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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 631 KB, 954x1378, MarcoPierreWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12878431 No.12878431 [Reply] [Original]

Apply the cook’s brain and visualize that fried egg on the plate. Do you want it to be burned around the edges? Do you want to see craters on the egg white? Should the yolk look as if you’d need a hammer to break into it? The answer to all three questions should be no. Yet the majority of people still crack an egg and drop it into searingly hot oil or fat and continue to cook it on high heat. You need to insert earplugs to reduce the horrific volume of the sizzle. And the result, once served up in a pool of oil, is an inedible destruction of that great ingredient—the egg. Maybe that’s how you like it, in which case carry on serving your disgusting food

>> No.12878465

oops I can't edit my post, forgot to add that I'm gay btw

>> No.12878489

I like scrambled :)

>> No.12878510

op here, just want to reiterate again very clearly that I am gay.

>> No.12878521

I jist quoted marco pierre white, I don't agree with him

>> No.12878576

and that's why you're a faggot

>> No.12878604

so you're saying he's right?

>> No.12878645

Based and eggpilled

>> No.12878680

Sorry. OP here. Just to clear up any confusion;
Posts are me.
Post is not.

>> No.12878695

it's me again, replying to myself. I lied about OP he's actually a stud

I'm also gay and my dick is small

>> No.12878714

...is what I would say if I was OP. Which I am.

>> No.12878857

Wow, you really are a faggot.

>> No.12879115
File: 109 KB, 375x500, 1546647004896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply a cooked brain to the visual appeal of that fried egg's plating. Do you want it to be piled around the edge? Do you want to see it cantilevered on the egg white? Should the yolk soak it as if it were a hammer needed to break into it? The answer to all three questions is entirely up to you. Yet the majority of people still ask if egg and brain on a fashionably sleek bowl or plate continues to be a faux pas. You need to insert garnishes to reduce the warm palette of the dish. And the result, once served up to a round of applause, is an incredible application of that great ingredient - the brain. Serve it how you like it, and carry on eating your unorthodox food.