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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 560x374, 0000886_beef-liver-1-lb_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12858599 No.12858599 [Reply] [Original]

Liver is the prime contender for the literal healthiest food on the planet. Yet almost no one eats it.

>> No.12858602

Wrong, it’s the cock

>> No.12858609

I like liver, but I like chicken hearts more I think. I like the rubbery texture and the taste is pretty clean.

>> No.12858623

then your mother will be the next Mathusalem

>> No.12858637

>a single measurement for how healthy something is
Really depends on your diet. It's great if you are iron deficient. Eating it every day would probably be harmful if you aren't limiting it to a low quantity since you will overdose on vitamin A consistently.

>> No.12858641
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You're going to LOVE beef heart then. It's all the lovely beef flavor with the soft rubbery goodness of a chicken heart. It takes a long time to cook, unless you use a pressure cooker or instapot. Fucking 5 stars, man. Report back if you ever try it.

>> No.12858669

that looks more like veal

>> No.12858692


>> No.12858711

Are those anticuchos my man?

>> No.12858721

Enjoy your Vitamin A overdose and copper poisoning.

>> No.12858737

Don't livers spend most of their times filtering shit out of your stomach? Shouldnt it be gross?

>> No.12858743

They filter it so it can later be excreted. You can tell a lot about the health of an animal by its liver, if everything is OK then the liver will be good.

>> No.12858764
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post more food mogs

>> No.12858781

your liver processes it for excretion, either by urine or feces, or into useable compounds. It's not like the stuff accumulates there

>> No.12858807


Yeah this is why I'm trying to find grass fed organic beef liver (or lamb etc). It's VERY hard where I live - Sydney.

>> No.12858818


>> No.12858837

I would for sure have thought the fags in sydney and melbourne would create a big enough market for that stuff

>> No.12858838

does cooking and blending liver to make pate reduce its nutrition? i made some today and its actually pretty good. i cant stomach the pieces of liver but as a paste its easy to get down.

>> No.12858843

I started putting chicken liver in my bolognese after Ragusea showed it in a video. It's really fucking good and has totally opened my mind to eating more stuff with liver

>> No.12858896

They are demanding the impossible fake meat stuff... not what it actually good for you

>> No.12858905
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In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these...

>> No.12858943
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>gives you cancer
>gives you heart disease
>clogs your bloodflow
>generally contains more fecal matter and toxins than any other food product
On what basis do you think liver is healthy? Because it has abnormally large amounts of a few micronutrients?
By that standard multivitamins are better than liver.

>> No.12858957


You know they are, brethren. A must try.

>> No.12858959

You clearly don't know shit about what you're talking about. Enjoy having half a brain you stupid fucking retard

kill yourself

>> No.12858983

>ur dumb
>no counter argument
Nice lowbrow faggot. You're a retard, confirmed.

>> No.12858985

What an epic counter argument

>> No.12858995

Provide a worthwhile standpoint with proof for your claims and you’ll be met with a proper rebuttal.

>> No.12859029

Garbage pail of the body, only reason it's high in vitamins is to protect itself from the junk it's soaking in.

If something poisonous bioaccumulates, it probably does so in the liver.

>> No.12859035

faggot nigger bitch

>> No.12859048

You’re right.

>> No.12859065

Ask me how I know you're a stupid intellectual from reddit. Do you know the function of the liver in any animal? Do you think it's where anything accumulates? Do you even know what "poison accumulation" would do to any part of your body?

>> No.12859084

Wait wait. Wait, back the fuck up. You understand the value of having a liver, yes? Based on your response you obviously have studied a bit about its bodily function.
I'm here to have a valid discussion with you. Can you please reread your response, and then the reply post?
Can you be specific? Use them meme arrows bro. Please? What are your arguments?

>> No.12859094

Why would you eat the organ of an animal that designed to filter out poison from the body?
Liver and lymph nodes, yum.
I'm not saying its not tasty, but it just can't be a good idea.

>> No.12859109

Think separator rather than filter you nincompoop.

>> No.12859118

What do you think a filter does?

>> No.12859158

Depends on the type of filter.

>> No.12859169

>overdose on vitamin A
Your mom overdoses on my vitamin D

>> No.12859200

Your liver is not a garbage pail. Your rectum is a garbage pail which gets emptied when you poop. There is no junk that the liver soaks in because, when "junk" arrives, the liver promptly destroys it and then sends the destroyed junk to other parts of your body for use.
If the liver works too hard (e.g. alcohol poisoning), then it becomes damaged because it was working too hard, like how any other part of your body works.

>> No.12860508

Jesus fucking Christ anon you're right
Everything bad youve ever ingested is just sitting in your liver right now, when it gets too full your 2nd liver takes over
Reminds me of

>> No.12860534

>Liver is the prime contender for the literal healthiest food on the planet.

more like most nutrient dense

>> No.12860549

more like most micro-nutrient dense

>> No.12860571

Interesting plate choice. I always just braise mine until the onions dissolve and the taters start to go to. It sucks that the store doesnt stock it more often bc its mad cheap compared to other cuts of beef

>> No.12860588

because most liver taste bad/strong taste

some people like it but i just think its urgh

>> No.12860601

Why do faggots like you always exaggerate? Eating liver sparingly isn't going to be detrimental.
Just because you have no self control doesn't mean we all do.

>> No.12860619
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.12860637

I tried lamb liver, the taste is quite strong but it's grown on me, also it feels really good after I eat it. Like I'm replenishing so many nutrients.

>> No.12860966

Jesus Christ, that's expensive...
I can get 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of beef liver for 3 bucks here in Germany

>> No.12860967

Yeah, I'm Danish and that looks really expensive to me too.
I assume it's some kind of overmarketed grassfed hipster bullshit liver.

>> No.12860968

I love eating liverwurst, especially on toast with cheese.

>> No.12860975

Also, why is the chicken liver more expensive than the beef liver? Makes no sense...

>> No.12860976

you're a fucking faggot dude

>> No.12860979
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Even people who don't like liver can enjoy liverwurst or meatballs with some chopped liver mixed in.
It's not bad cubed up and used in a stew either if you think fried liver is a bit too much.
This is porkliver, which is what I have most of the time.

>> No.12861116

what kind of cheese?

>> No.12861626
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Liver is disgusting...which is why i made it into delicious paté!

>> No.12861733
File: 88 KB, 400x452, len.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tim hortons chili is made of ground beef hearts
the hearts are shipped frozen in cardboard boxes without bags or anything, sopping wet with blood by the time workers get to start unboxing and hucking them into the grinder, while trying to make sure none of the cardboard is left stuck to it
they're using american beef hearts now instead of canadian ones due to american import law changes around animal organ meat

i'm not sure how beef hearts would be on their own, I have no doubt they're pretty good to change it up
whats your preferred method of prep without the pressure cooker?
i'm considering picking one up from the local butcher if it's priced well

>> No.12862850

gosh I hate this faggot

>> No.12862857

String cheese.

>> No.12862873

expanding brain here

>> No.12863466

In some (poorer) countries lymph nodes, as well as the mesentery, are delicacies

>> No.12863766
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I'm gonna buy this. I want beef liver but it's really damn hard to find it. And/or it costs >$16/kg which is really expensive for Aus.

Anyone know how it compares to lamb liver? (which was too flavourful/strong for me)

>> No.12863788

>fried liver :-|
>liver blended with butter :-O

>> No.12863830
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1440, chopped liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone know how it compares to lamb liver? (which was too flavourful/strong for me)
Your picture may or may not be baby lamb vs full grown sheep.
The flavor thing is that baby animals have milder livers. So veal liver, calve's liver, not very strong adult beef liver is what people enjoy eating, and even then it's cooked softly in butter and lots of sweet slowly caramelized onions. It might have even been soaked in milk first, too, to draw out any lingering flavors of blood and metallic taste.

I think of all the liver I have had, there's nothing as yummy as fattened duck liver of course, in all recipes that use it, too. But, I actually adore chicken liver, with just the right amount of liver flavor, and it's quite young. Chickens have very short lives from birth to market. It's probably the cleanest, therefore, of any toxins, antibiotics, you know the things people are scared of.
Soak in milk, separate lobes, removing connecting gristle there, dredge in seasoned flour and pan fry til golden crispy, and enjoy with lots of southern sides like beans, greens, stewed tomatoes, corn, etc. It's the rich part of an otherwise healthy veggie platter. Best of all, saute in a little butter, with a single sweet onion, mash with a little hard boiled egg, and jewish deli style chopped liver spread is the quick pate of my choice. Spread on triscuits or everything crackers.

>> No.12863853

It's a lighter flavour, and mushier. Don't try to cook it until it firms up. It will be overcooked and awful.

>> No.12863875

you're definitely gonna die in squalor, early in life and likely alone

>> No.12863893

God I wish that were me.

>> No.12864038
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Animal organs are pretty offal

>> No.12864455


>> No.12864513

shitty b8 m8

>> No.12864524

who here /rawliver

>> No.12864600
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not to mention the gout

>> No.12864770

Lambs liver isn’t that baaaaaaad

>> No.12865112

that's not how you make paté lol