was one number off from hers so I'd get calls from these idiot supporters at all times and trying to be polite gave them the right number.
If they can't get the phone number right and the bitch can't control her husband how the fuck would she be able to control the federal government of the United States of America?

>> No.12884075

Youre a fucking nonce, mate

>> No.12884078

god this guy is dim
why doesnt he just plant the bean to grow more?

>> No.12884097

t. MIGApede

>> No.12884104

>On average, a Heinz tin contains about 465 beans.
Calling bullshit.

>> No.12884122
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But those aren't beane weenies!

>> No.12884127
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>this is my one bean here
oh god damn, do britbongs really?

>> No.12884142

Fucking attention whore faggot, he knew there was something wrong with the can when it's much lighter but still bought for
a ebin photoshot with a can of fucking beans.

>> No.12884570

>Trump hates hurricanes because they form near Africa.
>Legitimate news source.

>> No.12884580

>As of 2017, it was estimated that nine people per day were being arrested for online speech in the UK with five leading to convictions.

>> No.12884583

Cool how this is a news story over there but Muslims raping the local female population isn't.

>> No.12885022

Umm, that's the "news" story on breitbart, from passportless correspondents who live in Helena, MT, lol!

>> No.12885092

Sorry we can’t have exciting school shootings every day.

>> No.12885447


>> No.12885535

>for Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze
Christ bongs, since you're brexiting can you at least speak english from now on?

>> No.12886135

Lmao dis nigga consuming legumes

>> No.12886184

They're forbidden from mentioning the multitude of daily rapings by the immigrants so this is all they got to work with.

>> No.12886205

>cnn is an actual source and not just propaganda
lmao. i accidentally watched some cnn the other day, this woman with her own show was calling some official on immigration to ask why these lesbian refugees weren’t getting special treatment and sent through the border and the official started to explain how there’s a process and the chicks eyes just glazed over and the scene was cut short and switched to her walking down the street monologuing about how she was disappointed with her answer but happy to report the publicity had gotten the lesbians asylum.

>> No.12886323

>the publicity had gotten the lesbians asylum.

Fuck. Now I'm legit mad. Thanks anon.

>> No.12886332

Can someone explain why the British are so soft?

It's like a country full of that one weird kid from highschool 15 years ago that would cry anytime anything happened.

>> No.12886339
File: 2.11 MB, 2263x3404, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8?

>> No.12886350

that's exactly what that kid looked like. He would put mayonnaise on every single thing, including salad.

>> No.12886352

Except for the north where that kid who dunks other kids heads in toilets has found an ecological niche

>> No.12886358

You sound like you’re bitter about being a nigger.

>> No.12886374


>> No.12886469


>> No.12886535

I'd rather read about bean boy anyway

>> No.12886700
File: 56 KB, 590x350, Salad_Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would put mayonnaise on every single thing, including salad.
Funny you mention that. Britbongs actually have a type of mayonnaise they put on salad called "Salad Cream".

>> No.12886705

>I suspect that you're not even an American and didn't cast a vote
Of fucking course I voted for Hillary. I voted Bernie in the primaries but would have chosen Ted Cruz over Trump if those were the options. I honestly can't even imagine how fucking retarded you are if you've seen how Trump has performed over the past three years and are still going to vote for him again. He's literally stealing money (unconstitutionally) from military day care to build his vanity wall that nobody actually thinks is anything more than a symbol of, "so much winning". Did you forget that Mexico was supposed to pay, not the tax payers, at the expense of the troops?

>> No.12887258

You’re making me sad anon, you don’t want to make me cry do you?

>> No.12887263

Three more years for his 3D chess moves to reach their final denouement. Vote him out now and you'll leave the nation in the confused shambles of a plan only half complete, keep him in and USA will rule supreme for another 1000 years.

>> No.12887266

Salad Cream is delicous.
Never had it actually on a salad though, it's amazing in sandwiches.

>> No.12887646

This, Trump is a clown. Even of you are on the right you should realize he achieved nothing.

>> No.12887733

>t. Heinz shill on damage control

>> No.12887823

Wow, and here I thought finding only one or no pieces of pork in a pork and beans can was bad. I suppose we americans will never know true poverty and austerity.

>> No.12888052

San Jose
Los Angeles
San Francisco

>> No.12888167
File: 74 KB, 696x696, C1CC9545-8EF6-432E-8E31-3947DDEDE276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need baked beans for this cheeseburger I make

>> No.12888741

How do the beans stay on?

>> No.12889205

>achieved nothing
I wouldn't call unprecedented levels of butthurt and salt "nothing." He's easily the best president of my lifetime solely on that basis, and I'm old enough to remember the Carter years.

>> No.12889243

>sliced bread for buns
what's this new hipster trend now?

>> No.12889455

Fuck off, faggot :D

>> No.12889687

Id call him "One Bean Steve" for the rest of his life.

>> No.12889701

You have those paki rape gangs, but your news suppreses those stories. How many major cities now? 8?

>> No.12889739


Fox is unironically the closet thing to an unbiased news source you can find in America.

>> No.12889751

Lmfao you are so naive.

>> No.12889767

This is the honest to god truth and it's sad.

>> No.12889770

It's because homosexuals are legally murdered where they come from. That's what asylum is for. To escape political persecution.

>> No.12890817

he open can on rong time on night bean goes to sleep turn into juice and it wake up in mornning and bean again

>> No.12890836

Only Tucker and they're trying their hardest to silence him.

>> No.12890960

Why the fuck can't they collect rainwater?

I love the "can't grow veg" shit too. Can't have your retarded boomer neighbors with their shitty boomer gardens looking out of place can we! Nah, gotta look "neat" for the other boomers and the housing association.

>> No.12890978

>CNN "eggman aka Toby Reynolds is a mass shooter" is legit news

>> No.12890979

but who was bean?

>> No.12891014

it frustrates me to no end how people call it bean juice when it doesN'T EVEN COME FROM THE FUCKING BEANS

>> No.12891766

This is unironically the most retarded thing I've ever read on /ck/.

>> No.12891789

Peak boomerposting

>> No.12891843

i hope this is bait

>> No.12893079
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>> No.12893119

eat the beans nigga

>> No.12893181


>> No.12893184

bongs are mentally damaged, they're literally more retarded than americans

>> No.12893594

>That's what asylum is for. To escape political persecution.
That's what it's MEANT to be for, but not how it works out in reality in the vast majority of cases.

>> No.12893603

Why is this noteworthy? manufacturing errors happen at small rates with any product, you would expect super cheap, poor person products like beans to have a higher error rate than most things for that matter since the price and profit margin is so low, they can't afford quality

>> No.12893842

>Heinz has been approached for comment.
Something about the way that sentence is worded is funny as fuck. Like Heinz committed a crime or some shit.

>> No.12893889

british media always reports on shit like this. it's meant to just be a bit of a laugh in between articles on how dire the state of our government is.

>> No.12893964

This means there is some serious oversight in their production. This isn't something that should happen.

>> No.12894169

>the bloody bean counters gone haywire
>the rogue legume administrator has been given garden leave
dunno what kind of comment they can really make

>> No.12894179

Welcome to no deal brexit ;)

>> No.12894202
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about that HEINZ BEAN JUICE™

>> No.12894302

sometimes life shits on you so hard it is actually funny

>> No.12895240

Lol those poor lost souls