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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 450x299, 619-08591395en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12840892 No.12840892 [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

Move you old fart.

>> No.12840900

Lmao Yes! I fucking hate old people. Anyone born before 1980 should be shot desu senpai

>> No.12840986

>scoot by
>"oh, excuse me"
>don't make too much eye contact
>blow a hard fart on them for their transgressions

>> No.12840992

It will be you one day. Stop being a dyke. You’ll get your hot pockets and diet coke.

>> No.12840996

It's not even just old people
People in the super market are just fucking rude
>oh i need this right in front of me
>instead of just pushing my kart to the side and grabbing it i'll stop in the middle of the aisle no matter how many people are behind me
I shoulder check these people on principle when they do this

>> No.12841029

I fucking hate now how grocery stores employee people to sit their fat asses in the isles and gather shit for people that are too lazy to go to the stores themselves.

No it won't, my handler will gather groceries for me.

>> No.12841030

>actually living to be 80 years old and getting to feel your body slowly shutdown and fall apart
Lmao no, the second I can finally cash in on Social Security I'm offing myself, that is IF social security is still around by the time I'm that old

>> No.12841043

>create service for old people that physically can't get the shit themselves
>gets abused by niggers and white trash who can't be bothered to get it themselves
It's poetic really

>> No.12841060

It's a "boomette encounters an acquaintance and spends 3 hours chatting in the middle of the aisle, right in front of the shit you're supposed to stock" episode
Happens too often to be a coincidence

>> No.12841084

My "favorite" is the "nigger mother talking on the phone while her 5 kids run around and reek havoc in every aisle in the store" episode

>> No.12841089

>t. dies at 70 when nigger handler suffocates you to death after listening to you breath becomes too much for her

>> No.12841096

I wouldn't hire someone I don't trust, you fool. My children will take care of me, also.
>implying I would need a handler at the young age of 70

>> No.12841100
File: 106 KB, 1024x576, F21DFA3F-2761-48FD-B8E5-89B766826C79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I went grocery shopping an old lady let me cut in front of her at the checkout

>> No.12841118

>My children will take care of me
Said everyone living in nursing homes since forever

>> No.12841122

A lot of people in nursing homes get frequent visits from their kids and a lot of support from them. I've been working in them for 13 years.

>> No.12841140

And the people... not in nursing homes with the kids looking after them? Nursing homes are for extremely old and decrepit people. Not 70 yos

>> No.12841143

>feeling sorry for pre-boomers/boomers who let their bodies fall apart from not doing simple exercises
there's plenty of fast 80yrs hiking mountains out there take care of yourselves

>> No.12841224

fat old people
>belly and accumulated calorie to fat body mass comparable to an xxl beach ball
>stands in the middle of an isle entrance, staring emptily at metal and cardboard
>excuse me, while pressing up against malleable blubber
>oh sorry. making just enough room for my shopping cart to knock over some cans
>feel like an asshole for some reason, like I just exposed something negative about him while trying to go about my daily life
>wonder if I should have browsed another isle first
Am I the one getting in the way?

>> No.12841249
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>I'm gonna spend all my ancestral wealth on my self going to cruises and buying cars
>Also kicks you out at 18 years old
>Go to college, what of course I'm not going to help pay for it get a loan its good for the economy y'know
>What you think you're too good to flip burgers because you have a degree?
>I spent all my money and now I'm old I'm here to live with you!
>What do you mean I have to go to a home? I raised you you owe me!
>How come my kids never visit me?
Yeah I wonder why boomers are in homes

>> No.12841266

>70 yos
>not old and decrepit
The human body is not meant to live beyond 65
Modern medicine is a scam to get more money out of you so you can "live" longer through your meager existence until you croak

>> No.12841296

Fat fuck cope

>> No.12841298

My dad jokes constantly about which of his kids will take care of him when he gets too old
I just told him "no inheritance, no residence"

>> No.12841312
File: 39 KB, 800x445, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just take of your body!
>and take these drugs
>and these drugs
>and these drugs
>and these drugs
>well all those drugs have caused issues in your 80 year old body, we're going to to hook you up to a machine and hope for the best
>doctors face when

>> No.12841319

The drugs are for the old people that ate like shit and didn't take care of their bodies.

>> No.12841327

Respect the elderly, you subhuman.

>> No.12841336

now THAT is the cope
If you're even over the age of 40, going to the doctor is just asking him to do tests and prescribe drugs you don't need because "well you eat a little too much salt, instead of telling you to eat less, i'm just going to give you this pill" which eventually turns into "well the side effects of that pill are causing other problems, take this one it will rectify the issue" repeated ad infinitum

>> No.12841360

>ruin the job and housing market
>vote for politicians that are now ethnically replacing you
>crash the economy
>drag your country into the longest war in US history
>kick you out of the house at 18 and force you to pay for the college they've been pushing you into your whole life
>respect the elderly

>> No.12841388

children are 10x worse
>running around unsupervised and bump into everything/everyone around them
>putting their snotty shitty hands on every piece of produce
>parents are off in some other part of the store letting their little hellspawn run around freely and yell at anyone who dare scold their children for being the little shits that they are

>> No.12841406

So you admit then that it's not the children at fault, but their shitty parents then right?

>> No.12841412

Not my fault you have shit genetics.

>> No.12841414

Based. I respect my elders and on some level revere them, but they need to have common courtesy


>> No.12841419

yeah, they alone did that. it's not like millennial would have lived in the streets if they could buy two houses. eat shit, you retard

>> No.12841437

Oh it's genetics now?
>your body shutting down and dying is genetic
Technically you'd be right in the sense that all humans GENETICALLY are meant to die earlier than what they do now

>> No.12841449

>Oh it's genetics now?

>> No.12841459

>they alone did that
But they did though, are you retarded? Millenials are the offspring of that generation and are currently living with the consequences of their parent's generation

>> No.12841468

>you have to eat right!
>well actually it's genetics
At least stay consistent if you're going to be this retarded

>> No.12841484

>body dies at 65
>cant collect retirrment and social security until 65

>> No.12841492

Neither of those things will exist by the time we're that old anyway
Hope you enjoy paying for Pedro and his 12 person family instead

>> No.12841496

I know a 90 year old woman that's never taken any prescriptions other than antibiotics and vitamins.

>> No.12841520

I know a black person that's never stolen a thing in their life too!
Congratulations, now we both know how anecdotes work!

>> No.12841521
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>> No.12841530

She HAS to compare the prices because god knows if the price has changed even a penny, she'll have to give the manager a stern talking to

>> No.12841531

>go to get some delicious corn
>its all half shucked by people who need to check every ear because losing 20 cents on a "bad" ear is devastating

>> No.12841567

sure, they alone, with no help from financial institutions or government. they just decided.

>> No.12841577
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>with no help from financial institutions or government
Who do you think was running both of those things, genius?

>> No.12841640

>merges into your lane while you have right of way

>> No.12841648

Sow stay at home moms are pretty bad too. I know they go shopping for shit at the same store like several times a week so you'd think they'd have the store somewhat memorized. But no they wonder around like braindead fucks blocking the shit out the shit you need.

>> No.12841656

ironically, grocery stores would be a thousand times more manageable if people treated it like driving on the road
>there will never be grocery store traffic cops writing tickets for coming to a complete stop in the middle of the aisle

>> No.12841657

I avoid this problem by doing my grocery shopping at 2am.

>> No.12841860

Have you ever thought about the fact they're dilly-dallying because they wanted some dick? Get better about identifying womyn's signals and stop being an incel.

>> No.12841877

Do you only shop at walmart?

>> No.12843455

This but 2020

>> No.12843509

Some people have friends. Just say “Excuse me” and get your stuff you pansy.

>> No.12843535

>thinks we will be physically going to a store to get groceries in 40 years
Faggot we are 10 years from drone delivery into roof landing pads that deposit the food directly through the top of the refrigerator.

>> No.12843550

>It will be you one day
If they know how to hold a lane in traffic they can fucking well do it in a store.
What's missing is the risk of being clipped by 18 wheeler when you fuck up.

>> No.12843553

>Specifically wait until you can retire and get free money
>Then immediately kill yourself

Do you like wageslaving that much

>> No.12843555

Now I want to design a store with lanes, road striping, and rest stops to pull over and talk.

>> No.12843612

I can't fucking stand people in grocery stores. I already have a super short temper and people in grocery stores are fucking OBLIVIOUS to how discourteous and generally apelike they can be. I never lose my temper in real life - I can always excuse myself and blow off steam in private - but the grocery store is totally different for some reason.

Once I was going through the produce section with my tiny cart and there was a blockage of a bunch of people trying to get around a giant cart that was left in the middle of the walkway with no person. I took the big cart and shoved it out of the way so myself and everyone else could get through and it went rolling down the aisle. The hamplanet whose cart it was (who was at least fifteen feet away) shouted at me "rude bitch" and I flipped her off and walked away.

Another time I spit at a non-disabled crackhead riding the scooter in the parking lot. Unfortunately she didn't see/hear me, because I'd love to get in a fight I didn't start so I can claim self defense as the reason I smashed someone's teeth out of their face using the pavement.

People in grocery stores are really rude. I hope there's a grocery store mass shooting and the shooter cites people being awful so that awful people become afraid to use the grocery store.

>I shoulder check these people on principle when they do this
Based. I do too.

No. Most people are worthless obstructions.

>> No.12843622

i fucking hate old people. Everyone over 50 should be moved to utah and not allowed out.

>> No.12843625

>drives 35 in a 55 zone

>> No.12843626

old people should be put on a remote island to live for themselves

>> No.12843647

dumb fuck.

>> No.12843789
File: 333 KB, 577x448, 198532094432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to kroger
>it's a cavalcade starring the morbidly obese and the extremely elderly
>now workers are also clogging the aisles fulfilling very inefficient grocery curbside delivery orders for the chronically lazy
>Shelves looking picked over, produce is either vastly underripe or overripe shit and there are fruit flies fucking everywhere
>People with fully loaded fucking carts using self-checkout and taking twenty years while one cashier actually mans a lane
>what used to be a moderately pleasant errand is now one that simulates the feeling of being frustrated cattle
>also get hounded by aggressive homeless heroin addicts for money when you're loading the trunk
>Get the cherry on top of noticing all the empty carts subhumans ditching in parking spaces just a few feet from the drop off, which is also overflowing with carts because these stores apparently just don't give a single shit anymore

It's not even the crowded aspect. I can handle crowds, it's the soulcrushing lack of any sort of humanity, care and common decency I can't stand. It feels like this just gets worse and worse every year.

>> No.12843822
File: 332 KB, 1017x1600, 1504150848123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>what used to be a moderately pleasant errand is now one that simulates the feeling of being frustrated cattle
>it's the soulcrushing lack of any sort of humanity, care and common decency I can't stand. It feels like this just gets worse and worse every year
god it hurts
make it stop

>> No.12843848

October 31st matey

>> No.12843907

Clearly the reptilians!

>> No.12843918

I once spent an hour walking around a parking lot shouting at everybody who didn't return their cart. It felt really good to get it off my chest. It wasn't anywhere near a place I actually frequent, obviously, but I want to do it again one day.

>> No.12844179

Do the world a favor and do it today.

>> No.12844201
File: 23 KB, 296x296, BennyHill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show consideration for the person of an old man.” (Leviticus 19:32)

>> No.12844207

Just wait until you’re old yu little fuck

>> No.12844219
File: 166 KB, 604x380, wi-popcorn-608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Timothy 5:1-2:
Do not severely criticize an older man. On the contrary, appeal to him as a father, to younger men as brothers, 2 to older women as mothers, to younger women as sisters, with all chasteness."
Follow this and you will be one of the good guys.

>> No.12844230

That sounds wonderful. I used to work at a Food LIon, one time I had clocked out and was walking out to my car and saw a woman leave her cart in front of the propane tank cage, which is like 5 yards from the store entrance, I was astounded. Why walk all the way to the store and not put it inside? Would the few more steps have killed you? Are you a huge raging bitch on purpose?

>> No.12844256

Yell out “MAKE A HOLE!”
And when they shift to the side put your knife hand in their face, make sure they lock it up and square themselves away.

>> No.12844261

There was this rude ass old woman at the grocery store after i got off work, the chick in front of the line was trying to pay but her card wasn't working, while she's still trying to figure it out the old bat coughs loudly and pushes her cart into the girl "WOULD YOU MOVE?", even the cashier told her to chill out, these people cant die fast enough.

>> No.12844264

Most of them just got in their cars and drove away, sometimes after telling me to fuck off or making a dismissive gesture, but it still felt good to tell them what I think about their attitude.

>> No.12844272

>reek havoc
Mutt education, everyone.

>> No.12844276

I love zoomers. It's like the early days of trolling where everybody fell for everything.

>> No.12844280

Reek havoc is fine if the havoc in question is particularly stinky.

>> No.12844283

You will be old too one day, you young whippersnapper. Then you know what it's like to not be able to see the coins you're paying with or the product description on the tin. You'll dodder because your medication makes you lightheaded and you'll tread slow because if you fall you may never get up again.

>> No.12844288


Suicide is your only option now.

>> No.12844297

It won't be the same because I didn't inherit a booming economy and a country with nowhere to go but up and completely fuck it all up for future generations out of greed. The anger we have towards old people is misplaced boomer hate and when we get old we'll just be broken and zoomers will feel bad for us for being impotent to right the wrongs of our parents.

>> No.12844302

Why would I take advice from Jews

>> No.12844315

4chan usually never affects my worldview, but I think I actually hate people aged 50+ thanks to 4chan.

>> No.12844427

Nice blog, entitled plebbitor

>> No.12844578

Too slow. On your face.
Too slow. On your feet.

>> No.12844585

This happens to me every time i get groceries atleast like 6 times. Ill completely push their cart out of the way, my wife will get mad at me for ot and the old fucks dont even realize anything jist happened

>> No.12844650

My favorite is the Hispanic families that have to bring 7 generations of family members with them to shop.

>> No.12844663


>> No.12844675

My gf does this no matter how often I tell her not to. Where were these peoples mothers?

>> No.12844687

based and redpilled

>> No.12844704

Some people have shit to do boomer

>> No.12844817

Utah here, just Holocaust them please.

>> No.12844824

>have shit to do
>wait like a faggot while 2 old ladies chat because they’re in your way

>> No.12844855


>> No.12844858
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1546062078659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every zoomer and millennial thinks that they'll off themselves once they get old but realistically by that age you have relationships and relatives that you don't want to leave and people you love you want to see grow

>> No.12844860
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>> No.12844949

Did you forget what website you're on?

>> No.12845052

Someone will STILL use the entrance door as the exit, and vice versa

>> No.12845055

>old ladies block way
>don’t wait
>sigh and roll eyes
>stamp feet
>complain on 4chan about it
You really showed those boomers

>> No.12845058

>free money
It's your money
You've been paying into a system for decades that only gives you a fraction back of what you put in
By the time ANY of us will be old enough to use it, it will have been sucked up, and be dead and dry

>> No.12845064

This is true. It’s going to be a rude awakening for these zoomer faggots when they hit 40 and 50. They’ll be blamed for everything terrible being done in the next couple of decades.

>> No.12845082

>zoomers and millenials
>friends and family
ahaha what future are you thinking of? we'll be working more and more just to come close to what boomers had and won't ever have time for friends and family
Pay your taxes goy, the nu-Americans need gibs

>> No.12845084

It pisses me off everytime. Do they not feel that someone is behind them?

>> No.12845088

I've shoved quite a few old shitbags to the side who were in my way on the sidewalk or wherever they block traffic. They are too scared to say anything, just seethingly mumble something about "manners" hoping someone will look out for them which they need to depend on. Just make your way past them, nobody cares.

>> No.12845090

they dont care
it's like going to the bank to use the ATM and the person at the front has to put their cash away, their purse situated, and their favorite song picked before they finally drive off

>> No.12845092

>muh manners
just remind them that is the future they voted for
import the third world, you get the third world

>> No.12845096

Boomers are due to their sheer numbers actually a bigger burden on society (as of now) than refugees and other such "people".

>> No.12845101

I agree that boomers are parasites, but white people are the only people who pay more into the system than they take out
Boomers make up a majority of the white people anymore

>> No.12845107

You'll see when you get older. My father in law can lift boxes as heavy as I can and he ate like shit most of his life. Its your genes. There are nba players that eat mostlt fucking candy.

>> No.12845113

>another anecdote
Pharmaceutical companies and doctors are the source of the opioid crisis, and prescribe drugs to old people like candy, regardless of whether your "genetics" are at play or not

>> No.12845122

Fuck you're retarded. I don't go down isles with old ladies/niggers. I double back

>> No.12845125

When did I ever disagree with that? The point is if youre limping in your 60s its your shit genetics.

>> No.12845135

>The point is if youre limping in your 60s its your shit genetics.
Or the drugs they've been prescribing you are affecting your body
Or you've been working labor jobs your whole life

>> No.12845145

" scuse me, ma'am. Thank you" usually works. If not, you repeat it but louder. "EXCUSE ME MA'AM. THANK. YOU." increase volume until old cunt's hearing aid finally picks up my voice, or until she glares at you and moves her cart. If she glares. Gun her ass down with your own eyes as you walk by. Tell her she's self-centered and rude for blocking other people if she tries to give you lip.

>> No.12845153

The suburbs really were a mistake, humans aren’t supposed to be that isolated from each other

>> No.12845162

Just push her to the side with your shoulder.

>> No.12845217

You can't go around shoulder-checking old people. This isn't the NFL.

>> No.12845228

t. Dyke

>> No.12845240

I’m not black. It’s the NHL.

>> No.12845241

That's old womens' indoctrination speaking. You have been raised by women to look out specially for women because they are genetically unable to pay attention to their surroundings as much as men. It's a good deal for them since they can walk around blindly while men are expected to step aside, wait and waste their valuable time in other ways so (mostly) old women whose time is worthless can skip to the front of the line.

>> No.12845256
File: 63 KB, 550x427, FuckThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want a bunch of bananas.
>All the old people have separated every bunch into individual fruit.

>> No.12845285

That's why I always make sure to save up farts when I'm going grocery shopping so I can let loose a massive bomb next to that type.

>> No.12845289
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My knee jerk reaction to this was to argue against it but with reflection and my own desire for gender equality has me honestly thinking that you're right. Seeing the conditioning of a multi-generational habit like this is an interesting perspective and I respect yours. Thanks anon for opening my mind a little more.

>> No.12845392

Ah, a Canuck of quality.

>> No.12845655

You would think that people who have no jobs and usually get up pretty early would do their shopping around 8am and not at 5pm.

>> No.12845763

I’m American. Make that kinda mistake in real life and we’d be duelling to meet God.

>> No.12846189

You think the housing market will surge after the death of boomers?

>> No.12846194

Old people things that make me mad
>moving slowly wherever they go
>talking with the cashier forever
>walking around the gym locker room nude like it’s normal

>> No.12846211

This is again the boomer parents fault though. Kids will be kids, they need to be raised properly.

>> No.12846222

>Admitting to watching fucking hockey.

>> No.12846227

It's the only sport that doesn't pussy foot around violence
There is nothing fun about watching a bunch of nogs run up and down a field/court with a ball

>> No.12846354

No they'd slowly sell their properties off to landsharks who'll drive prices up even more

>> No.12846364

Boomers are post-menopausal.

>> No.12846406

I basically do but I have to wait until the state controlled liquor stores open at 10AM so I can pick up my alcohol since I live in a christian sharia law red state.

>> No.12846673

Fucking based

>> No.12846690

Alpha as fuck

>> No.12846917
File: 68 KB, 480x360, 1566423137753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every zoomer and millennial thinks that they'll off themselves once they get old but realistically by that age you have relationships and relatives that you don't want to leave and people you love you want to see grow
>but realistically by that age you have relationships and relatives that you don't want to leave
>people you love
Pepe posting poser

>> No.12847415

Stop being a rapist anon

>> No.12848031

fixed that for you

>> No.12848068
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feels great living in a country where people generally respect each other and have a basic level of courtesy.

>> No.12848106

Take some self defense classes and try to stop me.

>> No.12848111

cart slave here. You're an absolute hero

>> No.12848120


>> No.12848234

sounds like you need some diversity

>> No.12848660

already have plenty :)

>> No.12848769
File: 403 KB, 478x326, 1550590726455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be retired old fart
>can go shopping on any day of the week
>decides to go on the weekend like everyone else who works and is too busy during the week causing unnecessary shopping congestion

Do they do this intentionally? Is habit so ingrained in them? They have all week when the shops will be quieter, when they will have prime choice of products before everyone else, or can even time it when the freshest stuff comes in but they decide to go during the weekend.

>> No.12850394

lel we have those dumb scooters parked all around here and all the boomers do is complain about them littering up the sidewalks and not being parked properly.

>> No.12850400

oh huh... * rapes and cums inside you *

>> No.12850406

I bet that old bitch doesn't pick up after her dog, though.
And she probably has it on one of those extending leashes that get like 25 ft. long so the leash just ends up causing more trouble than if she'd let the dog run free.

>> No.12850491
File: 30 KB, 625x328, He+is+norwegian+not+russian+look+him+up+on+youtube+_1b77129e7335f2d7f029a3a9a7e9d589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have a fuckload of problems all my life
>not a normie by any standards
>time passes
>tfw I'm 40yo now
>see threads like that all the time on 4chan now

I love my parents, they love me, I love my kids and they love me.
It's not the world that's broken, you guys are just fucked up.
Just saying.
Good day.

>> No.12850510

Based apetor poster

>> No.12851120


this used to be viable until everyone else got the same idea but grocery stores never caught on. now you'll have 5 people with full carts lined up at the only open cashier.

>> No.12851175

This happens to me at least once a week. Feels aswkward as fuck desu.

>> No.12851185

I don't mind them standing in my way in the store. I'll wait. But age based driver's tests fucking when? I'm sick of getting stuck behind some 90 year old going 5 under the whole way home from work.

>> No.12851233

>moved out of nigtopia
>am so happy just not having to deal with shit-colored monster people that my skin's cleared up, I've lost 30 pounds of fat, and my mental acuity has me doing puzzles and reading at twice the speed I previously was

>> No.12851246

Which country anon?

>> No.12851878

>going instore in the first place
Order your groceries online and pick up at nearest store. You don't need to deal with disgusting boomers.

>> No.12851913

Those ones are in a fire lane. I like the ones parked right in front of fire hydrants, too. Big Laffs. Day before yesterday a retard teenager almost got smooshed by my car riding a faggot scooter along the median of a very busy 4 lane road into oncoming traffic in the dark. The scooters are bad. They're the faggoty new kind of Uber. It's a pyramid scheme. Every single person who rides one is a faggot moron retard shitdick. No exceptions. I am not a boomer.

>> No.12852150

wut? humans aren't meant to be sardines, packing us all in together causes mental issues.

>> No.12852153

can i post now?

>> No.12852154

test post?

>> No.12852156

But they insist I go before them at the checkout when I'm at Aldi or Lidl and the conveyor belt is stacked

>> No.12852157

pls do not be rude to our elders

>> No.12852158

why does posting take so long

>> No.12852164

why does posting take so long

>> No.12852175

How do you feel about rural areas where your nearest neighbor is a mile away?

>> No.12852183

You simply have to look at the rate of mental health issues in those areas. It is really bad, and rates of drug and alcohol abuse per capita is so much worse than in populated areas.

>> No.12852252

>people in cities decide what proper mental health is
>turns out people who don’t live in cities and think differently have mental health problems

>> No.12852255

Suicide is a pretty neutral indicator that something has gone wrong.

>> No.12852335

>dyke this dyke that
i dont think you know what that word means. also, stop moralfagging in a literal hate thread you newfag moron.

>> No.12852352

Get rangebanned spastic fuck

>> No.12852353

>4chan usually never affects my worldview
i sincerly doubt this. you are not immune to propaganda.

>> No.12852358

food related

>> No.12852362

stop feeling sorry for yourselves retards

>> No.12852918

Try being tall around them. Almost every time I go to the store it's "excuse me can you get this for me". Doesn't matter if I have resting bitch face at all. It seems the meaner I look the more likely some little old lady or a pregnant woman is going to ask me to reach for stuff on the top shelf. I always oblige them but it just makes me feel awkward when i'm wearing a death metal shit and covered in tats and they look at me like a sweet child.

>> No.12853239

It's not only markets. They do the same shit in banks and pharmacies. They strangle the cashier with empty chatter.

>> No.12853244

Not my money if I don't pay taxes

>> No.12853809

When I was younger and was first learning to masterbate, I did this thing where I would melt chocolate on the base of my lava lamp and wipe my penis on the molten chocolate. The ritual kind of got associated with sexual arousal for me, and I learned to enjoy the burning on my penis. Eventually, my mom found burn marks on my penis and thought that some bully at school was molesting me. I even had to have a meeting with a lady that worked at the school, all about my burnt penis, which made me very aroused. I never gave them a name and they thought I was too scared to come forward. I had to stop burning my penis for a while until the heat blew over. The lady at school was a very busty, young woman and she would stop me in the hall sometimes and ask if everything was alright “down there,” which made me very aroused indeed. When I was free of scrutiny, I started burning my penis with the lava lamp chocolate again and masterbating and slamping my penis while thinking of her. To this day, I still associate chocolate and burning with sex and can’t get enough.

>> No.12853823

Why do the elderly always pay with exact change? Did their relatives not allow them to use credit cards?

>> No.12853832

I just want to fucking kill old people

>> No.12854102

>/lit/fag attempting to copy DFW's short story, "Girl With Curious Hair."
Never gonna make it, kid.

>> No.12854304

Go fuck yourself kike

>> No.12855571

lurk moar

>> No.12855580

They come from a generation that was taught counting in school so it presents no challenge for them.

>> No.12855586

People still won't use their turn signals.

>> No.12855620
File: 231 KB, 1300x957, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at Costco and the people that shop there expect to have those electric carts just waiting for them when they arrive. We had like 10 or so and on the weekends they were usually all taken within the first hour of opening, then it was a struggle to find them for the rest of the day. Oldies and fatties would get so angry when I told them that all the electric carts were currently being used, and some would even wait until a person using one would pass by the entrance and then tell the cart guy to follow them so they could get it immediately after. If your too fat or too old to fucking walk then bring your own electric scooter. These people disgust me.

>> No.12855623

Fat people should be knocked off those carts by the nearest employee with a forklift.

>> No.12855651

If I was a nigger I would do it myself, but I'm not so I would feel shameful If I did.

>> No.12855992

The carts should limit themselves to 0.5 mph and make that truck reversing beeping when there's more than 250 pounds of weight on it.

>> No.12855996

Is it better or worse when some parent let's their shit eating kid ride around on one

>> No.12856012


>> No.12856070

You should have to furnish proof of physical disability in order to get one at the front desk.
Fat people shouldn't be allowed to ruin the lives of people with legitimate disabilities who are still trying their best to live normal lives.

>> No.12856260

>not a normie
>you guys

>> No.12856290

>people in cities decide what suicide is

>> No.12856313

I doubt that. I'm doing the maths while I'm shopping so I usually have the exact amount ready when I need to pay. elderlies, however, act like they're totally surprised they need to pay for their shit. and take another minute to look for coins.