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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12858364 No.12858364 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12858370


>> No.12858378


>> No.12858379

>a gringo thankful for all the wonderful things Mexico has contributed to his country

Gooood shut the fuck upppppppppppp

>> No.12858387


>> No.12858413
File: 147 KB, 626x679, randy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Randy Santel autistic?
>has to "become Atlas"
>has a clumsy, cringe pre-eating ritual
>has to re-record a whole video if the hat was in the wrong position (it only has to be backwards when he "becomes atlas" in the challenges)
>is extremely OCD when it comes to measuring his own exact time during the challenge, yet he always "needs" to let the first second pass
>"1-2-3" (everyone yells "boom") then a second later "BOOM!"
>*takes first bite* "oh yeah"
>keeps wasting time talking about obvious things and telling how many minutes have passed (even though the time is on the screen)
>is way too OCD about finishing every single scrap (when it's clear he finished the challenge)
>people cheer for him because they've seen he's finished, and he misses it, then a minute later stops the clock and flexes, crowd awkwardly goes "Y-yyyaaaah" again
>always adds "friggin" to everything, the autistic claps at the end, the forced merch wear, the teddybears, "sweet t-shirt", "healthy vegetables"...
>does a fucking challenge per day
>is heavily into 13 year old girl pop
>parents support him with the money they had saved for his wedding (poor people)

>> No.12858527

based "Huh?" poster. I love you.

>> No.12858579

>has a clumsy, cringe pre-eating ritual
It’s called “praying”

>> No.12858588

>a whole (1) bottle of high quality EVO oil wasted like this


Why didn't this fucker use regular olive oil or seed oil?

>> No.12858589

>Holy Spirit

>> No.12858621
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>> No.12858634
File: 65 KB, 720x762, 484B7ACC-46A6-44B3-9722-BDC207898C11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I watched the rest of that video the gif comes from

>> No.12858660
File: 40 KB, 720x405, 60-chicken-wings-challenge-with-large-pizza-randy-santel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12858662

Is that the one where he jerks the guy off?

>> No.12858663


>> No.12858668

He's definitely a super weird guy

>> No.12858678

Not a single one of those wings is cleaned. What a little bitch.

>> No.12858716


>> No.12858809


>> No.12858834
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1512703916256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deep fry fries in the oven
"they're not deep fried, they're over fried"

>> No.12858839

This is the kind of faggot who buys an "air fryer", thinking its some magical device, and not just miniature convection oven.

>> No.12858907

Based Adam posting Adam threads every day

>> No.12859008

Based and Raguseapilled

>> No.12859058

His videos are good.

>> No.12860319

Ragu’s recipes are white trash as fuck
>Pudding powder and boxed cake mix is his recipe for “better than sex cake”
>Kraft cheese in Mac and cheese
>vegetable shortening
fucking yikes

>> No.12860415

I'm so thankful for chef john, he is twice the flaming liberal faggot this guy is but he keeps that shit on twitter and has never once brought that bullshit into his videos. I really liked the guy in OP at first but every video is getting worse.

>> No.12861046

Yup, I'm thinkin' based

>> No.12861785

where's the new randykino

>> No.12862644

Thank you for making this thread and showing me this.

>> No.12862716

>"this is how you make the crispiest fries!"
>makes crispy roast potato

>> No.12862928

words mean nothing

>> No.12864553


>> No.12865373
File: 47 KB, 489x352, _n..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people watch that autistic borderline fetish shit?

>> No.12865379

>commenting on something you have no idea what you're talking about
>get offended and squeeeeeeeeeeal like a bitch
haha.... yeah that's about right. It's like you didn't even understand what you were looking at but still judged it.

>> No.12865382

>didnt watch the video, just assumed he was unironically doing asmr seriously

>> No.12865413

>watching Adam videos
Post your terrible food

>> No.12865420

who tf is adam and im talking about the channel that do it unironically

>> No.12865428

>someone simply saying they enjoy mexico gets conservative crybabys this upset

>> No.12865481

I didn't know the guy before this thread but if you take 20 seconds to listen to him it's obvious that he's attempting to teach people how to abuse the youtube algorithm and constantly makes jokes pointing to how dumb people who take this shit seriously are...

>> No.12865505

he had to be coerced into making the enchilada vid because he thought making one would be cultural appropriation

>> No.12865510

I own a convection toaster oven and a convection oven and one of my roommates almost bought one of those fucking things I had to scold them

>> No.12865512

was him thinking it was cultural appropriation the center of the video?

>> No.12865861

literally the only video he did that in was the vegetable soup video

>> No.12866206

Woah ho mamma! I have no food in my house. All I have is chicken stock and some celery. Everything is closed. I shouldn't be here.

>> No.12866360

Except that is not what he said you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.12866510

ill forfeit as you've obviously put more research into this than my minute spent.

>> No.12866529
File: 344 KB, 414x490, the most based youtube cook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12866540


>> No.12866620


>> No.12867129


>> No.12867214

Someone post the "Why I prep my wife, NOT my bull" image.

>> No.12867222

calm down adam

>> No.12867228


>> No.12867253

As soon as people start blabbering in front of the camera their channel goes to shit. Happened to Babish, happened to Adam, it'll happen to anyone. Just film the fucking food.

>> No.12867319
File: 161 KB, 750x511, 52486351-01E6-4FC5-A90D-B9D8ACBC89D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12867348

Please tell me this is not real

>> No.12867364

It's real, and its cringey as fuark

>> No.12867374

I thought he wouldn’t browse 4chan because we’re too racist and bigoted

>> No.12867395

are you retarded? this website is saturated with normalfaggots and has been for years

>> No.12867416

Hating women and minorities is still a normal thing here

>> No.12867475

this is based beyond believe

>> No.12867479

That's a normalfag thing. There are just fewer places for people to freely express their true feelings.