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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 1200x800, 498F312F-D4E5-48B1-8A0F-4A77B641FB98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12854585 No.12854585 [Reply] [Original]

>duuuude aha it tastes just like a beef whopper hahahah! it’s so sick you gotta try it!!
Fuck off. Thank fuck I got it with cheese or I probably would’ve vomited it right up. Absolute garbage. Not only that but I can feel my dick shrinking from the soy (((protein))). This fad WILL die in at most 2 years.

>> No.12854682
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Tastes pretty good to me. What's wrong with soy?

>> No.12854740


there is no soy in it.

>> No.12855048
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>> No.12855054

picky picky picky

>> No.12855253
File: 992 KB, 1280x800, 1563045631802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soy protein.

Mimics estrogen in the body. I'm sure that's good for men to consume...

>> No.12855271

>potato protein
How is this made? Isn’t all potato basically devoid of protein

>> No.12855286

likely a byproduct of the potato starch industry

>> No.12855294

0/10 leave now

>> No.12855298

>Mimics estrogen in the body

>> No.12855334

Will a normal person please answer this. Does it taste like a regular burger King burger?

>> No.12855340

>Not only that but I can feel my dick shrinking from the soy
Dear god man, you fuck burgers?

>> No.12855345


It does not taste like anything at all so to answer your question, yes it does.

>> No.12855357

what a dumb thing to say

>> No.12855419

>Soy contains chemicals that mimic estrogen and lower testosterone levels. About two thousand years ago, tofu - the drained curds from cooked, pureed soybeans - became a regular food for monks and assisted their sexual abstinence. These plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) cannot be wholly removed from any variety of soy food. The only way to remove the phytoestrogens is by "alcohol extraction." There is much reason to be concerned about the wide promotion of soy formulas for infants. Dr. Daniel has a chapter entitled. "Soy Infant Formula-Birth Control for Baby?"


Dangers of soy consumption pretty widely known. Vegans don't care, being leftists and ambivalent about gender to begin with.

>> No.12855485


>> No.12856046

>dude watch me inject my political opinions got a basket weaving forum into a conversation about food that's a saner thing to do right
Neck yourself my man.

>> No.12856058


>> No.12856065
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>> No.12856084

Tried one not far after launch. I've liked other Impossible Burger stuff I've tried (Qdoba also has it). I'm not really sure what to think of it, mine was so horribly burnt that it was mostly cinder. I tried it charbroiled, so that's probably part of why it was so bad.

>> No.12856166
File: 118 KB, 500x629, 1566716962558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy is a retard from bringing politics into food, but he is right about söy

>> No.12856215

> "©Coca®™ ©Cola®™"
> "©Burger® ©King®™"
> "©Impossible®™"
> "©Whopper®™"

why do food companies do this with their names?

>> No.12856235

It doesn’t thought. It has negligible affects on testosterone production. And even if it did, testosterone is highly variable between individuals. Stop lying, jeez.
People, if you want to eat the meatless burger, eat the burg. Don’t listen to this fagpie.

>> No.12856252

>Kaayla Daniels
I like how you losers only ever use this dumb cunts bullshit. First off, she is one nutritionist. She made claims using the dietary habits of sheep, for christ sake.

>> No.12856678
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>Soy mimics estrogen in the body.

>REEEEEE your source!!!

The effects of soy are "well known" this isn't even some obscure point I'm bringing up. Radical left vegans are butch bulldykes and pre-op femboys anyway, so the gender-bending effects of soy is a plus for them/you. You be you it's fine with me.

>> No.12856687

Hey what happened to your threads? Used to be I'd jump on /ck/ and there'd be another 200+ post continuous meltdown, courtesy of you. Did you start getting banned for those?

>> No.12856884

Fuck huge numbers of kids were raised on Soy formula, there's a couple of decent studies comparing them now. There's a tiny shift in menarche for girls and basically nothing for boys. The impact is so minimal it might as well not be there.

Relative to dairy formula obvious. Relative to breastfed, formula fed babies are all an inferior race.

>> No.12857070
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Nobody believes your bullshit. You're retarded and you are the only flatearther on this website. You don't understand science, you clearly don't understand basic English, and obviously you're a retard if you take news articles as word. Please kill yourself.

>> No.12857077

*rattle rattle*
soy milk is good for you

>> No.12857078

Soy is bad for you.

>> No.12857261


>> No.12857296

That must be why Asians have the shortest life expectancies in the world. Thanks for teaching us about the evils of soy, anon

>> No.12857356
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>> No.12857381

fragile and cuck pilled

>> No.12857459

read: we buy the leftovers (potato protein byproducts of starch extraction) from the leftovers (potatoes used for starch because they weren't even suitable to be turned into tater tots) from the potato processors and we make it a core part your burger!

>> No.12857493
File: 83 KB, 640x481, E0D546A7-F113-475D-A245-2AC3C3D0C40B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes nothing like meat. It has a weird chemical nutty taste. 1/10. The tranny vegan trolls on here saying it tastes great have never eaten it.

>> No.12857606

imagine voluntarily shilling for the most destructive industry to ever exist

>> No.12857688

Who doesn't fuck a good burger every now and again?

>> No.12857715

It's almost certainly far more expensive than soy protein. Left overs they feed to the animals, concentration/isolation costs money.

>> No.12857792

>still eating beef
>not eating the superior bison instead

Bison burgers all the way. More exotic flavour, less fat and grease. More lean and healthier.

Got some bison burgers to BBQ, jalapeño cheese and smoked Gouda, whole wheat bakery buns, fancy mustard and the fixings. Enjoy your Burger King plebs.

>> No.12858952

>Isn’t all potato basically devoid of protein
Everything that is alive (for example, a potato) contains protein.

>> No.12858958


>> No.12858988

I just had one last week, and it's a prettu good approximation of a fast good burger. Not perfect, but bretty gud.
I am inclined to believe that you'te either a)lying because the meat triggers you
B) have yourselves so assblasted about (((soy))) that you aren't able to taste it for what it is.

>> No.12858994


>> No.12858996

Posted from my iphone

>> No.12858998

Wow dude you are sooooo alpha xD
Surely you will be getting laid tonight.

>> No.12859001

They’re 3 feet tall with 4.3 inch average penises.

>> No.12859003

>Ewwww pickles
What a pussy. Eat your soy. Cumbrain.

>> No.12859005

Bison has an iron taste to it that I like. Your post is VERY based.

>> No.12860003

Anyone who says it tastes bad is fucking trolling. My brother is a meat-eater through and through and I grabbed one with him the other day. He said it was "baller." Fuck all of you, try it for yourself.

>> No.12860018

It is pretty good but not worth the price, the beef is still better and cheaper. I'd buy it if it was a dollar menu item since it is basically super processed junk food. I'll say it is better than the beyond burger.

>> No.12860028
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>OP is an undercover vegan masquerading as a retarded omnivore

>> No.12860030

That's still just a claim with no proof. The person who wrote that article is also making money from selling a book on the problems with soy. Doesn't seem reliable.

>> No.12860359

>approximation of a fast food burguer
jesus fuck, rise your standards a bit

>> No.12860819

Why would I buy this if it costs more than a regular Whopper?

>> No.12861032

It'll be the same price in 2020, and cheaper at the end of the year.

>> No.12861041

more like, it will be phased out mid 2020 when they cant secure it for the same price and replaced with the next WokeTM burger

>> No.12861060

No thanks, when I want a burger I want it with real meat not this "fake" shit.

Remember school when they served the so called burgers to you? Remember the shitty taste of the nasty "fake" soy patties. Remember when you ran to the nearest restroom to hurl soon afterward.

How's this any different from then? It ain't.

>> No.12861066
File: 236 KB, 511x940, 1566464880202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I get banned alot. Seems the rules are (((selectively enforced))) in favor of Veganism like everywhere else here. And I don't start any (or very very few) of these threads so I don't see why you call them "mine?"

>> No.12861078
File: 50 KB, 795x454, 1548684642943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how you describe "nobody" ... I guess you are being honest in your leftist way, when your entire world is a very small but radical starvation cult lol.

Let me put it this way, IRL nobody thinks vegans are anything but emaciated wackos.

>> No.12861080

I am all for dark and nefarious science shit in my fast-food.

It's all garbage anyway, so make it advanced high-tech garbage.

>> No.12861085
File: 17 KB, 590x421, creepydude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I crapflood /ck/ with the same folder of "toothless vegan" images for literally hours on end
>Yeah I get banned alot
I'm shocked. Utterly shocked.

>> No.12861087
File: 118 KB, 800x800, 1560984744080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah industrial crop farming. It's horrifying if you consider what it does to the planet.

>> No.12861096
File: 137 KB, 1474x946, 1567189181413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good microcosm of (((the world we live in)))
(Leftists actually control everything) even if they are transgendered freaks. So of course I get banned alot if I try to express my conservative white opinion.

Soph is banned while this globalist Soros pawn is shoved down our throats 24/7.

>> No.12861097
File: 1.30 MB, 380x192, 640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greta Thurburg or whatever? She seems like a nice girl.

Made any progress on the snip-snip yet?

>> No.12861105

Nice cherrypicking. But still the top one is much much better even with the manipulation that implies that most cows actually live like that.

>> No.12861120

vegan technology improves every year, you should at least try it, it's not going to be like your childhood nightmares. The 90s were a hellscape for vegetarian substitutes

>> No.12861399
File: 228 KB, 960x625, pigs-in-factory-farm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
yeah, fuck right off. I hate faux meat as much as the next guy but animals don't live like that on most farms.

>> No.12861444

Seitan veggie patties aren't that bad with good seasoning.

>> No.12861458

Estrogen you say? Plant phytoestrogens? I sure as shit hope you don't consume dairy...

>> No.12861460

This isn't the 60s anymore, animals don't live like that in America. They're either up to their ankles in mud on feed lots or confined to cages

>> No.12861462

I hope you don't like nuts dude, they have more than soy

>> No.12861480

I live out in the country and I drive by tons of cow every single day. The ones I see are all grazing the pasture. I wave at them. Cows are nice.
I'm not saying factory farming doesn't happen or that it's not where the majority of beef comes from, just that there are still plenty of grazing cattle.

>> No.12861483

That thing isn't available locally, but this confirms my suspicion that it tastes nothing like meat and people who say it does are just jumping onto the hype vagon and making themselves belive that it does.
This happens every time when something is marketed well, but after a couple of months, the hype dies down and everyone becomes dissapointed instead.
I will try it as soon as possible and report my findings.
You could say that I'm not going at this unbiased or with an open mind. But you would be wrong.

>> No.12861589

I work at burger king, most of the retarded customers like it, I have not tried it but it's pretty popular

>> No.12861642

enjoy your "manly men tv diners" or any other instant food garbage from america
hint: they're all full of soy.

>> No.12861652

Motherfuckers in Japan eat tofu daily and live longer than you

>> No.12861657

>vegan patty
>topped with cheese
I... what?

>> No.12861689

>She seems like a nice girl
Or you kidding? She's the absolute picture of spoiled privileged rich white kid, but because she shit talks whitey leftists are totally okay with her

>> No.12861834

It’s really cute when NEETs with little to no education try to do science

>> No.12861859

You're fucking retarded

>> No.12861877


>> No.12861972

I just ate one of these. If you had handed it to me without telling me what it was I would have thought it was a normal whopper

>> No.12861973

Theyre also an entire country full of virgins with a birthrate that declines every fucking year because no one has enough testosterone to initiate sex.

>get fucked mate

>> No.12862927

I had one just yesterday. It tasted just like a normal, though a bit dry, whopper. I noticed a flyer on the counter talking about it that said you can optionally ask to have it cooked separately from the normal burgers, I assume for more hardcore vegans and vegetarians who don't want the juices from the real meat in it. I wonder how much that would effect the taste

>> No.12862942

Please don't post that goblin. Even trannies hate """her""".

>> No.12863030

What do they do? Microwave oven it? It'll be shit

>> No.12863042

It does taste a lot like a Whopper, although the juices don't separate from the "meat" as you chew, making it seem drier. I think the reason they picked fastfood burgers to imitate is because the consistency is really soft. If you even compare it to an in-n-out burger it seems fake, but next to cheap, thin beef patties cooked on the same grill it tastes very similar besides the difference in fats.

>> No.12863053
File: 277 KB, 800x800, fagsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan is such an ugly word, couldn't they come up with something better?

>> No.12863106

>soy (((protein)))

so the concept itself of protein is jewish now?

>> No.12863125

Think about it. This shit literally blows up with Trump's trade war, with China refusing to buy our soy beans. So of course corporate figures out how to spend a buttload of money making them resemble a burger so we pay $6 for a soy patty.

>> No.12863138

people have been trying to use soy as a meat replacement for decades

>> No.12863157

you look like anthony fantano with hair lmao

>> No.12863176

Unsuccessfully, because we were happy selling to China. As soon as that fails we literally have soy patties in burger king and they're celebrated as being impossible to differentiate from real meat.

>> No.12863188

>As soon as that fails we literally have soy patties in burger king
burger king had a veggie burger before this. i think they took it off the menu for a while in preparation for the impossible one. subway also had a veggie patty for their sandwiches. this stuff isn't new. it's better than it used to be, but the claim that it's indistinguishable from real meat is exaggerated.

>> No.12863238

You're still ignoring the timing. And the veggie patties were literally called veggie patties because they were never marketed as imitation meat. Suddenly china stops buyiny soy and we ultra process it into $6 burgers that the media goes full spin mode into selling. The marketing timing is perfect and nothing like the marketing (practically none) for veggie patties.

>> No.12863296

>he thinks theres soy in it
u dun goofd op

>> No.12863308

ok but why is it soy (((protein))) and not (((soy))) protein

beef (((protein)))

see how dumb you are?

>> No.12863328

>This fad WILL die in at most 2 years.
Perhaps, and I hope it does, but honestly I don't see it every dying.

>> No.12863385

What? I'm just saying there's a shit ton of soy to sell and suddenly it is marketed as a good thing to have highly processed soy patties for $6.

>> No.12863395

I love stupid people commenting like they're dumb teenagers. You really seal the deal for the future by being stupid enough to think you sound smart. But keep using those brackets. They're the nail in the coffin of, I grew up in a shitty education system.

>> No.12863404

They’re called parentheses.

>> No.12863423

I'm pretty sure he's incorrectly using it like scare quotes, or prefacing it with "so-called"

>> No.12863426


Or parentless. Brackets, braces are enough for these fascists to understand how their pretend language doesn't trick people anymore.

>> No.12863427


>> No.12863429


It's jewish soy, and protein has been jewish since the dawn of time. These people are brainwash retarded.

>> No.12863567
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The duality of man

>> No.12864390

First time I've heard someone else describe it like that and thats 100% how it tasted to me. Weird nutty taste. I also got sick after I ate it. Mine was from red robin.

>> No.12864432

I can drive down the road and go pet a cow if they didn't spook when I walked up to the fence

>> No.12864433

it isn't vegan nor is it vegetarian why do people keep pretending this?

>> No.12864444

>be vegetarian/vegan
>want to eat things that taste just like meat

>> No.12864450

you can like the taste of meat but not particularly enjoy having to kill for it

>> No.12864458

Not all vegans are effete about cross contamination.

>> No.12864466

that doesn't magically make it vegan though

>> No.12864472

It does make it acceptable food for some vegans, which is all that matters. There's no fine for vegans who eat cross contaminated food.

>> No.12864579

There is no difference between that thing and the rest of trannies. They're all gender larpers.

>> No.12865578

Going "vegan" for a man is just one step on his "journey" (and vegans literally call their self-harm path their "journey")

Step 1- Consume all the liberal propaganda and become a leftist
Step 2- Climate change "vegan"
Step 3- vasectomy (self castrated)
Step 4- gender bending/freak
Step 5- gender reassignment surgery

*All the while believing Dr Greger who told xer the vegan diet was "healthy."

>> No.12865591
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And voila! The ultimate product....

>> No.12865605
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>Made any progress on the snip-snip yet?
I'm not vegan bro..

>> No.12865658
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All vegan "science" is basically trolling, for the starvation cult, by the professional career vegans themselves, like Dr Greger and Dr barnyard.

Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races
https://www.nap.edu/read/11537/chapter/13 (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)


They eat animal based products from time to time, they're cunning bastards and will lie to push their agenda

Veganism is a starvation cult, nothing more.






Omnivores still have the highest dha and epa levels..



If people (mostly omnivores and some carnivores) weren't so brainwashed to fear raw eggs they would have much, much higher omega 3 levels (you can get 522 mg of DHA from 18 common caged white eggs, Im not even talking about omega 3 rich and organic cage free eggs

>> No.12865672

can i buy you hormones and french fries and change your diaper?

>> No.12865708


Get back to your bible and your chick fil'a sandwiches you mongoloid conservatard christcuck.

>> No.12865719

Protect the brand ma nigguh

>> No.12865741

hey retard how are those cows fed?

>> No.12865752

Impossible burger has been getting hyped for years now. Beyond meat got huge hype, doesn't even contain soy.

>> No.12865756
File: 232 KB, 1300x866, 94888671-cows-grazing-on-green-pasture-in-dolomites-mountains-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God feeds them. Humans just have to get out of the way.

>> No.12865761
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1548685504827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you're not white, but it's not my fault.

>> No.12865770

>Omnivores still have the highest dha and epa levels..
EPA actually slightly higher in vegan males ...

Unless you are a genetic dead end and are poor at converting ALA, it will suffice.

>> No.12865804

I drink milk all the time, but you do know that vegans have higher testosterone and lower estrogen than omnivores right?

>> No.12865938
File: 613 KB, 680x568, kilmaryfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are americucks so fucking retarded? You realize that the more "scary" something looks, the better it is for the environment, right?

Like, it's objectively better for the environment to have 100 cows in a cramped holocaust-style slaughterhouse than to have them prancing around on a 100 acre field. Because it takes fewer resources to feed/clean them in such a small space.

That's why factory farmed meat is cheaper, get a brian, moran. Eat all the beef you want, IDGAF but stop pretending that your 100% grassfed dolphin safe organic hamburger is actually good for the environment

>> No.12865972
File: 96 KB, 600x323, 27bittman.xlarge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cow's require a ton more resources compared to plants and other animals.
I don't have a problem with cow's themselves either, cows just require so much.
also, the majority of beef comes from high intensity feed lots, not your small family owned farms with a few dozen cows. You just never drive past them so you don't see them.

>> No.12865985

oops misread the last part of your comment

>> No.12866011

>Anne frank
I thought I've read ridiculous shit before...

>> No.12866018

The one on the right is the cutest though

>> No.12866033

the resources and environmental impact for producing the feed alone is much much bigger.
the only thing that pasture raised cows lose in is the CO2 they emit themselves, because grass is harder to digest than grain/corn. This is offset though with the sequestered carbon that comes from rotating your cows on your pasture.

>> No.12866065
File: 35 KB, 644x714, 1547062096017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*anon posts reputable physician from a reputable organization*
>DUUUUUHHHH i don't agree with your politics so it's wrong and you should kill yourself
absolute retard alert

>> No.12866123
File: 138 KB, 729x554, 1561508564334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping 3 redpills on phytoestrogens and endocrine disruption from plant sources. i'm don't have time right now to look up the papers on soi, but believe me, they're real.
of course stuff you see on 4chan is exaggerated and memed, but exogenous chemical endocrine disruption is a real thing and something you should probably be concerned about for yourself, but especially for your children as they're much more susceptible.
>inb4 /ck/ is literally the dumbest board on 4chan so they're too retarded to interpret studies

>> No.12866125
File: 154 KB, 886x556, 1561758650276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12866127
File: 143 KB, 885x534, 1545553776937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping 3 redpills on phytoestrogens and endocrine disruption from plant sources. i'm don't have time right now to look up the papers on soi, but believe me, they're real.
of course stuff you see on 4chan is exagerated and memed on purpose, but exogenous chemical endocrine disruption is a real thing and something you should probably be concerned about for yourself, but especially for your children as they're much more susceptable.
>inb4 /ck/ is literally the dumbest board on 4chan so they're too retarded to interpret studies

>> No.12866128

>gif to make the fish swim

Okay, this is epic

>> No.12866158

>dick shrinking
well, you got that mixed up with conventional animal meat

>Chicken Consumption & the Feminization of Male Genitalia

>Eating chicken during pregnancy may affect the size and development of one’s son’s penis due to phthalate contamination of the meat.


>> No.12866212

Well she's a reputable publicity whore, but she doesn't publish much science. Her University was a paper mill which lost authorization to grant PhDs for a while.

>> No.12866224

>he fell for the fagburger meme

>> No.12866304

>Phthalates (US: /ˈθæleJts/,[1] UK: /ˈθɑːleJts/[2]), or phthalate esters, are esters of phthalic acid. They are mainly used as plasticizers, i.e., substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. They are used primarily to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
The problem is the contamination of chicken meat by toxins in plastics.
I wonder who pushes for plastics in everything? Might it be the same people who push for soy in everything?

Must be a coincidence.

>> No.12866387

Im a male vegan bodybuilder who could kick your ass and being liberal means I'm smarter than you too.