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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12854696 No.12854696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>leaving restaurant
>"Hey man can we have your leftovers?"

What do you do?

>> No.12854703

the go bag is filled with silverware i aint got food

>> No.12854706

Slap my rolling gut and say "Do I LOOK like the kind of man who leaves leftovers?" as indignantly as possible

>> No.12854707
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>> No.12854711

Lel, as if I would ever leave even a morsel of food on the plate, especially when eating out. Wasting food is a sin I even eat the marrow and lick the plate clean if nobody is looking or I'm with tolerant friends.

I would offer to smoke pot with the lady bum, though, but her husband/bf/brother or whatever can't come.

>> No.12854719

I tend to lean left but I fucking hate homeless kids that hang around begging for shit and stinking up the streets

>> No.12854724

Dilate tranny

>> No.12854739


>> No.12854748
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>dilate tranny

>> No.12854764

People like you are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12854773

Go back in and tell the staff there's vagrants begging on their property, and I'd like the manager to walk me to my car because I feel unsafe.

>> No.12854775
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>> No.12854788

Magapedes on suicide watch!

>> No.12854824

>pretend not to here and walk other way
>they follow
>"Hey! Excuse me! I asked if I could have your leftovers."

Ball's in your court, /ck/.

>> No.12854828

See >>12854773 but now tell the staff the homeless people are following me.

>> No.12854829

turn around and put my hand on my gun without unholstering it

>> No.12854855

>Ay bby lemme see that hairy pusy and asshole
>You too sir

>> No.12854898

Why would you need to see what you can already smell?

>> No.12854906

As a brown spic i say:
Me: So, you are white, smart, good looking, were born in a developed country with more chances that i could dream of and you chose to stay in the street?
Hip: Aaah you are a capitalist / fascist / insert left shit
Me: Akhtually i donate the money i earn to a lot of good causes then i throw my bone (i always get bones for my doggos) to their pet (always starving DAMN the left)

But thats leftism anon, if you can't manage your government checks you are fucked

>> No.12854923

It's ok, they're clearly appropriating black culture by wearing dreadlocks. That's a severely unwoke move, so no need to leap to their defense.

>> No.12854927

yeah It's under this job application in the trash. It's covered in spit and snot napkins

>> No.12854932
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Is this a thing that actually happens? Holy shit that would piss me off so much.

>> No.12854937

whoa, what a baste neo-liberal wetback

>> No.12854946

Here in Colorado, all the time. "Travellers" (people that ran away from home cos mom took the xbox and came to colorado on a greyhound to smoke weed and live on the streets cos coloradians are such nice people (they aren't) and they'll provide for them have infested denver, you can't go down 16th street mall without encountering one.

>> No.12854949

go back home Abram, abolish the succubus

>> No.12854951

Fuck off, hippy.

>> No.12854960

>stinky homeless kids begging for scraps are a microcosm of political orientation

You're gonna have to explain yourself

>> No.12854982
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>> No.12854988

boulder here
completely accurate

>> No.12854991

Happened to me the other day. I was leaving brunch with my gf and she had leftover chicken and biscuit covered in gravy. Homeless kids like the OP pic standing around off to the side asked if they could have it, we ignored and walked away. The chick followed us and asked again. My gf turned around and stupidly gave them attention. They said they just got out of court and were starving. She handed over the food that I PAID FOR, hippie said thanks and went back to eat out of the box with their hands. I was pissed at my gf for giving the food to them but she is a bit more of a bleeding heart than I am. I spent the past few years living next to a homeless shelter and, in that time, experienced behavior so reprehensible that I became totally jaded to the idea of being "charitable" to them.

>be me
>month after I moved into this place
>see 2 homeless people sleeping under blanket on ground in gravel parking lot
>feel bad, want to help
>pack punch bags full of chicken sandwiches, sliced and salted cucumbers, trail mix with a note that unironically said "you are loved"
>go back later that day
>people are gone
>plastic bags and ziplocs littered all over, cucumbers spread across the ground uneaten

And of course I'm the asshole for not wanting to give the food I paid for to the ungrateful drug addicts that plague my street.

>> No.12854996

I'd give it to them

>> No.12855002

Sure thing.
>*open up to-go-box*
>*empty contents into trash can*
Bone App a Teat, faggots. MAGA 2020

>> No.12855005

Happened once and some homeless came asked for money. I gave him my leftovers and he got mad and show me that he has no teeth left. So he wants money to buy booze.

I walked away

>> No.12855010

Call the police on them for loitering outside of a fine establishment

>> No.12855021

Call them dirty niggers and walk away

>> No.12855024
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Same thing I do when parasites ask me for spare change: say "nope!" and walk away.

These """""people""""" belong in work camps, and if they refuse to work they should be euthanized. Not even kidding. Every single one is a criminal either because they literally steal other people's possessions or because they steal resources from people who need them because they refuse to work like everyone else.

>> No.12855026
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Go back inside and tell the owner there are dirty hobos out front stinking up the place.

>> No.12855027

I understand why they used to beat hippies now.

>> No.12855032

yeah totally lmao it's not like i'm gonna eat it

c h a m p i o n

>> No.12855037

I agree with you 100%, but you really should have known better than to pack everything in plastic bags. Vagrants are literally incapable of throwing things away in a trash can like civilized human beings.

>> No.12855038
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they should bring in the fire department and turn the water hoses on them
damn hippies would probably smell better after that too, in case they didn't just leave town

>> No.12855045

In hindsight, yeah you're right. It was just such an abrupt and frustrating way of being faced with the reality of subhuman nature.

>> No.12855049
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I live in Portland and when I told a parasite that I didn't have any spare change he told me to shake my pockets to prove it. This was back when I was a young leftist cuck so I gave him the 50 cents in my pocket, but today I'd tell him to fuck off.

>> No.12855070
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>It was just such an abrupt and frustrating way of being faced with the reality of subhuman nature.
Unfortunately, that's how it has to happen. Up until that point you believed in a lie and whenever a lie is shattered the shock you feel after is proportional to how much you used to believe in that lie.

>> No.12855077

I live in Aurora. I can imagine they'd all flock there because they know they'd get robbed by niggers here

>> No.12855083
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Remember: don't feed the animals.

>> No.12855090

Why are they always blonde?

>> No.12855093

Just have a "national homeless day" at the movie theaters and put on Batman.

>> No.12855094

Trump is based.

>> No.12855095

Mostly brunette in my area

>> No.12855101

Fake news
Trump would never sell weapons to Israel's enemies
That must be the deal with Saudia Arabia that started in the Obama administration

>> No.12855102

Sorry it isn't vegan.

>> No.12855121

Live in Denver. Very accurate. Occupy Wall Street and legalizing weed have killed this city.

>> No.12855123

The people in OP have bleached hair, champ.

>> No.12855129

>muh master race
is just as shitty as all the other ones.

>> No.12855170

Happened where I used to live. I'd keep walking. Where I'd wait for the bus there were these two begars that were really chill to talk with though, very charismatic and funny pals that were just handed a real shit lot in life. If I had leftover food I'd give it to them and they'd share it and we'd chill while I waited for my bus. If there was a bite taken out of something or a used fork they wouldn't care at all. They were never drunk or high, just hungry and begging.

After a while they'd walk me up the bus steps like I was some kind of noble and people would give me weird looks. I'd give them a few dollars every Christmas and they would get so excited. I wish my own extended family were ever that grateful.

>> No.12855174
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>Saudi Arabia is Israel's enemy

>> No.12855202

Brothers and sisters arenatural enemies. Like Muslims and Jews. Or Christians and Jews. Or south American tribes and Jews. Or Jews and other Jews.

>> No.12855217

You Jews sure are a contentious people

>> No.12855228

Aurora hobos are legit fucked.
Covered in their own sick, almost dead.