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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 287 KB, 819x1024, 41913744905_5d17f1d266_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12866066 No.12866066 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone ACTUALLY like watermelon?

>> No.12866071

if it's really dark red, sweet, and crumbly yes

>> No.12866079

I think most people are just pretending because PC outrage culture would ruin their lives if they don’t act “woke” all the time

>> No.12866080

put some salt on it

>> No.12866083

Of course, I'm not some beta faggot

>> No.12866086

dont post her here

>> No.12866093


>> No.12866105

have sex

>> No.12866116
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x1350, maria-eduarda-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she famous or something? It's just some random watermelon picture I found on google image search.

>> No.12866165

US melons are tasteless to compared to Asian melons.

>> No.12866233

>moist, sweet, crumbly

>> No.12866240

Watermelon is objectively the best fruit.

>> No.12866245


>> No.12866254

it's a guy that cut his dick off

>> No.12866264

Around here Mexicans set up stands on the side of the road selling watermelon and golden melon. They're always really juicy and good.

>> No.12866265

Try again, fag

>> No.12866270
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>> No.12866276

Nice photoshop fag

>> No.12866311
File: 212 KB, 727x655, skylarxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12866338

You really are trying aren’t you fag

>> No.12866339

Not a fan, the texture just doesn't do it for me and the taste seems so subtle. Not sweet or tart or anything really. I'd rather eat an apple or berry or something.

>> No.12866423

Pro gamer move:

Slice off the rind and eat it from the outside in

>> No.12866432

this is more of a turnoff than the dick, to be quite honest with you.

>> No.12866443
File: 210 KB, 819x1024, 42765828752_bdbd8ae6c0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes a very refreshing juice, but as a stand-alone fruit it's rather mediocre.

>> No.12866447

Kinda like what she did with her dick huh?

>> No.12866448

No one asked but okay.

>> No.12866478
File: 2.67 MB, 4240x2400, Great_honey_melons_in_Aqcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong though.

>> No.12866482
File: 57 KB, 500x591, 1408585706051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat it but I was never much of a fan. Honestly better with salt.

>> No.12866564

>shoulders are wider than hips
Shakira was right: hips don't lie.

>> No.12866576
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>> No.12866623
File: 341 KB, 749x650, 1469637498715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like watermelon

>> No.12866700

Poor Michael Richards.
"Seinfeld" was making almost no money for the entire first season, so the actor playing the beloved "Kramer" character was paid only in slightly irregular watermelons for that entire first year, having to live in the cheapest and blackest part of NYC while filming. Naturally, he was a frequent target of burglaries.
It is speculated that this is what led to his burning hatred of the Coloureds.

>> No.12866708

Damn dude, that's really funny

>> No.12866712

strong erection

>> No.12866729

I like it because it is hydrating and when I eat it I've usually been drinking beer all day. Plenty of lycopene in it too

>> No.12866735

American melons are so hit or miss I stopped buying them

>> No.12866738

she can't get an erection anymore anon, she's post-op

>> No.12867209

What the actual fuck are you talking about.

>> No.12867294

He's drunk, even he doesn't know.

>> No.12867304
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, Tajin-Watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better with Tajin on it

>> No.12867315

Spics everyone

>> No.12867332

the hips are the only giveaway. if only he had wider hips. either way as someone who has never been attracted to trannies id fuck the shit out of it

>> No.12867336

But the other anon isn't lying. Skylar is a post op trans woman. Fairly popular on /tv/ in the Jazz threads.

>> No.12867345
File: 50 KB, 536x450, a-side-dish-of-rojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting spicy/savory stuff on fruit is in no way unique to Mexicans.

>> No.12867351

>Makes a thread about melons
>Posts a pic WITHOUT melons
Sure you didn't mean to make a thread about fried eggs anon?

>> No.12867363
File: 33 KB, 440x572, 17e652b7b364d445156f11b46b303cb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only he had wider hips
Whore hips are gross.

>> No.12867366

Thanks, man.
I write up a new version of that joke every time I see the image posted here but very rarely get feedback on it.
I continue to think that once I get the wording just right it will be a good one, and I don't mind working on it.

>> No.12867377


>> No.12867390

I wasn't being sincere. You're a fucking moron

>> No.12867392

No, but putting tajin and lime on watermelon is you stuffy twat

>> No.12867397

It sounds like a pretty good idea desu.

>> No.12867398

I'm black and I hate it

>> No.12867403

race traitor!

>> No.12867438

well, I hope you're happy knowing that you made me very sad!


>> No.12867477

Very instructional video.

>> No.12867534

Musk melon is superior

>> No.12867545


It's only good if you are dehydrated.

>> No.12867556

I love watermelon but it's really expensive where I live. Especially considering that it's mostly water.
I can get decent beef for the same price,by weight.

>> No.12867591

He's expressing himself rather colourfully, but he's speaking nothing but the truth.

>> No.12867749

>Whore hips are gross.
Enjoy your cesarean.

>> No.12867779

Breeder trash, go back to /b/

>> No.12867805

That is true though.

>> No.12867817
File: 11 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You betcha'!

>> No.12867992

Literal evolutionary dead-end.

>> No.12868003

Black people in Minnesota?

>> No.12868036
File: 127 KB, 1125x1018, gwXXthhcYSjbCJfpmnAfNdFfHaVy6Aea1rt4yycr8SE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any two uggos can get together and make a baby, it's not something that deserves respect.

True beauty is rare and should be celebrated.

>> No.12868052

Not if I have anything to do about it.

>> No.12868058

Living in a small town for all my life I can confirm this as truth.

>> No.12868065
File: 174 KB, 1080x1349, 7CBB8F50-36A4-486C-9A51-AFAD0BFA36EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehe, hey anon, what are you making for our dinner date tonight?
what are you making skylar for dinner, bros?

>> No.12868067

Dont be sad i liked your joke :)

>> No.12868121
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>> No.12868513

World needs more cute boys to transform into pretty girls

>> No.12868524

It doesn’t even look like Kramer

>> No.12868834

Watermelon is delicious, and it doesn't need salt...

>> No.12868838

kys trash

>> No.12868961

shes a goddess

>> No.12869101

Based, the white man doesn't eat watermelon

>> No.12869130

Soylent with cyanide

>> No.12869133

based schizoposting

>> No.12869154


>> No.12869188

If its available to me like at a party then I will eat it, I dont really like or hate it and I've never went out of my way to buy watermelon

>> No.12869288
File: 71 KB, 1024x683, jacksonmichie bb21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based SNACKSON eats a full watermelon in just minutes. that's right, put one in front of him and don't blink or it will be gone. jackson michie is the watermelon god, and he's great at snacking on other things too.
he's also your (future) winner of big brother 21.

>> No.12869298

I really like them. They're mostly water, so they quench my thirst pretty well, even though the seeds could be rather annoying.

>> No.12869482
File: 273 KB, 1080x1349, Skylar238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt Skylar gf

>> No.12869486
File: 3.44 MB, 274x331, 1446216101356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sandia with tajin is like natural viagra

>> No.12869614

why even live life like this

>> No.12869660

no shits disgusting

>> No.12869669

Margot Robbie has no hips either are you gonna call her a man too?

>> No.12870172

watermelon with feta is a very good combination
not something you pigskins would know about

>> No.12870186

Sorry you’re dark skinned and everything wrong with the world.

>> No.12870214

watermelon with feta, lemon zest, lemon juice, mint, salt and olive oil is indeed a based as fuck salad, despite how odd it sounds

t. whiteboi

>> No.12870241

*t. fag

>> No.12870539

Feels bad bros

>> No.12870698

only negroids enjoy watermelon and i refuse to touch any food associated with negroids

>> No.12870707

Holy fuck, that shit is delicious

>> No.12870710

You would starve in the south.

>> No.12870721

Watermelon is so fucking tasteless. Ill take Pineapple.

I dont understand how people praise watermelon. It has no taste

>> No.12870858

This is what 80% of the people on this website sound like. No fucking self-awareness.

>> No.12870948

get pozzed and die already faggots

>> No.12871770
File: 84 KB, 601x960, 1559613386620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12872019

Consecrated bullet to purify his degeneracy once and for all.

>> No.12872440

I prefer watermelon flavoured things, rather than actual watermelon itself.
I do like watermelon though.

>> No.12872445

I once walked through a forest and thought I found wild watermelons but it was some weird squash that was white inside made me feel sad.

>> No.12872449

Fruit bores me because I'm not a girl.

>> No.12872503

In your world only males exist. So how are babies born?

>> No.12872561

Blacks and Asians fiend over watermelon, it's only whites that still want to pretend it's not amazing.

>> No.12872884

Kys breeder

>> No.12872895


>> No.12873851

That chin

>> No.12874009

Its literally cold/fresh/juicy candy. I don't like it because its too sugary for me but I understand why people eat it.

>> No.12874028

based, but any summer fruit is better with Tajín and lima

>> No.12874057

yeah sometimes its pretty good but seedless tends to be complete garbage

>> No.12874059

Truly Lynchian

>> No.12874063

based, anon i thought it was good keep going.

>> No.12874578

It's almost like he's a man in a dress...

>> No.12874706
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, tommymelons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom's going to bust this over your head if you talk shit about watermelons again.

>> No.12874716

Holy shit, what's wrong with you faggots? Have you never had watermelon from the fridge after being out in a hot summer day? That shit can bring the dead back to life.

>> No.12874732
File: 297 KB, 1199x804, 1200px-Cantaloupes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you, the superior melon

>> No.12875011

Oop yep that's really a dude

>> No.12875118

That cantaloupe half looks like what Skylar has

>> No.12875123

He wishes.

>> No.12875134

based cantaloupe

>> No.12875146

And what are YOU on about?

>> No.12875154

I never buy watermelon it's kinda boring and too unwieldy.

>> No.12876636

Whole Foods has precut watermelon in human size containers

>> No.12876725

I guess this is why my eye says the bikini bottoms look shooped, proly to hide the bulge

>> No.12876735

won't purchase it myself, but if it's available with salt on the side I'll indulge

>> No.12877849

shes post op

>> No.12877872

have kids

>> No.12877881

>where are the facts
>wow u would do that
i dont get why women are so bitter