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File: 161 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Japanese_Rice_Bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12843880 No.12843880 [Reply] [Original]

Which carb is better for you, rice or bread? And if you could only eat one for the rest of your life, which would it be?

>> No.12843885

None. Humans are not supposed to eat grain.

>> No.12843890
File: 105 KB, 920x710, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving up either bread or rice

>> No.12843900

Hiving up literal poisons. Sounds pretty smart to me.

>> No.12843905

>hiving up
I don't know what that means, but bread and rice aren't poisonous when taken orally.

>> No.12843908

>not knowing to shove rice or bread up ur ass

>> No.12843911

Yes they are. Theu contain anti nutrients. Grains do not want to be eaten, that's their only line of defende.

>> No.12843917

I have some pretty solid evidence that not eating grains will increase the likelihood of having a stroke.

>> No.12843920

I love both a ton, but I'd have to go with bread

>> No.12843921

>my grandpa is 87 years old and eats a donut every day

lol, okay

>> No.12843930

No you don't.
If he eats animals then there's nothing to brag about. He probably won't live up to 100 while raw carnivores can live far longer than that.

>> No.12843953

If giving up bread means giving up pizza, then fuck that.

>> No.12844251

>Carbs bad
Fuck off Ketocel

>> No.12844260

both are shit but white rice has less antinutrients

>> No.12844266
File: 71 KB, 700x700, bioroggenvollkornbrot600gbaeckereiledermuehlebindl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well which one, wonderbread or whole-grain?

>> No.12844274

>Which carb is better for you, rice or bread?
For a normal person, wheat is far superior to rice in every way. more protein, more nutrition, more fiber, better tasting, more versatile, gluten is awesome.

>> No.12844307

bread covered in fatty cheese is extremely unhealthy.
Bread is very rich by itself. It is pure calories, do not put cheese on bread! Enjoy bread without fat for best results.

>> No.12844309

Rice for me.

>> No.12844314

I remember being brainwashed in the Atkins diet community into believing all of that shit to an extreme degree. It is like a religion.

>> No.12844324
File: 462 KB, 675x675, EB94CB7D-5C82-411B-8395-67D28EDC3275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will die if he keeps that up

>> No.12844344

>Theu contain anti nutrients. Grains do not want to be eaten, that's their only line of defende.
This is true but you're also oversimplifying it. They don't want to be eaten by things that will completely destroy them without helping them propogate. It's why capsaicin is also used as a form of defense against pests, but it doesn't affect birds who spread the seeds around. We've figured out ways to reduce phytic acid, but some studies also show it being an antioxidant and having some benefits too. It's also not really much of an issue unless your diet is nothing but grain.

>> No.12844346

You can't reduce phytic acid and you cannot get any antioxidants from plants.

>> No.12844347

When do you retards find out tho that modern bread has nothing in common witht he sourdough(which elminates anti nutrients and a lot of gluten as well) which was used a hundred years back before industrial bread.
Man i know i was once as dumb as you but it was at a different time a good 3-4 years back and didnt really frequent sites about this. How come you are that much more retarded than me?

>> No.12844352

>It's also not really much of an issue unless your diet is nothing but grain.
It is because anti nutrients found in plants will prevent the absorption of nutrients from animal foods. There's absolutely no reason to eat them. Grains are not human food.

>> No.12844355

>You can't reduce phytic acid and you cannot get any antioxidants from plants.
Wrong. What is sourdough? Retarded motherfucker
I mean even sprouting works. Why do dumb low iq uninformed pieces of shit like you talk about subjects they dont know shot about and make me get=£,% a goddamn strole fucking nigger

>> No.12844360

The answer is whole grains are best. So that's it really you can have a variety of whole grains

>> No.12844362

Calm down brownie. Show me any proof that sourdough reduces anti nutrients?

>> No.12844372


Just to mention you could sprout on top of that but yeah "you cant remove snti nutrients" for sure

>> No.12844373

This is why religions are so popular and prominent. All you need is a convincing preacher and swathes of people will believe the teachings without question. Repeat 'grains are poison' enough times and it becomes irrefutable truth to these people.

>> No.12844376

You know why im so offended? Because probably you are a cultureless american bitch and i come feom germany a country with actual culture which includes baking(carbs) fuck you you subhuman mongrel

>> No.12844384

I am Latvian. How are the immigrants treating you by the way? Why did you get so offended you disgusting Turk? You have nothing to do with Germany's culture. Also ancient Germans ate shit ton of meat. That's why they were so tall while you are a little brown manlet shit.
Disgusting vegan cuck.

>> No.12844389

Oh haha yes latvian are famous for... uhmmm whatever dumb bitch atleast this is evolution in action fucking monkey

>> No.12844394

You sound like a woman.

>> No.12844403

Your existence is embarrassing ancient Germans. (Again you're most likely Turk living in Germany, but let's pretend you're not)
Your ancestors ate raw meat and you cannot even kill an animal to feed yourself. Instead you have to rely for your government to feed you a slave diet.

>> No.12844407

Also im not vegan obviously since im german but im not a retard sorry. Poles or lithuanians should take you maybe then you will cvilize

>> No.12844413

Sorry, you are a retard. No human with properly working brain would put grains in his mouth know how toxic they are.

>> No.12844415

Man dont talk about germans like you know anything swamp nigger. We have a rich culture meats beer(plants) and bakery(plants) what the fuck are you trying to deny me fucking 66% of my own fucking culture and act like you fucking need to exlpain it to me? Fuck you meat heads are as retarded as vegans

>> No.12844420

Cattle do not want to be eaten either

>> No.12844422
File: 69 KB, 800x450, outstandingmove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


frequents a cooking board and tells people not to cook. take your religion back to /fit/

>> No.12844424

Cattle can run away.
The things you mentioned came after the great degeneration. You think Ancient Europeans had time to think about alcohol and other degeneracy while they had to survive cold winters. Only raw animal fat will warm you up in winter.

>> No.12844429

Pagans drank alcohol as well so did the romans. How far you wanna go back? Good chance they did even shrooms before that you dumb curd.

>> No.12844430

rice for me

i think its entirely cultural based
as an asian i think i will die if i didnt have rice in some form for a whole week or longer, bread doesnt scratch the same itch

a westerner would probably feel very at home with bread/potato and cold meats all the time

>> No.12844432
File: 57 KB, 636x358, retardeatingsquirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this dude is in this retard's cult. pic related. he also believes in flat earth. he's just a contrarian. if you've ever talked to a flat earther, that's what you're dealing with. it's honestly best just to ignore him. he doesn't want to learn, he wants to "teach". he will never change his mind. it's pointless.

>> No.12844442

Pagans were eating grains except for kings of course. They knew what's going on. No proof they did shrooms. Many mushrooms are toxic and all of them are undigestable.

>> No.12844444


>> No.12844447

>Cattle can run away.
what's your point
beef contains antinutrients as well, did you know that?
also modern crops have less antinutrients because of domestication and GMO's could potentially entirely eliminate them

>> No.12844452

What anti nutrients are in animals?

>> No.12844462

Potato confirmed for top carb.

>> No.12844464

Yeah no proof. I guess shamans were just legit seeing things haha. You wont make it ever. You are as bluepilled as a lot of other eastern europeans. Its for different a reason (your national pride against germany) but its the same outcome (blue pill). Wake me up when you easterners get over your inferiority complex and we can talk
t. Half polish

>> No.12844468

>You think Ancient Europeans had time to think about alcohol and other degeneracy while they had to survive cold winters.
winter isn't all year long and they'd probably laugh at you for being afraid of beer

>> No.12844471

If you're half Polish why are you bragging about German culture?
Shamans were mentally ill just like you are and I'm not denying that they used drugs because all depressed grain eating losers do.

>> No.12844475

They would certainly laugh at you for not being able to kill a deer and drink it's blood.

>> No.12844481

lectin, uric acid, avidin, are in meat, dairy, and eggs

not like antinutrients matter at all for anything anyways unless you are seriously deficient in something

>> No.12844487

I have a lot of german genes. I dont need to feel insecure like the rest of you. What is even the big difference between german and polish food? They are very similiar cultures even polish sticks out as beeing grammar heavy in slavic languages just as german is. A lot of the border people are mixed or sorb.

>> No.12846271

pretty sure he'll die if he doesn't.

>> No.12846299

On top of that
How long has it fermented before cooking?
Rye or wheat?
Sugar for taste, or preservation?
What are you even going to eat alongside it? If its fucking Craft shingles you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.12846300

Ironically... neither. If you had to choose one and only one carb source, you'd be best with either beans or sweet potatoes. That being said, don't cave to carnivore/ketofags. The healthiest diets in the world get 45-55% of their calories from carbohydrates. Just keep it minimally processed (as in, nobody is gonna do well on nothing but shitty white bread).