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12850563 No.12850563 [Reply] [Original]

Grilling steaks is not a thing where i live, im planning to buy one of these cheap grills, post anything you know about grilling steaks

>> No.12850566

>cheap grill
>posts a Weber grill

>> No.12850572

looks cheap as fuck idk

>> No.12850573

You shouldn't grill a steak. Pan fried and finished in the oven is widely regarded as the best steak preparation method.

>> No.12850579

Good luck finding one for under $150 unless there is a going out of business sale, and that's just for the most basic Weber charcoal grill.

>> No.12850582

Nah i had grilled at a restaurant, they tase much better

>> No.12850584

You can get a cheap chinese piece of shit at the dollar stores, but it will rust out in a year.

>> No.12850586

a good charcoal steak is better, you can also pan fry in a grill to get the smokey charcoal taste.

>> No.12850643

He’s right though. I own the grill pictured in OP, and the only nice thing about it is the Webber logo. It is made from super thin sheet metal and even the nuts on the bolts aren’t real nuts, like they saved 0.02 cents by cheaping our on a fucking nut.

Fuck Webber. Overpriced garbage. They’ve ranked their brand.

>> No.12850667

They have a warranty, are designed to last 15-20 years, and are made out of superior steel to prevent rust and corrosion. They are designed for the best air flow and stable temperatures. I don't disagree that they are overpriced, but they are expensive because they are far superior to the competition.

>> No.12850671

600F to 800F is what you're shooting for for a high cook. 280f If you're slow cooking. Remember those numbers.

>> No.12850698

no way, a good sear and cooked through slow over indirect heat is always better, but a good cast iron pan fried steak is also very good alternative when you can't grill them

>> No.12850710


You should ALWAYS grill steak. What is this asshole talking about? It's like listening to a talking anus.

>> No.12850714

must have watched gordon ramsey cook a steak and now thinks that he is a world class chef

>> No.12850718

Weber will replace your grill parts as many times as you need them replaced for 10 years

>> No.12850727


I've just cooked a thousand steaks or so. I don't honestly give a fuck what you think, If you don't know how to cook a steak I don't give a shit.

>> No.12850736


I could teach you how to pan fry or grill a steak with a bunch of techniques but you sound like a dumb piece of shit that doesn't deserve any knowledge. Am I right?

>> No.12850743
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Coat the steak with coarse salt (about a 1/2 teaspoon per pound) and let it sit in the fridge for 2 hours to 2 days. Get an instant-read digital thermometer.

>> No.12850746


where'd you go, fuckface?

>> No.12850747

triggered fag, I cook both. I prefer grilling steaks in the summer, pan in the winter.

>> No.12850756


Good for you, shithead. 125F then seared on both sides to 135f. But you're some stupid cunt that doesn't pay attention. Go somewhere and die.

>> No.12850764

put down the bottle, lush.

>> No.12850767


What fucking kid says triggered? Are you a child???

>> No.12850774

Use lump charcoal, get it glowing hot, toss some and wood chips soaked in water overnight in there. Keep a hot side and a cold warm side of the grill so you dont burn your steak.
t. line cook at a place with a wood burning grill.

>> No.12850783

Nah it's almost September. They're gonna start selling display models at 40% off and practically selling them at cost in another few weeks.

>> No.12850784

why would you soak them in water? Sounds like you'll just create steam until it's dried then actual smoke.

>> No.12850791

they smoke more and last longer and don't catch on fire.

>> No.12850799
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Grill your steaks medium rare. make sure you buy a thermometer to check the internal temp. You can look up the correct temperatures for how you want your steak done. Never cook a steak well done. Grab a good cut too make sure its choice or prime (Prime is way more expensive but tasty)
my favorite is bone in rib eye

random image from google to give you an idea.

>> No.12850810

Where do you live? They just ship them back to Weber and they send out next years model. I've never seen one more than 15% off unless it's a going out of business sale.

>> No.12850848

It's not smoke it's steam.

>> No.12850864

you must be some city subhuman that has never made a campfire.

>> No.12850867

No, all major retailers sell weber display models at huge discounts in the fall here in the south. Weber ain't taking that shit back, the fuck would they do with it?

>> No.12850869

Enjoy your carcinogens.

>> No.12850882

it's both, makes the chips last longer and not catch on fire in smaller grills. steam isn't bad in that small of quantities. There will never be a consensus on cooking though, too each their own.

>> No.12850887

repackage them and ship them back in a new box, the 15% doscount price is the cost of shipping them back.

>> No.12850914

Yep, and the shape/size lets you convert it into a very decent smoker.

They're great.

>> No.12850922

lmao you can throw an unseasoned steak directly onto a bed of coals, no grill, and get a better result than any pan/oven combo

>> No.12850983
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this and its bullshit because it costs them like $10 build it but charge $150 for a tin bucket with barbie car wheels. Its pissing me off right now because im about to get rekt by a hurricane and im going to need to grill since the power always goes down. But i'll make a fire pit out of two cinder blocks and the oven rack before i spend $150 on one of those pos's

>> No.12851014

Haha that's funny Webber's only cost $10 to make and you will spend $30 on a grate and cinderblocks that you will use once

>> No.12851142

more than that, plus they have good temperature gauges. it's made out of cast aluminum that will never rust or corrode and they will replace any faulty parts over 25 years. When most grills will last 3-5 years max, have no warranty, the only benefit in the other grills are that they are half price.

>> No.12851145

>you will spend $30 on a grate and cinderblocks that you will use once
what kind of retard only grills once other than the person that made this comment projecting?

>> No.12851194
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>30 euros
>cast iron and inox
>virtually eternal

>> No.12851198

Probably a guy that thinks Weber grills cost $10 to make so he spends $30 on a grate and cinderblocks and he ruins his $.50 Walmart hotdogs by cooking them over plastic bags and McChicken wrappers

>> No.12851257

Best steaks i ever had was when we had no coal bricketes (grill coal) so i burned birchwood in the fireplace until i had a nice bed of red glowing birchwood.

Put the steaks on it and damn it was good, downside it takes some time but the end result was glorious :D

There's something in birchwood or the birchwood smoke that flavors the meat just right.

>> No.12851288
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I dunno why people are shit talking the build quality of the grill itself
I have one right here that I appropriated from a very bad neighbor that kept leaving it infront of my door
the steels pretty thick, i'd say thick enough to at least deflect a 22 or something small

my only complaints would be that it uses hollow plastic wheels, and that the crushed tubing where the non-rotating axle fits is pretty shoddy without a collar,
i'd rather it just didn't have wheels since both problems come from the wheels
oh and that its charcoal instead of clean burning propane
but hey it was free2me

>> No.12852026

enjoy your gang rapes

>> No.12852033

God, shut the fuck up. Please

>> No.12852068


>> No.12852073

Nice blog, attention whore.

>> No.12852077


birch, apple and pear all taste great as wood fired coals.

>> No.12852080


birch, apple, pear and hickory all taste great.

>> No.12852082


jesus, what's your problem? code is a bit of a dick but he's talking about food. sheesh.

>> No.12852720

I just Googled cheap grill for the image you fucking idiots