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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 624x389, edge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12865584 No.12865584 [Reply] [Original]

What is your edgiest food opinion?

>> No.12865596

I don't really like mushrooms

>> No.12865598

the mcchicken isnt very good

>> No.12865600

I don't like cheese

>> No.12865603
File: 85 KB, 839x1024, 1566758905745m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple pizza is good, anyone that disagree never tasted it.

>> No.12865623

French food is overrated, they are famous for techniques not actual dishes.

>> No.12865640
File: 67 KB, 600x600, edgelords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A preference for dishes that are >50% meat is clearly indicative of an unrefined palette and/or limited culinary ability.

>> No.12865680

that statement is actually true

>> No.12865684

Do you wash all your produce before storage or use?
That’s gross. Because nobody does. Even wash the washed lettuce. Marketing is a crock of shit only for the purpose to make money.
But this is peasant, hillbilly Bayou Cooking.
The clams were probably tough.
At least it’s cooked.
I’ve eaten U8 & U6 size shrimp that were served fully alive & kicking in Korea as a guest. They were deliciously fresh. Just rip off the head peel the shell & eat the tail meat.
Or maybe red squirrel soup possum jerky, groundhog roast, raccoon barbecue, or fried beaver.
As a Chef being all over the world. You folks have not a clue what other cultures eat & live.
Hell 3/4 of the planet eats bugs entomology gastronomy - we are an odd man out.
Goliath 13" Tarantula meat taste like jumbo lump crab meat.
This is simple backwoods cooking for a crowd & it works very well.

I’ve been a chef culinary and hospitality educator for almost 40 years. Most folks know nothing when it comes to cooking. I’m surprised when someone knows what temperature water boils or freezes Fahrenheit at sea level. A 4th-grade question. Much less Kelvin or Celsius. And these folks are the executive chef-owner, GM or kitchen manager.
To be the boss you need to be as good as, if not better to be a leader, mentor to others otherwise you’re a waste of space. That explains why your food cost is 90% & you lose your shirt & everything you invested because of stupidity.

Just my erroneous opinion young lady. I’m just a dumb old guy that’s cooked for US Presidents, foreign leaders, celebrities & dignitaries by request.

Do you want to succeed? You are only as good as the people around you. You should all be open-minded & learn from each other with drive and ambition.

Something only 1% or‘s have in hospitality.
You can’t teach hospitality or commonsense. Either you have it or you don’t.

>> No.12865686

Human populations need to be culled by at least 90% so the remaining can have access to real hunter-gatherer foods, especially fatty fish.

>> No.12865687

Cursed found copypasta

>> No.12865691

so are these

>> No.12865720
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Cookies should be crisp and not soft as is the current style.
A chocolate chip cookie should snap in half and not bend

>> No.12865738
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i will fighgt and kill you in the ring of honour

>> No.12865744

no sorry wrong

>> No.12865748

soft, damp cookies are not cookies. They are damp, old cookies, pure shit

>> No.12865749


>> No.12865750

Sorry faggot, but cookies should have a slightly crispy edge and a soft gooey center.


>> No.12865757

>soft gooey center.

>> No.12865759

I don't have opinions, only facts
>black people love hot sauce because they grew up poor/are poor and load everything with spices
this upsets them so much when you call them out on it they can only resort to blanket racism and hide behind their skin color like some weird tranny logic

>> No.12865762

Whenever i buy chocolate chip cookies, i open the package and let them sit there for a day so they absorb the moisture from the air and get soft, 10 times better compared to the dusty dry its before

>> No.12865766

Sorry faggot, thats how the inventors of the chocolate chip cookies wanted it. You can fuck right off with your shit opinion bud.

I bet your also the type of pathetic cunt who puts tomatoes in clam chowdah.

>> No.12865772

there are no inventors gay cancer

>> No.12865780
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even their techniques are overrated
like "sauteeing" or "julienneing" or "chiffonade"
it's just french words for basic things that literally everyone already does

>> No.12865784

Turns out it takes more than an AR-15 and nerdy glasses to be Mike Vining.

>> No.12865787


Shut it tard

>> No.12865788

wait, this is edgy? i thought this was how its supossed to be.
i respect you if you wanna eat shit, just dont get entitled cause you eat shit and the rest of the people with taste doesnt.

>> No.12865790
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that one doesn't really make sense though. Why would being poor make you put spices on everything?

If anything it'd be the opposite, since spices are just extra luxury things that cost money, bland food would be for the poor

>> No.12865795

Spices are cheap and abundant with a long shelf life. They can turn bad food into tasty food. It's a poor persons staple item.

>> No.12865806

Yo grammy i got your back dog
They will find your corpses with hard cookies shoved up your asses

>> No.12865809

Tell me what the American words for

>> No.12865814

Mayo is shit unless it's homemade.
Mustard is shit unless it's homemade.
Ketchup is best when it's not homemade.

>> No.12865836

Lasagna is bad and inferior to other pasta dishes

>> No.12865856
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 123465512341345613452342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat my burgers with mayonnaise and tomatoes as the only toppings.

>> No.12865880

I dont understand the controversy. Pineapple on pizza is incredible

>> No.12865949

But why even use spices if poor? I would just use salt and pepper for meat/veg

>> No.12865961

Because poor people make bad financial decisions, which is why they stay poor

>> No.12865967


>> No.12865969

Shrooms? Cool.

Pizza? Cool.

Shrooms on pizza? I barf.

>> No.12865971

mayonnaise is disgusting
so is white bread

>> No.12866034

Peanut butter is shit

>> No.12866044


>> No.12866077

>for some reason it makes me so happy that we can pinpoint who exactly created the choc chip cookie

>> No.12866091

All cheese is terrible and most Asian cuisines are superior to Western cuisines simply because they don't traditionally feature it.

>> No.12866102

Steak is overrated.

>> No.12866152

interesting. if you say so

>> No.12866168

What you're asking for is a fancy cracker, not a cookie

>> No.12866579

I don't like chocolate chip cookies because the chocolate generally makes them too sweet.
If you followed a chocolate chip cookie recipe, but leave out the chocolate chips, it's the perfect cookie to me.

>> No.12866640

Most american cities dont have as much variety as they like to think. Stuff everywhere is remarkably similar.

>> No.12866655

Reminder that the inventor of pineapple pizza died at the height of this fake, manufactured controversy
Poor guy thought the entire world hated him and just lost the will to live.

>> No.12866799 [DELETED] 

White pepo cnt h4ndl3 h0t n sp1c13

>> No.12866840

t.literally retarded

>> No.12867011

I think rocky mountain oysters are pretty edgy
Its like the equivalent of fondling your friends balls and saying its not gay then sucking his dick afterwards

>> No.12867035

Well done steak is good. If a chef thinks it's ruined, they have no skill

>> No.12867168

There's nothing wrong with breaking long noodles in half to fit them in a pot.

>> No.12867213

pork taste shit

>> No.12867252

Agreed up until ketchup
Ever since I learned how to make it at a restaurant I worked at I haven't been able to factory made ketchup

>> No.12867275

>cook a perfect steak
>you have limited ability unless you pile on the sides

>> No.12867287

the argument that people make agaisnt this is that pineapple is a fruit but they must be fucking retarded or not eating pizza with tomato sauce since tomato is also a fuckign fruit and essencial to pizza

>> No.12867297

No one has ever made that argument, and no one ever will.

>> No.12867373

the sides are more exciting than the steak

>> No.12867379


>> No.12867405

>using spices to make your food taste good is a bad financial decision
fucking retard lmao I bet you dont even know how to cook
spices arent expensive at all

>> No.12867412

manufactured by whom?
I hate pineapple on pizza so im glad hes dead

>> No.12867421

my argument is they are too sweet and overpowering in flavour so it ruins the flavour of the pizza

>> No.12867426

They're an expense you dont need to make. Should you really spend that 3 or 4 dollars on some shitty turmeric? Maybe just save it instead, poor boy

>> No.12867432

that's good i guess but i'm more of a mayo-onion guy

>> No.12867471

The punishment for putting tomatoe slices on pizza(before baking) should be death.
Restaurants selling carbonara and using anything but the traditional ingredients should be legally accountable.
People claiming that the french techniques are not the foundation for most of contemporary haute cuisine are ignorant.

>> No.12867506

>things that literally everyone already does
They didn't do it until the French did. They pioneered culinary techniques.

>> No.12867533

go back to mcchicken thread dumbass

>> No.12867546

Nice rebuttal, dipshit. If you cant make shit taste good with simply fat, salt, and pepper you're a terrible cook

>> No.12867552

Egg yolks are best barely cooked, almost raw. Best scrambled eggs are as close to french style as you're assed to do.
No animal should be above eating.
Raw meat is good sometimes, whether tartar or mett.

>> No.12867561

we're done here
try cooking something for yourself one day

>> No.12867601

Massively based, cheese ruins everything it touches

>> No.12867632

Are you asian? Cheese is the best thing ever and makes everthing awesome

>> No.12867659

>You know what would make this milk better? Let it rot.

>> No.12867686

Is OK for adults to eat sugary things.

>> No.12867688

Got a real point counterpoint goin

>> No.12867689

Yes, that's correct. You get it now.

>> No.12867733

Who are you quoting reddit?

>> No.12867739

It’s popular to hate pineapples on pizza even if you like it

>> No.12867913

Onion is absolutely nasty, wish it was banned worldwide

>> No.12867999

Supreme Tastelet

>> No.12868074

You think you know me?

>> No.12868930

lol cool

>> No.12868933

Agreed. Also, chocolate is like the sweet version of cheese. It can overpower everything, and people put it where it doesn't belong. Also, most of it is absolute garbage quality.

>> No.12869040

This, also, I want to try pickles on pizza.

>> No.12869108

Slicing thinly

>> No.12869116

There was never a coherent point coming from you in the first place.

You think 5 star restaurants don't use spices or something? How are you this retarded?

>> No.12869503

Sushi is the most overpriced, overrated meme food ever that's only popular because it looks weird, and is trendy. It's most popular with foodie faggots to take pictures of and plaster it all over their social media in a thinly veiled attempt to seem cultured.

>> No.12869554

Yeah, French cooking is basically different ways of incorporating fat and salt into your food with little need for spice.

>> No.12869563 [DELETED] 

vegans who are vegan for non religious reasons should be rounded up in concentration camps and be force fed meat until they repent their homosexuality

>> No.12869567


>> No.12869572

I put Ketchup in the Fridge

>> No.12869575

>Chocolate chip cookies evolved from rocks

>> No.12869576

if you eat pink burgers your opinion on beef doesn't matter
in-n-out is fucking plasticine horseshit on a bun
farm raised vietnamese bog water catfish (pangasius) is the best fish in the entire world

>> No.12869593

I fucking hate avocados.

>> No.12869601

All condiments should go on a burger prior to cooking

>> No.12869678

anyone who eats fast food are retards

>> No.12869683

>try my grilled lettuce

>> No.12869686

Eating food is a social construct that you can train yourself out of. All you really need is sunlight, fresh air, and water.

>> No.12869725

Price almost perfectly correlates with quality barring very few exceptions

>> No.12869753
File: 651 KB, 911x981, cookie landmines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that use raisins are worse than hitler
at least hitler brought germany from the gutter into being a world power for a while
and you did was destroy your grand childs smile and the trust they had placed in you
I expect you to apologize to them either now or when they're older.

but if you do pic related, I will burn down your home with you inside and you will never get the chance to give an apology

>> No.12869765

Bro you don't hunt-gather fish, you fish it, like, out of the sea, ur dumb

>> No.12869770

Based and Photosynthesispilled.

>> No.12869791

Little Caeser's > Papa John's/Domino's/Pizza Hut/etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have actually good, high-quality pizza rather than chain garbage, but LC's is just so much better than the ones below it

>> No.12869801
File: 183 KB, 1115x648, 1567242614981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hitler enjoyed raisins

>> No.12869815

this thread is for edgy opinions, not 17 year old girl opinions

>> No.12869877

Irrelevant. Only usef for /sci/
Irrelevant. Only used by Ameritards

>> No.12869896

Chicago deep dish pizza is the best pizza, and that all pizzas are actually not THAT good

pineapple pizza being hated is a meme, most people wont even try it being the proof

If you don't like garlic and onions, you have the tasetbuds of a nigger cock sucker and any opinion on food you have will be disregarded with the quickness

Milk is gay, it's literally poo and estrogen, only use for texture and cooking, if you drink that shit ur gay

>> No.12869899

oh, and bread is the most overrated shit on the planet, people have a cultural and religious ""connection"" with it (jesus's body, one of the first "human" foods), but in actuality, rice is just ssuperior in everyway

>> No.12869900

>Milk is gay, it's literally poo and estrogen, only use for texture and cooking, if you drink that shit ur gay
Manlet who didn't drink his milk detected

>> No.12869904

milk isn't poop
its boobie juice
cow boobie juice

stop buying wonderbread

otherwise agreed

>> No.12869910

>fell for the memes
Brah getting protein is way easier with whey and eggs and steaks. Don't drink that estrogen poo poo peepee shit (poopoopeepee may not apply depending on where you live)
>muh calcium

>> No.12869912

Milk has a shit ton of poo and pee in it, I think from the pasteurization of it, not a lie, firmly a truth. I think.

>> No.12869916

I think you're thinking of the vegan propaganda of blood and puss
milk is put through pasteurisation and filtration, its no worse than the piss and shit and blood and whatever else thats in water supplies

>> No.12869917


>What are potatoes daphinoise, ratatouille, onion soup, chicken kiev, cassoulet, soufflé, croissants

>> No.12869927

3/4 see me after class

>> No.12869944

all that shit is le reddit as fuck except maybe croissants.
Wow I Watched That Movie As A Kid Too
fuck off retard
No, I meant poopee, it's in the pasteurization process where it gets fucked (mostly American problem)

>> No.12869950

I really appreciate how that anon left out the raisins in his recipe

>> No.12869965

You sound like an absolute pillock. I bet you think American cheddar is a proper cheese.

>> No.12869972

suck my ding dong at 7 bongs with your busted ass teeth
I'm saying it only happens in America you dumb brittania fuck
Definitely happens in most of the cucked EU countries too

>> No.12869999


>> No.12870013

Nice trips btw

>> No.12870019

so put less, or use milder pineapple, especially not the canned stuff soaked in syrup. even rinse them too wash out some of its juices before topping your pizza with them.

though I do wonder if perhaps people that already have sweet-teeth, which has been found to correlate with reduced ability to taste or feel like you've eaten sweets, are the ones that find it palatable.

>> No.12870024

I hate candies and sweet shit but think pineapple pizza is alright.

>> No.12870049

lmao tastelets

>> No.12870064

In this thread you can notice most of the anons from the cooking board actually dont cook. Fucking dumbasses

>> No.12870202

You have poor reading comprehension to match your bank account

>> No.12870295


>> No.12870821

those are quads

>> No.12870843

Fast food is all garbage, i tried eating burgers twice despite the smell and it was enough.

>> No.12870898

bro ur fucken wrong

>> No.12870906


>> No.12870908

fish really isnt good

>> No.12870913

sushi sucks ass and most asian food too

>> No.12870926
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1536710088100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get his bread from a local bakery that starts baking at 2am until they open
No wonder you have such a shit opinion

>> No.12871258

you should snap in half and not bend, faggot

>> No.12871259

Tomatoes are fucking gross and usually just shitty water filled toppings used by plebs

>> No.12871273

Ketchup is unironically better in pasta and on pizza than tomato sauce.

>> No.12871278
File: 135 KB, 1200x951, black-pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot have enough black pepper in my food. I'm good about not over doing it when I cook for other people, but I pile that shit on when I cook for myself.i even add it to my lemonade.

>> No.12871283

Sushi is disgusting.

Runny yoke does not taste good.

Anything less than medium is undercooked and tastes worse.

Raw fish is not good and neither is raw meat.

>> No.12871300

There is absolutely nothing wrong with American cheese. It should be considered as an equal among the other great cheeses of the world.

>> No.12871315

British food, I actually find fairly decent, better than all other Northern European countries, and I would rather have a nice meat pie than some shit from Asia or Mexico or Africa, frankly.
The only exotic food that beats it is Middle Eastern food, so all in all it ranks fairly high in my opinion.

>> No.12871328
File: 1.58 MB, 225x169, bread saga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasters, and various less popular devices are redundant with a frying pan.

>not just making your own
lmao pleb

Would you really eat rice with your hands though, or with butter, cheese, or various other things that pair well with bread?

>> No.12871331

You think you know me...

>> No.12871341

That lemonade thing is interesting.
I've seen lemon and black pepper paired together well in chicken, pasta, and even tea, but never seen nor considered having the same combination as that sweet cold nectar.

Now I've got to try it myself. Do you just dump it straight in and stir, or is there a trick?

>> No.12871386

People who can't raise, slaughter, gut, and clean an animal for eating don't deserve to eat meat.

>> No.12871394

sous vide is ok

>> No.12871409
File: 47 KB, 1258x279, I tried to make meatloaf out of a girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to apply that same logic to all food, then only the small amount of the population, those who work in agriculture would eat anything.
And even they would only have a very small range of things available to them.

I'd say that having people experience a part of the process other than consumption would be good for perspective, but you make it sound like even a butcher shouldn't eat meat since they may have never raised one.

>> No.12871441

Sun dried tomatoes are the worst plight to curse any meal

>> No.12871670


>> No.12871682

It's actually a popular opinion, but it's edgy on /ck/ because of the actual edgelords here.

Offal is shit

>> No.12871684

Brined capers are garbage in comparison to salt cured capers from Isla de Pantelleria.

I mean god damn do I get a chub just thinking about em

>> No.12871695

europeans literally invaded the east for spices

>> No.12871700

If you don’t like lettuce, onions, tomatoes, pickles, and mustard on your burgers, you don’t actually like burgers. You just like a burger patty and some bread, which is not a burger. A hamburger absolutely requires a beef patty, a toasted bun, lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, and mustard bare minimum to be considered an actual hamburger.

>> No.12871705

i've had it, it's just a juicy piece of fruit with your bite of pizza. it's alright if you're only in it to taste pineapple

>> No.12871711

What's your point

>> No.12871713

Americans use too much fucking garlic, too much fucking cheese, too much salt, and too many fucking herbs and spices when they cook. It obliterates the flavor of what they're actually making.

>> No.12871731

>people will argue over chewy vs crisp when the truth has already been posted

Youre doing gods work.

>> No.12871744

Pizza overall just isnt that good. It's mostly just bread and people that argue about it are children.

>> No.12871748
File: 130 KB, 800x598, abospepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's mostly just bread
Gotta get some NY style, bro

>> No.12871792

Correct, which is why most pizza in the US is shit because they spend no effort to develop the dough. It tastes like a Sudan famine water flour paste. There are a lot of outliers in the US fermenting their own dough because they're sick of it. I'm one of them.

>> No.12871997

>it looks weird
its basically just a little sandwich bro

>> No.12872006

also known as hunting

>> No.12872016

the flavour is just too jarring for me
I like pineapple anyway just not on pizza

>> No.12872020

>I was just pretending to be retarded, guys

>> No.12872021

people that complain that certain hot sauces aren't spicy should be gassed.

stfu. nobody cares how spicy you can handle it

>> No.12872022

Anchovies, pineapples and jalapenos combined makes the ultimate pizza.

>> No.12872025

the bakery near me is open at such inconvenient times it pisses me off
9am-6pm mon-fri
closed on weekends
im a wagie so I can never go buy shit

>> No.12872028

I pray this is bait

>> No.12872033

in other words you only eat pies and kebabs
youre barely above the idiots who only eat mcdonalds

>> No.12872044

why would you want to ruin the flavour of the meat with lettuce and tomato
youre just a mindless drone unable to think for yourself, living your cookiecutter life following all the rules
I pity you

>> No.12872053

explain how it is different to hunting

>> No.12872058

isnt literally the point of hot sauce to be hot (spicy)? why would you not complain if it turns out to not be

>> No.12872073

you're mother shouldave swallow you

>> No.12872092

There is only one kind of pizza: margherita.

>> No.12872095

condiments ruin food

>> No.12872166

Condoms ruin sex

>> No.12872178

Instant coffee is indistinguishable from fresh brewed, you can make it as strong or dilute as you want it, takes mere seconds to prepare, there's zero clean up since all you need is a cup and a spoon, and is only a fraction of the price.

>> No.12872179

Only a true chef can make instant ramen in to a culinary delight.

>> No.12872198

honestly, you're garbage

>> No.12872496

That's the opposite of true, old stale cookies are hard, not soft and chewy

>> No.12872517

you are right.

>> No.12872519

>It's reddit!
You have no opinion, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.12872522


>> No.12872547

Yeah but instant coffee gives me diarrhea

>> No.12872750

Intensely massive population drop would do good for the world. I stand by what I said.

>> No.12872770
File: 3.03 MB, 2530x1394, Screen Shot 2019-09-03 at 10.40.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the whole point of all coffee

>> No.12872812

That's actually really accurate

>> No.12872813

these are actually edgy

>> No.12872866

bump. Also legitimately curious. All I can find is that they just stir it in.


>> No.12872881

Shiitake is good tho

Get it with mac sauce, that's how niggas do it and it's good af

Try a brie with some crackers, you might enjoy it

>> No.12872899

You're legit despicable

>> No.12872902

I mean, no. Some coffee is more acidic and some is stronger. The difference between the families of beans is also significant. Not to mention caffeine content.

Try cold brewing your coffee (and I don't mean iced coffee with the ice strained out). Cold brewing really brings out the differences. If all you want is hot coffee then it doesn't matter if the coffee is garbage or quality. You really have to be a coffee nerd with a refined palate to tell the difference if the coffee's hot.

TL;DR: You're wrong, but I forgive you for your ignorance.

>> No.12873163

I always knew primitivism was a secular death-cult

You're not wrong (like, why does everything savoury really have to have garlic), but I like it anyways

Because the thing you're getting, where you're getting it from, and the main methods for doing it are all different.
That said, anyone familiar with English should recognize that in the phrase "hunter-gatherers", that fishing is implied.

At least ketchup is less insulting than your dad putting a can of salmon ontop of what you made without even tasting it first.

>> No.12873184

Indian food is poopoo

>> No.12873551

Take this with a grain of salt but it’s been posted on here before that white people not seasoning shit that well in the Midwest is because they grew the shit they ate, therefore it’s natural, non mutated, taste alone was enough and drowning it in spices and sauce wasn’t necessary. Most people I’ve seen on here and irl agree that the shit they grow taste better than the shit at the store, and I’ve come to agree as well. Basically poor=season because they can only afford the cheap basic shit at the store and not the organic shit that brings more flavor to the table than frozen value brand vegetable/meat.

>> No.12873559

>Seething Asian that eats fermented fish and rice hates delicious cheese.

>> No.12873586

Coffee is garbage and closet drug addicts love it and should be killed. Normal drugs are fine since they're not masquerading as a beverage.

>> No.12873589

Pork should be banned because all it does is give you obesity and heart disease

>> No.12873597

Alcohol is a drug, not food.

>> No.12873667

Steak rarer than medium well is gross and it's raw.

>> No.12873734


Hello, me.

But really when you break down the flavor profiles you are objectively correct.

Holy trinity right there. Sweet, salty and spicy.

>> No.12873827

The argument is that it's an xD epic meme that is totally still funny.

>> No.12873830

Damn was hitler santa?

>> No.12873850

i enjoy making a thick stock soup with lots of peppercorns

>> No.12874118

Sub anchovies for lean bacon and I agree. Then again, I'm not partial to anchovies, so I could just prefer the tastelet version.

>> No.12874121

>I always knew primitivism was a secular death-cult
And that's bad because...?

>> No.12874366

oh it's a black person, opinion disregarded

>> No.12874570

it what way is it different from hunting? fishing its quite similar to trapping which is a form of hunting
it has the same purpose as hunting, catching / killing a live wild animal to use

>> No.12874612


>> No.12874616

I don't see food as food anymore. but just proteins, carbs, fats, minerals ecc

>> No.12874619

Anon, OP asked for opinions, not facts

>> No.12874627

People who live on fast food are generally terrible low-class people and their parents failed them.

>> No.12874648

and they failed themself (or didn't knew better)

>> No.12874659

because they buy the cheap and shitty cuts of meat that don't have good flavor on their own

>> No.12874765

>drinks milk everyday

>> No.12874982

>Because poor people make bad financial decisions, which is why they stay poor

Thats Why rich Kids spend 1k$ on a hoodie
Thats Why "smart rich" that inhereted money or just got lucky spend 200$ on tiny dish

Yeah big brains doing good investing right there
fuck off retard you either dont know shit about cooking and making things testy and your taste went entrophy and You cant taste shit or youre someone who think they are smart by saving that 5$ every 5 months on spices
Coz Yeah buying somthing cheap that Has pretty much unlimited shelf life is "bad investment"
Fuck off you have no idea what you are talking about spastic faggot

>> No.12875015

Black people literally have a childrens palate. Look at the average black persons shopping cart. It's loaded with precooked, frozen food, processed garbage and then they douse everything in ketchup, bbq sauce ranch and hot sauce. They make fun of white people for not seasoning their food but everything they eat is so loaded with sodium you can't even tell what they're eating anymore.

>> No.12875098

You type like a retard

>> No.12875101

Takes one to know one.

>> No.12875170

Not quite edgy or unpopular, but White Chocolate is disgusting and needs to die.

>> No.12875171

At restaurants I unscrew the top of the pepper shaker because I don't have that kind of time or energy

Especially on taters or seaurkraut (fuck spelling German words)

>> No.12875191
File: 490 KB, 495x323, shades on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done is a waste of a steak

>> No.12875201

>too much fucking garlic
Fuck you

>> No.12875205

It's closer to trapping than hunting

>> No.12875247

Biscotti is better, when it is only baked once.

>> No.12875364

I would think that seventeen year old girls would be more partial to white bread than wheat bread. Especially if they're american.

>> No.12875373


>> No.12875376
File: 211 KB, 1080x1349, 1548373540596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cookies should have some rigidity, but they MUST be soft inside.

>> No.12875382
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1554708342141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oatmeal raisin cookies are delicious and better than most cookies

>> No.12875392

avocado toast literally changed my life

>> No.12875425

If you put ketchup on hotdogs, or any other sausage, you have the pallet of a toddler.

>> No.12875461

Garlic sucks and should be used in minimal amounts if ever

>> No.12875534

>"for him to raid like a naughty school boy as the rest of the household slept"
I smiled

>> No.12875545


>> No.12875561

It is hunting bro stop replying to people who are fucking with you

>> No.12875647


Learn to pronounce
pursue and kill (a wild animal) for sport or food

At what point do you pursue a fish?

>> No.12875705

my point is that white people literally invaded the world for spices, theyre not just for cheap poor niggers

>> No.12875746

When you see a mermaid.

>> No.12875759

Absolutely fucking based. Fuck soft cookie fatties

>> No.12876139

Do you know why they did that? TO MAKE MONEY

>> No.12876180

>Try cold brewing your coffee
no thanks, I happen to be heterosexual

>> No.12876204

sautéing is not frying
just kill yourself

>> No.12876217

they're still trips

>> No.12876697

Cookies should be a perfect blend of crisp and soft, almost chewy. Runnier batter facilitates this.

>> No.12877079

Read this https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-cybersecurity-agency-uses-pineapple-pizza-demonstrate-vulnerability-foreign-n1035296
I've always liked pineapple pizza with ham, kill yourself if you seethe at the mention of pineapple on pizza

>> No.12877149

Excellent numbers you have there. And that's kind of sad. He might not have been the hero we wanted.

>> No.12877345

Often true, but not always.

>> No.12877353

This x 100

>> No.12877357

The onion family (including shallots, garlic, leeks, etc.) is what our ancestors came down from the trees for.

If it has no garlic, it had better be dessert.

>> No.12877384

Peppers have many flavors other than "hot". Do not confuse heat with flavor.

>> No.12877396

a dr i know of says they have 23

>> No.12877401

Didn't chris Jericho kill his whole family?

>> No.12877597

They were the first to canonize them so that goes a long way to giving them so much credit.

>> No.12877676


>> No.12877940

something about asian cuisines pisses me off. a lot of the recipes are just
>cut up ingredients
>mix a bunch of powders in water
>add ingredients
wa-la. seems so fucking amateurish and like it's too easy. from what i've seen korean cuisine is most guilty of this. it pisses me off for some reason. it's not that the taste it bad, it's that i feel like it takes no skill and it mostly boils down to buying a bunch of spice mixes

>> No.12877953

any pickled food can fuck off.

>> No.12877990

Smooth peanut butter shouldn't even be thing.

>> No.12877994

You probably eat smooth peanut butter you smooth brained goof

>> No.12878032

You're thinking of haystacks Calhoun

>> No.12878659

What the fuck, is it not supposed to be in the fridge?

>> No.12878905

My racist uncle told me the same thing about Mexicans needing to use hot sauce to cover up the taste of spoiled meat (the only kind of meat they can afford).

What's it like being an idiot you weirdo?

>> No.12878910

>Never been invited to the cookout

>> No.12878921

People who drink coffee are at least productive and contribute to society for the most part, whereas meth addicts almost always become thieves and degenerates who would cut off their own parents' limbs for their next fix if they had the means to do it.

>> No.12878931

If you have not resigned yourself to commiting to thinking that about pork, you may want to check out Polish pork cutlets "kotlety".

>> No.12878939

>Doesn't know about spices impact on imperialism

>> No.12878951

>Pepper isn't a spice

>> No.12878955
File: 275 KB, 1654x837, KAI0362-Caffeine-intake-S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a clueless retard with a kiddie palate.

>> No.12878963

It's only acceptable to eat in the Hawai'ian islands. You can get a fresh pineapple and put it on the pizza yourself. Vastly superior.

>> No.12878985

>coffee reduces risk of liver disease&circulatory disease
Hold the fucking phone. Finnish people are particularly predisposed to suffering from those two conditions. They also drink more coffee than any other nation in the world. JUST HOW MUCH WORSE OFF WOULD THEY BE if they weren't chugging coffee all day long?

>> No.12879400

pineapple pizza isn't even exotic by any measure, it's just not sausage, pepperoni, olives, or green peppers and so it's seen as super weird by americans.

>> No.12879408

literally the exact opposite of what happens to stale cookies, how old are you?

>> No.12880906

lmao retard I hated it for like 20 yeara alreadt
stop reading """"news""""""" its ruining for brain

>> No.12880918

its called hot sauce not pepper sauce bro

>> No.12880924

maybe when you get in the boat and go out to where the fish are lmao

>> No.12880929

Everybody who likes should be gutted like the trash animals they eat
Crustaceanchads however should be elevated to the top of the society

>> No.12880948

>study paid for by (((big bean)))
yes goy coffee is healthy otherwise why would coffee manufacturers say its healthy
drink up addict make sure you get your 5cups a day

>> No.12881496

>"pineapple doesn't belong on pizza" has been an online meme for well over a decade
>boomer intelligence agents somehow found out about that just now
>one of them tweets something tangentially related to it
>all the other boomer spooks join in
>"hehe we just demonstrated disinfo campaigns by retweeting each other"

>> No.12883082

Flavor and texture don't always correlate with botanical categories.

>> No.12883086


>> No.12884959

Maybe this article is the true disinfo and you have just been fooled for real. FBI is tricky.

>> No.12884982

It's basically pan frying. You're going to dispute that equivalence but be ok with calling chiffonading "shredding"?

>> No.12885040

The rice starch is supposed to make a risotto creamy, using too much better is just cheating.

>> No.12885057

Wine culture only exists to enable status signaling. It relies on mutual deception and willful ignorance of all involved. There is almost no correlation between price and quality as judged by blind taste tests.

Furthermore, alcoholic drinks do not even taste good. They are only acquired tastes which people begin to crave because of their association with intoxication. If you removed the intoxicating properties, no one would drink and humanity would never have developed these beverages.

>> No.12885072

Kimch, which is fermented, literally tastes like fucking vomit. Go eat some more cats you filthy fucking chink.

>> No.12885078

Wasn't Hawaiian pizza invented in Canada?

>> No.12885107

raw meat
raw mushrooms

>> No.12885144

Green bell peppers are not food and not fit for human consumption. They are the fruit version of lawn clippings.

Other colors are okay, as are pretty much any type of hot pepper.

>> No.12885173

How have you had them? I think they're pretty bad when raw but on pizza they turn into something amazing.

>> No.12885255

It was a fucking mistake, not a genius revelation

>> No.12885462

idk where you are from but there are other options than canned pineapples man

>> No.12885502

and to think i liked you in the beginning
turns out that a methed up turd acts like a methed up turd

>> No.12885511

In general? Or just in baked goods? They're fine in oatmeal.

>> No.12885512

My nigga lmao

>> No.12885718

i don't use meth, but you'd have to be to think raisins are good
they have the texture of boogers and the flavour of spoilage, they're not even fancy like blue cheese so I don't get where people get off putting these into everything

they're also fine being left out instead of being shoehorned into an otherwise perfectly fine breakfast
im not a particularly picky eater but when I am told
>hey i just made some carrot muffins want one?
I happily accept, I love carrot muffins, and they're a real treat when they're still warm
so i bite in expecting a nice tasting carrot muffin, warm, subtle sweetness of grated carrot
and am ambushed with something entirely different, the over powering bitter flavour which taints every section of the muffin its near and a sticky unclean texture you really need to be in the mood for, and that mood is not 'im about to enjoy a nice warm tasty carrot muffin'

white raisins arent as bad since they don't overpower but i don't get why people would want to eat bread and boogers together

>> No.12886028

>chicken kiev

>> No.12886221

I don't give a single fuck about the happiness of the animals I eat and never will

>> No.12886265

I'll take it a step further.
Nothing from McDonald's has ever been good. It's all just 'convenient' and 'edible.'

>> No.12886274

There is absolutely no point to ordering a pizza at all if it's not going to be a stuffed crust pizza.

My theory is that people who hate pineapple pizza just haven't done it right. They've been putting pineapple on a regular pizza with tomato sauce this whole time when actually you're supposed to use BBQ sauce.

>> No.12886281

pickles don't belong on burgers. pickles and mustard.
blatantly and factually wrong

>> No.12886319

British and german food are as underrated as French is overrated.

>> No.12887186

I'm not taking this one back
MOST pizza is dogshit, the meme of "even if it's bad pizza it's good" is so fucking wrong

>> No.12887192

>They are the fruit version of lawn clippings
that is so accurate wtf

>> No.12887196

this isn't a right opinion's thread brah

>> No.12887201

finally some FAX

>> No.12887796

>Tomatoes in chowder
what the FUCK

>> No.12887829

This is just a common opinion

>> No.12888172

>I have no arguments so I will insult someones grammer
Im not native English speaking you imbecile

>> No.12888245

Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 1992

>> No.12888821


>> No.12888852

thank u anon

>> No.12888942

>tfw no hungry gf

>> No.12888956
