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12875531 No.12875531 [Reply] [Original]

Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?

I hate exercise. It makes me feel like shit. I try to eat healthy by only eating lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, etc. but the number on the scale never changes. I try to exercise, but it leaves me with no energy to do anything else. I have depression, so I barely even want to get out of bed, let alone go for a jog. Do I just have to starve myself? I'm already hungry all the damn time. Will exercise be easier once I lose a few pounds?

5'11" 220 pounds/180cm 100kg for reference

>> No.12875536

Nothing but water and meat. Limit to 1000 calories a day.

>> No.12875538

My sister is a twig. She eats chicken breast, brown rice, steamed broccoli and carrots, plain Greek yogurt, tuna, eggs, and not much else. She also goes to the gym every day. Is that really the only way to be healthy? Sounds pretty miserable.

>> No.12875539

>I'm already hungry all the damn time.
Getting enough protein helps with feeling full. You might also just need to get used to not overeating.

But yes, you can lose weight by just changing your diet. Exercising helps you lose weight and get in better shape, but the biggest factor in losing weight is fixing your diet.

>> No.12875541

>I eat healthy

No, you don’t fatty. You need to count your calories

>> No.12875542

Went from 123->102 kgs in two months by reducing my calorie intake to 1500-1800 calories per day and having a physical job

it works, but it isn't fun.

>> No.12875544


>> No.12875549

Keto diet high in nutrients. Eat liver.

>> No.12875592

But don't eat liver all the time because you don't want to poison yourself from too much vitamin A.

>> No.12875597

Depends on how long you've been morbidly obese, and how fucked your metabolism is.

Your metabolism is also NEVER going to correct itself, so the rest of your life needs to be a diet and/or exercise regime to keep you from blowing up again as soon as you allow your body to, because it will do ANYTHING to get back those fat reserves that it is CONVINCED as vital to your survival because the human body is a fucking mess.

>> No.12875599

Look at these meme lords

So far, the advice that sounds good is
>count calories
>eat more protein
>get a job (working on it)
>eat organ meat
I'll start counting my calories. I'll eat more protein, and I'll start eating organ meat. I can also cut out simple carbs like crackers, bread, cold cereal, tortillas, and milk while I'm at it. I'll stick to more wholesome carbs like brown rice, oats, and beans.

Ironically I was in the best shape of my adult life when I worked at McDonald's and ate there 5 days a week. It was probably because I was on my feet moving around all the time, but whatever.

>> No.12875604

You can eat only healthy food but still gain weight. It's just portion size being an issue at that point.

>> No.12875606

Milk is pretty good as long as you compensate for the calories. It has a good balance of carbs, fat, and protein.

>> No.12875609

exercise isn't just cardio
why not try doing some simple weightlifting? you don't even need to leave the house, just get some dumbbells and start small. it'll help.

>> No.12875612

>eat more protein

No. Protein is high in calories. If you are not exercising then you don't need more protein. Just eat more vegetables if you want to lose weight without moving.

>> No.12875617

don't eat fat
eat wet starches
no snacking
eat only twice a day

you gotta exercise. I suggest a bike trainer or exercise bike. park it in front of your computer and watch a movie with headphones on. use controller and controller companion to control computer.

>> No.12875632

I've been obese since I was a child. I blame asthma, the steroids I took for asthma, my parents buying me junk food, my parents divorcing (linked to kids being fatter), ADHD and depression (both linked to overeating)

I've always hated life. Maybe if I lose weight I'll hate life less. I've always been fat, though.

>> No.12875635

First step is realizing the only thing to blame is yourself.

>> No.12875648

it's just cico, everything else is either a meme or a psychological help

>> No.12875667

I accept responsibility for being a fat adult, but not for being a fat kid. Now that I'm an adult, I know better. When I was a kid, I was just trying to survive childhood. Fun fact: I actually threatened to shoot some kid I didn't like. This was before school shootings were popular like today. I was a messed up kid. My weight was the least of my worries.

>> No.12875671

Are you me?
I was skinny bones likes 6" and 70kg for ages. Now im semifatt.
Better be shinny than fatty..

>> No.12875678

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Yes, I was your exact weight and height and lost 50lbs in 7 months by only eating around 1500-1700 calories a day

>> No.12875690

A fatty looking at a lean food diet is like an alcoholic looking at light beer
you won't understand it

>> No.12875710

stop drinking sugar. cutting soda alone i lost weight

>> No.12875779

>I try to eat healthy by only eating lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, etc
You're eating too much healthy foods, just track your caloric intake.
Fight hunger by eating smart, not eating a lot- if you focus on getting most of your calories with protein and fiber you'll be okay.
Expect some hunger, but if you're always ravenous you've fucked something up.
Currently on 1320/day and have lost 25 pounds. It can be pretty gay, but it's worth it.
You'll take better care of yourself if you do something about your depression, as well. Cognitive therapy can do well for both obesity and depression.

>> No.12875783

>fat little edgelord threatening to shoot people

>> No.12875799

The poor man's diet.

One serving of package ramen per day, if that, along with straight black coffee for energy.

>Do I just have to starve myself?

Yes, but nothing worth having is easy.

>> No.12875800

Fasting. Stop eating food.

>> No.12875809

Protein is 4 calories per gram, fuckwit.
You could eat a whole pound of beef jerky every day and lose weight.

>> No.12875824

step 1: only drink water/coffee/tea
step 2: when you stop losing weight, cut out all/most carbs
step 3: congrats, you're now skinnier. If you want to lose more weight, start walking up an incline treadmill for 30 mins a day 3-5 days a week

>> No.12875828

>whole pound of beef jerky every day
Slow down there, Mr. Moneybags. Not everyone can afford $30 worth of meat every single day. Before you say "make your own", let me remind you that several pounds of raw beef won't be cheap either. It takes time to make jerky, too, and time is money. For $30 I could eat almost a pound of dry-aged steak every day.

>> No.12875836

> I hate exercise. It makes me feel like shit.
Imagine living in a warped reality.

Also yes, eating less is literally the only option for most people. Fatties that never exercise will grossly overestimate calories burned and gorge themselves afterwards as a reward.

Not that I'm in any condition to make fun of op. I'm on Adderall so I literally lose weight randomly. It increases metabolism and kills my appetite. I'm actually in better shape because of it.

>> No.12875841

can attest
the poverty diet will shed some pounds for ya op

>> No.12875849

i was at your weight (182 cm / 98 kg). i started counting calories just to get a feel for it.then, after loosing around 4 kg just by eating better i started going to the gym. im still a doughy boy but i feel much better and lost some weight. good luck anon, i hope this helps.

>> No.12875855

around 93 kg now, goal is under 90 by december.

>> No.12875856

I don't drink sugary drinks. No artificially-sweetened drinks, either. Black coffee, unsweetened tea, lots of water. That's not a problem for me. Sometimes I add 3-4 oz./100ml of milk to my coffee. That's it.

>> No.12875866

I'm just talking calorie-wise, and jerky is quickest source of dry, lean protein I could think of.

>> No.12875870

nope. because let's face it, you don't have the willpower to stick to a diet. you fat fuck.

>> No.12875884

You can ONLY lose weight by changing your diet. Cut all sugar and carbs out of your diet, mainly bread, pasta, and rice, but also fruit and all root vegetables. Eat more fat (meat, eggs) and only eat veg that grows above ground. That's literally all you have to do.

>> No.12875888

bullshit the post

>> No.12875890


>don't eat fat
>eat wet starches

Literally kill yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.12875894

I took that for a little while. Now I'm on Concerta/methylphenidate. They don't seem to make a difference in my weight or metabolism.

Adderall made me anxious and aggressive. I wasn't taking fluoxetine(Prozac) like I am now, either. I raised my voice at school one day and got kicked out. I was about to become a pharmacy technician. Now I'm just a fat NEET. I often think of buying a couple of charcoal grills, lighting them up in my garage, and dozing off. Being alive is hard. Being dead is effortless.

>> No.12875898


I've lost 24 pounds in 2 months doing this, nigger. Stop being a fucking faggot and do it.

>> No.12875906
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The eternal fat cunt posts.

>> No.12875908

still a bullshit post because you claim it's the only way to lose weight. what I did was just adjust portion size and any time I was going anywhere that was within a mile, I'd walk there

>> No.12875910

No shit Sherlock

As your fat ass gets larger, more effort is required to maintain said obesity. It's called your Basal Metabolic Rate. Age, sex (no tranny shit), height, and weight effect it.

If you're over 300 pounds and stuck to a 2k calorie diet you would slowly lose weight up until a point.

>> No.12875916

in the last 18 months, i've dropped 60lbs by consuming fewer calories, and taking more steps.

>> No.12875920
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Diet is the ONLY way to lose weight. Exercise gains weight because you put on more muscle.

>> No.12875931

like I said, pure bullshit
if you weigh three hundred pounds or more you'll lose weight exercising because you'll burn exponentially more fat than the amount of muscle you'll form

>> No.12875941

Diet is part of the equation but the actual issue is portioning aka lack of self control. You could eat cum-glazed donuts 24/7 and still lose weight as long as it's <=2000 kcal, the diet number that usually works for most people. You lose calories just by existing, look up the baseline numbers for demographic specifics. Fatties have brains that threw portioning out the window, the first step is making it work again. That usually involves diet changes but the root cause is still eating the wrong portions.
I noticed the side effects sort of get worst over time but generally it makes me calmer. More time spent doing instead of thinking = less performance anxiety.

>> No.12875954

Do NOT listen to this guy. I am prone to kidney stones, a huge factor to developing a certain kind is eating primarily proteins, which forces your body to convert proteins molecules into energy instead of carbohydrates. They call this ketosis, and if you do this your chance of developing KS’s skyrockets. You can accomplish the same if not better results from eating a balanced meal every day, and drinking plenty of water and only water while getting adequate exercise.

>> No.12876651

>380 calories of just bleached wheat/day
Your teeth would all fall out and you'd die within the month, you fucking maniac.

>> No.12876684

>I hate exercise


>> No.12876760

vegans and ketotards alike are all phobic of milk when it's probably the most nutritious food readily available to most people

>> No.12876773
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Hey man, don't beat yourself up. There are ways to fix yourself.
-t. lost over 100lbs since my highest weight

Exercise is harder when you are fatter. Not only will exercise get easier as you practice and your muscles become more used to the motion and stress, but it also becomes easier with less weight on your frame. It's invariably hard for the first week or two, but you can easily kill two birds with one stone by exercising: it will help your weight and it is proven to help with symptoms of depression, too.
I hate exercise, not just because it feels bad, but because it feels like a waste of my time. I like to read and play vidya. However, the best I have felt in my life have been the times when I was the most active. Your body is programmed to want to be active. It doesn't have to be a jog or other cardio - though I love riding a bike - just buy a set of cheap 10lb dumbbells and do some calisthenics and body weight exercises in your room while you watch something.
Work can be exercise too. I stopped going to the gym since I started working a job where I'm on my feet walking/running and carrying for 50 hours per week every week, and still feel good.

As for food and metabolism - there's a sort of snowball effect when you've overeaten for a long time. Your body produces leptin, ghrelin, and insulin to regulate hunger and digestion. They have a checks and balances system between them. When you raise insulin sharply by eating lots of junk food, your body raises its leptin and ghrelin hormones too, for equilibrium. Diabetes is a form of chronic insulin resistance, but overeating for a long period of time causes leptin resistance in the same fashion. Leptin is the hormone that tells you that you're full. If your body can't feel or recognize it, you're going to feel hungry all the time with your sky-high ghrelin hormones and your body unable to deduce when it's had enough. (con't 1/2)

>> No.12876806
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(con't 2/2)
Keto is a great SHORT-TERM solution to insulin and leptin resistance. Insulin spikes are caused by eating large amounts of high-glycemic index carbohydrates, which break down very quickly, flooding your body with calories and thus insulin (a digestion hormone), causing the spikes (and resultant crashes) that will raise your base insulin levels and all of this is what leads to diabetes. A lot of people, here in /ck/ especially but in other places online too, have extremely warped views of what keto is. Keto isn't a meat-based diet. Keto isn't a zero-carb diet. Keto isn't a magical cure and it won't cure cancer, but it is proven to reverse symptoms of diabetes in people with acute type 2.

A real ketogenic diet consists of 50g or fewer carbs per day, avoiding the high-glycemic index carbs like bread, potatoes, crackers and chips, candy or desserts, etc. Avoid wheat, potatoes, and refined sugar to get the general gist. You do want to eat vegetables - half of every meal if you can make it. Leafy greens like spinach and kale, cruciferous like cauliflower and cabbage, even some root veg like carrots are good options. You don't have to stick to this strict 50g limit, either - even reducing your daily carbs by half will provide good results (the average American is eating 350g daily!).

What the 50g/day limit does is changes the way your body processes, absorbs, and burns calories. If your body is in ketosis (burning more as fuel than it eats in carbs) your body turns to fat for fuel. This helps you burn directly from your fat stores on your body, while also being inefficient enough to cause you to burn more calories doing the same activities. This is why people have the idea that you "don't need to count" calories in a keto diet, because you burn substantially more, and also eat substantially less, because of the satiety of fat as a macronutrient as compared to carbs.

>> No.12876824


At the end of the day, calories-in-calories-out is the only thing that matters. Your body isn't some magical physics-defying singularity that can violate the laws of thermodynamics and gain weight because you totally ate only 500 kcal of food today. Your fat and body is maintained by whatever energy is put in, and the body stores the excess for a future time. If you want your body to burn the excess away, you need to put in less.

The actual numbers of how many calories you need and how long it'll take vary by person to person but what you need to start doing is counting everything you eat, when you eat them, and also make sure to be honest about it. So when you write down "salad", make sure it's actually salad and not "salad with 500mL of fatty ranch dressing on top". This is the problem with people who complain CICO doesn't work: They don't actually count things honestly for shame, stupidity, laziness, all of the above.

The other thing you need to get a hang on is the hunger and discipline. Your body is used to whatever pattern you have going now. When you break that pattern, it's going to throw a tantrum. Unless you did something drastic, you need to ignore it and maintain it for a few weeks. Can't just go on a 2 week diet and call it a day. This is a lifestyle change so you need to be prepared to keep this up long term, not just until after you lost weight.

You're trying to improve, that's good. Don't get discouraged, and keep it up. Once you find a eating schedule that works, you will do fine. Your first pick might not work for you, but that just means you need to find something else. You'll find one eventually. Just don't immediately jump into Reddit's intermittent fasting cult or paleo or whatever without doing extensive research.

Also just putting it out there: 100kg at 180cm isn't obese. Even the shitty BMI metric would put you at overweight at best.

>> No.12876827
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(con't 3/3 I didn't think I'd write this much)
Like I said, you don't have to do full keto. Just cut out soda, and limit yourself to one serving of sweet treats per day. Focus on eating your vegetables and meat first, and avoid using large portions of starch (pasta, rice, bread, potato, tortilla, etc) as a major component in your meal. After I did keto for three months and lost 80lbs, I went back to eating a basically normal diet, but I plan my meals around meat and veggies instead of bread and pasta and continued to lose another 20+lbs over the next two years while not doing much else. I'm bad with alcohol but don't drink soda, I'm a sucker for baked goods but I use them as a treat rather than a food group.

You can start there, by changing to a long-term permanent lifestyle change, but the progress is slow and makes people ready to give up. I like the short-term keto to long-term lifestyle change path because it helps you start off with good results that make the resulting lifestyle changes easier to adhere to, especially given the morale boost you'll get from it.

You don't have to starve yourself and you definitely do NOT want to cut out more than 200 calories per day from your TDEE (calories you need per day to function). Severe cutting leads to malnutrition, eating disorder, and wrecks your metabolism in the same-but-opposite way as overeating: your body becomes accustomed to eating less and changes its hormone production to match. Then you'll never be able to go back to normal without a lot of work.

I hope I answered more questions than I posed for you. Good luck, anon.

>> No.12876832

Not everyone has the same rate of processing food for calories, nor does everyone have the same rate of burning calories for fuel. This is one of the main issues in the CICO theory. It is in its most basic essence correct, but there are so many other contributing factors involved that to say "calories in calories out brooo" is sheer ignorance.

>> No.12876854

Weight loss is about 80% diet. Unless you have a metabolic disorder or issue, counting CICO is all you need to lose weight. I recommend exercising while losing weight, but I didn't do it until much later, when I had better self-control.

Also, go read /fit/'s sticky, retard, this is the wrong board for your newfag questions.

>> No.12876886

I never said that it's the same rate of weight loss or anything as other successes, and I didn't say anything about what kind of diet he should go with.

I explicitly said that it will differ from person to person, and I only said that he needed to get started on accurately counting. He's not going to start his diet journey right this second but he does need to start his habit of accurately monitoring himself if he wants to be able to track his progress. Being self-conscious of how much you eat and when is a good start regardless of which path you take, what you're missing, what you need.

My weight loss plan was to work the fuck out and bulk up because I didn't want to eat less and that worked for me but I didn't mention it because he said exercising makes him sick and because people like Alton Brown had successes in weight loss just from changing how they eat alone so it's not really some crazy notion.

OP asked if eating less works. I said yes, and that's generally how life works in general unless you're one of those people with extreme metabolism problems that make you balloon to 300 pounds while still being bulimic.
I also said that the actual details matter from person to person and he needs to start with understanding his eating habits and needs as part of his research. I'm not here to sell him on whatever thing I think works the fastest or someshit.

>> No.12877739

Are you sure you're not mixing up ketosis and ketogenesis retardanon?

>> No.12877791
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I dropped from 235lbs to 165 in a year or two by basically eating less. I didn't even eat very well, just counted calories and occasionally worked out (found an activity that was fun for me and did that every once in a while). I had a couple of plateaus but I could always trace it back to eating too much by snacking without tracking it or something. my appetite is no longer as great, I enjoy food more than I did while obese, and I'm feeling the usual benefits people talk about when losing weight such as better confidence

>> No.12877804

Went from 96 kg to 88 by fixing my diet. Not even that drastic. Cut pasta to once a week and eat mostly veggies and meat for dinner, for lunch I take a handfull of nuts.

I drink only water though which helps a ton and no fucking snacking.

>> No.12877856

Does she have any deficiencies from not eating organ meat

>> No.12877865

Yes. Calories in, calories out.
2000 a day. Start with salads. You can make some big ass monster fucking salads and still eat a lot as long as you don't fucking drown it in full fat dressing.

>> No.12877866

it's basic physical science
your body does stuff
your heart beats, your lungs move, your stomach does shit, your eyes blink
all of this burns calories
things like walking or running burn more calories
eat more calories than you burn and your body stores the energy as adipose, or fat, as fat is very calorie dense, and therefore efficient storage
eat fewer calories than you burn and your body will use the stored fat as energy

tl;dr yes you can lose weight entirely through diet, diet is the number one way to lose weight

>> No.12877867

bullshit, you can blame whatever you want for how or why you got fat
the part that has to be on you is fixing it. nothing is stopping you from that except yourself

>> No.12877982
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Well, yeah. Just use chewing gum to ward off hunger.

>> No.12878153

Nice analogy, gonna use this one day.

>> No.12878363

>muh fucked metabolism
Stop with this meme nonsense. OP, just eat less. Log your calories and no matter what you do, just STOP EATING for the day once you hit 1200. Eating filling food helps, but isn't necessary. You just have to get into the mindset that once you eat as much as you're allowed to, that's it for the day. You'll lose about 25 pounds in three months.

>> No.12878367

>if /fit/ was allowed to write the laws of reality

>> No.12878381

Yes, diet is the biggest factor. Track your calories with My Fitness Pal or join Weight Watchers (which is essentially calorie counting, but on a points system). Exercise will really only get easier if you start exercising. Start small and stick with it. It'll get easier.

>> No.12878406

This is true. Current fattie here, got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure 3 years ago so I went on keto. Lost 40kgs in a year, got my BP and glucose in check. At my lightest I run 5k everyday.
Then I got complacent and and gained 20kgs again. You need to change your mindset. But it's easier the second time since I already know what's the best diet for me.

>> No.12878435


>> No.12878445

Yes. You could lie in bed literally the entire day and have someone else cook and feed you the food and you'd lose weight.
Get myfitnesspal on your phone, and then start counting.
Stick to 1600 calories. Your meals will generally look something like:
Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with jam or peanut butter.
Lunch: Almost any basic type sandwich filling eg tuna, chicken, deli meats, egg, and you can add vegetables like tomato, lettuce, spinach leaves. Very light amount of margarine/butter or mayo. Note: This doesn't _have_ to be in a sandwich. If you can do them on their own like a salad then do it. The other good option is cooking a second piece of meat at dinner the night before and using the second one as lunch the next day.
Dinner: 200g to 300g of cooked meat, chicken, steak or make burgers from mince beef, lamb, and then vegetables. Onions, capsicum, lettuce, spinach leaves. Oven baked is usually the easiest for anything but steak. Avoid pre-made frozen box crap.
No liquids but water, although if you can get some zero calorie cordial it's okay in moderation, and limit yourself to 1 bottle of zero calorie soft drink per week.
If you're counting right and you come up short, boiled eggs are good to fill out a meal. Those little ice creams on sticks or a cornetto is a decent treat if you're actually sticking to your goals.
Cheat days don't exist.

As for exercise, try to at least just walk somewhere. Even if it's just 5 minutes to start, you will work up to 10, then 20 then 30, by that point you should be fine with going to a gym and doing longer cardio like an exercise bike for 45/60 minutes and/or doing some basic lifting.

But if you're counting properly, that's optional although could result in bad aesthetics.

I lost an absolute ton of weight doing this for 2 years.

>> No.12878464
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>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet

>> No.12878684
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Oatmeal for breakfast
Assorted nuts for lunch
Rice, Vegetables, your choice of meat for dindin

Night walks if its hot around where you live.

Lost 40 pounds over the summer this way

>> No.12878689

Id like to add, plain oatmeal with no sugar added. Drink water and tea

>> No.12878690

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?

yes, that's by far the easiest way to do it. its really the easiest thing in the world, you literally have to do nothing. just stop eating, and you'll lose about 3/4 lbs of fat per day.

>> No.12878709

Exercise makes me feel alive and much more aware of my body, it's a great thing
t. 260lb fatty

>> No.12878757

didnt read thread replies. start slow. just go for a walk to the ens of the street. make a ritual. walk to the store buy a a coffee. walk back. buy a bike. bike to store. if youre real depressed and fucked up this will make you feel better. diet wise youll learn to stop over eating. takes a long time but learn to stop eating before your bloated. then youll work on eatjng as clean as you can. remember anon nothing will stick with you if you go all out all at once. start slow. if you dont know how to cook youre going to if you wamt to lose weight. its expensive to eat out. helps if you go high protien low carbs. last night i ate 1/4 pound of nicely browned ground beef with some rice fried up.
tldr i was 5'6 190lbs a year ago. depressed. hunger pains. lazy. 16 hour sleep etc. now im 145lbs. jaded but not depresses. i bike to and from work and eat clean minus a few beers here and there. skin looks great. women looking at me again

>> No.12878760

get addicted to meth for 6 months

>> No.12878774

I thought I ate healthily but then I started counting kjs, went from 88 kgs to 76 kgs with minimal exercise

>> No.12878809

Bread is absolutely fine. And go fucking exercise, lest you drop dead from a heart disease at 35.

>> No.12878828

changing your diet is the best way and also incorporating moderate exercise. When i was very fat I just started to eat less and exercise more (mostly taking long walks eventually building up to running) and i lost about 90 lbs. also drinking more water and not drinking soda is very important. if you don't like walking when there are people around then walk around at night if you're somewhere safe. also accept God into your life

>> No.12878833

c25k, and dont pussy out

>> No.12879058

The problem in this cycle is the starvation cutting. It almost never, ever works. The trick is to make SMALL, GRADUAL, and PERSISTENT changes to your diet. All three components are equally important: small and gradual so you will feel their impact less (psychologically) and you will be less tempted to go back to your old habits. Small and gradual, however, if done persistently will lead to big changes in the long run. That's how you lose weight and KEEP it off.

>> No.12879117

Breads are one of the first things on the chopping block when assessing your diet. Many people eat waaaaay to much bread without noticing it, and garbage white bread at that.

>> No.12879251

Jesus, just eat good bread instead of sugar instead of that sugar infested facsimile

>> No.12879265

Just start doing 10 pushups and 10 sit-ups every day. Doesn’t matter that it’s not a lot, what does matter is that you do them every single day, even when you don’t feel like it. Do that for 2 weeks and then double up. 20 pushups and 20 sit-ups every day for 2 more weeks.

>> No.12879277

Sit ups are bad for your back. You're better off doing some planking related exercise to strenghten your back. OP needs to do cardio anyway.

>> No.12880178

>the state of your reading comprehension
Did you miss the part where he said 'could'? It was an example, not an order to do it.

>> No.12880221

If you couldn't tell, the whole cycle in the pic is a cycle of failure to lose weight. Of course any of the 5 steps wouldn't help.

>> No.12880729

do OMAD, one meal a day

Cut out any sugary drinks too. I went from 206 to 155 in 4 months. Saved a bunch of money too.

>> No.12880794

What are you kidney stones made out of?

>> No.12880844

>all these NEETs telling OP to starve himself
Okay, but what if someone has to work and doesn't want to risk getting fired because he can't focus due to hunger?

>> No.12880907

Part of "eating less" is to also "eat better". If you are eating 20 servings of chinese buttered noodles a day while working in the office, you are doing it wrong. Figure out what you're eating too much of, figure out where the limit for you SHOULD be, and replace the rest with something else. That's not the surefire answer for everyone for a variety of reasons but that's a general description of what should happen.

>> No.12880937

If anyone reads this can they help me out here. I’m about 155 and 5’8, I’m pretty comfortable with my body but I’m kind of skinny fat around my stomach, is there any way I can cut down to show my abs with purely diet?

>> No.12880999

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Absolutely, and it might be the best way to start being healthier. Exercise when at a lighter weight and feeling better overall. One thing you could try while you feel like shit is supplement some time released B vitamins, vitamin D (most obese and depressed people are low), or whatever your doctor thinks. Go get a little checkup to see if Paxil can help you roll out of bed and accomplish things for a while.
The real benefit to exercising while on a diet is you can eat more when you burn more. Satiety to actually eat normal sized amounts of food is a big thing for people. Of course, extra muscle can burn more than fat. But the exercise actually can ramp up that metabolism and make you more ravenous with your restrictions.

Just join weight watchers. Go to a meeting for 6 weeks til you're pro, or anonymously join on the app. If you want to do this right, you'll need a pro system to watch and record all that you eat without making too much an effort. That 150 cals oopsie each day will wreck things, and make an overall effort seem like plateaus. If you think you can do it, take a look at some low carb options like South Beach Diet (check it out at the library). It does drop the belly fat first, and it does make you feel like you eat filling normal foods, but it's kind of hard to kick carbs without a budget and lots of planning.

In about a month, think about even walking the mall or big box store, versus sitting down one evening a week, or power shopping like all day Saturday. A simple bike ride. Exercise you don't notice is really work. Planting a flower bed. Waxing your car. A single swim. Sunlight and getting out can perk you up.

>> No.12881182

Just eat less

>> No.12881202

Fasting is so much easier as a NEET with access to vidya all-day-long

>> No.12881250

Sounds fucking boring and awful. Just because you can't cook doesn't mean OP has to suffer.

>> No.12881442

Yes. Train yourself to eat less. Your stomach is literally streched out and bloated at the moment. Eat foods which keep you fuller for longer. Primary among those is meat. Not some fatty bullshit, go for lean cuts. Cut down on carbs but don't be a retard and try to cut them out entirely. Sandwiches or wraps should be your primary form of lunch. Make sure any bread is reasonable quality wholegrain stuff that isn't full of sugar (probably impossible if you're american though so idk).
Making tasty enough regular meals isn't to hard, the hardest part is snacking. You're not going to jump cold turkey into some new diet that's perfect, and you're going to need to fill the gaps as your transition. Sandwich meats can be okay if you go to an actual fucking deli and just get some ham or shredded chicken breast or whatever and makes reasonable snacks. Find some form of energy-neutral snack you don't hate, for me it's pickles. Yoghurt has a retarded hipster soyboy image but if you're eating to cut weight off diet alone it's a fucking godsend because it's the closest thing to a dairy desert that won't completely fuck you over.
It's okay to break occasionally (once a week or whatever) to just eat some burger if you're young and healthy. The food triangle and its "sometimes" foods isn't a meme. Forcing yourself into an all or nothing situation is how you don't wind up sticking. Your goal is a diet which is normally lean, the majority of the time.

t. lost 1kg a week at a similar weight/height

>> No.12882093

>chicken breast, brown rice, steamed broccoli and carrots, plain Greek yogurt, tuna, eggs, and not much else
I'm gonna make it.

>> No.12882140

Tuna isn't very good for you. Go with something like salmon instead.

>> No.12882149

Really? Why the hell do people keep eating it then, the canned shit is unreasonably leathery and tough

>> No.12882406

It's easier than you think, you should measure yourself, and calculate BMI

With the help of MyFittnesPal or sth. like that you should be able to measure out your needed calories while taking the fat loss into the account

>> No.12882501

don't listen to all these haters. literally just consume DNP and you will lose weight automatically.

>> No.12882507

fast for days on end, i lost 100 lbs in 6 months with 96 hour fasts

>> No.12882524
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Yes. I actually used to be the same height/ weight as you and lost 40 lbs. Do OMAD, only break your fast if you are feeling really low energy/ week and only break it with something like a protein shake or bar.

>> No.12883060

Can’t lose weight without exercise retard. If you go on a low calorie diet your body will burn muscle before it ever burns fat. Exercise is also good for depression. Basically stop being a lazy piece of shit. Also control your portions you glutton

>> No.12883068

This is me as well. Went from 212lb to 185 in no time. You eventually get used to it but starting off isn't fun. You can make it OP.

>> No.12883097

>your body will burn muscle before it ever burns fat.
Is this actually a thing

>> No.12883309


>> No.12883331
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>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?


>> No.12883342

>If you go on a low calorie diet your body will burn muscle before it ever burns fat

This is not true. This belief comes from people who were very muscular starving themselves. The result is, the fast makes you lose water very quickly which will deflate and shrink the muscles, since the muscles have a high water content.

What's more, many of these people did not continue lifting the same way, which will also reduce size and strength in muscles.

The body, once you fast, will move toward burning fat primarily. The body can convert fat into sugar for energy, and even protein for muscle/skin. It is not energy efficient, but this is what we want when we lose weight.

>> No.12883345

That one guy has some weird tanlines on his feet. What the hell was he wearing?

>> No.12883347

start with keto or atkins - either way just remove carbs entirely
you won't be ABLE to eat enough calories to maintain your girth
as you start to slim up you'll probably want to exercise to shape and fill your flabby skin

>> No.12883352

Yes, calories in vs calories out, just eat less than you burn. However, it it also waste away what little muscle you have. There are tricks to feeling full such as drinking lots of water, brushing your teeth, etc.

>> No.12883362

>eating fat makes you fat
eating fat trains your body to use fat as a fuel source so it more readily burns the fat stored in your body

>> No.12883363

this is incorrect, outdated information

>> No.12883429

eat more, poop more
simple equation

>> No.12883516

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Absolutely, but unless you're counting calories and tracking then you aren't going to make progress. You will also reach a point where you will need to drastically change your life habits if you do not supplement with exercise. I've lost about 50 pounds over the last 6 months and the amount of calories I need to restrict myself to at this point impacts my desire to drink a couple beers after work to where I have to choose between drinking two 22oz beers or eating a dinner that isn't just vegetable soup.

>> No.12883560

>no starvation bloated bellies

>> No.12883566

>Weight Watchers
This. Weight Watchers is actually a very good program, but like all weight loss programs you need to stay on target. There are free alternatives (I use iTrackbites) but their flexibility and interfaces are of inferior quality.

>> No.12883568

no eat small but balanced meals and move your fat fucking arse.

>> No.12883570
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>> No.12883574

>eat fat to burn fat
That is stupid logic, man.
If you don't eat fat, the body burns tons of fat, since fat is used all over the body for all sorts of things.

>> No.12883578

That's not really how it works.

>> No.12883581

I lost almost 10 pounds in a month by only cutting out red meat and fried food.
You still want to exercise for your cardiovascular health. Walking is just as effective as jogging assuming you over the same distance. It'll just take a lot longer walking than jogging.

>> No.12883595

i went from fat to skinny fat by just eating less pizza

>> No.12883603
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>starvation bloated bellies

there is no such thing. pic related. the bloating in africans is from other things.

would that it were so simple

pic related then

this simple approximation to dieting is generally bad and pointless. are you american?

>> No.12883612

>Walking is just as effective as jogging assuming you over the same distance.

walking is just as effective as jogging over the same distance? what the fuck?

are you american?

>> No.12883613

>cut out all sugary drinks
>drink only water (with optional lemon/lime/berries), sugar-free green tea, coffee (with optional milk)
>cut out all starchy carbs (potatoes, corn, flour)
>no bread, no tortillas, no fries, no chips
>eat more meat and greens (you can literally alternate steak salad and chicken salad)
>cut out all products that contain soybean oil (mayonnaise, salad dressings)
>use only tallow, butter, duck fat, or lard to cook with
>if you're going to have a treat, make it sugar-free Greek yogurt
>if you're used to eating three times per day, switch to eating only once or twice per day (easy mode: skip breakfast)

This will get you some results, but it's much better if you incorporate some exercise. While going for walks or a jog does work, you will get more results by lifting weights, as lifting burns more calories. You do not have to follow a powerlifting program. You can do a simple bodybuilder style program (modest intensity, full body or a split like push/pull or upper/lower). The number one goal of starting any exercise program is to be safe and not injure yourself.

>> No.12883618

eat less fatty

>> No.12883622

>that doesn't sound right therefore it's wrong despite the fact I've done 0 research on the subject

>> No.12883623

this is good.

you can add stevia and coconut/almond flour to this.

>> No.12883625

>are you american?
What's with your obsession with Americans?

>> No.12883630

the only mistake here is about lifting and calories. muscles burn more calories than fat does (obviously), but lifting weights burns fairly few calories. jogging and walking also burn few, but lifting weights generally burns less than jogging over the same period of time.

although jogging is good for health and exercise, it is not as useful for calories: it takes about 15 minutes of jogging at a decent speed to burn 100 calories, but it takes 15 seconds to drink a can of Coke which is 130 calories and 40 grams of pure sugar. terrible. disgusting. ick.

>> No.12883641

just when someone posts something ignorant, ill informed, wrong, or uses blatant logical fallacies in a 'told you so', recalcitrant, or snappy way on here, i assume the person is american. same way when i see some of the portion sizes people post on here - if it's huge enough for 2-3 people but is on a single plate with a single set of cutlery, i assume the poster is an american. you americans have a reputation for being unintelligent, boorish, opinionated, fat, gormandizers.

>> No.12883647

>That's not really how it works.
u are a brainwashed keto tard.
if you don't eat fat, the body must burn fat from body fat.

>> No.12883659

Keep working at it, Stosh. One day you'll figure out trolling.

>> No.12883665

Yeah. But that's not what I asked.
I'm asking why you're obsessed with us

>> No.12883669

Ask your doctor about your BMR. Don't target intake like these retards will tell you.

>> No.12883704

Unironically eat more fat. You are a brainwashed poop factory, trained like a dog to consume petrochemical laden factory farmed garbohydrate biological WMDs you've been taught to identify as "food" to line some literal vampire's cannibalistic human-trafficking pocket. STOP eating grain. LIMIT vegetable intake, especially oxalate-heavy cruciferous greens, EAT FATTY MEAT and adapt your body to metabolize fat as its primary fuel source. Three carb-laden meals and five sweet snacks a day keeps ketogenic fat burning metabolism away and shreds your telomeres more quickly by forcing your body into self-cannibalism, making you age like the toxic fucking shitter you are. Get it the fuck together. Eat less often. If you refuse to stop treating DRUGS as FOOD and insist upon filling your gaping maw with nutritionally insipid poison, at least be merciful to yourself and fast intermittently, giving your body a chance to fully process the sweet toxic waste before the next redose. You won't burn an ounce of your own body fat when you keep re-upping sugar constantly. You can force ketosis (endogenous fat burn for fuel) quick and dirty at the expense of telomere length by fasting, or smoothly and sustainably extend the lives of every cell in your body by providing the highly bioavailable micro and macronutrients only provided by animal foods.

Basically I'm a lean mean redpilling machine and you're literally a brainwashed poop factory counting "kcal" which are the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. Metabolism is chemistry you'd best start understanding better if you hope to ever start healing. All carbohydrates get converted into glucose while the fibrous roughage calluses your colon as your body tries to protect you from your ignorant shittery, inhibiting nutrient absorption over time.

Be the lone wolf among sheep and take back some control over your health and life. Carnivory is the cure for EVERYTHNG.

>> No.12883711

No you need to exercise. If you stop eating and are sedentary you will go into starvation mode and gain weight.

>> No.12883712

so you were just pretending to be stupid? lol.

ah so you are american. as i thought.

>> No.12883721

Just eat less.

>> No.12883732

Carnivore bitches are delicious (mmm)
Not too vicious (mhm)
I don't wanna wash no dishes (mm mm)
I bring the meat up on the beat (eat me baby)
There's no carbage in my kitchens (teach me baby)
That garbage I'm ditchin' (impeach me baby)
Cause the meat up in my kitchen's firin' up the heat in my metabolism
I think I might skeet skeet skeet skeet along to the meat beat
This is meat rehabolism
Sync'd to the mother lovin' beat of this song
It's fat-adapted fab-o-lism
Try a little dabble-ism
With yo mother or yo sister man I bring the meat up all night long in conversation
All across the nation and on every street
To the beat of this song yeah I fire up your grill and bring the heat
With yo daughter I'ma feed her meat until she tweet about it
I think she might tweet tweet tweet tweet along to the meat beat
You don't need to bring the heat about it

I see you creepin'
Don't ever doubt it
Peep-peepin' along
While I'm mother lovin' bone in raw discussion 'tryna educate
You’re bakin' sweet cakes in the oven?
Watchin' feet pornicate?
What about the babymakin’?
No carbs it ain't complicate
I bring the beef and the bacon
For all the lambs
My teeth like percussion
I don't spread no jams
The meat that I masticate
Spreadin' like my dope jams
Keeps me off my tater-tate

Straight trippin' on mind boggled JP lobsta ethics
You's a blind goggled sucka' G
Now I'm dippin' with all 'ya hos and tricks
Meat mobsta on my flow I'm on my death mix
For my homies in the Carnivore Clan
I'll lend your girl a hand and teach her more and more
She can listen to my feature while she eat'cha


>> No.12883764

It tastes good and is high in protein and omega-3s. It’s also high in mercury and other heavy metals because Earth’s oceans are very polluted and tuna are high up on the food chain, just under sharks and the like. They absorb all the heavy metals absorbed by all the smaller fish they eat, which leads to an overall higher concentration than smaller ocean fish. Their population in the wild is also declining because of overfishing. Basically we brought this on ourselves through negligence and a lack of concern for the consequences of our actions.

>> No.12883769

Literally yes and it’s “easy”, nothing made from flour or refined sugar. The effort it takes to get fat without consuming refined carbs is simply inhuman. Just TRY it, 3 months eat whatever you want except anything with flour or added sugar.

>> No.12883783

>lifting weights burns fairly few calories
>jogging is good for health and exercise, it is not as useful for calories
So what do?

>> No.12883789

bread is a trash food and should only be used as animal fodder.

>> No.12883798

Is salmon really better here? What's an alternative fish that's low enough on the food chain with high omega 3 and protein?

>> No.12883805

I really recommend cooking in bulk and preplanning your meals, eating most things as leftovers.

Soups are an amazing way to do this, they are very satisfying and very low in calories when broth and vegetable based.

>> No.12883806

No fish is going to make you fat.

>> No.12883808

my grandparents in newfoundland beg to differ.

>> No.12883813

The big redpill is that you’re fat because you’re stupid. Most of your calories are supposed to be consumed by your massive human brain, therefore if you’re fat it’s probably a mental deficiency more than it is overeating.

>> No.12883819

They probably ate bread. Bread is instafat.

>> No.12883825

Salmon is better because they spend some of their life cycle in freshwater rivers and they’re much much smaller than tuna. Seriously tuna are fucking enormous. Salmon are also carnivores but they eat smaller fish that are strictly herbivores so they end up absorbing less heavy metals overall.

>> No.12883827

most people are fat because their mom is fat and she's in charge of groceries and making food. If you are morbidly obese it's because you are stupid, and if you are super obese it's because you are mentally ill. The people with a BMI around 30 is mostly because of bad eating options and habits reinforced by their mother eating vicariously though them and thinking feeding=love. I lost all my weight when I moved out for college, which is usually when people gain it because they order fast food all the time and drink too much.

>> No.12883828

You seen the whale babies dying from their moms metal poisoned milk?

>> No.12883861

>I lost all my weight when I moved out for college, which is usually when people gain it because they order fast food all the time and drink too much.
I lost 9 kg when moved to college too while consuming mostly processed food and beer.

>> No.12883872

>their mother eating vicariously though them and thinking feeding=love
This is a blessing, my mom never made food and I’m eternally jealous of incels who lose weight and look like normal people while I’m skinny and malnourished looking and can’t do shit about it.

>> No.12883882

funny how that's the american reputation when it's far more likely a euro will act like that

>> No.12883884

it's probably portion sizes and limited access to snacks. Home is always loaded with chocolate bars, chips and pastries with never any "healthy" quick food options like some leftover soup or salad or something.

>> No.12883895

my mom is fat and made alot but can't cook for shit. She didn't understand the concept of preheating an oven.

>> No.12883907

>She didn't understand the concept of preheating an oven.
can you explain this to me?

>> No.12883915

there's also the "eat everything on your plate" and "there's starving children in africa" nonsense
I think that stuff comes from depression era kids being generally malnourished and feeling obstinate their kids were picky
their kids (boomers) then passed that attitude on in a much wealthier economy, leading to people who see overeating as virtuous
as a parent I even find myself thinking my kid is doing something wrong when she doesn't eat everything, but I always check myself and say she will eat until she's full, and if I throw food away then so be it - maybe I should prepare less for her next time

>> No.12883916

she sets the oven to 350 for pretty much everything and put the food in while it heats up. Stuff was never under done because the chicken was left in for an hour. when you load things in cheese and oil however it's still fairly palatable.

>> No.12883918

Different ovens take different amounts of time to heat up. Therefore it's impossible to share consistent recipes if you don't pre-heat the oven before putting your food in because the cooking times will be radically different.

Also, depending on what you are trying to cook, putting food in a cold oven that slowly heats up will produce radically different results than putting food in an oven that's already hot. Let's say you wanted to bake a pork chop. If you put it in a cold oven that slowly warms up then the chop won't brown by the time it's cooked through. It will be safe to eat but it won't taste very good. If you instead put it into an oven that's already hot then the outside will brown, and that tastes a lot better due to the Maillard reaction.

>> No.12883926

i'm not into duck

>> No.12883934

>eat everything on your plate
it's more constantly asking if you want more and giving it to you and feeling insulted if you don't. "want another pork chop"(of course you cooked 6+ for some reason to feed 2-3 people.)

>> No.12883941

>No thanks mom - tastes really good but I'm stuffed! Do you think I could have one in a sandwich for lunch tomorrow?

>> No.12883945

>you hardly ate the peckings of a bird anon! are you sick? you need to eat to keep your strength up you know, here have some more this

>> No.12883954

>Really mom, I'm full, but thank you. I'd really love to have some more tomorrow if there's any left over.

>> No.12883966

>stop arguing with your mother at the dinner table anon

>> No.12883974

>Mom, I'm 50lbs overweight. You're currently contributing to this. Do you want me to die when I'm 60?

>> No.12883984

>claiming to be overweight when you are 5'10" 200 pounds at the table with three others for are 400
you won't be taken seriously.

>> No.12883988

You'd have a stroke or heart attack long before 60, sport.

>> No.12883997

if that were true we wouldn't have the obese boomer old age crisis fucking up the concept of pensions without enough care takers for them.

>> No.12884015

so what?
what's the worst they can do to me?
they can't FORCE me to eat

>> No.12884018

>kicks you out of the house

>> No.12884034

if you're old enough they can legally do this, you shouldn't be living with them anyway

>> No.12884042

>retarded boomer mentality
yeah bro just buy a home at 18 or rent and live paycheck to paycheck without the ability to save. the 20s are genuinely the new teens.

>> No.12884043

I worked 10 years as a Paramedic. I can;t even remember how many 40-50 year olds who had cardiac infarctions or strokes.

>> No.12884046

Almonds make for a great snack. They're high in Omega 9. Monounsaturated fat can help with weight loss and are good for the heart.

>> No.12884048

most must survive and collect payouts for another 30 years in home care then.

>> No.12884051

nuts are full retard for weight loss. insane calories. almond marketing is to keep you fat so you keep buying them. same

>> No.12884054

>buy a home at 18 or rent and live paycheck to paycheck without the ability to save
I'm 29 and bought my first home this year
I moved out of my parents' house at 17 despite them being extremely supportive and willing to house me for free. I've lived in 9 apartments since then with varying degrees of rent. I put 20% down on my house that I purchased for $150k and have an emergency fund of $10k plus retirement savings adding up to ~$55k.
If you're a paycheck to paycheck loser, that's on you buddy boy.

>> No.12884058

almonds taste like ass though
macadamias are great

>> No.12884064

>haha I dun it
fuck off boomer
>$150k house
i'm in canada. Houses start at 1million.

>> No.12884069
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>> No.12884073

Macadamias are superior to all but almonds are damn good. Did you activate them first?

>> No.12884094

>fuck off boomer
>anyone being responsible is a boomer
when will this meme die?
>i'm in canada. Houses start at 1million
1) who wants to spend a million monopoly dollars to live in canada?
2) move somewhere cheaper you retarded fuck. where I grew up average home prices were $750k. I knew I wasn't going to afford that anytime soon, so I moved. and I moved far - halfway across the country - so I could get a well enough paying job with low enough housing costs.
seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.12884101

macadamias don't need to be activated, fren

>> No.12884103

>being responsible
moving out at 17 isn't responsible, it screams you have issues and are insecure and trying to overcompensate, and fell for outdated boomer memes of moving out early (which itself is a phenomenon of their generation and never the norm)
People move out because they get married.

>> No.12884107

>move somewhere cheaper you retarded fuck
where? You can't just fucking emigrate and there are no jobs where housing is "cheaper"
>bro just live in rural newfoundland houses are only 300k there!

>> No.12884115

moving out at 17 is normal for anyone deciding to go to school
why wouldn't someone deciding to skip school get a head start on life?
>where? You can't just fucking emigrate
you actually can
it's insanely easy for a canadian to get into the US, but even if you want to stay in cuckistan there are plenty of places to go

>> No.12884124

>moving out at 17 is normal for anyone deciding to go to school
they move out for school and move back in. student housing isn't "moving out"
>it's insanely easy for a canadian to get into the US
not legally.

>> No.12884128

>and move back in
only if they majored in feminist dance theory instead of something useful
>student housing isn't "moving out"
it literally is
>not living with parents
>paying for own housing

and yes it's insanely easy for a canadian to legally enter the US

>> No.12884154

you are clearly underage and larping. you're just parroting memes.

there is nothing about being in canada that makes it easy to emigrate. You need to find an american to hire you, and why the fuck would they go through the hassle of hiring a canadian unless it's some shit job aimed at mexicans for low pay work no one likes or highly specialized and likely in an expensive area.

most students don't even pay for their own housing. their parents do or they get an osap loan and forget about it. many come back home most weekends and many still just live at home and commute because they realize it's a bad use of money if it's not too far away.

Only a retard would move out early. It only makes sense to move out to start a family or because you have too because you found work far away.

>> No.12884186


>> No.12884199

>any millennial who has any amount of success by the age of 30 is a larping zoomer
yikes and cringe
>most students don't even pay for their own housing
if the so-called "student debt crisis" is anything to go by, they do
>they don't pay for it, they just get a loan... and then pay for it
fucking retard
>Only a retard would move out early
>except when you move out for work
which is exactly what I did and everyone else should do
you really are fucking stupid
enjoy working at your local mcburger and living out of your parent's basement until you're 40

>> No.12884201

Your metabolism is significantly more complicated than "you lose fat if you don't eat fat!"

>> No.12884240

>nazi cope

>> No.12884300

Eating too many calories is not eating healthy.

>> No.12884421

based and dubs

>> No.12885593

guy on the right still has a double chin

>> No.12885898
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, cheepcheep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12886262

>dude at work got diagnosed with diabetes
>start seeing "meal replacement shakes" in the fridge
>huh, actually might be a good idea, and cheap too
>try it out
>not bad
>two weeks later
>gassier than the hindenberg
>turns out they cause gas
>Almost as bad as that time I ate half a bag of sugar-free jelly beans.

>> No.12886437

90% of losing weight is about diet, not exercise. You cut weight by having a good low calorie, preferably balanced diet. From there you can work in and feel better about exercise when you weigh less which works to improve health further.

>> No.12886442

Fuck you, just cut out bread.

>> No.12886445

you don't even have to change your diet. just eat less. and stop drinking soda.

>> No.12886459

Its really not. This whole moving out at 18 is a purely American and maybe Canadian phenomenon.

>> No.12886461

How do Asians stay thin but eat so much rice? I love rice but how can I banish it?

>> No.12886652

They don't stay thin. If they are, it's because they're poor as fuck and almost everything else is vegetables by necessity. Rice is literally keeping death at bay

>> No.12886676

So much this. In the last 4 months I have lost 50 pounds by reducing portion sizes and counting calories.

>> No.12887030

What? LMAO, no. The whole point of running is stressing your cardiovascular system in a controlled manner. That level of stress is exponentially greater than you'd experience with walking. You need to walk for ages to achieve the same result and as you get more fit it's probably not even feasible anymore as you simply don't tire out when walking.

>> No.12887340
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I went from 250 to 210 in a month by doing a Paleo like diet. Scrap the grains and just eat more fruits veggies and nuts.

>> No.12887375

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Yes. Count calories.

>I hate exercise.
Dude, all you literally need is to go for a jog 15 minutes a day. You're going to burn about 200-300 calories each day by doing that alone. That doesn't seem like much but it adds up over time, especially if you combine it with reducing calories.

>> No.12887377

They’re basically the same thing ketofag. Ketogenesis is the creation of ketones and ketosis is the usage of ketones

>> No.12887449

You can lose weight off McDonald's if you're not a fucking homosexual

>> No.12887454

The muh metabolism is a meme, but having been really fat does permanently tend to skew your mass partitioning ratios towards fat

>> No.12887460

Bread is a ridiculously easy way to end up with excess calories for little satiation. 2 slices of bread is about 400kcal

>> No.12887505

>excess calories for little satiation
carbs got 4 calories per gram compared to 9 calories per gram for fat. stop with the nonsense keto tard.

>> No.12887932

Yes you can. Just be eating a little less. It will take a year. But you will eventually lose weight.

>> No.12888666
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Old thread but here we go someone might get some use out of this.
If you have an iPhone or Samsung phone you literally have a dietician in your pocket. Use it.

>> No.12888922

>been on a steady rate of -2 pounds a week by eating 1340/day for two and a half months
>have stayed fucking religious about it
>hop on the ol' scale this morning
>five pounds FUCKING FATTER
I'm going to kill myself

>> No.12889463

Literally just eat fewer calories than your body can burn in one day. Estimate your TDEE with an online calculator and eat 500 calories less per day than you burn to lose 1 pound per week. If you actually accurately track your calorie intake and do not lose 1 pound per week on average by the end of one month, then you need to do the math to figure out your actual TDEE. More often than not people don't accurately track what they consume forgetting about sauces, snacks, calories in beverages, what they ate from someone else's plate as if that food somehow doesn't count, etc. So if something is off, go back to the drawing board and try to figure out what might have gone wrong. Remember that labels on prepackaged/processed food and restaurant meals can be incorrect whether it's a 10 calorie discrepancy or 100. The more simple and easily identifiable the components of food you are eating are, the harder it is to fuck up. If you order seared ahi tuna and steamed broccoli, it's much easier to estimate/verify the calories than if you order lasagna. If something is still really wrong then you are either functionally retarded or didn't know you have a malfunctioning thyroid in which case you're still retarded as the symptoms should be noticeable.

It doesn't matter if you do keto, high carb, or more moderate diet. It doesn't make enough of a difference to significantly affect your weight loss. At best, going very low/no carb might give you a slight edge but it's not nearly significant enough for that to be a deciding factor in changing your diet to such an extreme. You will be better off through out your period weight loss and subsequent life long maintenance by eating in a more balanced manner with thoughtful portion control.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you anything other than eat less than your personal TDEE. Do not listen to people that claim your body gains weight by consuming too FEW calories. Do not buy into snake oil.

>> No.12889651

I would also like to add that it's not a bad idea to get a physical and full blood panel if you have insurance/can afford it/live in a country where it's not like $250+ for physical and $1700+ for blood panel without insurance. Diet, lifestyle, and general physical health are extremely significant factors of depression, anxiety, sluggishness, poor quality sleep, inconsistent sleep patters, and generally feeling like shit. It can be helpful to analyze what's going on with your body right now in case you have any glaring nutrient deficiencies, anything abnormal with your thyroid (can often be due to iodine deficiency), something abnormal going on with your blood cells, etc. That way instead of guessing and still feeling like shit in 3 months despite some weight loss and better diet than before, you will know in the beginning if there is anything you need to pay extra attention to. Aside from a small amount of people who are really, REALLY messed up in the head, most people can hugely improve their depression and other issues solely through diet and then completely overcome them with other changes once they're feeling well enough to fix their overall lifestyle. When you are too depressed to get out of bed, advice like "exercise daily", "get on a good sleep schedule", and "socialize more" is not helpful and not really achievable for people in that state. But if you can get yourself to eat right and consume fewer calories than your TDEE, thus losing weight and giving your body the nutrients it needs, you will start feeling so much better over time that you are able to start tackling some other stuff like taking a walk in the morning, keeping yourself and your living environment clean and well maintained, socializing a bit more, picking back up old or new hobbies, etc.

>> No.12889674

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Yes, but you wont look good.

>> No.12889721

Git a job with the Lakers playing alongside LeBrawn and Antony Davis you pale dart-tossing honkey

>> No.12889733

Are you sure that it's not just water retention maybe from consuming a lot of sodium or alcohol recently? You should both monitor your weight and a few measurements like your waist line and hips as some things can throw off your weight and depending on how uniformly your body decreases in size, your measurements alone might not show huge improvements over short periods. If you check them both every week, two weeks, or month you will have a more accurate picture of your body's changes. If lost 20 pounds over the past 10 weeks and this week weigh 5 pounds more than before you started or what you weighed last week despite sticking to your diet, then you are dealing with water retention. So have you been checking your weight every week and seeing those results of 2 pounds of weight loss? Or have you been assuming you were losing 2 pounds per week thinking you've been accurately tracking your calories?

>> No.12889984

Calories in Calories out.

Make sure you’re not drinking your calories. Stick with water and black coffee/tea.

Fat and protein is generally more filling than carbs. If you’re lazy just get cheap rotisserie chickens and salad.

If you’ve got a sugar addiction go cold turkey for two weeks. Sugary shit becomes way too sweet when you aren’t used to it.

>> No.12890582

If you wanna lose weight your caloric intake has to be lower than you burn off in a day however, if you cut it enough and too fast your body will enter starvation mode and will consume a lot less so make it gradual

>> No.12890602

how would a jew get a camera in a concentration camp? pro tip: they can't.

>> No.12890614

100% whole grain breads are actually pretty satiating. Refined flour breads aren't.

>> No.12891432

just eat less. As the saying goes, your eyes are bigger than your stomach when you're hungry.
Also OP, if you don't exercise, hope you're ready to eventually die of a heart attack.

>> No.12891444

yes its not fun but you can do intermittent fasting for 24hrs at a time and eat a low car diet, fast every 2 to 3 days for 24hrs you will lose weight very fast.

>> No.12891652

No it's not you redditor

>> No.12891737

>Your metabolism is also NEVER going to correct itself
My BMR has been increasing with my diet
This doesn't mean anything?

>> No.12891746

>tfw I lost 30 pounds in a few weeks just not eating, literally
Cole, you maverick magician

>> No.12891747

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Is this possibly the most retarded question ever asked on 4chan?

>> No.12891767

I will stick to my orange vanilla coke instead of black tart coffee danke

>> No.12891902

exercise causes heart attacks
sedentary people live longer

>> No.12892116

No, our bodies aren’t retarded. Our bodies didn’t evolve to eat the most important part of ourselves over fat. That’s just asinine. Fat exists to burn. That’s the point of fat, it exists as a means of energy storage in times where there is little food.

People who say this shit are the same as the type of people who believe msg is harmful or that 10mg cbd drinks/foods actually cure depression and anxiety when you need several thousand mgs for it to even have an affect on your mood.

>> No.12892371

Eat less, workout more. There is no magic to it. If that sounds boring or too much work for you then enjoy being a fat piece of shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.12892420

I ate similar to this in college and I just got fat and lost muscle. I wasn’t exercising to be fair, but you won’t lose weight by eating ramen and drinking black coffee

>> No.12892447

same here, was 80kg and muscular then depression hit thanks to shitty gf and i reached 90 and then i dislocated my shoulder and got arm surgery in both hands that wont heal and my parents dumped me on watching their house while they were away for 2 months so I literally had fucking nothing to do but eat ready made food and watch netflix. Now I'm 100 and 180cm.

I've stopped giving a fuck there's something I can do by changing my diet but I'd rather be chubby than be slightly thinner and fucking miserable.

Stopping overeating your retarded parents or elderly anzheimers shithead grandparents beat into you is a way to slowly lose weight over time. J´

>> No.12892484

>Can I lose weight by only changing my diet?
Yes of course. IMO the most important aspect of health is portion size. PORTION SIZE. It made me not gain weight when I took a break from working out (which you should avoid if you can). Again portion size. I grew up eating like a third world retard. Some calorie app made me realize I was eating like a pig. The rest is history. At my worst I don't even touch how fat I was back in the day.

>> No.12892655

if you're anything like me and your diet consists of home cooked food, no soft drinks, no alcohol, no american cooking and you can't lose weight your issue is lifestyle.
Start bringing those changes in gradually:
if you eat too much, often and overheat
>find physical activity to do outside: get into motor racing, biking, whatever, that gives you something that will keep you in garage or outdoors wrenching and doing shit. You'll be lucky to remember to eat once a day. Or afford to eat once a day after you bury all your money in car parts.
>remember the painful shitty feeling of overeating, the inability to lie down and constantly feeling like you're going to die. Focus and burn it into your memory. The next time your piece of shit retarded body says "one more bite" you remember how it feels like overeating.
>buy vr headset or something. If you feel hungry play it, go outside for a walk or do something else physical for a bit. Your body doesn't need food but since its as smart as regular 4chinner it gives you all sortsa shitposts. Make it forget what it wants to say.
>drink shitload of water, tea it suppresses hunger.
>keep your fridge empty. that way if you want to cook you have to walk to the store, you come back and you're not hungry anymore.
>buy nuts or salted pumkin seeds or some shit as a snakc. If you feel hungry down a handful.
Replace eating full meals and getting seconds while wathcing movies with bits of nuts and shit.

Just keep at it, remember how shitty being fat and overeating feels and remind yourself if you are about to do a mistake.
Bring in changes small and slow.
Easiest is propably keeping your fridge empty.

>> No.12892671


Portion size = eating too fucking much. That's why he said count your calories you fucking idiot.

>> No.12892682


Here's some simple science for your pea-sized brain:

Think of how bears hibernate. They eat a fuckload to gain fat to sleep through the winter. Calories is a measurement of energy. You gain fat by consuming more calories than your body needs, so it stores it.

So how do you lose fat? By eating less than your body burns. How your body burns it doesn't matter. Whether you're exercising or just living normally, the only way to lose fat is to consume less than your body needs so it taps into it's fat stores to make up the difference.

Why you fat fucking retards can't wrap your head around something so damn simple is amazing. Stay fat, fatty.

>> No.12892692


No, this isn't true because the average fat fuck will just eat even more to make up the calories burned. You're also retarded.

>> No.12892840

Do keto and the weight will fall off you

But realistically exercise and a balanced diet is a far superior way to do it

>> No.12892872
File: 2.07 MB, 372x347, itisnotacurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the /fit/ sticky.

>> No.12892967

yeah rocks,
so stop eating rocks.

>> No.12893069

Went from 220 to 200 to 205. Probably water retention. Also did have significant amount of pickles, tequila the night before I weighed myself.

>> No.12893084

you're the retard, preaching that diet alone and only diet, is the only way to lose weight. no one's buying your bullshit

>> No.12893084,2 [INTERNAL] 

Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM