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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 748 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12872933 No.12872933 [Reply] [Original]

A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day.

>> No.12872937

I had stir fry and mineral water for breakfast

>> No.12872966

>beans touching my bangers

fuck off mate

>> No.12872973

technically their faggots

>> No.12872980

how does anyone have the appetite for all that grease in the morning?

>> No.12872987

Burger here, what's that black stuff called?

>> No.12872990

Burger here too, but that's blood pudding

>> No.12872992

Blood pudding. They eat it because England is an entire nation of vampires.

>> No.12872993

black pudding. a lot of restaurants in the us won't serve it with an english breakfast. fuck those places. it's an essential component.

>> No.12873006


>> No.12873104

Why? Something wrong with it?

>> No.12873110

it's blood sausage.

Yeah most people don't particularly like to eat blood.

>> No.12873299

It's coagulated blood in a sausage casing

>> No.12873321
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Nothing wrong with it. This place still serves it.

>> No.12873326

And yet they will eat rare steaks and burgers that are bright pink in the middle.

>> No.12873336

And their I was thinking Kitchen Aids were food mixers.

>> No.12873353

Where can I get myself a legit full English in southern California? I really want to try it.

>> No.12873369

If the ingredients aren't from England, it ain't English. It's a cheap copy.

>> No.12873518
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>> No.12873602


Ye Olde King's Head Shoppe might point you the way?

>> No.12873777
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>for breakfast

>> No.12874053

>having breakfast
u dumb as shit bruh

>> No.12874055

How else do you lube up your morning turd?

>> No.12874064

i'm more worried that i'd need to urgently take a huge shit before like noon roles around
and also after eating this i probably wouldn't eat anything else the whole day.

>> No.12874071

You fully digest each meal in four hours?

>> No.12874122

The best way is actually a shot of smack, but that is nice too

>> No.12874125

idk. how long is normal?

>> No.12874152

and a nice coffee to get it out your system

>> No.12874227

Next week is my birthday, will have a full english for the first time in a while. I love it but dont eat it often because I want to lose weight.

>> No.12874229

24 hours

>> No.12874233

that's dumb

>> No.12874265

It can be even more
I you shit after a meal you are just pushing out yesterdays food

>> No.12874271

well then in that case wouldn't it make sense for a big breakfast to make me want to shit earlier than usual? it pushes yesterday's food out faster.

>> No.12874279

Probably, I just go before work, but I dont eat a heavy breakfast often
I just thought that digestion taking 24 hours is a fun fact

>> No.12874283

one time, i swear on me mum, as i was taking a morning shit i could smell the exact moment i went from shitting out the day's food to shitting out the dinner.

>> No.12874295

It's only greasy if you shallow fry everything in grease. Literally the only thing *must* be shallow fried is the egg.

>> No.12874325

Used to be a staple part of my diet, especially weekends. Now if I do eat ‘the Full english’ I half portions and usually scramble egg. I much prefer granola, yoghurt, fruits etc with peanut butter and honey toast in the week and “grease up” on a rare weekend.

Can’t knock it I loved the taste, didn’t enjoy the weight gain and ever increasing waistline of having one too many too often.

>inb4 work it in your macros.

>> No.12874517
File: 49 KB, 818x581, eggsntea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had cabbage scrambled eggs and a cup of Yorkshire Tea.

>> No.12874542

honestly a full english looks really good aside from the blood thing

>> No.12874614

underrated comment

>> No.12874696

You're not meant to. A Full English on a Saturday or Sunday is fuel for a big day out to keep you going to the afternoon.

Also works as a stomach liner for a day spent in the pub watching the football.

>> No.12874731

I can imagine the itis from this. I bet half the people who eat this go straight back to bed.

>> No.12874756

Bacon sandwich with tomato slices, bot even a brit

Reading up on it for shits and giggles, do you people seriously butter a bacon sandwich?

>> No.12874768

The full english came into existence because ww1 soldiers couldn't believe the lavish food given their commander. It was popularized from there. An aspirational dream for those living in mud.

>> No.12874911
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>Not cuppa

>> No.12874921

Are you a suburban housewife who ties her sweater around her waist when she goes jogging with her dog?

>> No.12874926

>doesn't know the difference between a sausage and a faggot
I bet you like sausage, faggot.

>> No.12874928

>beans for breakfast
If it was good enough for the Cowboys and pioneers who founded this country it's good enough for you, you little faggot

>> No.12874949
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>> No.12874963


>> No.12875943

Ameritard here. Which name came 1st, Full Monty or Full English?

>> No.12876048

Not socal but the best I've had in California is in Oakland at Commonwealth

>> No.12876061
File: 2.77 MB, 480x270, Baked Full English Breakfast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876062
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>> No.12876065
File: 899 KB, 1936x1936, Full English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, You ever watched that youtuber who eats MREs do the WW1 beef tin one? Full English must have looked obscene to those lads.

>> No.12876066
File: 129 KB, 640x640, Full English 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876069
File: 401 KB, 1600x1348, Full English 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876070
File: 24 KB, 320x320, Full English Chebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876072
File: 183 KB, 900x1600, Full English Munchy Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876077
File: 740 KB, 1511x2005, Big Full english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876082
File: 84 KB, 387x155, Full English Evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12876086
File: 2.70 MB, 426x240, Full English.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12876100

lol they had to switch the eggs out 3 times in that video

>> No.12876136

Real talk, but isn’t this just bad marketing. I mean, even if a contamination never ever happens ever (which I feel is pretty silly, because kitchens are hell stations and bad things are always happening) people don’t traditionally vibe with the notion of risking a possible life ruining contamination.

>> No.12876141

Her punishment should have been to become a communal cock goblin.

>> No.12876163

>isn’t this just bad marketing.
That's the point. They're not trying to make money. They're trying to confront the stigma HIV has.
It's like if you asked why there's a Special Olympics and whether that isn't just bad recruiting for subpar contestants. Top performance was never the point.

>> No.12876764

Unless you are about to do a full day of hard labor, then no it is not a good way to start the day.
There is a reason you fuckers are the fattest fucks in Europe.

>> No.12876788
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How's that my problem if society won't do its part to make traditional diets continue to work right? What are we paying scientists through our taxpayer supported state research programs for if they can't solve this?
You think I LIKE being fat, anon? Yeah, yeah, it's hilarious to blame fat people for their misfortune, but real talk: what's the solution here?

>> No.12876844

The pink isn't really blood though, it's just the color of rare/uncooked meat.

>> No.12876883

I kinda doubt it’s possible to give someone AIDS food, HIV dies when the blood hits oxygen, that’s why you get it from buttfucking and needles, not from an HIV+ person getting a cut and you touching a doorknob they used or something like that.

>> No.12876891
File: 28 KB, 332x268, 1567382603694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do white people really?

>> No.12876895

I don't get this. Sausages take much more time to cook than eggs and beans.

>> No.12876900

A Full English breakfast is seriously the best food in the world. It's fatty, it's salty, it contained processed food, but nothing beats it. The most satisfying, delicious meal you will ever have.

>> No.12877004

English bacon is disgusting.

>> No.12877009

Is milk traditionally served with a full english? If so, I might have to make a trip.

>> No.12877012



>> No.12877176

>I kinda doubt it’s possible to give someone AIDS food, HIV dies when the blood hits oxygen, that’s why you get it from buttfucking and needles, not from an HIV+ person getting a cut and you touching a doorknob they used or something like that.
Something like *90%* of HIV in blood or other bodily fluids would be inactive within hours.
Is it very unlikely you would get infected from bodily fluids you end up making contact with through food? Yeah, sure. But do you really want to take even a small risk of infection just to prove how tolerant and open-minded you are? I sure wouldn't.
Also imagine if you DID get infected this route one day.
Absolutely nobody would believe you. Everyone, including your doctor, would assume you were having secret gay sex or else had a secret dirty needle heroin abuse habit. Mostly because of how much everyone's told you aren't going to get HIV just from some HIV+ person's bodily fluids making contact with you through food or whatever else they might have handled that you ended up encountering afterwards.

>> No.12878243

Perfectly explained anon

>> No.12878244

Some do, I prefer a tomato dip and hp fruity sauce on a bloomer

>> No.12878248

Full English, full monty took the reigns after the Brit film of the same name became prominent.

>> No.12878251

Looks like an Asda cafe special

>> No.12878253

I pray the face is a solid 7/10 or more, if so that’s a perfect accompaniment to a full English.

>> No.12878254

Bacons still grunting ffs! And popcorn chicken and chilli sauce, gtfo anon! Smh

>> No.12878263
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>haven't been on /ck/ in 4-5 years
>decide to come back
>people still posting english breakfasts
based, would eat/10

>> No.12878266

absolutely glorious but needs moar beans

>> No.12878281

2 eggs over easy, 3 pieces of bacon, grits, 2 pieces of toast and a waffle are literally the alpha males breakfast of choice. Any other are shit and you should feel bad if you disagree.

>> No.12878284


>> No.12878398

why are they trying to confront the stigma hiv has? it should have a stigma, its transmittable and life changing.
fucking fags man.

>> No.12878403

i don't understand why amerifats like their bacon crispy, it tastes worse.

>> No.12878404

not likely

>> No.12878468

>fry up police

>> No.12878487

baked beans in civilised countries are savoury, not sweet like your molasses beans

>> No.12878488

> any bacon with less than a 90% fat content
>American complains

>> No.12878490

In the weekend as brunch.

>> No.12878624

Always have crispy bacon and I’m a Brit, atleast if it’s crispy the fat can have a chance of turning like crackling, nothing worse than a gooey, chewy, rubbery length of fat on the edge of bacon.

>inb4 cut it off.

>> No.12879410

At least it's not the fried toast version

>> No.12879668

cut it off and put it in separate, it's what i do
the best of both worlds tbqh

>> No.12879689

Wished I lived in the UK. Pity about their gun control and "hate speech" laws.
>t.an American

>> No.12879789

and the bread...


>> No.12879794

yes you frigin heathen

>> No.12879807

what a disgusting fuckaround.
suppose he eats oven chips for dinner

>> No.12879810

flip the eg ffs

>> No.12879828

because their bacon is that fatty streaky stuff we use to wrap a roast as basting fat, then thow to the dog

>> No.12879859

stick to your sugar puff cereal, greaselet.

>> No.12879909


Ask me how I know you have low testosterone.

>> No.12879923

Not to support the venture or anything, since it's royally stupid, but you're mostly right. There isn't much of a risk to ingesting HIV positive blood. Certainly, you shouldn't go chugging it down by the gallon, but barring lacerations or ulcerations in your mouth or stomach, the odds of contracting HIV by ingestion are rather low.
But the risk is still there, and if you've possibly made contact with an infected person's blood, it isn't being paranoid to say that you're going to need monthly bloodwork for about a year afterwords, just to be safe and catch it early. The worst part isn't just being HIV positive, it's that HIV massively increases the risk of death from many other common and treatable illnesses. Hepatitis will put you out of commission, and TB is now a death sentence.

Luckily, eating black pudding isn't likely to give you any diseases, even if it can be a bit rich. Usually it's mostly just oatmeal, though, which is a fucking tragedy.

>> No.12880225

>it's an essential component.
No. It's just very very good.

>> No.12881361

By being piss drunk the night before of course!

>> No.12881587

hey this thread again haven't seen this one in a bit.

>> No.12881604
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That's where you're wrong. Eating the full English breakfast every day enables you to perform the

>> No.12881705

>beans at all

>> No.12881709

How about from swallowing the load that horny bug chaser pumps into the tomato sauce?

>> No.12881800

It's the best meal for hangovers

>> No.12881921

Drop the beans. Then you're correct.
Cigarette + black coffee + beans = anal holocaust

>> No.12881926

Triple what I start off with every day sometimes more

>> No.12881928

The lack of salsa so glaringly sad