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12880489 No.12880489 [Reply] [Original]

What's the secret ingredient in Coca Cola? That's right, cocoa beans! They're what give the carbonated beverage its rich, chocolatey flavor.

>> No.12880514
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Haribo uses 100 percent real bear meat in every batch of their delicious gummy bears. Now that's what I call a bear of a secret ingredient!

>> No.12880523

It used to be cocaine look it up. I and a really hot bookkeeper friend were looking at this awesome coca-cola mirror that our company got and she mentioned something then I mentioned that the coca was from cocaine. She didn't believe me so I proved it out to her. Sylvia was her name, a real cool chick and very married.

>> No.12880526

fun fact the cocacola company is the only legal producer of cocaine in America. They use it for surgery on babies

>> No.12880528

How about haribo cocaine cola?
That would be a hit.

>> No.12880530

I'm sorry anon, but it's cocoa beans. They're what give the carbonated beverage its rich, chocolatey flavor!

>> No.12880542

Where did the cocaine part come from? Coca Cola uses cocoa beans!

>> No.12880545

That's bullshit.
The only time I've heard of that happening in surgery is to reset broken bones. A cousin had to go through that once, he broke his nose in some skiing thing and the right surgeons weren't there, so it took a day or two, they put a lot of pharm grade coke up his nose then broke it again to reset it.

So when you say coca-cola company is behind that, you know that you're full of shit, I know that you're full of shit, everyone knows that you're full of shit.
Now get over yourself.

>> No.12880548

Doesn't work that way.

>> No.12880552

t. retard

>> No.12880563

nytimes hasn't been anything since the early 1980s so I'll discount your post as ignorance, it's nothing but a shill political agenda piece now.

>> No.12880569

>if a newspaper says something, it must be true
Peak boomer mentality

>> No.12880570

Yes it does.
This article is falsified because they did not have the Internet in 1988.

>> No.12880580
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>> No.12880586

>it's not true because I've never heard if it

>> No.12880593

Look into history you d00fus. Coke hasn't been able to that since the early part of the 20th century, so about 1930s.

>> No.12880600
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>> No.12880607

So you guys think the coca cola company just throws all the leftover cocaine away after they extract the flavors from the coca leaves?

>> No.12880610

I know the history. That is why I made the thread. Cocoa beans have been used in Coca Cola from the start. They're what give the carbonated beverage its rich, chocolatey flavor.

>> No.12880612

Ok fine, but that's not cocaine. Some idiots are asserting that and that's simply not true.

>> No.12880617

Not all nations are governed by USA laws, so maybe the Coca-Cola corporation can do what they want in those places but not here in the USA.

>> No.12880623
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Have a Coke and a Smile!

>> No.12880624

In the United States, the Stepan Company is the only manufacturing plant authorized by the Federal Government to import and process the coca plant,[72] which it obtains mainly from Peru and, to a lesser extent, Bolivia. Besides producing the coca flavoring agent for Coca-Cola, the Stepan Company extracts cocaine
from the coca leaves, which it sells to Mallinckrodt, a St. Louis, Missouri, pharmaceutical manufacturer that is the only company in the United States licensed to purify cocaine for medicinal use.[73]

>> No.12880631

The Coke company doesn't touch coca leaves.
Someone else does the processing and Coke buys the "decocainized" extract.

>> No.12880646
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use this for topical anesthesia all the time

>> No.12880647

Coca-Cola jingle


>> No.12880660

>What's the secret ingredient in Coca Cola?
It's obviously nutmeg.

>> No.12880661

Go back to brietbart.

>> No.12880670

Have sex

>> No.12880671

Fuck that faggot he never did anything, he was a Drudge invention and Drudge used to do cool things, I bet you don't remember his radio shows.

>> No.12880681


>> No.12880743

Coca Cola doesn't get its signature flavor from "coca." Coca Cola gets its signature flavor from cocoa!
That's another secret ingredient that's used in Coca Cola. The nutmeg really brings out the flavor of the cocoa!

>> No.12880752

It's called Coca-Cola because it was originally served at the Cocacabana Club. "Cola" is Spanish for "butt" or "tail," and it was the drink they would give to people to put an extra pep in their dancing, or moving their bottoms.

>> No.12880971

That's quite the fun fact. I can't believe that's true! Coca Cola really has a "rich" history, don't you agree?

>> No.12880978

"Rich" being a subtle play on the fact that Coca Cola's flavor is rich, full-bodied, and delicious! There's nothing like a warm Coca Cola on a hot winter's day.

>> No.12881009

Ah, so that's where all the top business men and government officials get their cocaine. I always wondered.

>> No.12881084

Shhh, it's a Chinese conspiracy.

Me Chinee
Me Play Joke
Me Put Peepie
In your Coke

>> No.12881095

Considering several hundred million gallons of Coca Cola are produced every year, I cannot even imagine how much "cocaine byproduct" is produced in the process. There must be a warehouse somewhere filled to the brim with medical grade cocaine.

>> No.12881620

cocaine doesn't exist

>> No.12881644

So what's everybody's favorite way to enjoy coca cola? I prefer the plastic bottles to cans myself, does anybody prefer the glass bottles of coke? They usually have cane sugar.

>> No.12881647

I think the cane sugar ones taste horrible. I just like the plastics with a few salty peanuts thrown into the mix.

>> No.12881652

Fuck off Pepsi

>> No.12881668

I enjoy chocolately goodness of Coca Cola on a cold winter's day!

>> No.12881698

>"cocaine byproduct"
Cocaine is the product.
The byproduct is the leftover shit they sell to the Coca Cola company.
Cocaine is USA Schedule II, not Schedule I. A topical solution is regularly used as a local anesthetic for oral or sinus surgery.

>> No.12881707

>Favorite way to have a soda is in a can
>Cans are by far the most expensive

Once a month I usually buy a 35pk of Coke or Pepsi from Costco. Its my shameful secret

>> No.12883140


>> No.12883270

No the secret ingredient is nigger cum

>> No.12883572
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>Not all nations are governed by USA laws

>> No.12885331
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JIF Peanut butter. Half butter, half peanuts. That's why it's spreads so easily and tastes great on toast.

>> No.12885400

Anyone else start feeling nauseous when they see that thing?

>> No.12886123

You're thinking of ketamine

>> No.12886215


>> No.12886225

>very married
I used to hang out with a girl who was kinda married. We kinda had sex too. It was kinda nice.

>> No.12886226
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Hawaiian Punch uses water imported from the seas of Hawaii - That's what gives it that sweet, tropical flavor.

>> No.12886434

Bad for u bro stop that. That's a soda a day every month plus five

>> No.12887056

Ohh so that why hes on that surfboard. Its all coming together.

>> No.12887222

both are right. original product was advertised as a miracle elixer,with generous amounts of cocaine. the cocoa was needed to make cociane digestable. boom wonder drink. then cocaine was removed for silly reasons

>> No.12887273
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you know, it's funny how coka COLA doesn't contain any cola nut extract, lime and orange juice and oil got replaced with artificial flavor, half of the time they cheap out even on sugar and yet, they ship the "harmless" coca leaves from other side of the planet and jump through all the legal hoops
One might come to conclusion they keep it because it forms a real, bio-chemical addiction

>> No.12887348

and good times were had by all